Topic Test Review 3/20/15 76%

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going to Room 203
What event in "Diary 24" from The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers gives the author hope that he has a home and a future?
description that appeals to the five senses
Imagery in literary nonfiction refers to __________.
What do I personally expect from a piece of writing?
Which question would help you evaluate a text to determine its value to yourself?
The rules of syntax have been broken.
In my life for the first time and, the image made me believe of my mother that I could change were the way things. What is wrong with this sentence?
moral dilemma
When a person's morals or principles require taking two or more actions, but the actions conflict with or contradict one another, this is referred to as (a) __________.
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The rules of syntax have been broken
his lawyer, suddenly interrupted my thoughts questions by busting out. What is wrong with this sentence?
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Compare the characteristics and elements of the text to your own criteria.
After establishing personal criteria, what should you do next in order to determine the value of a text?
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to inform
Once you have decided that keeping chickens is feasible, which breed will suit you? If you sort out your priorities, you will find this out. You need to decide whether you want lots of eggs per week or only a few; meat; beauty; rare breeds; pets; your vegetable garden weeded. No single type or breed will fulfill all of these requirements and it is so important that you like the look of the hens you buy as they will become part of the family. Source: Roberts, Victoria. Raise Happy Chickens and Other Poultry. New York: Macmillan, 2010. xii. Print. Based on this excerpt, what is the author's purpose for writing?
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to heal
My stomach feels like it's tightening into a tiny little ball. I feel like throwing up. I keep thinking that I'll get laughed at the minute I step off the bus. Instead, I'm greeted by a couple of my friends who were in my English class last year. At that point, it hits me. Ms. Gruwell, my crazy English teacher from last year, is really the only person who made me think of hope for my future. Talking with my friends about our English class and the adventures we had the year before, I began to feel better . . . . I receive my class schedule and the first teacher on the list is Ms. Gruwell in Room 203. I walk in the room and I feel as though all the problems in my life are not important anymore. I am home. Based on this excerpt, what is the author's purpose for writing?
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the attitude that the author or narrator has toward the subject
Tone in literary nonfiction refers to __________.
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Jan. 1993
When was Beah first "touched by war"?
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It was published when child soldiers were still a world problem.
Which statement accurately reflects the historical context of A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah?
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Sierra Leone declared independence.
What happened nineteen years before Beah was born?
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to emphasize the regret he feels
Why does Beah use flashbacks instead of revealing events chronologically?
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They planned to perform at a talent show.
Why are the boys dressed as rappers when they leave home?
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Which cities are attacked in the excerpt from A Long Way Gone?
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Similar to a(n) __________ story, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah uses literary elements such as setting and plot.
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to tell the story of how a child was made into a soldier
What is Beah's purpose in writing A Long Way Gone?
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In what year does the Sierra Leone Civil War begin?
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How old is Beah when the Sierra Leone Civil War begins?
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Mattru Jong
When the rebels attack Mogbwemo, where is Beah?
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to reveal what Beah's life was like before the war
What is the purpose of the details in the setting prior to the attack on Beah's hometown?
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What are Junior, Talloi, and Beah doing when they learn that rebels have attacked their hometown?
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It was published when child soldiers were still a world problem.
Which statement accurately reflects the historical context of A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah?
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They planned to perform at a talent show.
Why are the boys dressed as rappers when they leave home?
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to tell the story of how a child was made into a soldier
What is Beah's purpose in writing A Long Way Gone?
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the act of giving women the right to vote and run for office
What is women's suffrage?
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Queen Victoria
The Victorian Era spanned the rule of __________.
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King Edward VII
The Edwardian Era spans the rule of __________.
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The Victorian man moved freely in the "public sphere."
Which statement describes Victorian gender expectations for men best?
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something the reader has experienced
Text-to-self connections are made when the reader connects something in the text to __________.
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conformity, decorum, and etiquette
The Victorian Era is known for its __________.
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The Victorian woman existed mostly in the "private sphere."
Which statement describes Victorian gender expectations for women best?
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Gifted women poets in the Elizabethan Era were not given the chance to be successful and remembered.
]t would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare. Let me imagine, since the facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister, called Judith, let us say. Why does Woolf imagine the story of this gifted woman rather than writing a true story?
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The Victorian Era is known as an age of __________.
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I and III only
What type of connections can readers make to texts? I. text-to-self II. text-to-test III. text-to-text
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rejection of social values
The Modern Era is known for its __________.
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to be in charge of morality and religion, cook meals, and care for children
What is the traditional female gender role in the culture Esquivel describes?
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The perspective is personal and serious-minded; the purpose is to inform.
When I was 25 I got testicular cancer and nearly died. I was given less than a 40 percent chance of surviving, and frankly, some of my doctors were just being kind when they gave me those odds. Death is not exactly cocktail-party conversation, I know, and neither is cancer, or brain surgery, or matters below the waist. But I'm not here to make polite conversation. I want to tell the truth. I'm sure you'd like to hear about how Lance Armstrong became a Great American and an Inspiration To Us All, how he won the Tour de France, the 2,290-mile road race that's considered the single most grueling sporting event on the face of the earth. You want to hear about faith and mystery, and my miraculous comeback, and how I joined towering figures like Greg LeMond and Miguel Indurain in the record book. You want to hear about my lyrical climb through the Alps and my heroic conquering of the Pyrenees, and how it felt. But the Tour was the least of the story. Source: Armstrong, Lance and Sally Jenkins. It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life. New York: Putnam, 2000. 2-3. Print. Which statement describes the author's perspective and purpose in this excerpt?
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Knowing this information may help you understand the author's message and purpose.
Why is it important to consider the historical and social context of a text?
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"[T]he truth is, we live like bats or owls, labour like beasts, and die like worms."
Ladies, gentlewomen, and other inferior women, but not less worthy, I have been industrious to assemble you together, and wish I were so fortunate, as to [persuade] you to make [frequent assembly], association, and combination amongst our sex, that we may unite in prudent counsels, to make ourselves as free, happy, and famous as men, whereas now we live and [die], as if we were produced from beasts, rather than from men; for men are happy, and we women are miserable, they possess all the ease, rest, pleasure, wealth, power, and fame, whereas women are restless with labour, easeless with pain, melancholy for want of pleasures, helpless for want of power, and [die] in oblivion, for want of fame; nevertheless, men are so unconscionable and cruel against us that they [endeavor to bar] us of all kinds of liberty, as not to suffer us freely to associate amongst our own sex, but would fain bury us in their houses or beds, as in a grave; the truth is, we live like bats or owls, labour like beasts, and die like worms. Source: Cavendish, Margaret. "Female Orations." 1662. Paper Bodies: A Margaret Cavendish Reader. Ed. Sylvia Bowerbank and Sara Mendelson. Ontario: Broadview Press, 2000. 143. Google Books. Web. 24 June 2011. Which excerpt expresses the author's attitude about gender roles in her society best?
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"I'm not here to make polite conversation. I want to tell the truth."
When I was 25 I got testicular cancer and nearly died. I was given less than a 40 percent chance of surviving, and frankly, some of my doctors were just being kind when they gave me those odds. Death is not exactly cocktail-party conversation, I know, and neither is cancer, or brain surgery, or matters below the waist. But I'm not here to make polite conversation. I want to tell the truth. I'm sure you'd like to hear about how Lance Armstrong became a Great American and an Inspiration To Us All, how he won the Tour de France, the 2,290-mile road race that's considered the single most grueling sporting event on the face of the earth. You want to hear about faith and mystery, and my miraculous comeback, and how I joined towering figures like Greg LeMond and Miguel Indurain in the record book. You want to hear about my lyrical climb through the Alps and my heroic conquering of the Pyrenees, and how it felt. But the Tour was the least of the story. Source: Armstrong, Lance and Sally Jenkins. It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life. New York: Putnam, 2000. 2-3. Print. Which excerpt represents Armstrong's purpose in writing this passage?
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the author's reason for writing
Which phrase defines "author's purpose" best?
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She's growing up in a different social and historical environment.
And so, I was mortified to realize that my daughter wasn't paying attention. Instead, she was staring blankly at cartoons, forsaking the hypnotic power of fire for that of the television; the memory of the tribe, for commercials. I was so shocked, I couldn't speak! Thousands of questions robbed me of my sleep. What had happened? Where had I gone wrong? What kind of society had we created? What had we women achieved by leaving the home? Yes, we had won rights that belonged to us and we had earned recognition for our intellectual activity and a better place in the world, but with great sadness I was forced to accept that none of the revolutions we participated in had managed to create a proper system for the creation of the New Man. Esquivel is trying to share the lessons she learned at the hearth with her daughter. Why does the daughter have such a different response to them from Esquivel?
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about to happen
Which phrase defines "imminent" best?
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The speaker wants her audience to understand how unequal men and women are in their society.
Ladies, gentlewomen, and other inferior women, but not less worthy, I have been industrious to assemble you together, and wish I were so fortunate, as to [persuade] you to make [frequent assembly], association, and combination amongst our sex, that we may unite in prudent counsels, to make ourselves as free, happy, and famous as men, whereas now we live and [die], as if we were produced from beasts, rather than from men; for men are happy, and we women are miserable, they possess all the ease, rest, pleasure, wealth, power, and fame, whereas women are restless with labour, easeless with pain, melancholy for want of pleasures, helpless for want of power, and [die] in oblivion, for want of fame; nevertheless, men are so unconscionable and cruel against us that they [endeavor to bar] us of all kinds of liberty, as not to suffer us freely to associate amongst our own sex, but would fain bury us in their houses or beds, as in a grave; the truth is, we live like bats or owls, labour like beasts, and die like worms. Source: Cavendish, Margaret. "Female Orations." 1662. Paper Bodies: A Margaret Cavendish Reader. Ed. Sylvia Bowerbank and Sara Mendelson. Ontario: Broadview Press, 2000. 143. Google Books. Web. 24 June 2011. Which statement describes the author's purpose in this excerpt best?
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" . . . women's participation in the labor force was limited by traditional cultural, educational, and legal practices."
Until things slowly changed during the last century, women's participation in the labor force was limited by traditional cultural, educational, and legal practices. Women's work outside of home and marriage was restricted to a handful of occupations such as domestic service, factory work, farm work, and teaching. Over the past several decades, the women's labor force in the United States and throughout the world has experienced many changes. Women's labor force participation rates are significantly higher today than they were in the 1970s. Throughout that period, women have increasingly attained higher levels of education and experienced an increase in their earnings as a proportion of men's earnings. Source: "Women at Work." Spotlight on Statistics. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 31 May 2011. Which line illustrates the influence culture has had on traditional female roles?
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