Theodore Roosevelt, "Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine" – Flashcards
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If countries in the Western Hemisphere demonstrated a "chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society," then the United States's adherence to the Monroe Doctrine would, according to TR, compel her to do what?
Exercise an international police power
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TR promised that the United States would intervene with Western Hemisphere nations "only in the last resort," and then only if their "inability or unwillingness to do justice at home and abroad" had resulted in one or two consequences; what were those two consequences?
violate the rights of the United States or had invited foreign aggression to the detriment of the entire body of American nations
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Regarding interventions in situations where "our own interests are not greatly involved," TR said that rather than concerning "ourselves with trying to better the condition of things in other nations," it was "ordinarily...very much wiser and more useful for us to concern ourselves" with what?
striving for our own moral and material betterment at home
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In spite of what TR said in question no. 7, he acknowledged that the United States might need to at least "show our disapproval of the deed and our sympathy with those who have suffered by it" in what occasions?
The cases must be extreme in which such a course is justifiable
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