The Road – Cormac Mccarthy Essay Example
The Road – Cormac Mccarthy Essay Example

The Road – Cormac Mccarthy Essay Example

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Consider a world where resources like food and shelter are scarce, leaving only a handful of survivors, including you and your family member. In such a dire situation, would you turn to extreme measures like cannibalism or suicide? Or would you choose the ethical route by valuing life with compassion? Despite living in an unforgiving world with little hope left, the father and son in Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" chose to do what was right by protecting their lives without resorting to theft or cannibalism. As they journeyed from place to place in search of sustenance and shelter while avoiding dangerous individuals, their unwavering commitment to upholding their morals was fueled by the unconditional love between them.

During their quest for shelter and nourishment in abandoned stores, the father and son come across several deceased individuals, causing the son to ponder the


ir mortality and the uncertainty of their future. The boy is emotionally overwhelmed by all the hardships he's experienced during their harrowing journey together. Consequently, he expresses concern over what lies ahead and queries his father whether they will perish like the others. The next morning, upon awakening from a peaceful slumber, the young lad innocently inquires whether they will succumb to the same fate as those they have encountered. (11)

In response to his son's inquiry about death, the father replied with a straight-forward "Not now, but eventually" (11). Despite acknowledging the inescapable nature of death, the father encouraged striving for survival despite challenging circumstances. The father approaches life with a delicate demeanor, even in the midst of a hazardous and isolated society.

Both the father and son have a strong desire to stay alive and

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hold onto hope, with the father particularly determined to keep the fire burning. While the son shares his father's determination, the mother has sadly lost all hope and even considered suicide, expressing concerns that they will eventually be caught and killed.

According to the mother, the bloodthirsty thugs will rape and kill both her daughter and son. She is certain that they will face violent and miserable situations from the blood cults that practice cannibalism. She anticipates that the worst of humanity will be activated and her family will become a victim.

It was an act of selfishness towards her family when she chose to commit suicide. Her survival could have prevented the suffering of the father and son. The father's uncertain health and the fear of bad clans also added to the son's worries. However, if she had remained alive, the mother would have been able to protect her son from the gloomy state that the father and son were in, and offer comfort with her motherly nature. The boy required his mother for emotional safety as well as survival.

Following his mother's suicide, the son is faced with a paradox that causes him to question his own desire for life. He confides in his father, wishing he could be with his mother. The father misconstrues this as a death wish and despite recognizing the contradiction of advocating for life during times of emotional turmoil, he believes it is crucial to persevere for survival. The son reflects on the purpose of existence as a result of the detrimental effects caused by his mother's actions.

While traveling, the father and son encounter various survivors. But for the son,

it's difficult to differentiate between good and bad people and he doesn't fully understand how cruel humans can be to each other. They also come across the "blood-cults," a dangerous group that is involved in terrorism and cannibalism. To stay alive, they need to quickly escape from this perilous situation.

During a confrontation with a blood-cult member, an individual grabbed and held a boy at knifepoint. The father responded by fatally shooting the attacker. After escaping and regaining composure, he spoke to his son about the experience, teaching him how to identify dangerous individuals and emphasizing the importance of protecting loved ones in similar situations.

The man affirmed his appointed divine mission and declared a readiness to harm anyone who poses a threat to the person he addressed. Subsequently, the son inquired if they were aligned with righteousness, which was answered affirmatively by the man indicating that they remained on the good side.

The exchange between the father and son showcases the father's unwavering affection for his child, while the son becomes progressively distressed over their heroic deeds. The dialogue emphasizes their contrasting moral perspectives; the father deems it necessary to eliminate an assailant who held a blade to his son's neck as part of his obligation assigned by God to safeguard him. Nonetheless, this deed troubles the son and prompts him to ponder if they are genuinely considered "good guys."

While the son is uncertain about his father's intentions, the father feels obligated to safeguard his offspring in any situation. The son experiences anxiety and dread regarding potential future events, particularly with respect to the possibility of torture.

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