In many years ago when the use of internet began to have a space in the world, the invention of the personal genomics gave benefits and drawbacks which nobody can foresee. During this period, the technological advancement ushered in the period of personalized medicine where the regimens of medication where customized for the biochemistry of the patient but on the emphasis of the trial and error method and the prevention measures where geared towards the ones who were at the most risk. On the concern of the access of information, the issue of personal genomics could lead to the era of the health insurance which has been leapfrogged over the decades since the peace meal insurance could not adapt to the world with many customers being at risk. The concern of the drawbacks of the personal genomics have been put forefront of many governments attention.
This research essay analyses the pros and cons of the genetics which entails the manipulation of the genes of organisms by the use of technical means like the molecular. Genetics poses the merits of developing a better growth rates and the modification of genetic traits in the human beings. Genetics poses the challenges of contaminating the genes in crops and the introduction of harmful pathogens.
Pros of Genetics
While taking into account the factors of making baby from the genes, many couples have no doubt of thinking that one day they will conceive a child with the appeal of a medical help. Over many years, many women in the families have died of breast cancer. This cause can be claimed that one or both of the spouses in the family have inherited
gene mutations for the diseases and they might opt to use the PGD or the in-vitro fertilization which may choose only the embryos which are healthy for the implantation process (Green 2016). The main objective of the couples is to do away with the breast cancer from them. In the United States, the combination of the genetic medicine and reproductive has been dubbed by the scientists as repro genetics and remains unregulated unlike in the Britain where a formal agency must approve every request. With the advancement of technology there has been believe that the embryo could not only be scanned but also the genome does a comparison of many individuals with the pinpoint concerning the DNA sequences or the issue of combinations which underlies the variations of the biological differences.
According to Ronald green the considerations of the neo eugenic future of the designer babies with their parents building their children literary from the genes which are got from the catalogue. While they distance themselves from the crucial and government sponsored eugenics which has put the world in the darkness for many years, it is celebrated that the libertines and consumer eugenics have been motivated by the concern of the human desire on the technological markets. The genetic technologies have a potential of preventing or curing many diseases with many research surveys being put to an end.
While taking account into the human nature, the advancement of the technological development on the marketing of the genetic modification of the human beings is made to spark the techno-eugenic race. The parents have been opposed to the idea which is aimed at manipulating the children’s genes and they
would be challenged to be involved (Hayes 2016). The recent researches shows that many policy makers and scientists have a different approach which on the applications of genetic engineering in order to treat the medical conditions but people should not be able to manipulate the genetics characters in the future generations although the precise aspects must be put into considerations.
Cons of Genetics
In the United States, for instance, President George Bush Jr. signed an Act which outlawed the discrimination in the employment sector and health insurance which was based on the genetic data. The genome has been less than the concern with the internet, where the information is taken as free and the paternalistic effects taken in the stifle industry for lengthy period. At the initial stages the familiarity of the life codes are bound to make counteract of the emotional and political baggage which is associated with the idea of the essential nature (Pinker 2016). Many people have had enough time of the familiarity of the tests which are from the heritable diseases and try to adapt the ancestry of genetics. While analyzing the Personal Genome Project, which is an initiative of the basic project research, the argument is not based on the personal discovery despite the technological advancement which makes it realizable.
The dangers arising from genetic misuse has been an international threat with many countries announcing their ambitions on the improvement of the genetic stock of their citizens. Green does not give any differences on the use of the genetic technology and the critical distinctions. The author further analyzes the growth of national and international scope on the proper use of the genetic science.
He further argues that humanity incorporates heritable genetic development which is human adventure on development. The people desires are have a good look on their ambitions which are enduring and strong as the genetic entrepreneurs are able to convince them to satisfy the desires of genetic modification (Wollen 225).
Food and drug administration has been calling for the mitochondrial manipulation technologies which have been on alterations and would be taken to future generations. In many cases FDA have being advocating for radical biological procedures which if they succeed they would produce a genetic modified human being. The step has been dangerous since the technique would change all the cells in the bodies of children who are born and then the results would be passed to the future generations. The procedures by FDA usually involve the removal of the removal of the nuclear which may come either from an embryo or the egg of woman with an inheritable disease and then inserted on an embryo or egg of a donor with nuclear being discarded.
Any type of the offspring made may have a genetic content of three different people; mother, father and mitochondrial donor’s DNA (Darnovsky 2016). The developers of the modification techniques say that it is a route for the women to develop a mitochondrial disease in order to give birth to a children which are healthy and may be related genetically. The procedures have been promoted to the utilization of the age related infertility which are worthy goals. The concern of these procedures have been deeply problematic in the terms of the risks which are arising from the medical and social concerns.
A baby born, Kira Walker
in the year 2013, her parents and doctors knew that that the baby may have health complications. The mother of the baby was a recovering heroin addict and had taken methadone throughout the pregnancy. The doctors at the initial stages could control the blood pressure of the baby by use of cortisol but after a long while it was learned that the baby had mutated genes known as ABCC8 which were got from his father (Moyer 2014). The mutated genes in baby’s pancreatic cells had developed in the utero and the effect causing constant secreting of the insulin. While analyzing the genomes of the baby the doctors looked into all the possible causes of this condition. The capability could affect the change of the neonatal medicine in a very long time. The developing technologies could be prevented on the debilitating conditions which have entirely being giving the parents a virtual guarantee of their babies to be healthy.
It is after many years, then doctors have been admitting that a third of babies admitted in the intensive care units suffers from genetic diseases in the United States. The therapeutic promise and the diagnostic of the genome sequencing is quite blossoming. Many diseases which affects the adults are affected by the complex array of the environmental and genetic factors. The diseases caused by the genetic characters have been leading to death of many babies which just been made by a single gene mutation. The uniqueness in genes makes a hard way to diagnose the diseases clinically since they are relatively and simply genetically. This makes an understanding of the ill babies which are the initial development of the
technology (Thursz 285). Many women may opt for the genetically modified babies but have different perspectives of how their gender and physical features would look like.
To sum up, the advancing knowledge becomes more powerful while understanding the genetic causes of many health complexities which can intervene by the means of the selection of the embryo in order to build a child with the reduced genes of getting unhealth. While putting away the concern of discarding embryos, the genetic target can be on tweaking the DNA sequences which are fetal. There have been fears over years, where many bioethicists have been talking against the manipulations of the genes which the critics are tending to put in several concerns. Finally, genetics have been found to pose the merits of developing a better growth rates and the modification of genetic traits in the human beings. Genetics also poses the challenges of contaminating the genes in crops and the introduction of harmful pathogens
Works Cited
- Darnovsky, Marcy. "Genetically Modified Babies". N.p., 2014. Web. 5 May 2016.
- Green, Ronald M. "Building Baby From The Genes Up". N.p., 2008. Web. 5 May 2016.
- Hayes, Richard. "Genetically Modified Humans? No Thanks." N.p., 2016. Web. 5 May 2016.
- Moyer, Melinda W. "Infant Possibilities". Popular Science. N.p., 2014. Web. 5 May 2016.
- Pinker, Steven. "My Genome, My Self - Steven Pinker Gets To The Bottom Of His Own Genetic Code". N.p., 2009. Web. 5 May 2016.
- Thursz, Mark. "Pros and cons of genetic association studies in hepatitis B."Hepatology 40.2 (2004): 284-286.
- Wollen, Keith A. "Alzheimer's disease: the pros and cons of pharmaceutical, nutritional, botanical, and stimulatory therapies, with a discussion of treatment strategies from the perspective of
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