The Middle Ages: Feudalism & Manorial System – Flashcards
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Greatest Medieval king because he did something no other king was able to do, create an organized empire- Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich); he expanded the Frankish empire & spread Christianity - Missi Dominici; he created schools to train future priests in which he valued learning; after his death in 814, his Frankish empire was weak & lost power....this was the last opportunity to provide unity in Medieval Europe
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from 800-1000, a 2nd major wave of invasions struck Europe led by Vikings, Muslims, & Magyars (the 1st wave were barbarians the attacked Rome); these invasions caused widespread fear & suffering; kings could not defend against invasion...people stopped looking to kings for protection.
Wave of invasions
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_____ began in Europe as a way to offer protection; based on land & loyalty; land-owning lords offered land (a fief) to knights in exchange for their loyalty & promise to protect the lord's land; ____ came to England w/ Norman Invasion in 1066
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Look at Feudalism pyramid
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specially trained soldiers who protected the lords & peasants- vassals took an oath of fealty (loyalty) to lord and their land
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upper class land owners; had inherited titles (Duke, Earl, Sir); owned manors or farms with peasants that did all farm work & could not leave the manor; ____ paid peasants, but they paid taxes in which the money went back to the ____. Manors had everything the lord, peasants, knights, and church officials needed to survive; built castles to protect territory from invasions
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Initiated Feudalism which called for less protection from ____ in which it weakened the ____ power (more power went to the people and building cities); had land, but very little power.
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Main workers of a lord's manor; did ALL farm work and were paid very little for work, the money ended up going back to the lord through taxes; ____ lived on manor and could not leave lord's estate; had to get permission to be married and were subject to the manorial local church w/ a local priest
Peasants & serfs
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Way in which people survived; lord's land was called a manor, the lord provided peasants or serfs with housing, farmland, & protection; in exchange, peasants repaid the lord by working his land & providing a portion of the food they produced; Manors were self-sufficient communities, meaning everything that was needed was produced on the manor; peasant life was hard, they paid taxes to use the mill, had to get permission to marry, & life expectancy was 35 years old.
Manorial system
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