The Matrix Film Essay Example
The Matrix Film Essay Example

The Matrix Film Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2065 words)
  • Published: December 7, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Matrix is an excellent and very successful film. It is not a normal action-thriller film, but has introduced its own genre to us. The genre includes sci-fi, action, futuristic enhancements and another level of computer generation. The Matrix is structured by a series of questions.

The questions raise philosophical and moral points, just like all great sci-fi movies. The question the film is based on is "What is the nature of reality? If we had grown up in a computer stimulated world, would we have ever known the difference? If we develop advanced technology to un the world for us, are we just asking for the computers to advance and take over. "This is the main principle explained in the film, and "The Matrix" is just one interpretation of what reality really is. The t


arget audience are intrigued, fascinated, and interested in these interpretations. The target audience for the film are about 15-30 year olds, that are in classes B, C and C .

The film is about how the world is taken over by artificial intelligent robots. These robots use humans as power cells, and have created a program for the humans to believe they are living in.This program is called "The Matrix. " But there are some humans that escaped, these people have advanced over the years, they live in a space ship called Nebuchadnezzar, and they are in seek of one person who can save all the humans.

This person is known as "The One. " In this essay I will analyse how the film has become so successful, and how the film keeps its audience interested and leaves them impressed

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One way that "The matrix" impresses its audience is by the straightforward gratifications approach.The target audience will gain pleasure by the film's different interpretations of reality, and they will also gain satisfaction by exploring and learning about the philosophy. Gaining pleasure is a key issue in media audience theory.

Enigma Codes During the Matrix lots of enigma codes are used. Enigma codes are questions brought up in the viewers mind during the film. For example at the beginning of the film we see Trinity talking to somebody on a computer, the subject of the conversation is about a man called Morpheus and something called "The Matrix. The enigma codes for the viewers straightaway are "Who is Morpheus? And what is the Matrix? " These enigma codes are used to keep the audience interested and kind of involve them by making them think. It also lures them into watching the rest of the film so the enigma codes are answered.

Technology & Special effects Technology is a very important factor in how "The Matrix" impresses its audience. This is the first mainstream film to use new multiple camera computer shots, due to advances in technology. This shot is where many pictures are taken, and then put together to look like a moving image.This camera shot creates impressive effects. An example of when it was used was in the training scene. Between Morpheus and Neo, this effect made the image look exhilarating, and emphasised the speed the combat took place in.

The multiple camera shots are used to create bullet time shots. This is when a main character is involved, and the action is slowed down to

bullet time, the camera then spins around the focal point, and the action then continues in bullet time. This is a very effective shots, it allows usually impossible manoeuvres to take place, and is very impressive.When the bullet time shot is used, it immediately illustrates action to the audience. One time this shot is used, is at the beginning when Trinity is fighting the police. The effect of using this shot on so early in the film is that it shows the audience what the rest of the film will involve.

It will also entice them onto watching the whole film and it definitely will make an impact on their impressions. Using advanced technology in the film is important, as the target audience usually watch the film to see how impressive its effects are. This is why the Matrix makes great use of visual and sound effects.One type of visual effect used in "The Matrix" is the use of slow motion.

This is used in fight scenes, and allows images to be shown more precisely and it does emphasize the speed of the movement. The most memorable time slow motion is used is when Neo dodges bullets. This is probably the most famous part of the film as the slow motion and flexibility of Neo make it so impressive. These visual effects keep the audience impressed and it enhances their pleasure. Sound effects The aim of the sound is to enhance audience pleasure, and also realistic sounds are used to make the audience believe in the film.The most effective use of sound is when it is used to build up a thrilling atmosphere for the

audience, to get them into the mood and indicate to them the importance of the action taking place.

The music usually played in this manner are upbeat, fast, exciting music that keeps getting louder to make the audience anticipate an explosion, as the music can't keep getting louder forever. For example, urgent music is played when Neo is deprived of speaking by the agents; the music gets louder and louder creating tension for the viewers.Another time that fast, action thrilling music is played is to reflect the mood, and create a thrilling atmosphere, an example of this is when Morpheus fights Neo in the training program. Not only exciting rock music is played, but also choral music is played in the more emotional scenes, this makes the audience feel more sympathetically.

An example of this is when the agents are shooting Neo, choral music is played. In certain scenes a specific type of music is played, to indicate the significance of the action.For example when Neo rises from the dead at the end, choir, and God-like music is played. This gives a sense of realisation and shows Neo is "The One. " Being "The One" is an important feature of the film, and in some scenes, when the word is mentioned, to show the importance of the word, there is a clash of thunder.

Sound effects are used for emphasis in the film. When Neo and Trinity go to rescue Morpheus, to enhance the audience's pleasure lots of sound emphasis takes place such as footsteps and the sounds of the bullets dropping. These sounds can be heard loudly and clearly.The sound emphasis illustrates the sheer

number of bullets being used. Cinematography One main use of visual effects is to illustrate to viewers the difference between the real world and The Matrix. For example in the Matrix there is a very faint green tint applied to the images.

This is to show that the Matrix is computer stimulated, and usually advanced computing is associated with green. However in the film, when it is in the real world, there is no longer a green tint there is a blue tint. The effect blue has is to show that the real world is natural and real.Also in "The Matrix" brighter colours are used, whereas in the real world it is all very dark to show to the audience that the real world has been destroyed, taken over and are run by an evil empire of artificial intelligence. Another visual difference between "The Matrix" and the real world is that in "The Matrix" everything is in boxes, and there are hardly no curves, this is different from the real world where all shapes are normal.

The reason for this is to show that the Matrix is only a program, and it is reference to the digital nature of "The Matrix. "The Matrix doesn't just use traditional cuts; it usually uses more unusual computer generated transition shots. For example the camera often appears to travel through things, mimicking the way "The Matrix" works. I. e. Through wires, as "The Matrix" is a computer program.

These unusual shots are used because it enhances the audiences pleasure, the film had enough advanced technology to do this and once again it expresses the digital nature of "The Matrix.

" Unusual camera shots are also taken. They are taken from unexpected angles, high sky camera shots, seeing the backs of people's heads and viewing actions from reflections and mirrors.Also it all adds to the excitement of the new for the audience. This is a reason why the film is so successful, as it offers a new cinema experience to the audience. The dual shots through mirrors are also often used; they are generally point of view shots.

For example we see a piece of action through a cars side mirrors, this is the point of view from Trinity as she is on her motorbike. By using a mirror shot rather than a normal shot, it illustrates to the audience that Trinity is there and she is watching Neo.By using this type of shot it also lets the directors demonstrate two pieces of action at once, such as it lets the audience see both Neo and Trinity in one shot. Look of the film is part of cinematography.

This includes parts mentioned above but also refers to Costume. Agents are represented as the FBI. The FBI always investigate on their own and are mistrusted by Americans, as they are said to keep vital information in secrecy that may regard the public. Also all humans wear black clothing, this includes smart dresses, suits, leather cat suites and sunglasses. Black is a rebellious colour, and humans are represented in this manner.And they adopt the uniform of the non-conformity.

The uniforms also connotates that they are cool, the directors want to connotate this to appeal to the younger audience. Ideology Everything in the film is there for a

purpose and every single thing is well thought through. (For example the names of the crewmembers. ) There is a leader called Morpheus, Morpheus is also the name of Greek God of dreams, and humans in "The Matrix" are really dreaming, so Morpheus is like their God as he is trying to save them.

The saviour of the humans who is "The One" is called Neo, and Neo is an anagram of one.Also a traitor in the crew is called Cypher, and Cypher is the modern day Judas. Also the word "Matrix" is the name of the code used to program computers. So everything is well thought through, and this would surely impress the audience. There is a system of beliefs in the film, which represents Humans as a virus in the computer program (The matrix) and represents the robots as antibodies.

Also Neo is meant to be the saviour just like Jesus Christ, whereas Cypher is a traitor like Judas In the Matrix there are lots of intertexual references to other books, such as "Alice In Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz. For example Morpheus says to Neo "I imagine you feel like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, you can stay in wonderland and I can show you how deep the hole goes. " The two books "Alice In Wonderland", and "The Wizard of Oz", are kind of similar to "The Matrix," because they are both about journeys, and the decisions the main characters come upon in the journey.Also they both involve some sort of evil opposition, and this is all similar to the Matrix. Neo is like Alice at first, he is

excited but confused but has to make an important decision, but in the end both Neo and Alice win the battles and return safely from their "quests. Also religious connotations are used in the film.

For example the last city left in the real world is called Zion, and Zion is a highly regarded religious place in Jerusalem, which has highly been regarded by the Jews as a "Heaven City. " Also the ship that Morpheus and his crew are on is called the Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadnezzar was the last king of Babylon before Jesus Christ I think this religious links are used because, Neo is represented as a saviour, sent from God. At the beginning of the film someone says to him, "You're my personal Jesus Christ. "

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