The Causes for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants Essay Example
Modernization has come a long way. Many things evolve with it. This evolutionary process causes people to remain busy all through the rest part of the day. ~ The busy schedule leaves not time for making food either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. ~ Restaurants offering fast foods. ~This problem triggered the popularity and rise of fast food restaurants. ~Fast food has never been an issue in the past since people could take their time and prepare food, but nowadays this is not the case. ~ Cheap and affordable food Advertising and promotion Outline In looking at the causes for popularity of fast food restaurant, we are going to enumerate on: Introduction The need to satisfy human wants, people engage in activities that allow them provide for the basic needs. It is these motivational requirements that robe most of the time. Owing to this, people are seeking the most convenient way of utilizing this time. Fast food restaurant come into play an enormous role
...in being convenient to offer fast foods. In doing so, they go as far as offering fast food that is delicious, affordable, in a hygienic environment by the best services.
On top of this, in order to let customers know about their products they advertise and promote it in radios, TV, magazines, and billboards. It is all this that causes for the popularity of fast food restaurants in the society. The explanation of are given below.
- Convenience.
- Numerous delicious recipes.
- Affordable food.
- Services.
- Hygiene.
- Advertising and promotion.
The popularity of fast food restaurant depends on
the aggressiveness of the management and mostly the sales and marketing team. Also the employee’s competence on customer care handling.
When all t work harmoniously, the restaurant will cut a competitive edge in the market since it will receive customers’ day in day out. Fast food restaurants play an important role in assisting the population in providing them with needed services. This in turn amounts to boosting the country’s economy indirectly. I therefore encourage entrepreneurs to venture into this type of enterprise because there is ready and available market. Amanda Smith Kimberly Boone English 1101 March 4, 2013 The causes for the popularity of fast food restaurants
In the current industrialized and technologically developed global village, there is hardly any time between packed schedules for preparing food. The struggle for better living standards, batter health care, better education, and self actualization are the motivational needs. These are some of the Maslow motivation hypothesis. It is this hypothesis that has forced people to have an inner drive for better things in life. As a result of this, human beings are so occupied such that there is little or no time for preparing food either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
People resort to restaurants offering fast foods. As a result of the increased number of customers requiring the services of fast foods; a number of entrepreneurs are diverting their investments in this venture. There is growing popularity of fast food restaurants (Clutter, David and Edward). Owing to the busy schedule, people have no time to venture to prepare variety of dishes. Women cannot spare the time to learn how to make varied dishes for
the family. The bigger role is played by restaurants. These restaurants prepare a variety of recipes to choose.
These foods are delicious. It draws customers to continue frequenting because of the delicious foods. This makes the restaurant popular as a customer will invite other customers to the same place and hence the restaurant becomes popular. Therefore, the types of food that prepared boost the popularity. Nowadays, we see many restaurants striving to cook varied kinds of foods. They do so in order to increase the popularity. There cater for different type segment of the market hence customers are diverse and able to get any food needed (Kuzop, John and Elizabeth).
Fast food restaurant come into play an enormous role in being convenient to offer fast foods. In doing so, they go as far as offering fast food that is delicious, affordable, in a hygienic environment by the best services. Therefore, the standards of living are extremely rising up. This is as a result of the advancement in technology and modernisation. This is added by the economic instability facing most countries of the world. The hard economic times that are looming in the global economy people are resorting cheap and affordable food for their up keep.
Owing to this, fast food restaurants are turning to being popular since they offer food that is cheap. With only a few dollars, one can get a snack that satisfying and serve the purpose of the day after all the stomach only needs tricking to sustain the day. The fast food restaurants offer a lot of diverse meals at extremely low cost, which cause many people to
select these restaurants as their most excellent alternative (Clutter, David and Edward). In order to cope up with stiff competition, managers employ human resource strategies in selecting the best candidates to work in restaurants.
It is because of this reason that there is excellent customer service. The employees working in fast food restaurant are customer friendly, respond quickly, and attend to any issue. They go a step further and inform the customer on the varieties of food available and their nutritional contents. It is from here that the customer chooses from the many options offered based on the price of that food. All these services available promote the popularity of that restaurant because customers will go spreading the good services offered there (Clutter, David and Edward).
The most expensive human capital is the personal health. People follow the preventive measure than cure and as a result, they look for clean restaurants to purchase food. The cleanliness condition in fast food restaurants is a factor that remains observing. Majority of these restaurants owing to aggressive competition and public health regulations maintain hygienic environments. Human being by nature attract to clean and attractive surroundings. Clean restaurants attract customers, and the positive consequences are that the popularity of the restaurant will increase.
This is because more and more customers will flow to the clean and attractive place (Kuzop, John and Elizabeth). Market scrutiny and analysis is a strategy that most business entities or embracing. In order to enter into a market segment and remain at the top, advertising and promotion is one of techniques to adopt. Restaurants employ these techniques. They put adverts on radio,
TV, magazine, and billboards. The effect of this is that persuading customers and in the long run may change their perception towards the restaurant.
It is through here that food restaurants gain popularity since customers know the food (Kuzop, John and Elizabeth). As a result, the popularity of fast food restaurant depends on the aggressiveness of the management and mostly the sales and marketing team. Also the employee’s competence on customer care handling. When all t work harmoniously, the restaurant will cut a competitive edge in the market since it will receive customers’ day in day out. Fast food restaurants play an important role in assisting the population in providing them with needed services.
This in turn amounts to boosting the country’s economy indirectly. I therefore encourage entrepreneurs to venture into this type of enterprise because there is ready and available market.
Works Cited
- Clutter, et al. "Why have Americans Become More Obese? ". " Journal of Economic Perspective (2003): 17(3) 93-118.
- Kuzop, et al. "Making Healthy food Choices: The Influence of Health Claims and Nutrition Information on Consumers' Evaluation Packaged Food Products and Restaurant Menu Items. ". journal of Marketing (2003): 67(2) 19-34.
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