The Depression Caused Equal Suffering To All Of Essay Example
I disagree with the statement because from my previous knowledge, I know that the great depression was caused at the time United Kingdom was recovering from the First World War in additional to this the European countries had a lot of debt to pay for involving on the war. There was major amount of Britain's suffering from the great depression but some Britain it was a good thing. Even thought areas as south of Wales and north of England were depended on old industries which are known as staple industries; new industries were replacing the old once making the staple industries reduce dramatically.
Background informationThe Great Depression began in 1929 when the entire world suffered an enormous drop in output and an unprecedented rise in unemployment. World economic output continued to decline until 1932. The
...underemployed figures continued to rise, which in turn rendered the government with a lot of families to look deal with. The means test was introduced to reduce the amount of families which also cut the amount given each month however this was not reflected throughout whole country.Source 1Source 1 is a bar chart showing official statistics of the figures of British people unemployment in millions from the years 1928 to 1937.
It peaked in 1933 (2.8million) and by 1937 it was (1.5million) therefore it's declined by 1.3million people.
This source is useful in showing unemployment as a cause of the depression but it is not useful as it does not show regional unemployment or how many of this figures are male and how many of them are female also this source is not useful because its to general therefore it doe
not prove or disapprove the hypothesis so you cant use this source to support the hypothesis title. However I think this source is reliable because it shows government statistics. This source is economic because of the mass unemployment which leads to a decrease in the income of families.Source 2Source 2 is a graph showing the percentage of workers unemployed in four different regional. I know the four regions had different experience in 1937. Out of the four towns in the graph I can see that Jarrow had the highest rate of unemployment at 68% I know that Jarrow had suffered from the shipyard because it only had one main employer the palmer's shipyard when this closed the towns hit hard by unemployment.
The second highest region of the unemployment was Merthyr in Wales with the rate of 62% of unemployment workers. I know that the main source of work in that region at that time was coal mining and I know that coal mining relied on export therefore when industries closed down Merthyr were also hit hard by unemployment.The third highest region of unemployment was Motherwell with the rate of 37.5% I know they relied on coal and iron industries therefore they did not suffer as much as Jarrow and Merthyr because they had more then 1 industry to be employed on.
The fourth highest regions of unemployment was St Albans in the south east, they have experiences a very little rate of unemployment this was because the south east economic was growing because new industries were being built therefore ST Albans relied on new industries so they did not lose on much. This source
is very useful then source 1 because it shows it the regions where unemployment was also this source is useful because it disagrees with the hypothesis title. Source 2 is an economic cause because it shows Britain didn't suffer equally from the depression.Source 3Source 3 is a bar chart showing British exports in million of pounds from 1923 - 1938.
From the chart it shows the percentage was very high at that time however at 1933 a massive percentage reduced from 740 million to 380 million pounds. I know that the year that it reduced was in 1925 when chancellor, Winston Churchill returned the gold standard to Britain. Goods became more expensive so buyers looked for cheaper alternatives. This was a political cause of the depression as it was the result of a government decision. This shows that the bar chart is quiet useful as we know the coal industries relied on exports so any area reliant on this (the north of England and Wales in particular) would be hit hard.
This links with source 2 and would explain why Merthyr would be hit hard. This source is economical effect of the depression because it showing the decrease of Britain profit from exports.Source 4Source 4 is a leading article from the times news paper in the year 1938, and states that more unemployed men need to make an effort to get themselves employed. This article was famous and targeted these working class who were currently unemployed and long term however this was written for middle class people. This article is against those who are unemployed it states that they are 'lazy even though it shows
that unemployed were looking for jobs.
The source suggests that those in the south were unaware of the true situation during the depressions as they were not hit to the same level if hit at all therefore this disagrees with the hypothesis title because it states that not every1 experienced the same, therefore the source is fairly useful. This article is very biased because it is a one sided argument over balancing the unemployed people. This source shows the dislike towards unemployed from a working class point of view. This source is an economic effect of the depression because it is stating that some places are still prosperous.
Source 5Source 5 is an image of new factory of the Ford works being built at Dagenham near London 1931. The government allowed the Ford works to build there new factory just outside of London. I know that there was a problem of training the workers in those areas as they were only experienced in manual labor jobs like mining. Even though the new ford factory was a success there was a problem of the location because it was in a poor region of the country there fore there was not many sales happening that's why government started lowering tax rate if they were built in south because people in south had the skills for new industries and they had the money.This source is a political and economic, political cause because the government gave Ford a tax break to build their factory in the south.
Ford did not have to pay tax, had this been built in the north it may have generated more jobs and improved the
levels of unemployment. Economic cause because it shows the development of the new industries such as the motor industry in the south also confirms the idea that south had income as they could afford to buy cars. South people were improving therefore it gives more jobs for unemployment to obtain jobs. This source is very reliable and useful because this source is a picture. This source disagrees with the Hypothesis Title because it shows that not all regions had a good life like the south.
Source 6Source 6 is a secondary source written by two authors for an informative newspaper. It is an analysis of the British economy in the 1930s. This source shows the decline of staple industries and the growth on the new industries for example looking at the source I have found that the car sales had increased dramatically and reached up to 500,000 in 1937. This indicates that the new industries are increasing also I know from source 2 that regions like Jarrow unemployment rate of people are 68% and Merthyr unemployment rate of people are 62% are declining because they were relying on the staple industries and the staple industries were replacing by the new industries. This source is Economic and political as shows the government did not choose to build companies in the north where jobs were essential.
This source is very reliable and useful showing cause of Depression also this source is useful as it provides information on such industries and improvement which can then be backed with the help of source 2. Another reason this source is economical cause because it is supplying jobs for the unemployment which
in turn helped more industries to recover. This Source also disagrees with the hypothesis title because it shows not everyone suffered equally during the 1930s.Source 7Source 7 Is a short extract from a secondary source book discussing Britain's economy in the 1930 using four criteria to judge. This extract is biased because it does not give a reflective view of the economic situation at the time and it suggests that that Great Britain was not affected by a depression and in fact the economy improved.
It is very generally clearly fails to address the regional variations. As with source one therefore its not very useful also it is not reliable as we know from looking at other sources, such as source 1 because in source 1 at 1933 it showed that they had the highest rate of unemployment and this sources it is one sided. This source is a political effect of the depression because it is about a prosperous area and what resources they had for entertainment.Source 8Source 8 is another extract which is taken from a book making it a secondary source. This source suggests that areas such as Newcastle and Bradford in the North were depressed when compared to southern towns such as Slough and OxfordThis source does not specific with details in terms of where economy had improved but does mention regions/towns. It mentions the majority life improved - radios, new shops like marks and Spencers, electricity, houses boomed.
This source is very general when you compare it to source 2 it is not useful but does give overall understanding of the divide during this period. This source is true however
it does not really have facts to back up its answer. I know that people living in the south of Wales and north of England were on the dole and so this author could not be possibly talking about these regions. This source also disagrees with the hypothesis title because it does show how Britain was gradually improving and that not the whole of Britain was experiencing the Depression. This source is a political/economic effect of the depression because of the amount of people that had to ask for help and amount of food that they had to share out.
ConclusionFrom analyzing the sources I know now that my response to the hypothesis question was right. Not all Britain were affected equally after the depression some of the sources were not very useful as some were useful but it shows which regions were affected and which were not very really affected.Investigation 2Source 8Source 8 is an image of the unemployed workers from the town of Jarrow in 1936 this source can be linked to source 2. Looking at source 2 in section 1 it shows Jarrow has the highest rate of people unemployment therefore jarrow were hit hard however this source shows economic impact of that. People on or below the poverty lines were willing to march to London and address the government. These unemployed were seeking the help of the government by protesting there problem.
The government needed to be addressed as the dole only provided a short term solution. Furthermore, the unemployed were offended by the means tests. The march was a form of protesting.The source shows a political effect of the depression, as
it shows the response to the government actions, or rather lack of actions.
Also shows that the dole was not a successful policy. From this source it shows one social effect which is as the community of Jarrow came together to protest. This source tells us that not everyone was pleased with unemployment that led to threats of totally eliminating the dole. This source is mainly economic cause of depression because of the mass unemployment and about the effect of the public after the government had taken decisions such as that of reduction. Since the majority of the community decided to take part in the march and the depression lifestyle cause forced them to make the march.This source go against source 4 in section 1 because in that source It says that unemployed workers are too lazy to get out and or look for a job or to work.
Looking at this source we know that unemployed workers were not lazy and were protesting against the dole however the unemployment continues to increase therefore the march was not working and people became desperate. This source is quiet useful because it tells us what unemployed workers did to get a job also this source agrees with the hypothesis title because it says that all Jarrow were taking part in the march due to there lifestyle cause forcing them to make the march.Source 7Source 7 is a primary source written by a young lady who is showing her life style in the 1930's. This source is written by Con Dawson, recounting her experiences during the 1930s she lived in London. She talks about how it was a
wonderful time for her living and the how good re high life and getting paid decent wages this source is very reliable because she has experienced the effect of the depression in this area first hand.
She had a positive experience (well off, social life, leisure time). Therefore this is an immediate response to the original hypotheses question because even though she lived well I know using the source only experience of the situation highlighted by source 8 was seeing the march as it past her house. Show that there was no impact upon her life along with other women in London she experienced job opportunities while there were many other hungry unemployed marches taking place regarding unemployment issues in Jarrow. This source is also very useful because it clearly shows not all parts of Britain were effected to the same level therefore there was different experience during that time.Source 6Source 6 is a medical report (primary source) created by a medical officer for children at a school. This source highlights malnutrition, which is associated with poverty.
The source therefore suggests that people in this area were below the poverty line.It's created in the years 1932-1933. The fact that this source is a primary source and medical report its quiet reliable although this source just talks about one area which is Carmarthen in South Wales (south Wales).This source explains that living condition were not good for unemployed workers. Looking at source 3 in section 1 it showed exports coal relied on export. World lead to unemployment and poverty during that time, Malnutrition is a sign of poverty.
This source can is social effect because it
demonstrates social events as in it shows bad living conditions also could argue as economic as it shows the affect of unemployment. This disagrees with the hypothesis title because it shows that only unemployed workers had a bad life style.Source 5Source 5 is an image of a single water pump being used by three women who live on that street. It effectively shows the lack of essential supplies such as water and others. This source challenges the previous sources such as source 7 when the lady states how she was living an easy life and this source is opposite where as these women having a hard life however this source has similarity with the previous source (source 6). This source is useful is useful in showing different effects of the depressions because it compares with other sources on the living condition.
This disagrees with the hypothesis title because it shows different suffering in Britain during the 1930s.Source 4Source 4 is a report written by the organization named the pilgrim trust they formed regarding the men with out work and how to help them get jobs. I know now that it's a primary source because it mentions the unemployment in two towns Deptford (south east of England) which had unemployment figures of 7% and Rhondda (South of Wales) which had unemployment figures of a 35%. Therefore long term unemployment greater in Rhondda compared to Deptford. However the source south of Wales has always been in a worse of situation and this also applies here.
This source is very useful because it shows how some regions such as Rhondda were affected more then some regions like Deptford.
However from my previous knowledge I know that the south of Wales was the worst affected and so this source helps to reinforce that fact. This source is reliable in the sense that It provides regional information regarding unemployment issue. This proves that there wasn't equal amount of suffering caused in Britain.Source 3Source 3 is an advertisement for new housing in South East England. Therefore this is a primary source however It tells me how the demand for products in this case houses had risen.
This also is similar to source 7 where the lady Con Dawson in the 1930s was saying about how life was not all depressing at that time and where as some people had the easy life back then. Furthermore in this areas confidence has been built and so many were beginning to buy goods on credits. Once more this shows that suffering was not equal through out Britain after the depression. It is also economic because the source aims to increase sales in the housing market.
This source can also be seen as social because it shows the improvement of lifestyle in Britain even.Source 2Source 2 is an extract from a TV interview of Frank Cousins who talks about the 1930's as he experienced it. In 1960' he says about some families who suffered to gain a obtain a jobs. This source is social because he is talking to an audience in an interview even though it can also be economical and political.
Economical because as the economy were still suffering with obtaining jobs therefore there was not enough income for unemployment's, and political because the man thought that the
government should've done something to solve this fallout he also he refers the government as 'somebody'. He tells us that he witnesses a tying family traveling many km in order to find work. He says the young family in the source used newspaper as nappies for the baby and furthermore as the baby was drinking water only from its bottle. From my previous knowledge I know that unemployed men didn't do enough to find work. Therefore this source is reliable because this person experienced this first hand and witnessed the sufferings.
Looking back on the sources I can say this source is similar to Con Dawson's (source 7). It is very useful as it shows the certain extents to which people went through to find a job.Source 1Source 1 is yet another image (primary source) this time of housing in London in 1933. It follows up to Con Dawson statement (source 7) as she was quoting of a more quality house in London.
From my previous knowledge I know that these homes are also from London however from the source it looks nothing like that shown in the image in source 3. These houses were made to those who have moved to deprived areas like London. This is classed as social as it hard living standards of most places and those not all housing standards were similar. This source is very reliable as it is a primary source and is useful because of the fact again that not all housing standards were the same.ConclusionFrom analyzing the sources I was able to prove confidently that life style was not equally affected after the depression in all
parts of Britain. Especially in places such as Wales and the north of England because those regions were affected highly by things like unemployment.
However some parts of Britain benefited from this as people got out more e.g. Source 7, cinema, dances etc. a lot of the economic has changed. New industries and factories opened therefore many more jobs were possible and this means that the government were no longer obliged to provide benefits to the vast majority of the country.
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