Trial And Error Method Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Trial And Error Method?
Trial and error is a method of problem solving, learning, or discovering the best solution to a problem. This involves repeated attempts that are made until an acceptable solution is found. The term can also refer to research done without any specific plan in mind; it may consist of trial-and-error experimentation. This technique is often used when no theoretical approach exists for finding a solution, as in design engineering applications or other areas of science and technology. In some cases, such as guessing passwords or cracking codes, trial and error can be very time consuming and even dangerous if one makes errors that could have serious consequences. However, it remains an effective way of finding solutions when all else fails.The process begins by attempting different solutions until one works or until all options are exhausted. Each attempt should be based on the knowledge gained from previous attempts so that adjustments can be made if necessary. It is important to keep track of each attempt so that progress can be monitored and mistakes avoided in future trials. As the process continues, the number of possible solutions diminishes until eventually a successful outcome is reached or not (the latter being known as failure). One advantage of this method is its simplicity; it requires little planning and allows for creativity due to its lack of structure. Trial and error also allows people to learn from their mistakes while still achieving success at the end goal which can provide motivation along with potentially valuable insights into how similar problems might be solved in future situations.. Additionally, this type of exploration encourages risk taking which may lead to unique discoveries that would otherwise not have been attempted had there been more regimented methods employed firstly instead. In conclusion, trial and error provides great potential for finding solutions when no ready answer exists but caution must always be taken with any risk associated with what could happen along the way as well as making sure all outcomes are recorded accurately so they do not need repeating unnecessarily down the line.