Terrorism and Technology Essay Example
Terrorism and Technology Essay Example

Terrorism and Technology Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3264 words)
  • Published: October 2, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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India and the United States are the biggest democracies globally.

Both India and the United States are susceptible to terrorist attacks, as stated by an Indian participant in a workshop. According to the participant, provinces with open societies that tolerate dissent are at the highest risk. Although India and the United States have encountered various forms of terrorist attacks, the threat remains significant.

Modern industrial societies possess certain advantages, such as their planetary intelligence services and military presence. These advantages, especially when they collaborate with one another, can help keep the panic webs destabilized. Moreover, they can potentially disrupt some panic webs and hinder their communication and financial networks.

Military action or the threat of it may discourage rogue provinces from supporting terrorists. However, highly efficient economies also face vulnerabilities and reduced resilience due to the private sector's hesitance to inves


t in measures to reduce unpredictable risks. One area where both India and the United States possess notable capabilities is research and innovation, achieved through the utilization of existing or emerging technologies.

Provinces have the power to enhance security, making marks less susceptible and therefore, less appealing targets. They can restrict the potential damage caused by an attack, speed up the process of recovery, and offer resources for identifying those responsible.

It is important to acknowledge that terrorist networks are led by individuals who possess advanced technical skills and are well-financed. These individuals, when supported by a government with access to weapons of mass destruction, can greatly amplify their skills. Therefore, any technical strategy aimed at addressing the threat of catastrophic terrorism must consider this reality.

  • The inclusion of fissile atomic materials, tactical nuclear weapons, and radiological materials
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  • The consideration of pathological entities such as humans, plants, and animals
  • The potential use of military-type toxic chemical weapons
  • The presence of flammable, toxic, and explosive chemicals and materials in industrial settings
  • The possibility of cyberattacks and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks on electronic systems such as telecoms
  • Informations, bid and control centres, transportation systems used as bringing systems for arms, explosives either conventional or derived from fuel oil and N fertiliser (ammonium nitrate) for illustration benefits- revitalization of the public wellness service for functioning the normal wellness demands of communities, technical capableness to respond even faster and more efficaciously to natural biological menaces such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

    Illnesses caused by infection or poisoning from contaminated food, such as West Nile virus and monkey syphilis virus, need to decrease. Furthermore, reliable electricity and other services are essential during natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. The chemical industry needs improved safety standards. Cyber attacks must decrease while financial systems should be made more secure against theft and damage. Additionally, there is a need for efficient and timely tracking of goods in transit and accurate charging for their contents. Lastly, reducing the risk to firefighters and police officers is crucial.

    and wellness professionals in exigency situation

    Extenuation: The Role of Science and Technology

    Nuclear and Radiological Menaces

    If terrorists possessing a minimal level of scientific knowledge acquire a significant amount of highly enriched uranium (HEU), they potentially have the ability to construct an inefficient yet powerful atomic weapon capable of causing an explosion in a heavily populated city. Countries are currently working together to protect nuclear materials and decrease the stockpiles of HEU, but the progress being

    made is extremely inadequate.

    The increased danger lies in the accessibility of completed nuclear weapons, either through theft and sale from nuclear states or through supply by rogue states capable of producing them. It is crucial to educate the public on the risks posed by radiation, both from Radiation Dispersal Devices (dirty bombs) and from damaged nuclear power plants and storage of radioactive waste. Public ignorance regarding the hazards of radiation may induce a level of panic that is far more detrimental than the radiation itself, resulting in people fleeing from potential harm.

    Biological Threats to Individuals and Food Sources

    Researching the mechanisms by which infectious agents cause disease.

    It is important to focus on agencies that can detect the presence of pathogens before they become visually detectable. States should prioritize vaccination against known diseases, while also investing in research to address the threat of genetic modification, which may be beyond the capabilities of most terrorists but not rogue states.

    Rating and response. The United States' Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a strong capability in epidemiology. However, there is no equivalent capability for epidemiological response to potential biological attacks on agriculture and farm animals. Therefore.

    Steps to prioritize include protecting the nutrient supply and providing decontamination after an onslaught. Additionally, it is important to be cautious of toxic chemicals, explosives, and flammable materials.

    The hazardous chemicals in theodolite should be electronically tracked and identified. This is to ensure that only first responders and non-terrorists are aware of the contents stored in the armored combat vehicle.

    The rail cars need to have encrypted electronic identification. Sensor networks are necessary to monitor and identify hazardous substances, especially when they are in the

    air. Self-diagnostic filtration systems are essential for modern office buildings with non-openable windows, as they not only protect the occupants but also detect and report the initial presence of substances (such as aerosols) that could get trapped in upgraded filters. This is an example of long-range detection and prevention.

    The discovery of olfactory biosensors with sensitivities 10,000 times greater than humans would greatly benefit basic research.

    Communications and Information Systems

    In the United States, the main focus is to revamp communication systems for first responders such as police and fire departments.

    Effective communication between emergency medical forces and emergency operations centers is essential. If they fail to communicate, it can significantly increase the loss of life, particularly among firefighters in events like the World Trade Center attacks. The primary concern lies in the potential utilization of cyber attacks.

    Possibly, electromagnetic pulse devices are also used to enhance the destructive impact of a conventional physical or biological attack. Cybersecurity is a top priority for research investment due to the significance it held in private industry before September 11.

    2001. The level of computing machine and web security available is generally satisfactory. However, there is a lack of sophisticated resources dedicated to fully secure operating systems and networks.

    Transportation and Borders

    Research priority will be given to sensor networks for monitoring goods and passengers crossing the country's borders. While the design of sensors themselves is not the main technical challenge, more progress is needed in this area.

    However, the use of systems technology in conjunction with information merging and determination support packages is promising for more secure identification of individuals. Systems that are superior to the driver's licenses and passports commonly used by most

    travelers are providing assurance. The range of threats to the transportation networks of a modern state is considerable.

    Careful systems analysis is essential for identifying vulnerabilities and implementing cost-effective methods to protect against them. Cities and fixed infrastructure, including Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) in major U.S. cities, are at risk from both direct physical attacks and indirect attacks on their data access and communication capabilities, such as cyber or electromagnetic pulse attacks.

    Fixing these vulnerabilities is crucial because in certain instances, the centers will require relocation. Regrettably, the EOC in New York City was positioned at a high-profile location, the World Trade Center. Extensive investigations are currently underway to evaluate the structural attributes of tall buildings that can render them highly vulnerable. It is vital to avoid postponing the implementation of updated building codes until this research is finished.

    The expert panel advised swift adoption and expansion, where applicable, of European standards for fire and blast, which were significantly enhanced after World War II.

    To enhance air quality in large buildings, it is crucial to make air consumptions less accessible and improve air filters. Conducting chemical analysis may be necessary to detect toxic substances. Moreover, having instruments that enable first responders to identify and manage hazardous materials, along with specific provisions for seaport protection, is essential.

    The book, Making the Nation Safer, discusses various infrastructure projects such as bridges, dikes, tunnels, and butchs, as well as measures to protect urban water supplies downstream from the treatment facilities.

    How much of the long-term inventive research and development envisioned in Making the State Safer has been undertaken by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? Not much. The Science and Technology Directorate

    of DHS lacks the authority and vision that the Academies' study urged on Congress. Critics say that DHS has struggled to maintain an expert staff with enough resources to develop and implement the necessary technical strategies.

    The Homeland Security Institute has not received the required independent system-level reassessment of the DHS proficient priorities. Additionally, societal responses to terrorist threats can also amplify attacks. The government is facing various dilemmas, including the use of a color-coded warning system to alert the public about the perceived likelihood of further terrorist attacks.

    There are citizens who think that the system itself might unintentionally make the threat worse, which could allow terrorists to mentally control them. It is crucial for authorities to address this pressing matter by introducing a trustworthy group of knowledgeable individuals who can quickly and authoritatively provide information to the public.

    Technical Scheme

    National Academies experts have examined numerous threats.

    The text highlights several commonsensible decisions about proficient scheme that can be extracted. These decisions include repairing the weakest links in vulnerable systems and substructures which are single-point failures. It is advised to use defenses-in-depth, avoiding reliance solely on margin defenses or firewalls. "Circuit breakers" should be used to insulate and stabilize neglecting system elements. Security and flexibility should be incorporated into basic system designs whenever possible. Furthermore, systems should be designed for usage by typical first respondents.

    In addressing the "system of systems" proficient challenge, it is crucial to understand and rectify the inherent failings in critical substructure that are built into their architecture. It is necessary to ensure that first respondents, including proficient squads from critical substructure service industries, are properly trained and equipped. Additionally, the marks themselves should be

    designed to be more resilient in the face of catastrophe. Emphasis should be placed on the importance of flexibility and agility in responding to unforeseen disasters that were not anticipated in the system design and forces training.

    The final point is particularly important as future attacks are expected to involve multiple complex systems. The homeland security challenge related to systems engineering has several dimensions. The closely connected critical industrial substructures are numerous.

    All responses to terrorist threats necessitate the active involvement of national agencies, state and local governments, private companies, and often more.

    Counterterrorism engineering involves the coupling of complex systems, such as intricate networks of detectors integrated with databases, to enhance the effectiveness of friendly states.

    The web end product, along with other information, is combined within the to offer practical and useful data for local functionaries in Emergency Operations Centers. Hence, it is crucial to create patterns and simulate attacks and responses while also performing "red teaming" to evaluate the efficiency of suggested solutions.

    It is essential to increase investments in the social sciences, particularly in developing strategies to combat terrorism. Having a deeper comprehension of the reasons and outcomes of terrorism holds great importance.

    The social sciences field can also play a part in sustainable efforts by working with different levels of government. This can be done with minimal economic costs and by addressing the perceived conflict between security measures and protecting individual freedom.

    A Sustainable Strategy for Homeland Security

    To address terrorist threats effectively, it is essential to prioritize a strategy that benefits civilians and addresses resource limitations. This can be achieved by placing emphasis on research and development in counter-terrorism. Such efforts not only generate value

    that the public appreciates but also have economic importance for companies.

    There are several areas that need improvement in order to enhance sustainability. These include the development and production capabilities of vaccines, as well as the resilience of information and communications networks against cyber attacks. Additionally, energy systems need to be more robust to withstand natural disasters and human errors, while security technologies should be both efficient and inconspicuous for the public. Political leaders in the United States will face challenges in ensuring sustainability.

    They feel the need to emphasize the public's awareness (for example, with the color-coded alert system, which makes the public anxious) and also emphasize that the government's efforts "keep the terrorists on the run." In fact, we can imagine that terrorist groups like Al Qaeda may purposely wait long periods between attacks to decrease the vigilance of the target's defenses.

    Summary and Conclusions

    The following are seven key points I have derived from this analysis. Firstly, it is essential to have a forward-thinking foreign policy that addresses the underlying causes of terrorism and prevents the spread of terrorist ideologies to other societies.

    Making the United States and its allies safer in the long run is the first priority. Additionally, while weapons of mass destruction are potentially devastating, the most probable threats will arise from the economy itself, as was evident on September 11.

    Private belongings and commercial industry are often targeted in terrorist attacks, potentially allowing the attackers to use the resources for their own destruction. Consequently, it is essential for the federal government to incentivize private investments in securing vital infrastructure and urban targets. This can be achieved through a

    combination of positive and negative measures.

    The safeguarding of vital infrastructure should be achieved through a scheme that prioritizes civilian benefits. Additionally, reducing vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure is a complex task that necessitates a strategy informed by advanced systems analytic approaches.

    In order to effectively manage the scientific and engineering capabilities of market economies, governments must have the ability to coordinate and financially support a national science and technology initiative. Furthermore, fostering cooperation between industry sectors is crucial in this endeavor.

    Metropolises and government agencies need previous experience in dealing with unfamiliar territories. This includes local governments having a say in determining the technical agenda for equipment that they will be using as customers.

    In order to ensure long-lasting protection against terrorist acts, a civilian benefits maximization scheme is not sufficient. It is important to resist the negative impacts on civil freedoms resulting from increased authorization in the central authorities. This is because the threat of terrorist attacks is constant and emergency measures may never be relaxed. Therefore, it is crucial to address these concerns.

    Allow us to analyze security. First, although scientific discipline and engineering will not solve all problems related to terrorism against the components making up a modern regional or national infrastructure, it can help in prevention.

    Extenuation and restoration are necessary in the face of attempted or carried out onslaughts. Essentially, while science and engineering can aid in reducing the threat of terrorism, it cannot completely eliminate it.

    Regrettably, acts of terrorism have become an undeniable reality. The presence of dissatisfied individuals who are willing to sacrifice their own lives or disregard the value of human life makes it challenging to eradicate the threat posed by terrorist attacks.

    However, there is a specific field where science and technology can be of assistance - intelligence.

    The act of supplying information regarding the potential for a terrorist act to occur is intensifying in both quantity and quality through the screening of all external communications, including email and wireless voice. There are existing plans for this purpose.

    At the National Security Agency, programs like Trailblazer search for keywords and indicators of potential threats. Recent alerts about terrorist activity have relied on intelligence gathered by these programs. This connection between infrastructure and security is intricate and increasingly advanced.

    The more a substructure is developed or evolved technologically, the more delicate it becomes and the harder it is to protect against terrorist acts. This creates a greater demand for scientific discipline and technological solutions.

    We faced a unique challenge at the National Academies when creating the report titled "Making the Nation Safer". The task was to determine what actions should be taken to ensure safety as society becomes increasingly complex, sophisticated, and interdependent. How can we establish safeguards to protect against greater risks? The first step is to prioritize communication and coordination efforts. This is especially important in light of the events of September 11.

    2001 saw a series of terrorist attacks, with the New York City Response Center located within the World Trade Center. This severely hindered the ability of the fire and police departments in New York City to respond effectively, as there was no centralized way to coordinate the actions of first responders. The crucial lesson learned from this event is the necessity of having additional response centers specifically designed for such emergencies. Moreover, the lack of communication was another

    key takeaway from the tragic events at the World Trade Center.

    There is a clear need for universal systems to facilitate seamless communication during construction projects. The attack on the Pentagon provides a relevant example. The Pentagon was targeted at the juncture between a recently renovated section and the original building. Although the renovated part suffered damage, there was no structural collapse. The walls effectively absorbed the impact of the collision.

    Contrasting with this, the old Pentagon experienced severe damage, resulting in collapsed walls and a significant loss of life primarily in its older section.

    The main message here is the importance of incorporating blast-resistant designs and features into prominent buildings in cities. One area that urgently requires attention is the ability to respond to devastating events. This entails the need for simulation models and enhanced communication.

    In addition to preparing, it is also necessary to conduct systems analyses of responses to events in both space and time. Transit systems, specifically, require intelligent "information agents" for cargo. These agents would consist of global positioning systems and sensors to detect intruders and, possibly.

    Agents would be installed on every cargo auto in a rail system, every container on a ship, and every container transported by truck, thus allowing for the presence of certain stuffs and carrying documents detailing the contents. Consequently, it would be possible to monitor the exact whereabouts of each container or rail auto at any given time.

    The content, completion, and any attempts to tamper with or access it are included in what it contains. The various components of the supposed intelligent agent are currently in use to a limited extent. Efforts are underway to combine these

    different elements into the agent type I have described.

    Cargo scanning engineering is complementary to the intelligent agents, as there is a need to incorporate various elements into a centralized monitoring system for specific items or radiation. The scanning equipment should be positioned at the container's boarding point to prevent dangerous weapons from reaching their intended destination. It would serve no purpose to unload a nuclear weapon in New York Harbor. Therefore, transportation engineering needs to expand its focus beyond just cargo.

    There is an urgent need to develop efficient methods for swiftly locating, screening, and handling individuals and their possessions. While there are currently existing systems, the overwhelming quantities of people and locations pose a challenge.

    The use of biometries would effectively alleviate this task, while enhancing the level of security for authorities. Another requirement is the need for rapidly deployable barriers to prevent belowground structures and tunnels from becoming flooded.

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