The Power of Asking and Speaking
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*How to use One Paper Towel - Joe Smith 2/7
shake (12 times) fold (fold in half and wipe)
How to Speak so that People will listen - Julian Treasure 2/8
DON'T: gossip judge negativity complain excuses lying dogmatic DO: Honest (say the truth) Authentic (be you) Integrity (do what you say) Love (wish them well)
*The Art of Asking - Amanda Palmer 2/9
Dressed up as an 8 foot bride - handed a flower 25,000 fans who supported her, (no longer charging for music) Instead of making fans pay for music, how can we let fans pay?
The Skill of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph 2/10
Persist-persist-persist Edison failed 1,000- 10,000 times JK Rowling took her book to 12 different publishers There's enough people telling you 'you can't!', give yourself good self-affirmations (Ali: \"I AM the greatest\") Catch them doing something good and praise them No one will believe in us unless we do
*How to Spot a Liar - Pamela Meyer (2/11)
1) Lying is a cooperative act 2) We are against lying - but covertly for it 3) People will distance themselves by adding barriers, referring to them as \"that woman\" instead of Ms. Lewinski 4) watch out for the duping delight smile
Hackschooling makes me happy - Logan LaPlante (2/12)
Exercise Diet and Nutrition Time in Nature Contribution and service Relationships Recreation Relaxation and Stress Management Religion and spirituality
*Your body language shapes who you are - Amy Cuddy (2/13)
We know that our non-verbals govern how other people think and feel about us, but they also govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Our minds change our body language, but it also works in reverse. Our body language also changes our minds. Fake it til you become it. Tiny tweaks --> BIG CHANGES
Grit - Angela Lee Duckworth (2/14)
Grit: passion + perseverance, who have the love for what they do like running a marathon, not a sprint
*David Blaine - How I Held my breath for 17 minutes (2/16)
Whether it's holding my breath for shuffling a deck, magic; its practice, its training, its experimenting while pushing through the pain to be the best that i can be
Morgana Bailey - The Danger of Hiding who you are (2/17)
She came out as a lesbian on her presentation. \"There are more scary things inside than outside\"
*Do schools kill creativity? - Sir Ken Robinson (2/18)
Creativity is just as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same status. If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come at it with anything original. Kids nowadays get 'educated out of creativity'. If you look at the output of our education system today, the main goal is to produce university professors! And their bodies are just a means of transportation for their heads, to get their heads to meetings. And so the education heirarchy (based on industrialism in the 19th century) set up the system the way it is. Back then it used to mean 'if you didn't have a degree, you didn't get a job'. But now it's different.
*Why I Read a Book a Day - Tai Lopez (2/19)
\"Everybody wants the good life, but not everyone is willing to get it\" 1. The Law of 33% (spend a 1/3 with those lower, peers, and mentors) 2. 10x rule (mentors 10x better than you) 3. Be humble (Sam at walmart measuring the aisles) 4. Persevere (real estate guy who he hid behind the bushes to meet out of the elevator) 5. Read more (think of books like hidden treasure looking for that 1 or 2 gold nuggets, and books are like friends, you only keep a few) 6. Toughen up
*Kelly McGonigal - How to Make Stress your friend (2/20)
Stress is a way of your body preparing itself to rise to the occasion and meet the challenge 1) When you choose to view your Stress Response as helpful, you create the biology of 'courage' 2) When you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience
Cameron Russell - Looks aren't everything (trust me I'm a model) 2/21
She said she just won a genetic lottery and is simply what most people think 'beauty' should look like. She is just as insecure, if not more than most people
*RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (2/22)
1) Studies showed that when given a task that involved more than rudimentary cognitive skills, people would do WORSE in performance when it came to a monetary reward system! 2) The surprising truth is, that people are driven by other things, such as autonomy, mastery, making a contribution 3) More organizations want to come to work for a Purpose Motive instead of a Profit motive
*My Philosophy for a happy life - Sam Berns boy with porgeria (2/23)
1) Be OK with ultimately what you CAN'T do, because there's so much more you CAN do 2) Surround yourself with people you wan't to be around 3) Always have something to look forward to that makes your life richer 4) Keep moving forward 5) Never miss a party if you can help it
*How to learn any language in 6 months - Chris Londale (2/24)
1) Focus on language content that is relevant to you 2) Use your new language as a tool to communicate 3) When you first understand the message, you will unconsciously start to acquire the language 4) When your face hurts, you're doing it right 5) Make sure your physiological state is happy/good, or else you won't learn Actions to take 1) Listen a lot - brain soaking 2) Focus on the meaning first (before the WORDS) 3) Start mixing (10 verbs, 10 nouns 10 adj = 1,000 different combinations) 4) Focus on the core (3,000 words sum up 98% of english language, focus on those first) 5) Get a language parent 6) Copy the face 7) Direct connect to mental images (mnemonics)
*Beatbox Brilliance - Tom Thum (2/25)
He was awesome.
*The puzzle of Motivation - Dan Pink (2/26)
The candle problem 1) Incentivized programs work for simple, straightforward tasks, but not rudimentary cognitive skills We should motivate people by: Autonomy - urge to direct our own lives Mastery - the desire to get better at something that matters Purpose - the yearning to do something larger than ourselves
Jon Ronson - Strange Answers to the Psychopathetic Test (2/27)
Everyone is a little psychotic. There are those semi-psychopathetic people, the gray area people. And we live in a world that doesn't like gray areas.
*Sean Koyczan - The Most Beautiful way to stop a Bully (2/28)
He started off being a bully, but he ended up admitting that it's because he's different and outcasted. \"If you can't find something good in yourself, get a better mirror or look a little closer, stand your ground because everyone else wants to bury you beneath it. You have to. You have to.\"
*How the oceans can clean themselves - Boyan Slat (3/1)
Ingenious way to clean oceans of plastic by a filter system that uses the oceans gyres, powered by water and sunlight . The plastic can even be recycled so that in 10 years, it pays for itself.
Tony Robbins - Why we do what we do (3/2)
It boils down to the choices you make
Stephen Hawking - Questioning the Universe (3/3)
1) current research points that the universe and galaxies were closer together before, and our getting further apart now, so the Big Bang theory is probable 2) it does not look like there are any aliens at least in our universe so far
*The power of Introverts - Susan Cain (3/4)
Introvert - it is not shyness. They simply respond passively to social stimuli Solitude is a crucial ingredient in creativity. Our culture is all about extroverts because of the 20th century Industrial Age (big businesses, meeting new people) Call to action: 1) stop the madness for constant group work 2) go to the wilderness and unplug (like Christ) 3) look in your own suitcase and ask why you put things in there
Top hacker shows us how it's done - Pablo Holman (3/5)
Everything can be hacked. Cars, computers, phones, Internet on hotels, shared wifi, credit cards with chips They used this technology to shoot down Mosquitos carrying malaria in Africa
*The Great Porn Experiment - Gary Wilson (3/6)
Stop watching porn because: It will cause erectile dysfunction Just like any other addiction, you will slowly become desensitized to it You will appreciate less and less the other aspects of romance and life
Bohemian Rhapsody on the Ukelele - Jake Shimabukuro (3/7)
The instrument of peace is the ukelele, and by playing Bohemian Rhapsody (song of murder) it sounds beautiful on the uke.
Forget what you know - Jacob Barnett (3/9)
Learn the way you learn, not the way the books tell you. Ex: Einstein stopped learning because of the German war, but never stopped thinking. The result, theory of relativity!
*Making Peace is a Marathon - May El Khalil (3/10)
May was a marathon runner that was hit by a bus. After 36 surgeries, she started her own marathon. She brought the tumultuous Lebanon together thru running marathons and it has been very successful. She hopes to use marathon running as a platform for peace, knowing that peace is not a sprint, but a marathon.
*How Great Leaders Inspire - Simon Sinek (3/11)
THE GOAL: not for people to have what you have, but for people to believe what you believe The Golden Circle Most organizations start with what, then how, then why. Apple starts from the inside out. And this is not opinion, rather it is biology. The brain also has 3 levels of a golden circle: Neo cortex: rational, analytical thinking, language Limbic brain: our feeling, trust, loyalty and has NO CAPACITY for language So by connecting with the limbic part of the brain that influences behavior, people will eventually rationalize it on the outer part of the brain with analytical thinking, etc.
How to Know Your life Purpose in 5 Minutes - Adam Leipzig (3/13)
1) say your name 2) what do you DO 3) who do you do it for 4) what do they want/need 5) how do they change as a result So when people ask you what do you do, respond with your Life Purpose Ex: \"I give kids awesome dreams\"
Conception to Birth - Visualized - Alexander Tsiaris (3/14)
The incredible, unfathomable system that creates a human being
The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology - Pranav Mistry (3/18)
He uses the science of combining physical with digital, thus in the future, eliminating handheld devices. With a camera as a necklace and a glove/hand device, he can combine the digital world with the physical
Hidden miracles of the natural world - Louie Schwartzberg (3/19)
See his link on national geographic about the microscopic world and the fast world slowed down
*The First 20 Hours, how to learn anything - Josh Kaufman (3/20)
4 steps: 1) deconstruct the skill (break it into easier smaller parts to learn) 2) learn enough to self-correct 3) remove barriers of distraction 4) practice at least 20 hours
*The happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor (3/25)
1) 3 gratitudes a day 2) journaling 3) exercise 4) meditation 5) random acts of kindness
The outstanding athletic ability of quadcopters (3/30)
Just watch it!
Salman Khan - Khan University (4/1)
The future of learning math and kids own pace
The Power of Seduction in our everyday lives - Chen Lizra (4/3)
To seduce, one must have: 1) desire - know what they want and have that eagerness to get it 2) confidence 3) body language (eyes, words, moves) 4) arousal * with great power comes great responsibility. Use this for good and not evil!
*The Price of Shame - Monica Lewinsky (4/3)
Not only has humiliation killed, but it has even become a commodity, a marketplace for people to make profit online. We should speak up with intention, not for attention Shame cannot survive empathy
I got 99 problems - palsy is just one - Maysoon Zaid (4/5)
She's a comedian from New Jersey who has cerebral palsy but her life is awesome. If I can can, you can can.
The power of vulnerability - Brene Brown (4/7)
Courage: original definition from the Latin root \"cur\" meaning heart. To tell the story of who you are with all your heart
*A stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor (4/8)
The right half of your brain is euphoric, about the energy and being one with everything. The left half of your brain is the more calculating, \"i am\" side. The right thinks about right now. The left thinks about the past and the future. If one tries to move from the left side to the right side, then the world will be a better place.
*How to do and find work you love - Scott Dinsmore (4/10)
1) \"Taking a job to build up your resume is the same as saving up sex for your old age\" - Warren Buffet 2) So many people are worried about climbing the 'corporate ladder' and they don't even check if it's leaning against the right wall (or no wall at all!) 3) 3 steps to finding the work you love: A. KNOW YOURSELF a. you must know yourself (and it's on us to figure it out), find out what your strengths are. Check out strengthsfinder 2.0 online b. experiences - reflect on the experiences you've learned so that you will internalize it. Do this by taking time each day to reflect, or journal your experiences B. DO THE IMPOSSIBLE a. 2 reasons why people don't do things. 1) they tell themselves they can't do it 2) someone else told them they can't do it. *remember, EVERYTHING was impossible before, until someone did it. ex: Roger Bannister ran the 4-minute mile even though people told him it was impossible, but after he ran it, the next month 16 people ran it too. * \"you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with\" - Jim Rohn C. SURROUND YOURSELF AROUND THE RIGHT PEOPLE a. when you hang around extraordinary people, that becomes your \"normal\" b. \"first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win\". - Mahatma Gandhi
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline mchugh (4/11)
Humility is not thinking less about yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. What is your message to the world? My life. My life is my message. - Gandhi
Why you will fail to have a great career - Larry Smith (4/15)
What will you do when your child who's good at math comes to you and says he wants to be a magician? Will you say: A) I don't know, it doesn't pay a lot of money, it's hard to find a job...will you say \"you know I had a dream once too...but I was too afraid? But then you were born?\" Do you ever want to look at your family and see your jailers? B) go for it kid!
Your elusive creative genius - Elizabeth Gilbert (4/29)
Instead of thinking that you are a creative genius, it is more of God channeling his Spirit through you. So now the pressure isn't on you to produce more exemplary work, rather to remain humble and available to be inspired again. Ole ole ole is derived from Alah Alah meaning bravo, impressive. It is to glimpse God.
Dirty jobs - mike Rowe 5/18
Anagnorisis - Greek for discovery. The transition from ignorance to knowledge Peripeteia - a sudden reversal of fortune