Teaching Learning Relationship Roles – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Oscar Hall
How does a nurse asses learning needs?(7)stpes
1. Appropriate sources of information.
2. Identify the knowledge, attitudes, or skills needed by the patient and family.
3. Assess emotional and experiential readiness to learn.
4. Assess factors affecting the patient’s ability to learn:
1.including age and development level,
2.family support networks and ļ¬nancial 3.resources
4.cultural inļ¬‚uences
6.language barriers.
5.Develop critical pathways or teaching plans that span care delivery settings from hospital to home to take advantage of optimal learning readiness
6.Identify the patient’s strengths.
7.Use anticipatory guidance.
What factors can affect a patient’s ability to learn?
age and development
family support networks
cultural influences
Language barriers
What should be identified for the learning process?(3)
needed by patient and family
How should a nurse diagnosis the patient’s learning needs?(2)
1.Be realistic
2.Validate with patient or family through conversations,questionnaires, and checklists.
What are (3) methods of diagnosing learning needs?
validate with patient or family through: conversations
How can a nurse develop learning outcomes for the patients?(5)
1.Identify speciļ¬c, attainable, measurable, and ***short-term outcomes for patient learning.
2.Make behavioral changes realistic and in the context of the patient’s resources and lifestyle.
3.***Decide on a domain of learning (cognitive,psychomotor, affective).
5.Include the patient and family.
What is an important when setting (2) outcomes for learning?
1.short term outcomes for patient learning
2.realistic outcomes
What decision does a nurse need to make about learning in the patient outcome phase?
Decide on the domain of learning
What are domains of learning?(3)
What is the process of selecting a teaching plan? (5)
1.Select content, content sequencing, and appropriate teaching strategies/activities.
2.Relate content to the patient’s learning style,interests, resources, and patterns of everyday living.
3. Time constraints, scheduling, and the physical environment.
4.Decide on group versus individual teaching and formal versus informal methodologies.
5.Formulate a verbal or written contract with the patient.
What should s nurse consider about the content in a teaching plan?(4)
1.relate content to the patient’s interest
2.select appropriate content
3.sequence the content
4.appropriate strategies/activities for incorporating content.
What should be incorporated in every teaching plan and helping relationship?
formulate a verbal or written contract with the patient.
When it comes to the number of people in the learning process what decisions does a nurse have to make a decision about?(2)
Decide on group versus individual teaching
Formal versus informal methodologies.
What should be Implemented in the Teaching Plan and Strategies?(8)
1.Prepare the physical environment, with attention to comfort and privacy.
2.Communicate effectively with individuals, small groups,and, in some instances, large groups.
3.Gather all audio visual materials and equipment.
4.Keep teaching sessions short.
5.Vary strategies for sensory stimulation, which promotes learning.
6.Relate the material to the patients’ life experiences, which will help them assimilate new knowledge.
7.Plan how you will evaluate learning.
8.Assess verbal and nonverbal feedback.
What are methods (6) to evaluating learner outcomes were met?
1.Evaluate whether the learner outcomes were met:

1.Observe a return demonstration.
2.Ask the patient to restate the instructions.
3.Ask the patient questions to determine whether teaching reinforcement is needed.
4.Use written test or questionnaires.
5.Consult with the patient’s family.
6.Consider patient feedback and comments.

What is one thing the nurse should always give the patient for learning?
2.Reinforce and celebrate learning.
What can the nurse do evaluate his or her teaching?
Patient questionnaires
How can a nurse revise a teaching plan?(3)
1.Alter content and teaching strategies.
2.Use motivational counseling.
3.Reschedule teaching sessions.
How should a nurse document teaching-learning process?(10)
1.*Patient and family learning needs and identiļ¬ed barriers to learning
2.*Mechanisms used to overcome learning barriers
3.Patient and family readiness to learn
4.*Current knowledge regarding the patient’s condition and health status
5.*Learning outcomes agreed on by the nurse, patient, and family
6.*Identiļ¬cation of learning outcomes
7.Information and skills taught
8.Teaching methods used
9.Patient and family response
10.Evaluation of what patient and family learned and need for follow-up.
What are some topics for promoting health?(7)
1.Developmental and maturational issues
2.Normal childbearing
6.Mental health
7.Spiritual health
What are some topics for preventing illness?(5)
1.First aid
5.Identiļ¬cation and management of risk factor
What are some topics for restoring health?(5)
1.Orientation to treatment center and staff
2.Patients’ and nurses’ expectations of one another
3.The illness and physical condition: anatomy andphysiology, etiology of problem, signiļ¬cance ofsymptoms, prognosis
4.The medical and nursing regimens and how the patientcan participate in care
5.Self-care practices the patient and family need tomanage the patient’s condition independently
What are some topics for facilitating coping?(7)
1.How the patient’s physical and mental condition affects other areas of functioning; lifestyle counseling
2.Measures that maximize independence and enhance self-concept
3.Stress management
4.Environmental alterations
5.Community resources
6.Appropriate referrals (e.g., physical therapy, occupationaltherapy, self-help groups, psychiatric-mental health counselor)
7.Grief and bereavement counseling
What does the T in the acronym TEACH mean?
T- tune into the patient
What does the E in the acronym Teach mean?
E- edit patient information
What does the A in the acronym Teach mean?
A- act on every teaching moment
What does the C in the acronym Teach mean?
C-clarify often
What does the H in the acronym Teach mean?
H-honor the patient as a partner in the education process
What are (4) assumptions a nurse can make about adult learners?
1.As a person matures, his or her self-concept is likely to move from dependence to independence.
2.The previous experience of the adult is a rich resource for learning.
3.An adult’s readiness to learn is often related to adevelopmental task or a social role.
4.Most adults’orientation to learning is that materialshould be useful immediately, rather than at sometime in the future.
What does the C stand for in the COPE model?
Help the family to overcome obstacles to carrying outhealthcare management and learning how to generate alternatives.
What does the O stand for in the COPE model?
O: OptimismHelp the family caregivers learn how to view the caregivingsituation with conļ¬dence.
what does the P stand for in the COPE model?
P: PlanningHelp the family learn how to plan for future problems andhow to develop contingency plans that reduce uncertainty.
What does the E stand for in the COPE model?
E: Expert Information Help the family learn how to obtain expert informationfrom healthcare providers about what to do in speciļ¬c situ-ations. This information empowers caregivers by encourag-ing them to develop plans for solving caregiving problems.
What are (4) critical areas to develope when forming a teaching plan?
1.Physical maturation and abilities
2.Psychosocial development
3.Cognitive capacity
4.Emotional Moral and Spiritual development
_____ theory of intellectual development is a major learn-ing theory. By understanding how children
and adolescents develop learning abilities, you can use this knowledge when teaching patients.
Piaget’s Theory
When the patient is an infant teaching is directed toward?
When the patient is a toddler or preschooler the patient has what cognitive level of understanding?
Who should health education be directed toward?
Toddlers andpreschoolers may have some degree of understanding aboutmedical tests or procedures, but health teaching continues tobe directed toward the parents.
*Who should a toddler or preschooler health education be directed toward?
A toddler or preschooler’s education should be directed toward the parent still.
What is it helpful to establish when teaching a toddler or preschooler?
For patients of this age, it ishelpful for one nurse to establish a relationship with thepatient and family and to be consistently involved in patientteaching activities.
if a 4-year-old girl must begin to takeinsulin every day, it is important to recognize her limitations in?
Understanding diabetes.
How should a nurse explain a disease process like Diabetes and take care of herself?(3)
1.Information should be simplified to include only the most basic facts with example or demonstration.
2.The girl could be told that she needs a shot every day to keep her from getting sickor feeling “funny.”
3.She could be allowed to play with thesyringes and to give shots to a doll.
Compared to adults, Children have shorter attention spans, combined with a great need for ?(3)
creative participation in learning activities
_____-aged children are capable of logical reasoning and should be included in the teaching-learning process when-ever possible.
School aged
How should a nurse include school age children in the learning process?
Teaching strategies that include:
clear explana-tions and reasons for procedures,
How should a nurse state things to a school aged child in the learning process?(2)
stated in a simple and log-ical manner, are most successful.
The ____ processes of adolescents are similar to those of adults, so the content and strategies of patient teaching resemble those used for teaching adults.
cognitive process
If a nurse is teaching a sexually active 16-year-old girl about contraceptive methods, you will need to assess whether theyoung patient has reached the stage Piaget refers to as?
formaloperations (the ability to use logical reasoning to solve hypo-thetical problems).
formal operations-
(the ability to use logical reasoning to solve hypo-thetical problems).
If a nurse is teaching a sexually active-16 year old patient’s about contraceptive methods and intellectual development is delayed at the age before formal operation stage then she is still in the period of? What should the nurse try to teach this patient?(2)
concrete operations(use of logical reasoning to solve concrete problems), she may be unable to think abstractlyā€”that is, she may not perceive pregnancy as a real possibility and, therefore, may not understand the need for contraception
Being aware of pregnancy
understand the need for contraception.
Concrete operations-
use of logical reasoning to solve concrete problems
What type of motor developement is a concerned for letting a 4 year old child diagnosed with diabetes stick herself with insulin shots?
Motor development is also a concern in the teaching-learning process. The 4-year-old girl diagnosed with dia-betes may not be able to give her own insulin shots if shelacks the ļ¬ne motor skills needed to manipulate the equip-ment, but a 13-year-old patient could probably master thetechnique quickly.
Who are most pyschololgist studies done on the teaching-learning process?
Most psychologists who have studied the teaching-learning process base their work on children and adolescentsbecause a large amount of learning occurs early in life.
the science of teaching children and adolescents.
the study of teaching adults has gained more attention.
What are (4) things to take into an account when teaching an adult?
1.As a person matures, his or her self-concept is likely to move from dependence to independence.
2.The previous experience of the adult is a rich resource for learning.
3.An adult’s readiness to learn is often related to ad developmental task or a social role.
4.Most adults’orientation to learning is that material should be useful immediately, rather than at sometime in the future.
What does andragogy focus on?(2)
1.on a speciļ¬c problem or need
2.on the immediate application of new material.
In general, adult learners must believe that they ____ to learn before they are willing to learn.
As health promotion and injury avoidance are important activities throughout the life span, teaching methods need tobe further___ when working with older patients.
When developing a teaching plan for older adults what learning barriers should 1st be identified? (3)
1.sensory loss,
2.limited physical mobility
3.inability to comply with the recommended therapeuticregimen.
What are Sensory loss barrier for older adults?
Sensory deļ¬cits that can affect learning in older adults include the
1.presence of cataracts that can cloud vision,
2.a decrease in lens accommodation that necessitates adequatelighting,
3.a decrease in peripheral vision that requires that teaching materials be kept immediately in front of learners
4. hearing loss that make it imperative for
How can the presence of cataracts effect vision for an older adult?
Presence of cataracts can cloud vision.
How can a nurse accommodate an older patient with decrease in lens function?
Adequate lighting
How can a nurse accommodate an older patient during teaching sessions with a decrease in peripheral vision?
teaching material should be immediately in front of the learner.
Successful teaching plansfor older adults incorporate: (4)
1.extra time
2.short teaching sessions
3.accommodation for sensory deļ¬cits, and 4.reduction ofenvironmental distractions.
Older adults also beneļ¬t from instruction that relates new information to?(2)
1.familiar activities
2.familiar information
No matter what the patient’s age, working with the patient’s family can be a great help in patient teaching. Assess the family’s function and style by talking with them and observing how the patient and family interact. This assessment will yield information about:(4)
family function
The ____ model is one method of helping family members to become effective problem solvers and support your teaching efforts.
What does the C in the COPE model stand for and mean?
C: Creativity Help the family to overcome obstacles to carrying outhealthcare management and learning how to generatealternatives.O
What does the O in the COPE model stand for and mean?
O: Optimism Help the family caregivers learn how to view the caregivingsituation with conļ¬dence.
What does the P in the COPE model stand for and mean?
P: PlanningHelp the family learn how to plan for future problems andhow to develop contingency plans that reduce uncertainty.
What does the E in the COPE model stand for and mean?
E: Expert Information Help the family learn how to obtain expert information from healthcare providers about what to do in speciļ¬c situ-ations.
What information should the nurse include when teaching a long-term family caregiver?(
1.information about the disease process.
2.resources available in the community that can help disease management and education
4.decision making
5.problem solving
As a nurse how should you treat a family care giver when it comes to problem solving?`
Help the family solve problems assist them but don’t be an expert and solve problems for them.
In addition, evaluate the family’s ļ¬nancial resources,because the patient may be unable to afford to follow a new_____regimen. If needed, refer patients and families to ______ and _____ sources.
community based support group
funding resources
What should be identified between the nurse and a patient with a language deficit or barrier in the plan of care of?
identify language deficit or barriers and develop strategies to address them, clearly communicating this in the plan of care.
What is one strategy that could be implemented in the plan of care for a culturally deficit patient?
One of the strategies is todevelop written materials in the native language of the patient.
A nurse should never assume what about a family translator?
adequate translating
Report by The Joint Commission (2007b), approximately half of the adults in theUnited States, or 90 million people, lack?
The basic literacy skills (the ability to read and write) needed to function suc-cessfully in our society.
Health Literacy-
Health literacy is deļ¬ned as the ability to read, understand, and *act on health information.
What is term for this definition?
deļ¬ned as the ability to read, understand, and *act on health information.
Health Literacy
__% of American adults read at the 5th-grade level or below, while the average American readsat an __- or ___-grade level
8th or 9th grade level
The scope of the problem becomes even more chal-lenging with the knowledge that most healthcare informa-tion and directions are written at a __-grade level or greater.
10th grade level or greater
Research indicates that ____ literacy is a strongerpredictor of Health status than other factors such as socio-economic status, age or ethnic background.
Health literacy
Low health literacy is believed to cost more than __ billionannually in the United States
58 billion dollars annually
The National Patient Safety Foundation recently collabo-rated with the Partnership for Clear Health Communication(2007) to create?
awareness of the need for improved health literacy and to seek solutions that result in more positive patient outcomes.
What (2) organizations collaborated and developed Ask Me 3.
National Patient Safety Foundation
Partnership for Clear Health Communication
What is Ask Me 3? e
is a brief tool intended to promote understanding and improve communication between patients and their providers. It involves three simplequestions that patients should ask their healthcare providersduring every encounter.Providers are encouraged to answerthese questions in a clear, forthright manner.
What is the term for this definition?
is a brief tool intended to promote understanding and improve communication between patients and their providers. It involves three simple questions that patients should ask their healthcare providersduring every encounter.Providers are encouraged to answerthese questions in a clear, forthright manner.
What are the (3) Ask Me3 questions? are:?
What is my main problem?
What do I need to do?
Why is it important for me to do this?
How should the Health Care provide answer a Patient Ask Me 3 questions?
The healthcare provider’s response should include:
1.plain language without the use of medical jargon
3.may incorporate use of visual models to explain a disease or procedure,
3.may involve patients in a “teach back” demonstration that veriļ¬es their understanding of the information presented.
What is the name for these (3) questions?
What is my main problem?
What do I need to do?
Why is it important for me to do this?
Ask Me 3
What are some aspects of culturally competent patient teaching?(5)
1. Understanding of the patient’s culture especially core values***
2. Develop an Education with a multicultural team
3.never make assumptions, biases and prejudices
4. Develop written materials in the patient’s native language.
5.use testimonial of persons with same cultural background
What type of teaching is this?
ā€¢Develop an understanding of the patient’s culture.
ā€¢Work with a multicultural team in developing educational programs.
ā€¢Be aware of personal assumptions, biases, and prejudices.
ā€¢Understand the core cultural values of the patient orgroup.
ā€¢Develop written materials in the patient’s native language.
ā€¢Use testimonials of persons with the same cultural background as the patient.
Culturally Competent Teaching
In 2007, The Joint Commission (2007b) issued a publicpolicy paper entitled “What Did the Doctor Say?: ImprovingHealth Literacy to Protect Patient Safety.” This initiative addresses:(2)
gathering of information
formulation of solutions to this silent epidemic of low health literacy
What are the recommendations from The Joint Commission issued a publicpolicy paper entitled “What Did the Doctor Say?: ImprovingHealth Literacy to Protect Patient Safety.(3)
Recommendations range from:
1.enhanced training for patient interpreters 2.redesign of consent forms and the informed consent process
3. assessment of literacy levels and language needs in communities by local healthcare organizations.
What should nurses do understand a patient level of health literacy?
1.This includesefforts to assess patients’ability to understand health information
2.address the use of simple and effective communication
3. limit the negative effects of low health literacy.
What are (2) effective tool that can be used to determine health literacy?
1.Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine Short Form
2.Short Assessment of Health Liter-acy for Spanish Adults
Where are these (2) tool to determine health literacy available at?
1.Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine Short Form
2.Short Assessment of Health Liter-acy for Spanish Adults
Agency forHealthcare Research and Quality Web site: http:www.ahrq.gov/populations/sahlsatool.htm. Speciļ¬c nursing strategies thattarget health
What are the (3) domains that patient learn in ?
The ability of patients to managetheir daily life and resume their former roles depends onthe degree he ability of patients to managetheir daily life and resume their former roles depends on the degree of?(3)
____ inļ¬‚uences the teaching and evaluation strategies that are selected.
Effective teaching often involves the promotion of ____ in all three domains.
behavioral changes
Cognitive learning involves? ).
The Storing of new knowledge in the brain
Recalling of new knowledge in the brain
What type of domain learning is this an example of:
The patient describes howsalt intake affects blood pressure
Cognitive Learning
Cognitive learning includes intellectual behaviors such as the: (3)a
acquisition of knowledge
using abstract ideas in concrete situations
What type of learning is this
using abstract ideas in concrete situations
cognitive learning
what type of learning is this
analysis elating ideas in an organized way
cognitive learning
What type of learning is this?
syn-thesis assimilating parts of information as a whole
cognitive learning
What type of learning is this?
cognitive learning
analysis elating ideas in an organized way
assimilating parts of information as a whole
(judging the worth of a body of information)
psychomotor learning-
Learning a physical skill involving the integration of men-tal and muscular activity
What type of learning is this patient exhibiting?
the patient demonstrates how to change dressings using clean technique
Psychomotor Learning
Affective learning-
changes in attitudes, values, and feelings
What type of learning is this patient exhibiting?
The patient expresses renewed self-conļ¬dence after physical therapy
Affective Learning
What are some strategies a nurse could use when addressing inadequate Health Literacy ?(8)
1.sensitivity to health literacy issues.
2.Develop literacy-assessment protocols.
***3.Create and evaluate health education materials that target speciļ¬c ethnic and cultural populations
4.***Ensure clear communication with patients.
5.Include health literacy information for student nurses as they participate in various roles
6.including direct patient care in various settings.
7.***Facilitate decision making with patients by encouraging them to consider alternative options and choices.
8. Conduct research about literacy.
What are these tips useful for?
1.sensitivity to health literacy issues.
2.Develop literacy-assessment protocols.
***3.Create and evaluate health education materials that target speciļ¬c ethnic and cultural populations
4.***Ensure clear communication with patients.
5.Include health literacy information for student nurses as they participate in various roles
6.including direct patient care in various settings.
7.***Facilitate decision making with patients by encouraging them to consider alternative options and choices.
8. Conduct research about literacy.
Addressing Inadequate Health Literacy
What are Key points of effective communication associated with patient teaching include: the following:
1.Be sincere and honest; show genuine interest.
2.*Avoid giving too much detail; stick to the basics.
3.Ask if the **patient has any questions.
4.***Be a “cheerleader” for the patient. Avoid lecturing.ā€¢
5.Use simple words.
7.***Vary your tone of voice.ā€¢Keep the content clear.
8.***Listen and do not interrupt when the patient speaks
What should the nurse tone be like when communicating with patient during teaching?
vary your tone of voice but keep content clear
What should the content be like during patient teaching communication?
avoid giving to much detail; stick to the basics
What should you never do when listening to the patient during teaching communication?
Never interrupt the patient when he or she speaks.
At the end of your teaching or demonstrations what should the nurse say to the patient?
Do you have any questions
Usually, patients themselves are the best source of ___ information. Patients are considered ____ sources of information.
Give an example of a primary source of information?
The patient
How can you obtain the patient’s information?(3)
effective interviewing technique
Review patient’s past and current medical records
Patient’s Family or significant other
What is example of secondary sources of information?(2)
History of medical problems
Patient’s Family or significant other
What can secondary sources of information provide the nurse with? (5)
history of medicalproblems as well as documentation of the nursing assessments
nursing diagnoses
nursing physical examinations nursing interventions that have been performed
When are patients secondary information considered useful? the patient cannotcommunicate because of health problems, language barri-ers, or impaired sensory functions.
patient cannot communicate because of health problems
language barriers
impaired sensory functions
What is need before family or significant other are involved with the patient’s teaching-learning process?
The patient’s permission is needed before family members are involved with patient’s learning process.
Who might be a valuable source of information to obtaining this piece of information?
:seeking information about how much salt is used in the family’s cooking
Family member or significant other
it is helpful to speak with the person who prepares the meals at home and to include that person in any teaching aboutfood preparation. .
What is the 1st Assessment Parameter elements that should be considered in each assessment of patient learning needs:
*identify what new knowledge, attitudes, or skills are necessary for patients and families to learn in order to manage their healthcare
What is the 2nd Assessment Parameter elements that should be considered in each assessment of patient learning needs?
Second, focus on *learning readiness,the patient’s willingness to engage in the teaching-learning process (emotional readiness) and to begin the challenge of learning. Barriers to learning readiness include a patient’s denial of his or her illness, lack of physical endurance, lack of human or ļ¬nancial resources, perceived beneļ¬t to continue in the sick role, anddisparity of values between the patient and the healthcareprovider.
learning readiness-
the patient’s *willingness to engage in the teaching-learning process (emotional readi-ness) and to begin the challenge of learning.
What are barrier’s to learning readiness?(4)
1.patient’s denial of his or her illness,
2.lack of physical endurance,
3.lack of human or ļ¬nancial resources,
4.perceived beneļ¬t to continue in the sick role, disparity of values between the patient and the healthcare provider.
What is the 3rd Assessment Parameter element that should be considered in each assessment of patient learning needs?
patient’s *actual ability to learn, which is the third element.
What is the 4th Assessment Parameter element that should be considered in each assessment of patient learning needs?
The fourth ele-ment of assessment is the *patient’s strengths, which are the personal resources that you can help the patient to tap.
When assessing a patient’s learning readiness, it is important to consider his or her _____.
Patients who are ready to learn are able and _____ to process new information,develop new skills, and explore new attitudes and behaviors.
Motivation is an internal impulse (such as emotion or physi-cal pain) that encourages the patient to take action or change behavior.
What is the term for the definition?
an internal impulse (such as emotion or physi-cal pain) that encourages the patient to take action or change behavior.
What are factors that affect emotional readiness to learn?(4)
Emotional Health
Motivation for learning Self Concept
Body Image
Sense of Responsibility for self
What are factors that affect experiential readiness to lean? (3)
Social and Economic Stability
Past experiences with Leaning
Attitude toward learning culture
What are factors that affect ability to learn?
3.Physical condition
Cognitive ability to learn
Acuity of senses
Developmental considerations
Level of education
Communication skills
Primary language
What are factors that affect learning strengths?
Successful learning in the past
Above-average comprehension, reasoning, memory, or Psychomotor skills
High motivation
Strong network
Adequate ļ¬nancing
What type of factors are these that affect learning?
Emotional Health
Motivation for learning Self Concept
Body Image
Sense of Responsibility for self
Emotional Readiness
What type of factors are these that affect Learning
Physical condition
Cognitive ability to learn
Acuity of senses
Developmental considerations
Level of education
Communication skills
Primary language
Factors that affect ability to learn
What type of factors are these that can affect ability to learn?
Successful learning in the past
Above-average comprehension,reasoning, memory, or Psychomotor skills
High motivation
Strong network
Adequate ļ¬nancing
strength factors
A patient’s ___ beliefs can have great inļ¬‚uence on motivation.
When is motivation enhanced according to the health belief model?(4)
Pt’s view susceptible to disease
Pt’s view disease threat
Pt’s belief in actions against disease
Pt’s belief taking action is healthier than disease
Can you identify the model these components of it are describing?
ā€¢Patients view themselves as susceptible to the disease in question
ā€¢Patients view the disease as a serious threat
ā€¢Patients believe there are actions they can take to reducethe probability of contracting the disease
ā€¢Patients believe the threat of taking these actions is not asgreat as the disease itself
The Health Belief Model
Why was the health belief Model designed?
The health belief model was designed to explain why persons are willing to take actions to support their health.
What did the Health Belief Model evolve into?
it evolved into a strategy for predicting the likelihoodthat patients would comply with therapies.
Motivation plays a key role in the health belief model because it?(2)
spurs the client to adopt health promotion and disease protection actions.
What are motivational triggers include for Health change?(2)
Personal Crisis
Loss of social role due to disease symptoms
What would these triggers be called?
Personal Crisis
Loss of social role due to disease symptoms
Motivational Triggers
When can the health belief model be used?
developing teaching plans
evaluating the ideas or beliefs that motivate the patient
applying the ideas or beliefs to the teaching plan.
What happens if a nurse modifies a patient’s perception of dis-ease susceptibility?
1.Motivate the patient and the patient might become more recep-tive to learning.
Patients are considered compliant when: (2)
follow the treatment plan
use information they have been taught
When is a patient more likely to comply?(4)
understand their diagnosis
treatment rationale
medication regimen
benefits of compliance they are more likely to
Noncompliance- occurs when:
patients ignore instructions or do not follow them appropriately
Noncompliance can be associated with?
a lack of learning readiness and motivation
inablitiy to learn
inadequatue finances
What type of patients are these factors associated with?
a lack of learning readiness and motivation
inablitiy to learn
inadequatue finances
Non compliant patient
When should a nurse diagnosis a learning disability?(3)
lacks the required knowledge, attitudes, or skills to support health promotion, you should diagnose the deļ¬cit.
What should the nurse do if you believe that a patient’s knowledge deļ¬cit is the the primary problem?(3)
1.write a diagnosis identifying a specific knowledge deficit as the problem,
2.followed by its etiology
3.related signs and symptoms
More often, a knowledge deļ¬cit results in an actual or potential problem; therefore, the knowledge deļ¬cit is writtenas the?
etiology 2nd part of the Diagnostic statement
forexample, Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Require-ments related to mother’s lack of knowledge about infantfeeding and deļ¬cient learning readiness (as manifested bymother’s quick frustration when breastfeeding, refusal toengage in learning process, infant’s weight loss).If you learn that a pregnant woman plans to breastfeed andknows nothing about breastfeeding, “Deļ¬cient Knowledge:Breastfeeding” is the problem statement. The goal is toincrease the mother’s knowledge. If, on the other hand, youobserve a newborn failing to gain weight appropriately, and itis reasonable to suspect that the mother’s lack of knowledgeabout how to breastfeed is interfering with the infant’s nutritional intake, “Deļ¬cient Knowledge: Breastfeeding” is the ___. The goal is to ensure the infant’s proper nutrition.
What are related nurses diagnosis to learning disabilities?(4)
1.Ineffective Health Maintenance
2.Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management
4.Self-Care Deļ¬cit (specify)
Wellness diagnoses, such as Readiness for Enhanced Par-enting or Readiness for Enhanced Self-Concept, are written as _______.
one part statements
Patients control the choices they make about following the plan of care and using what they have been taught, but it is your responsibility as a nurse to help patients improve their health by: (3)
1.sharing knowledge
2.solving problems
3.providing support while the patient integrates the new knowledge and practices the new skills.
What wellness diagnosis are written as one part statement?(2)
Readiness for Enhanced Parenting
Readiness for Enhanced Self-Concept
Increased patient compliance is a direct outcome of?
effective patient teaching
What are tools a nurse can use to increase family compliance?
Heath Care instructions are understandable
1.Designs that support patient goals
2.Include patient and family in teaching-learning process
3.Interactive teaching strategies
4.Teaching and Learning are process that rely on strong interpersonal relationships.
Most people feel encouraged and supported when theirefforts are acknowledged by another person, especially when they __ and ___ the other person.
trust and value
When should a nurse use positive reinforcement?
when illness is overwhelming the patient
What is postive reinforcement consists of in the healthcare setting?.
1.Affirm effort of the patient for mastering new knowledge, attitudes or skills.
2.spontaneous warm hug
3.planned event to celebrate a patient’s progress
What is this an example of?
(“You’ve mas-tered this diet quickly”)
Negative reinforcementā€”
criticism or punishment
generally ineffective; undesirable behavior
Behavior modiļ¬cation programs- that ____ desired behaviors and ____ undesired behaviors might be designed for some patients.
reward desired behaviors and ignore undesired behaviors might be designed for some patients.
Behavior modification programs that ____ desired behaviors and ___ undesired behaviors might be designed for some patients.
When It is best to evaluate one’s own teaching effectiveness?
immediately after a teaching session
How does a nurse evaluate her own teaching effectiveness?(3)
1.Quick review of how well you feel the plan was implemented.
2.Mentally noting both the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching session helps you plan better for subsequent sessions.
3.You can also seek feedback from patients. A simple questionnaire can be used at the end of a teaching session or after discharge to gain the patient’s perception of your teaching effectiveness.
What is recommend by hospital for assessing a nurse’s teaching effectiveness?
Patient questionnaire
How should a patient questionnaire be formated?(3)
1.Outcome format
2.circle or check marks
3.Provide room for comments
What are some common teaching mistakes?
1.ignoring pt. restricted envoriment***
2.Fail to accept patient’s can change mind
3.use of medical jargon
4.failing to negotiate goals
5.Duplicating teaching that other team members have done***
6.overload of patient information***
7.choose wrong time for teaching***
8.not evaluating what the patient has learned
9.not reviewing education media***
10.Failing to document patient teaching for follow up or teaching reinforcement***
Revising the Plan During evaluation, you or your patient might decide that revi-sions are needed in the teaching plan. When revising the plan,it is important to?
identify teaching factors that might havereduced teaching effectiveness
A reassessment of the teaching plan might indicate to the nurse?
1.some patient factors were not considered in the original plan
2.adjustments might be made accord-ingly to meet the patient’s needs
What is a more effective way to reach patient learning outcome in the revision of the teaching plan?
Different teaching strategy
Further reassessment might reveal that a learning outcome might be?(2)
time to short for success
The nurse is _____ responsible for documenting teaching inthe patient’s record.
What is the legal procedure for proper document of teaching-learning process?(4)
summary of the learning need
implementation of the plan
evaluation results
What must the evaluation statement have in it for proper legal documenting?
1.must show concrete evidence that demonstrates that learning has occurred.
What must a nurse do if the desired learning has not occurred when legally documenting the evaluation statement for the learning processes?
Notes should indicate the problem was resolved.
What must the evaluation of the learning process show legally?
evidence that patient or significant other has learned the taught material.
If a nurse document only what was taught in the evaluation statement of the learning process is this legally sufficient
No, the nurse must show evidence that the patient learned the material taught
interpersonal process of helping patientsto make decisions that promote their overall well-being
What is the term for this definition?
interpersonal process of helping patientsto make decisions that promote their overall well-being
1.During counseling everyone participating must feel?
2.Should teaching and counseling be formal or informal?
1.comfortable in the situation and surroundings.
2.informal or formal
What are important characteristic of a nurse with good interpersonal skills as a consular? (5)
A ____ approach to counseling rooted in professional caring helps the patient strive toward the greatest health potential.
Caring is important in all nursing roles but is fundamental in the?
Counseling role
Components of everyday nursing counseling involve listening to the patient and families?(5)
respond in an effective manner
___ to the unique needs of each patient and a ___ to get involved and make a difference are essen-tial for effective counseling.
In counseling situations, you do not tell the patient what to do to solve the problem but instead ___ and ____ them to solve problems and make decisions.
If the patient lacks the knowledge and skills to approach a problem systematically,you can combine the _____and ___ roles to help the patient solve the dilemma successfully.
teaching and counseling
What is the nurses roles in a crisis situation, whether minor or major, when it comes to counseling?
share your problem-solving abilities with patients
What are the (5) types of Counseling?
short term
long term
Short-term counseling-
focuses on the immediate problem orconcern of the patient or family.
What type of counseling is this?
focuses on the immediate problem or concern of the patient or family.
short term counseling
______ counseling might be use during a situational crisis,which occurs when a patientfaces an event or situation that causes a disruption in life. As a nurse, you are in an excellent position to help the patient decide whatcan be done to solve this situational crisis. You can guide thepatient to resources to help solve the travel, ļ¬nancial, and
Short term counseling
What type of counseling is needed in this situation?
For example, a male patient in the hospital ļ¬nds out that his wife has been involved in a car accident; she received only a fewscratches, but their only car was demolished.
Immediate Counseling
Short term counseling
How should the nurse help the situation by counseling this patient?(3)
For example, a male patient in the hospital ļ¬nds out that his wife has been involved in a car accident; she received only a fewscratches, but their only car was demolished.
You can guide thepatient to resources to help solve the
3.emotional difficulties.
situational crisis-
which occurs when a patientfaces an event or situation that causes a disruption in life
Long-term counseling-
extends over a prolonged period.A patient might need the counsel of the nurse at daily, weekly,or monthly intervals
When does a patient need long term counseling?
A patient experiencing a developmental crisis, . A developmental crisiscan occur when a person is goingthrough a developmental stage or passage. For example,many women going through menopause need assistancewhen adjusting to the changes they experience. Long-termcounseling may occur in nurse-led support groups.
Developmental crisis-
occur when a person is going through a developmental stage or passage.
What is the term for the definition?
occur when a person is going through a developmental stage or passage.
Development Crisis
What type of counseling is need?
For example,many women going through menopause need assistancewhen adjusting to the changes they experience.
Long term group counseling since it is a developmental crisis.
Motivational interviewing-
is an evidence-based counseling approach that involves discussing feelings and incentiveswith the patient.
What is term for the definition?
is an evidence-based counseling approach that involves *discussing feelings and *incentives with the patient.
Motivational Interviewing
For example how would a nurse deal with this patient:(3)
Patients say, “I have nothing to live for.”
1.Helping Relationship
2.Help patient work through these feelings of despair.
3.Get patient to talk about what is generating his or her lack of interest in recovery
What can nurse do if the patient refuses to participate in learning activities?(4)
1.assess any factors form the past or present that might be decreasing his or her motivation for learning.
2.explain the need for certain knowledge
3.explain the consequences of not learning the material
4.Try a trial and error session to see what learning session will be like.
What are (4) proven motivational interviewing techniques?
ā€¢Reļ¬‚ective listeningā€”restate the patient’s response backto him or her
ā€¢Asking open questionsā€”encourages discussion of thereason for making desired changes
ā€¢Afļ¬rmingā€”supports the patient’s efforts and encouragesfurther exploration
ā€¢Summarizingā€”links and reinforces material that hasbeen discussed
When assessing a motivational problem, always consider the patient’s ______.
Cultural values often how a patient feels about something is influenced by his or her culture.
What can all of these techniques be used in?
ā€¢Reļ¬‚ective listeningā€”restate the patient’s response backto him or her
ā€¢Asking open questionsā€”encourages discussion of thereason for making desired changes
ā€¢Afļ¬rmingā€”supports the patient’s efforts and encouragesfurther exploration
ā€¢Summarizingā€”links and reinforces material that hasbeen discussed
Motivational Interview
1.Why would it be difficult to motivate this patient
For instance, if a person has grown up in a family in which illness is perceived as an inevitable result of aging?
2.What should the nurse do in this situation
1.Because it is part of the patient’s cultural values
2.Try to spark the client’s interest to promote health.
Sometimes a patient needs specialized counseling by nurses with advanced training or by other healthcare professionals. Who can the nurse refer a patient to?
Psychiatric Nurse
Mental health nurse
psychologistor psychiatrist
social worker
ļ¬nancial counselor
occupational therapist
In other cases, a simple referral to a community resource, such as a_________ group, may be all the patient needs.
neighborhood support
What should a nurse address when making a referral out to a patient?
When making a referral, be sure to address any barriers that might prevent thepatient from acting on the referral.
What are some reasons a patient may fail to follow up on a referral?(3)
1.do not understand the reason for or value the referral
2.lack transportation
3.agency is not open at convient times for them.
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