Target Market of Baby Einstein Essay Example
Target Market of Baby Einstein Essay Example

Target Market of Baby Einstein Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (297 words)
  • Published: October 8, 2017
  • Type: Article
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Target Market: The success of the Baby Einstein concept depends upon identifying the appropriate target market.

Because Baby Einstein provides a line of multimedia products and toys that specializes in interactive activities for children aged 3 months to 3 years old. Where Discovery Begins" is what we market and new/expecting parents who are working professionals, educators, and those whom take the time to educate themselves on the latest brain research.The target market of the Baby Einstein requires parents who desire to provide an early boost to their children's development; products like this will have the support of parents who want to emphasize the crucial role education to their children. From newborn through 18 months, our products will grow with the baby. All of our products will appeal to parents all over who are concerned about education and it


will become baby’s favorite and enjoyed over time.

Baby Einstein will offer a wide range of developmentally appropriate products for babies and toddlers. What makes Baby Einstein product unlike any other is that they are created from a baby's point-of-view. Providing you an opportunity to introduce your baby to the world around them in playful and enriching ways. We will be selling primarily to middle class families who want their children to succeed educationally and to get an interactive bond with their babies.The business of our market segment would be wholesalers and retailers. We will be the brand that moms have been telling other moms about for years.

Whether introducing expectant parents to Baby Einstein for the very first time or showcasing the full Baby Einstein collection to our customers, Baby Einstein will helps parents expose their babie

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to the world around them. We would target our sales to be successful with a profit of over 500,000.

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