speech 3 – 315 words – Flashcard
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a) Supply only as much detail as necessary. b) Mix descriptions and explanations with other types of support. c)Liveliness helps hold your audiences attention. Use vivid and specific language.
5. List the three guidelines for using descriptions and explanations.
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6. What are two kinds of definitions you might use in a speech? How can you use a definition to add to your credibility? A) A dictionary definition B) An original definition by showing how something works You could site the dictionary to add to your credibility.
6. What are two kinds of definitions you might use in a speech? How can you use a definition to add to your credibility?
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A) Unnecessary definitions are boring. Use them only as needed. B)Make sure your definitions are as simple as possible so your audience will understand
7. List two guidelines for using definitions.
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An analogy is a comparison so it deals with relationships between things. A)Literal analogies- Compare two things that are similar. Be sure the things are actually similar B) Figurative Analogies- These cannont be used as hard evidence because they are essentially similar but not similar enough to be used as evidence.
8. What is an analogy? What are the two main kinds you might use? Explain these two kinds.
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A)Use realible sources. B)Round off numbers to make them more understandable. C) Visually display hard to understand statistics by incorporating them into graphs and charts
9. List the three guidelines for using statistics.
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Expert testimony may be used in the form of a direct quotation or paraphrase. Just be sure to be accurate and cite the source.
10. What are the guidelines for using expert testimony?
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A) The larger the number the better and more convincing, If its accurate. B)Use support that is relevant to your audiences experience when possible. C) Use a variety of supporting material. This can help hold attention. D) Use some humor if you can. Make if tasteful and funny
11. Finally, provide the four general guidelines for evaluating supporting material.
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A) Oral style is usually more personal B) Oral stlye is usually less formal. C) Oral style is usually more repetitious.
1. What are the three major differences between speaking and writing?
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A)Use specific words rather than abstract words. The more concrete word usually produces clearer communication B) Do not try to impress your audience with jargon and pompous language. Use simple words. C) Make sure to use correct grammer. D) Do not defame any group by using offensive language. Do not use sexist language
2. What are the four guidelines for using words effectively?
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A)Repetition is using the same phrasing repeatedly. B)Parallelism is using two or more clauses or sentences that have the same grammatical pattern. You might use this kind of structure in wording your main points.
3. What is repetition? What is parallelism? How might you use these powerful literary techniques?
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Manuscript speaking is a speech that is read. You should not use manuscript speaking.
1. What is manuscript speaking? When should you use it?
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Speaking from memory. You should only use it if you are an accomplished speaker and/or have a great memory.
2. What is memorized speaking? When should you use it?
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Unrehearsed speaking. You should use written notes when possible.
3. What is impromptu speaking? What kind of preparation should you use?
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Delievering your rehearsed speech from notes. You should use this style of speaking as often as possible as it is the best.
. What is extemporaneous speaking? When would you use it?
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A) it is conversational B)It requires excellent eye contact C)It requires approapriate gestures and other non verbal communication to emphise your ideas D) It requires avoiding distractions
. What are the four qualities that would use to judge the effectiveness of this type of speaking?
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A) Visuals enhance understanding B) Enhance memory C)Help the listener organize ideas D) Help gain and maintain attention E) Help illustrate a sequence of events or procedures
. What are five positive effects might you get from using visuals in your speech.
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b. Models-Make sure its large enough to be seen. c. People- Decide when to present the person and do not leave them standing too long. d. Drawings- Make sure its large enough. Line drawings are better than detailed drawings e. Photographs- Must be large enough to be seen. If not scan it and project it f. Bar Graphs-Useful in showing overall trends and relationships among data. g. Video and audio clips.- Rehearse with your visual and audio aids
2. Tell the guidelines for using each of these kinds of support. 1)Object 2)Models 3)Drawings 4)Photographs 5)Bar Graphs 6)Visual and Audio Aids
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A) Make them easy to see. B) Include a manageable amount of information C) Use simple drawings or pictures. D)Use the same design and color scheme throughout. E) Do not use more than two fonts on a single slide F) Use these font sizes-Titles 44, Sub titles 32, text 28
3. List the six pointers in designing visual aids.
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So that you feel at ease with them during you speech.
4. Why should you use your visual aids when practicing your speech?
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Reading off of the slide too much which caused you to have bad eye contact.
5. What is the most common error made by speakers who are using PowerPoint?
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Handing them out during the speech.
. What is the most common error made by speakers who are using handouts as a visual aid?
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Using a photograph that is too small
7. What is the most common error made by speakers who are using photographs as a visual aid?
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Persuasion is the process of changing or reinforcing attitudes, beliefs, or values or behavior. A) A belief is an individual's perception of what is true and what is false.(next to easiest) B)A value is an enduring conception of what is right and wrong, good or bad. Motivating force behind behavior(next to hardest) C) An attitude is a learned disposition to respond favorably or unfavorably toward something. Likes and dislikes. Easier to change than beliefs or values. EASIEST D) Behavior is getting the audience to do something. (hardest)
. Define persuasion. Be sure to include information about attitudes, beliefs, values and behavior. Rank order these in terms of how difficult it is to use to produce change in audience members.
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Beliefs are changed be presenting evidence
How are beliefs changes by the speaker?
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A) Ethos(credibility)- The mode of persuasion "Ethos" deals with the character of the speaker. The intent of the speaker is to appear credible. B) Pathos(emotional argument)- Pathos encompasses the emotional influence on the audience. C)Lagos(logical argument)- Logos is the appeal towards logical reason,
. Name and explain Aristotle's three modes of persuading.
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Cognative dissonance is the sense of mental discomfort that prompts a person to change when new information conflicts with previously organized thought patterns. You use it to show the listener that they are wrong and you are right. It is uncomfortable. If it is uncomfortable enough the listener will embrace the thinking of the speaker to relieve the uncomfortable situation.
4. Explain cognitive dissonance. How is it used in persuasion?
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The listener may defend his or her position.
5. Why might a speaker's attempt to use cognitive dissonance as a persuasive tool fail?
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Understanid the needs of the listener is key to understanding their behavior attitude beliefs, values and behavior. To be effective you must appeal to the listeners needs
6. List Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - from the most basic to the least basic. What part does needs play in persuasion?
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Positive-good things will happen if... Negative- Bad things will happen if... Fear can be a stronger motivator if you are credible.
7. Contrast the use of positive versus negative motivation appeals.
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1) fear appeals work better with loved ones. 2)The greater your credibility the more likely your fear appeal will be successful 3)You must convince your audience that the threat is real. 4) Strong fear appeals work better that mild fear appeals but only if they are credible.
8. Your author's present four factors that will affect the success of your use of fear appeals. List them.
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Be informed, skilled and knowalageable on the subject. Convey honesty and be entergetic.
9. How might a speaker establish and maintain credibility?
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Specific purpose Centeral idea Main Points 1) main points 2)causes 3)solutions
10. Write out the problem-cause-solution order as presented by your instructor.
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