Speech 1010: Quiz #3 – Flashcards
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Which three elements do you need to consider when analyzing the speaking occasion? A. Audience attitude, values, and beliefs B. Time, place, and audience expectations C. Group membership, age, and sex D. Time, group membership, and audience attitudes E. Number of people, time, and place
Answer: B. Time, place, and audience expectations
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When you picture yourself presenting a successful speech before you give it, you are using _________________. A. rationality B. a receiver-oriented approach C. substitution D. visualization E. overgeneralization
Answer: D. visualization
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Deeply rooted beliefs about a concept's inherent worth or worthiness are known as _________________. A. thoughts B. judgments C. attitudes D. norms E. values
Answer: E. values
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Audiences tend to listen more carefully during the _____________ of a speech. A. beginning and end B. main points C. quotations D. subpoints E. transitions
Answer: A. beginning and end
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A _______________ pattern organizes a speech based on chronology. A. cause-effect B. problem-solution C. space D. time E. topic
Answer: D. time
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A ______________ pattern organizes a speech by arranging points according to their physical location. A. climax B. problem-solution C. space D. topic E. wave
Answer: C. space
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A ____________ pattern organizes a speech by arranging points according to logical types or categories. A. cause-effect B. problem-solution C. time D. topic E. wave
Answer: D. topic
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A ______________ pattern organizes a speech by describing an unsatisfactory state of affairs and then proposing a plan to remedy the problem. A. cause-effect B. climax C. problem-solution D. time E. topic
Answer: C. problem-solution
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A _______________ pattern organizes a speech by demonstrating how one or more events result in another event or events. A. cause-effect B. climax C. problem-solution D. topic E. wave
Answer: A. cause-effect
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"After listening to my speech, the audience will understand how to fill out a local ballot." This purpose statement is effective because it: A. tells what the audience will be able to do B. explains what the speaker will do C. tells what the audience what to think D. is not adapted to he audience E. gets the attention of the audience
Answer: A. tells what the audience will be able to do
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An informative specific-purpose statement will usually be worded to stress A. knowledge and ability B. knowledge and attitude C. ability and attitude D. ability and interest E. comprehension and goodwill
Answer: A. knowledge and ability
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A sentence that states, "After listening to my speech, my audience will be able to. . ." is an example of a ______________ A. thesis B. briefing C. central idea D. specific-purpose statement E. signpost
Answer: D. specific-purpose statement
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The ideal number of main points in an informative speech is _________________. A. 3 to 5 B. 1 or 2 C. 6 to 7 D. 3 to 7 E. 5 to 9
Answer: A. 3 to 5
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An effective informative speech creates _____________: a reason for your audience to want to listen and learn from your speech. A. information appetite B. information desire C. information overload D. information hunger E. information signposts
Answer: D. information hunger
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The ______________ fallacy is represented by a speaker who attempts to weaken an opponent's argument by attacking the person's integrity. A. ad hominem B. reduction ad absurdum C. argumentum ad verecundiam D. argumentum ad populum E. post hoc, propter hoc
Answer: A. ad hominem
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Int the course of a persuasive speech on saving wildlife, Lee said, "If we allow developers to build homes in one section, soon we will have no open spaces left." This is an example of which fallacy? A. Ad hominem B. Reductio ad absurdum C. Post hoc, propter hoc D. Argumentum ad populum E. Either or
Answer: B. Reductio ad absurdum
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If someone's leg begins to ache before it rains, and he assumes that the pain caused the rain, this would be an example of which fallacy? A. Ad hominem B. Reductio ad absurdum C. Post hoc, propter hoc D. Argumentum ad populum E. Either or
Answer: C. Post hoc, propter hoc
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_________________ refers to the believability of a speaker. A. Credibility B. Competence C. Character D. Charisma E. Charm
Answer: A. Credibility
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_______________ refers to the speaker's expertise on a topic. A. Charisma B. Competence C. Credibility D. Charm E. Character
Answer: B. Competence
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Listeners are required to determine the truth when there is a proposition of ______________. A. fact B. value C. policy D. emotion E. belief
Answer: A. fact
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"California is the best place to live" is an example of a proposition of ______________. A. fact B. value C. policy D. actuation E. emotion
Answer: B. value
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