Soc Quiz 2 – Flashcards

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What is the meaning of the term reflexivity with regard to social research?
being aware of the effects that researchers have on the processes and relationships they are studying Reflexive researchers analyze and critically consider their role in, and their effect on, their own research (p. 52).
Voluntary participation is the right of a research subject to
decide whether to participate in a study. Voluntary participation is the right of a research subject to decide whether to participate in a study. Remember, people can also stop participating at any point during the study (p. 68).
A researcher observes that most women entering a café choose to sit near other occupied tables whereas most men choose a table that is farther away from other customers. The researcher then theorizes that women like to feel part of a larger group of people whereas men are more comfortable being alone. This is an example of which kind of research approach?
inductive reasoning-- An inductive approach starts with empirical observations and then moves toward formulation of a theory (p. 45).
In social research a hypothesis is defined as ________
. a proposed relationship between two variables. Hypotheses propose relationships between two variables. They usually include the direction of the relationship; in other words, they usually include whether the variables move in the same direction (positive) or in opposite directions (negative) (p. 50).
What is the best example of a quantitative research method?
conducting a survey of how often people read- Quantitative methods seek to obtain information about the social world that is already in, or can be converted to, numeric form. A survey of how often people read could be quantified easily, though it is possible that data obtained from other methods, such as content analysis, could be quantified (p. 44).
In an interview with the text's author Mitchell Duneier describes his desire to conduct research that adheres to the ethical guidelines of social research. If Duneier had interviewed street vendors by secretly recording their interactions what ethical guideline would he have violated?
informed consent--Informed consent is the right of a research subject to know they are participating in a study and what the study will consist of
Comparative research usually involves studying what?
two or more units of analysis that have a number of things in common but differ on a dimension (or dimensions) of interest-Comparative research is a methodology by which a research compares two or more entities (often countries or cultures) with the intent of learning more about factors that differ between them (p. 64).
What three factors are needed to establish causation?
Causality is the notion that a change in one factor results in the change of another factor. To establish causality, three factors are needed: correlation, time order, and ruling out alternative explanations (p. 48).
In his experiment Duncan Watts created a website where respondents could rate songs. His sample size was 14341 respondents. If Watts selected a new sample of 14341 different respondents and their average ratings of each song were significantly different than the first sample what problem would Watts's research suffer from?
low reliability--Reliability refers to how likely you are to obtain the same result using the same measure if you conduct the study again (p. 52).
Hypothesis: Children in families that eat dinner together at least four times per week experience fewer behavior problems in school. In this hypothesis what is the dependent variable?
how often children misbehave in school--A dependent variable is the outcome that a researcher is trying to explain (p. 50).
A thermometer that consistently gives readings that are five degrees cooler than the actual temperature is ________
reliable but not valid.-- Reliability is consistency in measurement. A thermometer can be reliable but not valid. In other words, it can provide consistent temperatures, though they may be consistently incorrect (p. 51).
Which is an example of a panel survey?
a study of 1,000 high school seniors who are then contacted every 2 years for a 10-year period to participate in a follow-up survey--A panel survey is a survey that tracks the same respondents, households, or other social units over time. It is also known as a longitudinal study (p. 63).
In social research the term "protected populations" refers to ________
segments of the population that a researcher may need special approval to study.-- Protected populations are segments of the population that a researcher may need special approval to study, often because they are particularly vulnerable. This includes children and also incarcerated populations, people with disabilities, and others (p. 68).
What is a moderating variable?
a factor that affects the relationship between the independent and dependent variables--Moderating variables affect the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (p. 51).
What is an example of a deductive approach to research?
A researcher starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes observations, and then analyzes the data to confirm, reject, or refine the original theory.-- A deductive approach starts with a theory, followed by formation of a hypothesis, making of empirical observations, and then analysis of the data to confirm, reject, or modify the original theory. Conversely, an inductive approach starts with empirical observations and then moves toward formulation of a theory (p. 45).
A correlation is ________
a relationship between two variables.-- For example, people who have higher incomes also tend to have more years of education (p. 46).
What data collection methods are commonly used in social research?
historical methods, participant observation, interviews.--There are many ways that sociologists collect data. These include, but are not limited to, surveys, interviews, participant observation, historical methods, experiments, content analysis, and comparative research. Also note that while sociologists do conduct experiments, they are rarely (if ever) conducted in labs (p. 58).
Which of the following elements describe(s) feminist approaches to social research?
Sandra Harding proposes three ways to conduct feminist research. First, treat women's experiences as legitimate empirical and theoretical resources. Second, engage in social science that may bring about policy changes to help improve women's lives. Third, take the role of the researcher into account. Overall, there is no single feminist research method (p. 55).
Amber is conducting research on the negative portrayal of Hispanics in the media. She searches through newspapers to document instances of discriminatory language toward Hispanics. What type of research is Amber conducting?
content analysis-- examines the content rather than the structure of communication (p. 67).
Which of the following is an example of a negative relationship between an independent and a dependent variable?
Employees with more responsibility are less likely to miss work.-- A negative relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable means that as one variable increases, the other decreases (p. 50).
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