Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – the Significance of 3 Essay Example
The Number 3 "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" was written by an unknown author during the medieval time period. Middle Age stories were about brave and heroic knights, such as the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They were popular because knights were thought to be perfect. They were to follow the code of chivalry, which were rules and guidelines for their behavior. Including religious and military ideals such as faith, bravery, honor, and honesty. In his poetry, he uses plenty of symbolism, especially of the number three.
Three is a significant number and is a common symbol throughout. The number three is utilized by the author to symbolize the loyalty of Sir Gawain to the Green Knight. Sir Gawain is tested three times throughout the story. His first
...test is whether or not he is ready to take on the challenge that the Green Knight has proposed to him. Gawain went into the challenge just trying to save the day and calm down King Arthur's court. He never had a game plan going into the challenge (Glenn). Sir Gawain was also trying to show his courage and bravery by accepting the challenge.
Chivalry is being displayed by Gawain because characteristics of chivalry are being courageous and displaying bravery, and Gawain is presenting that trait. The second way that Gawain is tested is whether or not he keeps his pact with the Green Knight. The challenge was that Sir Gawain can strike the Green Knight's bare neck, but in return Gawain will have to go to the Green Chapel so the Green Knight may return the blow. The outcome of this
test is successful. He is honest to his word and completes the task successfully like he said. His third and final test was to test how he was with temptations.
On his way to the Green Chapel, he finds a castle, and the lord of the castle invites him to stay. The proposal that the lord of the castle offers Gawain is that he will hunt each day and at the end of the day, Gawain and the lord will exchange what they have (Applebee 216). Gawain is honest with this test, until the third and final day, when he doesn't tell the complete truth. There are several different instances that occur in sets of three. Gawain is tempted three times by the Lord's wife, and on those same days, the lord of the castle is out hunting for food.
Gawain resists temptation on the first two days and keeps his pact with the lord. However, on the third day he resists her sexual temptations, but not the temptation of accepting a gift from her. He accepts a green silk sash, but only exchanges the kiss with the lord, not the sash. The lady tells him that the sash will protect him, and Gawain knowing that he will be meeting the Green Knight shortly, he accepts the gift. Another time that the number three occurs is when the Green Knight swings at Gawain. The Green Knight misses on purpose the first two swings, but breaks the skin the third time.
What Gawain doesn't know is that the lord that he stayed with for three days was the Green Knight, and the seductive lady was the Knight's wife. His
wife told him what she gave Gawain while he was out hunting, so the Green Knight knew that Gawain was partially lying when he didn't give him the sash on the third day. The Green Knight respected how Gawain followed the code of chivalry by being honest and doing what the lord asked him to and was concerned with saving his own life, which is why he only broke the skin on the third strike instead of severing the head. This can be interpreted as a good reason to follow moral and ethical codes.
If a code or rule is followed, then the overall outcome will be a positive one and it will be beneficial in the end. The number three has much significance symbolically. It is a number that is often know to be mystical and spiritual (Number 3 Symbolism). Spiritually, it is a common number in Christianity. It represents the trinity: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Three is a common number used in folktales as well. It is used in "The Three Little Pigs," "The Three Billy Goats Gruff," and "The Three Bears. " Three wishes and three guesses is also another way that the number three is symbolized (Number 3 Symbolism).
Other things that fall into groups of three include: the three stages of the moon, birth life and death, and heaven earth and hell. According to Rolando Parkins, "The fact that the events unfold in counts of threes explains the depth with which the anonymous poet was trying to connect this story and this passage to the bible and biblical events. " In the Medieval time period,
Christianity was a part of the code of chivalry. Religion was important during the Middle Ages. At this period of time, Christianity was the religion that was being practiced. It was common for authors and poets to write about and include religion in their works.
The number three is used in several different ways as a symbol. Three is important because it is a common number used throughout the story. The number three is a commonly used number that has many different values symbolically. It can be used as a religious aspect, as a common use in folktales, and mythically. The number three was represented in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" when Sir Gawain was faced with the three tests and challenges, when he was tempted three times, and the three strikes of the ax made by the Green Knight to Sir Gawain. It is a very significant number and will continue to be referenced and used as a symbol.
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