Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League – Flashcards
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What did Holmes do when he got to Saxe-Coburg Square?
He knocked on the door and asked Mr. Spaulding how to get to the Strand and then he knocked on the ground three times with his walking stick
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What did Jabez Wilson do for the Red-Headed League
He copied the Encyclopedia for four hours each day
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Where did Holmes and Watson go before they went to listen to German music?
They went to the pawnshop to meet Mr. Spaulding and see what else was in that area.
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What did Jabez Wilson think the Red-Headed League was?
He thought it was formed to help out red headed men and secure their future
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What was the Red-Headed League?
It was a fake company set up to get Jabez Wilson out of the house so Vincent Spaulding could dig a tunnel from the pawnshop to the bank.
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Why was Vincent Spaulding a too good to be true employee?
He was a very hard worker that worked for half wages. He did that so he would get the job and be able to dig the tunnel.
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