Research Paper

Examining Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing as pivotal Strategic Reso… Essay Example

A group of executives, advisers, and management theorists have recently asserted that knowledge is crucial for organizations to gain a competitive advantage. They believe that the creation, organization, and utilization of knowledge assets are at the core of a firm’s activities. The effectiveness of these activities, in comparison to rival firms, ultimately determines performance. Many […]

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Contrastive Linguistics Essay Example

Narrowly defined. incompatible linguistics can be regarded as a subdivision of comparative linguistics that is concerned with braces of linguistic communications which are ‘socio-culturally linked’ . Two linguistic communications can be said to be socio-culturally linked when  they are used by a considerable figure of bi- or multilingual talkers. and/or ( two ) a significant […]

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Advertising to Children Notes Essay Example

Children, due to their immaturity, lack the ability to comprehend that advertisements have the aim of persuading them (Karpatkin and Holmes, Consumers Union). As a result, they may develop an altered perception of reality and struggle to differentiate between ads and the real world. As children grow older, they become more adept at distinguishing between […]

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Gender Performativity And Works Of Hannah Wilke Theatre Essay Example

In this survey I intend to believe through the relationship [ between ] and theoretical niceties of, sexual difference, public presentation, performativity and papers, in connexion to the performative art plants of the creative person Hannah Wilke. These issues will be examined specifically against Wilke’s Intra-Venus No.4 and Portrait of Artist with her Mother, Selma […]

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The Productivity of Information Technology Essay Example

The Productivity of Information Technology Technology: Review and Assessment Erik Brynjolfsson Abstract Productivity is the bottom line for any investment. The quandary of information technology (IT) is that, despite astonishing improvements in the underlying capabilities of the computer, its productivity has proven almost impossible to assess. There is an increasing perception that IT has not […]

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Bric: Culture, Values, and Business Ethics Essay Example

Introduction The BRIC countries are Brazil, Russia, and India. The BRIC states, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, are undergoing comparable levels of economic growth. In the last ten years, these nations have achieved notable advancements in industrialization and economic progress. To cement their positions as influential economies and attract more foreign partners for […]

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Semantics & Pragmatics Essay Example

Linguistics is the science of a language. Linguists depend on the use of certain aspects in order to analyse, describe and explain a human language; these aspects include semantics and pragmatics. Semantics can be defined as the study of “meaning” of lexical words and expressions independently of context. Where pragmatics is the process of recognising […]

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The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Essay Example

Absolutism and the Divine Right of Kings The defense of monarchical absolutism, which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament. Originating in Europe, the divine-right theory can be traced to the medieval conception of God’s award […]

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How Issue Of Dialogue In Research Ethics Essay Example

How do power dealingss challenge us to re-think the issue of duologue in research, moralss and critical urban descriptive anthropology? Introduction Sociological research is non the clearly defined procedure that the text editions would hold us believe. It can be a mussy concern and is fraught with booby traps so the research worker needs to […]

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Examining the conceptual framework of feminism Essay Example

The conceptual model of feminism, as a reactionist political orientation, fundamentally consists of ‘power, ‘ ‘woman, ‘ ‘rights, ‘ and ‘equality ‘ . The same can be said of African feminism, which has on its precedence list such ends as self-government, which have economic overtones sewn on a mercenary metaphysic. African womanism, despite its pretenses […]

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Importance Of Strategic Management Business Essay Example

Strategic planning involves determining an organization’s future direction and how it will achieve its objectives. This process includes the entire organization and focuses on key functions such as separation, division, or other major goals. To better understand strategic planning, consider these tips: – Planning encompasses various steps or tricks that may have different names and […]

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The Role of Unions in Improving and Disrupting an Organization’s Culture Essay Example

The Role of Unions in Improving and Disrupting an Organization’s Culture Describing and identifying the importance of abstract terms is a difficult task because their meaning rely more on substance than form. For this and other reasons, individuals as well as organizations tend to overlook or underestimate their importance for a successful career and for […]

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Lateral Thinking Essay Example

1. Introduction As human beings, people have different ways of thinking. The way they think will influence their decisions. Nowadays, some people try to improve their potential to think uniquely. This type of thinking can be called Lateral thinking. This concept is very useful for people who are working in business organisation especially when they […]

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Leadership Through Servant Leadership Theology Religion Essay Example

The concept of Servant Leadership, introduced by Robert Greenleaf (1977), has been in existence for four decades and continues to bring about a quiet revolution in organizations worldwide. According to Patterson (2003), servant leadership is characterized by leaders prioritizing the well-being of their followers, with organizational concerns being secondary. With the advent of globalization, managers […]

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Women Empowerment in Rmg Sector Essay Example

Introduction Bangladesh has a population around 160 million (July 2008 est. ). About 45% of them are still living below the poverty line. Bangladesh’s Human development index (HDI) is 139 (out of 177), ranking as the lowest in the Asian country list. GDP per capita (PPP US$) is 1,770, which make the countries HDI rank almost […]

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Literary Devices Essay Example

A signifier of drawn-out metaphor. in which objects. individuals. and actions in a narrative. are equated with the significances that prevarication outside the narrative itself. The underlying significance has moral. societal. spiritual. or political significance and characters are frequently personifications of abstract thoughts as charity. greed. or enviousness. Thus an fable is a narrative with […]

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The need to communicate urgency during change Essay Example

Balogun and Hope Hailey (2004) emphasize the importance of effectively communicating urgency during change programs to prevent failure. It is crucial for organizations to establish and communicate a sense of urgency throughout the entire process. Both Luecke (2003) and Kotter (1996) include urgency as a factor in their models of creating change, although Luecke’s model […]

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Logistics Information Systems Essay Example

The effects of integrated logistics systems on electronic commerce and enterprise resource planning systems. Abstract The expansion of the supply chain concept has necessitated enhancements in the exchange of information within logistics organizations. This has resulted in the integration of logistics information systems (LIST) and supply chain information systems in numerous companies. The growing adoption […]

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Important and application of data mining Essay Example

Abstraction In the current time, the population of the country in question is witnessing notable economic growth that continues to rise. This can be accomplished by consistently implementing a systematic approach. Consequently, employing data mining techniques can aid in improving decision-making within the organization. This paper explores the significance and implementation of data mining in […]

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Mao and the Cultural Revolution Essay Example

China in the Cultural Revolution The historically unprecedented great peoples proletarian cultural revolution was a struggle for supremacy within the Chinese communist party which manifested into a wide scale social and political upheaval which brought china in 1966 to the brink of all out civil war. Although millions of people were murdered and tortured during […]

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Reflective study: The dark side of leisure Essay Example

Week 11 – The Dark Side of Leisure With the development of society, the people encounter a sum of force per unit area, like workforce per unit area, employment force per unit area, survey force per unit area, life force per unit area, etc. Therefore, people need leisure. However, some simple leisure activities can non […]

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Catholic Church Views of Ordaining Women Essay Example

Sexism in the Catholic Church Abstract The purpose of this brief is to provide you with an overview of how the Catholic Church view women being ordained in the church. The views are based on the traditional and doctrinal references that the Catholic religion is based on. The views are from various resources such as […]

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