Research Paper

How to Make Lemonade When Life Gives You Lemons – Single Parenting Essay Example

Single parent families can arise from a range of factors, such as divorce, separation, death, adoption, or living apart while married. Regardless of the reason, data indicates a decrease in the percentage of children raised by two parents across various ethnic and racial groups. In the United States alone, there are over 16 million single […]

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Why Same-Sex Marriage’s Make Sense, A Small Community’s Perspective Essay Example

The obstacle to allowing same-sex marriages in the United States has endured for a prolonged period due to the influence of Right-Wing Christian American ideology. As a result, lawmakers have been hindered by political fervor and religious interests, impeding their rationality. This article seeks to provide compelling evidence endorsing the legalization of same-sex marriages and […]

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Science Fair Project- Analysis & Discussion Essay Example

Analysis & Discussion The primary objective of this investigation was to test ultraviolet radiation as an alternative disinfectant for Acanthamoeba in its more resistant cyst form. A previous study had already shown that multipurpose solutions were ineffective compared to hydrogen peroxide based systems at eliminating Acanthamoeba trophozoite contaminations. 5 This was a follow-up to that […]

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Transitioning from Legacy Systems to an Enterprise Resource Planning System: Essay Example

Introduction Computers have had a significant impact on the success of numerous contemporary businesses. As time has passed, these systems have advanced to enhance different aspects of business operations. In the manufacturing sector, materials requirements planning (MRP) systems were employed in the 1970s to manage direct materials inventory. Subsequently, comparable systems were created to supervise […]

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Analysis of the General Environement of Bakhresa Group of Companies Essay Example

SYNOPSIS This report looks at the market forces involved in the influence of the Bakhresa Group of Companies expansion in the East African region and beyond. The report considers the position of the company in relation to its environment at this current time and offers possible solutions to its growth possibilities. It has grown out […]

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Training Need Assessment Essay Example

In order to stand out in terms of customer service, businesses must ensure that their employees offer a unique and favorable experience to consumers compared to rival companies. This requires the implementation of crucial elements, such as recognizing and addressing the training and growth requirements of staff members. In order to achieve success in business, […]

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Why was Khrushchev removed from power in 1964 Essay Example

Firstly, and arguably most importantly, the Cuban missile crisis. In 1962, Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba. Nikita Khrushchev agreed to buy the sugar from Cuba; in fact this was the same sugar America was refusing to buy. But, this was in return for a big favour; Russia could base their nuclear missiles on […]

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Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years Essay Example

In his book, author Haynes Johnson suggests that Americans were deceived into believing that Ronald Reagan held more importance than he truly did, and Reagan himself often failed to live up to the image he projected to the public. Haynes provides a comprehensive account of Reagan’s political journey, beginning with his successful bid for governor […]

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Socio-Economic Effects of Dolphinariums on Small Island Destinations Essay Example

The Socio-Economic effects of dolphinariums on small island destinations By: Joanne Armantrading & Stefan Oosterwaal International Management & Business Research Methodology University of Aruba 2008 Table of contents Intro 3 Literature Review 6 Conceptual Model11 Stakeholders14 Hypotheses 21 Research Design23 Secondary data analysis27 Primary data30 Conclusion37 References38 Introduction There has been significant debate regarding the […]

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Solar Panels Analysis Persuasive Essay Example

Product Description Characteristics A solar panel is a collection of many small solar cells spread over a large area. These solar cells work together to provide sufficient energy to power a given item. Their creation is a very delicate process which is why many of their advancements did not come until last quarter of the […]

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Wegmans Case Essay Example

Weakens Food Market Incorporation is a renowned supermarket chain in the US, which has become a prominent player in the grocery retail industry. Apart from its main objective of providing groceries, Weakens aims for excellence by delivering exceptional products and services to ensure customers have an unparalleled shopping experience. Through its unique organizational culture, focus […]

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Assignment Essay Example

Whaling has been practiced since at least 3000 BC, involving the pursuit of whales for their meat and oil. This activity has provided sustenance and a means of collecting stranded whales for various coastal communities. In the 17th century, organized fleets began industrial whaling, which led to competitive national whaling industries in subsequent centuries. The […]

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Industry in Travel and Tourism Essay Example

The act, revised in 2003, ensures that all workers are entitled to a minimum of 3 weeks off work, which includes paid holidays. The holiday period must be agreed upon by both the employee and employer, resulting in less availability of employees in tourist offices and tour operators as they choose to go on vacation […]

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Adaptations for Survival in Harsh Environments

Due to the unforgiving nature of the natural environment, animals have had to develop ways to survive in many different climatic conditions. These evolutionary transformations have given rise to a variety of ways in which animals attempt to maintain homeostasis. Two major means of achieving this is through osmoregulation and nitrogenous excretion. A condition that […]

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Analytic Hierarchy Process Essay Example

Introduction Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-aiding tool for dealing with complex, unstructured and multiple-attribute decisions (Islam, 2003; Partovi & Burton, 1993; Uzoka, 2005/2006). It is a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method developed by Thomas L. Saaty during 1970s. As stated by Uzoka (2005/06), the AHP is preferred to most […]

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Aviation – largest industry Essay Example

Aviation today is arguably the world’s largest industry and one of the safest modes of transport. This is a far cry from the days of 1945. The days when only prop liners were around, and air travel was only for those who could actually afford it. From Comets to Airbus A330’s. From Stratocruisers to Boeing […]

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Cultivation Theory Essay Example

Television today is one of the most common items in every household. Almost everybody watches television every day. We learn from, it enjoy it, and even change our schedules to watch it. Television is used to try and change our views or feelings on particular subjects, and even can change the way we look at […]

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Industrial Engineers: in Demand in the Society Essay Example

ABSTRACT The field of Industrial Engineering (IE) involves decision-making and working across various businesses. IE has developed methods like “key-ways” to minimize assembly time by ensuring proper part orientation and reducing errors and correction time. As companies embrace management philosophies focused on continuous productivity and quality improvement, the demand for industrial engineers is increasing in […]

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Western History of Fashion Essay Example

Men’s clothing Shirt, braces, and schusses underclothes consisted of an Inner tunic (French challenges) or shirt with long, tight levees, and drawers or braise, usually of linen. Tailored cloth leggings called schusses or hose, made as separate garments for each leg, were often worn with the tunic; striped hose were popular. [l] During this period, […]

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Social Injustice Essay Example

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe chronic mental illness associated with psychiatric distress, social maladjustment, poor quality of life, and medical comorbidity. Yet, for the past twenty years it has been a controversial mental illness diagnosis not only due to its subjectivity but also, because of factors that have increased its prevalence and sudden […]

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The Influence of Durkheim on Modern Criminological Investigation Essay Example

The ‘father of academic sociology’ (Hopkins Burke, 2006), Emile Durkheim believed that crime was an important necessity in every society as it played important functional roles in the maintenance of social cohesion, the continuity of social progress and the establishment and reinforcement of societal norms. He stated that criminality was a normal phenomenon, its influence […]

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Mortality and Immortality in Romantic Poetry Essay Example

Eternity and immortality are phrases to which it is impossible for us to annex any distinct ideas, and the more we attempt to explain them, the more we shall find ourselves involved in contradiction – Wiiliam Godwin, Political Injustice. The writers of the Romantic period found in immortality a topic which was not only of […]

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