Research Paper

Education through the Internet Essay Example

There is a diversity of views regarding the advancement of computer technology. Some perceive it as an enhancer of education, while others see it as a means to discover fresh opportunities. Nevertheless, certain teachers consider it to be a step backward. An illustration of this is how the Internet has significantly enhanced social communication, which […]

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Apple Co. Research Paper Essay Example

Abstract If one is searching for the most dependable, durable, innovative and newest technology in the world, Apple products usually come to mind. Apple is one of the top producers of portable music devices, smart phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, networking devices and much more. There are over a hundred retail stores nationwide and […]

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Characteristics of Business Leadership: Steven Jobs, Apple Computer Co. Essay Example

Steven Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Computer, established the company’s initial strategy. This strategy involved targeting specific sub-segments in the market that Apple believed it could effectively serve. By addressing the needs of these users and focusing on them, Apple successfully built a loyal customer base for its products (Fortune, 2011). The senior […]

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The With The Quality And Quantity Essay Example

Modern employees, particularly those in younger generations, have a range of expectations when it comes to their jobs. Some are looking for faster opportunities for promotion or well-defined career paths. However, companies that have a flat organizational structure might find it difficult to fulfill these employees’ desires for advancing in their careers. Alternatively, companies can […]

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India’s Five Years Plan Essay Example

India’s Five Years Plan BY abhiJitoo Origin Five year plans were first introduced in the erstwhile Soviet Union in 1928 for controlled and rapid economic development. Much of the Soviet industrial successes are a result of the implementation of its five year plans. In 1950, India’s prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, impressed by the Soviet system, […]

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Fiscal Policy in Malaysia Essay Example

Background In the 1970s, the Malaysian government played a key role in the economy. The government ventured beyond its traditional functions and took on a more direct and active role in the countrys overall social and economic development process. This period saw the government’s direct participation in the private sector through the establishment of large […]

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Ethics: The Keys to Humanity’s Forbearance Essay Example

Morality is not a virtue that many can tolerate without a conscience. It was considered the critical awareness of humanity’s standards of conduct that are accepted as proper. Yet, for Scout, morality becomes not only a principle, but also a necessity in order for her to survive in the prejudiced society of Maycomb County. It […]

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An investigation into the effect definite and indefinite articles have on memory Essay Example

This study is replicating an experiment that was originally conducted by Loftus and Zanni. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the impact of definite and indefinite articles on participants’ responses when questioned about objects in a car crash video. Participants viewed the video and were subsequently asked to recall the objects they observed. […]

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Exploring Social Pedagogy for Caring for Children

Homework Social pedagogy Social pedagogy is an approach to caring for children which combines education and care, emphasising that bringing up children is the shared responsibility of parents and society. A key principle is that the child is in charge of his or her own life, and the social pedagogue works alongside them rather than dictating […]

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To Kill A Mocking Bird Example Narrative Essay Example

Colleges students will probably do not have proper time management. Today, students have a lot of assignments, tests, and exams. Students might not know the techniques to manage time effectively and efficiently. Effective time management can help students to reduce stress and frustration. Besides, it can also help students to gain confidence in their work. […]

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Thomas Green Essay Example

Power refers to A’s ability to affect B’s conduct in alignment with A’s desires.[l] Dependency power is particularly significant when an individual possesses something valuable, unique, and irreplaceable that another individual desires. Thomas Green and Frank Davis demonstrate independent power that leads to a contentious association, obstructing their job and prompting a political dispute with […]

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The Procter & Gamble Company – Leaders in the Global Consumer Goods Market Essay Example

Organizational Background P&G is a global manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer products. The company markets its products in over 180 countries spanning Americas, Europe, EMEA and Asian region. In the company profile (The Proctor and Gamble Company), P&G’s organizational structure is explained as being comprised of global business units, global operations; global business services […]

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Determinants of Private Bank Profitabliy Essay Example

Determinants of Private Banks’ Profitability in Ethiopia: Panel Data Evidence Yigremachew Benti Addis Ababa Email: yigremb@yahoo. com March 2008 1 Abstract Using both static and dynamic models, this study aims to identify the factors that determine the profitability of private commercial banks in Ethiopia. The study examines balance sheet and income statement data from all […]

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The Nottoway Plantation, Restaurant, and Inn: White Castle of Louisiana Essay Example

What does the plantation tour industry in the New Orleans area look like? Who are the major players and what are their relative strengths? The plantation tour industry in Southern Louisiana takes advantage of the proximity of both New Orleans, a major international tourist destination, and Baton Rouge, a medium sized state Capitol and college […]

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Discretionary Powers in Admin Law Essay Example

Introduction In Administrative Law, it is essential to use discretionary powers judiciously and without bias. The judiciary often assesses the fairness and reasonableness of individuals exercising these powers. This discourse will examine how case law establishes measures to prevent the unjust exercise of discretionary powers. This text examines the manifestation of abuses and the rules […]

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Commercialization of Sex Essay Example

Commercialization of sex Customer inserts His/her name Customer inserts course grade Institution Outline A brief history of commercial sex The legal debate: To legalize or not? Society’s view on commercial sex Proponents of commercial sex Opponents of commercial sex The pros and cons of commercial sex Abstract In the past, sex was used mostly for […]

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Casestudy – Poverty in Pakistan Essay Example

The report is all about one of the issues that hinder a countries economic development that is poverty. Poverty is a state of deprivation of the necessities of life necessary for living. The report mainly talks about the determinants of poverty that can be on regional, community level, individual and household basis (economic, social and […]

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Dvantages and Disadvantages Essay Example

Living in the city has its own pros and cons, but I personally prefer it! However, in the countryside, one can enjoy pollution-free clean air due to reduced car usage and other factors. The animals available for consumption in rural areas are both healthy and fresh, with minimal pollution. However, living in the countryside also […]

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Using Internet Behavior to Deliver Relevant Television Commercials Essay Example

Analyzing internet behavior enables advertisers to display targeted web ads, resulting in higher awareness and click-through rates. Recent research shows how this analysis can identify suitable TV commercials, enhancing the effectiveness of ads by capturing attention and increasing exposure. However, effectively targeting internet users becomes more challenging due to factors like product involvement and prior […]

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Accounting Theory Earnings Persistence Essay Example

In his 1970 research, Beaver emphasized the importance of studying the time series behavior of earnings in accounting and finance. As key components of this field, income smoothing, forecast ability and interim reporting were also explored by Beaver (1970: pp. 62). Despite varying in their predictive purposes, these studies acknowledge the significance of understanding the […]

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Domestic vs Import Cars Essay Example

Cars with high horsepower ratings and front wheel drive experience a term known as “wheel-hop”. This means that the front wheels do not feel the entire weight of the vehicle when power is applied so they are much easier to spin even on dry surfaces. All-wheel drive allows equal distribution of power over the car […]

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Yes, Passive Smoking Is Harmful! Essay Example

When I was at high school there was an anti-smoking poster in the corridor saying that smoking has more than 5000 negative effects on health. Poster with a skull full of smoke instead of a brain scared me, and not only because of this did I decide to never smoke. Additionally, my class teacher said […]

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