Research Paper

The organizational practices Essay Example

The recruitment route is used by many organizations to acquire human resources, with different strategies employed. If the right channels are not used, advertising vacant positions and identifying suitable candidates can be time-consuming and ineffective. In the IT field, many Fortune 500 companies utilize contract staff sourced through prime vendors to fill vacant positions. Various […]

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Existential Therapy Essay Example

Existential Therapy BY JLifeTN Existential therapy helps people who has uncertainties, anxiety depression, grieve and depression. Problems can distract a person life and essential of living. Sometimes it is hard to become stable possessing core cognitions, cognitive distortions thoughts and feeling on how a person views the world and themselves, which points out low self-esteem. […]

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The Homeless and Elderly Population Essay Example

As we seek pleasure, we often forget our purpose in life. We feed our egos as we like, but there is one thing that humans don’t know is that all of us have access to opportunities like those who think they have everything in life. But unfortunately not all of us are capable of seeing […]

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Property and asset management Essay Example

Property management and asset management are synonymous. The main objective of asset management is to enhance value, generate profits, and reduce expenses. In contrast, property management entails the oversight, operation, and supervision of real estate. This research aims to evaluate an article (IREM insider) that examines the changing dynamics between property and asset management. Andrew, […]

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Service Management Essay Example

Executive summary The paper examines the concept and significance of service management in organizations, with a particular focus on the customer service improvement initiative as an innovative strategy. The analysis uses the case study of DHL Company to validate the rationale for taking action on services and to provide guidance for implementing change. This research-based […]

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A Structural Approach to Comparative Politics Essay Example

Comparative politics seeks to discover regularities and variations of political organization by comparative analysis of historical and contemporary systems. Having isolated these regularities and variations, it seeks to determine the factors which underlie them, in order to discover the properties and conditions of polities of varying types. It then seeks to reduce these observations to […]

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Leadership competencies Essay Example

AbstractThis research paper is intended to explore the various leadership competencies that have been researched upon and found sound and working in the field of leadership. The basic assumption towards leadership competencies is that nobody was born being a leader hence there exists no inherent leadership qualities in any one individual. According to this research […]

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Rural Entrepreneurship-Opportunities and Challenges Persuasive Essay Example

India lags behind the first world countries and some of its new world counterparts in the organized sector. An average Indian is widely believed to be a risk-averse individual and this tendency has traditionally led a huge section of skilled and semi skilled population of the country to look for a secure ‘naukri'(Job). However, this […]

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Customer Relationship Mamagement in Banking Sector Essay Example

In today’s business world, various industries like banks, insurance companies, and service providers recognize the significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in acquiring new customers, retaining existing ones, and maximizing their value over time. To establish close relationships with customers, IT and marketing departments must collaborate effectively. The banking sector greatly relies on CRM to […]

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ASP marketplace Essay Example

“Of all Internet-based marketplaces, the ASP arena is marked by product strategies developed both with and for customers in real time. The need for being a responsive resource is an underlying assumption and a core value…” (Sam, 2007). In order to see the value that ASPs add to businesses, one needs to be able to […]

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Comptencies, Scope of Practice in Disasters Essay Example

Introduction The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the strong need for core competencies in disaster nursing. The goal is to examine current literature and evaluate contradictory factors related to competencies, extended practice scope, ethical practice, and responsiveness. The text below focuses on the necessity for core competencies in disaster nursing. It highlights four […]

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Hostile Takeovers – A Case Study of InBev and Anheuser-Busch Co Essay Example

In early June 2008, Belgian-based InBev NV launched an unsolicited $46. 4 billion bid to acquire Anheuser-Busch Co. On June 26, 2008, Anheuser’s board formally rejected InBev’s original proposal of $65 a share, saying it substantially undervalued the company. In mid-July, InBev raised its offer to $70 a share, and the Anheuser board voted to […]

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Evolution of Production and Operations Management Essay Sample

The Industrial Revolution began in the 1770s in England and spread to the remainder of Europe and to North America during the 19th century. A figure of inventions changed the face of production forever by replacing machine power for human power. Possibly the most important of these was the steam engine. made practical by James […]

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Mcgraw-Hill: Primis Custom Publishing Essay Example

McGraw-Hill’s lengthy history of catering to the academic needs of educators and students along with the desire to improve its offerings to professors, in particular, was what led to this system of customizing college textbooks (Adobe Systems, Inc. , 2002). According to McGraw-Hill, the traditional route to publishing textbooks to be utilized in higher education […]

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Theories and Methods in Counseling Essay Example

The paper offers a comprehensive view of the three primary counseling theories in psychology, along with two emerging theories based on observation, biology, sociology, or anthropology. It delves into different counseling methods and therapies while addressing legal and ethical concerns. Additionally, the author introduces their own Biblical standpoint and highlights the lacking element in the […]

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Salim Group Essay Example

  The focus of the Salim Group’s operations adapted to Indonesia’s economic policies and shifted from trading to manufacturing, and ultimately diversified into a series of unrelated sectors. Following the fall of Suharto and the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the Salim Group has continued to internationalize its portfolio with Liem’s son, Anthony Salim, as the […]

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Safety in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Essay Example

Regardless of the type of job, health and safety is essential in all working environments. Although the risk of accidents and fatalities may be lower in some occupations, prioritizing safety is always crucial. Safety protocols differ between offices, oil rigs, and other types of jobs. Moreover, industries with high-risk work sites have specific laws to […]

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Knowledge Management Role Play Essay Example

Cognitive Issues The main cognitive issues facing the organization Oakland currently involve differing mindsets within the working group. It is crucial to acknowledge each individual’s contribution while also understanding that they fail to grasp the larger picture and their own role in it. For instance, the production manager worries about the impact of the production […]

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New York Police Commissioner William Bratton Essay Example

William Bratton, commissioner of the New York Police Department from 1994 to 1996, presided over a dramatic decline in the city’s crime rate. Hired by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani as part of a new crime fighting initiative, Bratton embraced the “broken windows” theory that had made him so successful as chief of the city’s transit police. […]

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Generic Visual Perception Processor Essay Example

Definition of Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP The ‘generic visual perception processor (GVPP)’ has been developed after 10 long years of scientific effort . Generic Visual Perception Processor (GVPP) can automatically detect objects and track their movement in real-time . The GVPP, which crunches 20 billion instructions per second (BIPS), models the human perceptual process […]

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Adapting Traditional Police Organizational Structure Essay Sample

In our usual approach, we concentrate on two countries. The initial one pertains to the formal relationship and obligations of forces within the organization, encompassing the organizational chart and job descriptions. The other country represents the collection of formal regulations. The challenge for professional constabulary directors is to create a unified model of organization that […]

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Jenny Craig, Inc Essay Example

Weight loss is a $40 billion dollar industry in the United States today (www. abc. news. com). In With the growing concerns about obesity in the United States, the desire and need to lose those extra 20 pounds is more desperate than ever. In this task, many diets, pills and even surgeries have been conducted […]

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