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Taking into consideration that the common feature of the somatoform disorders is the presence of physical symptoms that suggest a general medical condition, what of the following statements regarding Factitious Disorders is incorrect? A. Malingering and Factitious Disorder both involve the intentional production B. In Factitious Disorder, panic attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks C. In Malingering, the individual has an external incentive (money, getting out of work, etc.) that he/she hopes to achieve by his/her presentation D. In Factitious Disorder, there is no apparent external motivation for the faking other than to receive medical attention.
Answer: B Explanation: Panic attack: panic attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks, and medical assessment of cardiovascular status should be completed before beginning a psychologically-based intervention for panic symptoms. (no reference to Factitious Disorder/ Malingering Disorder).
If Cathersis is the process by which sources of energy are tied to thoughts, actions, objects, or people, what is the source of all basic drives as people progress through the stages of life? A. mental energy B. chemical rebound C. physiologic energy D. biological energy
Answer: D Explanation: Biological energy is the source of all basic drives as people progress through the stages of life.
Luke spends 16 hours a day practicing for a big game and as a result he neglects his wife and children quite often. According to Freud's System of Personality, what part of the personality system (process) is responsible for the guilty feelings that result from the violation of the standards and morals set? A. Id B. Ego C. Libido D. Superego
Answer: D Explanation: Guilty feelings result from a violation of the standards and morals set by the superego.
7. A topographical concept states that the personality has a conscious mind, a preconscious mind, and an unconscious mind. By what stage is the human personality determined? A. In the adolescence B. When a person is 21 C. In the first five years of life D. When a person is 18
Answer: C Explanation: As a stage theorist, Freud postulated that the human personality is determined in the most critical years of personal development - the first five years of life.
8. If a person can not pass emotionally from oral to anal stage, because of what factor is the emotional development \"stuck\"? A. The person didn't received the needed affection B. The cathexis was not strong enough C. The person has experienced too much pain D. The fixation was not intense enough
Answer: C Explanation: taking into consideration that a person experiences either too much pain (trauma) or too much pleasure at any given stage, he/she may resist letting go of that stage. Cognitive and physical development occurs, but emotional development is \"stuck\".
16. During the embryonic (second through eighth weeks) and fetal stages (last seven months on average) of pregnancy, maternal characteristics and external environmental forces (teratogens) have a major effect on the baby's development. What future mothers are in high risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome? A. Mothers over 30 B. Adolescent mothers C. Mothers over 22 D. Mothers over 27
Answer: A Explanation: Mothers over 30 have an increased risk of delivering a Down syndrome baby. Also, infertility rates increase.
If maturity is the living out of the results of the pre-genital (oral, anal, and phallic) and genital stages, what is specific for the oral stage? A. The first experience of \"imposed control\" B. Pleasure is derived from nursing and sucking C. Pleasure is derived from fondling genitals D. Children observe the differences between males and females
Answer: B Explanation: Oral stage (0-2 years): Pleasure is derived from nursing and sucking. Infants will put everything into their mouths.
Taking into consideration that a 17 years old boy has a 50-70 Iq score, what type of mental retardation is he suffering of and is it curable/educable? A. Mild/educable B. Moderate/trainable C. Severe, incurable D. Moderate, educable
Answer: D Explanation: With a 50-70 IQ score, a person suffers of Mild mental retardation and it is educable.
Taking into consideration that MOTIVATION is the social or psychological condition that directs one's behavior toward a certain goal, how can be the PHOBIA defined? A. strong, irrational fear of a specific object or situation B. the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease C. \"slave\" state which occurs as an inevitable accompaniment D. the course of development of an organism or an individual
Answer: A Explanation: Phobia - a strong, irrational fear of a specific object or situation. Note that anxiety, on the other hand, is considered more generalized and without a known cause.
Taking into consideration that the Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Model explains abnormality in terms of internal (intrapsychic, unconscious) dynamics at work within the individual, which of the following statements refers to Behavioral (Learning Theory) Model? A. the cognitive-behavioral position emphasizes the role of mental factors to explain abnormality, primarily through cognitive distortions (Beck) or irrational thinking (Ellis) B. abnormality in terms of internal dynamics at work within the individual C. the human being as an organism made up of numerous biologic and biochemical systems which are primarily responsible for determining adjustment, behavior, and disorders D. Applies the laws of learning, motivation, and conditioning to explain abnormality in terms of behavioral excesses and deficits.
Answer: D Explanation: Behavioral (Learning Theory) Model: applies the laws of learning, motivation, and conditioning to explain abnormality in terms of behavioral excesses and deficits.
Exposure of a developing embryo or fetus to certain environmental factors can damage the developing organism or even cause death. What impact does the cigarette use of the mother have on the child? A. reduced muscle tone B. intelligence deficit C. lower birth weights and pre-term births D. skill deficit
Answer: C Explanation: Cigarette smoking (nicotine) often causes lower birth weights and pre-term births.
From two Weeks to Two Years Old (Referred to as Infancy or Babyhood), exhibit a gradual decrease in helplessness. What statement about this stage is irrelevant? A. At about 8 months, infants realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight B. Children exhibit a gradual decrease in helplessness. C. Bonding/attachment takes place D. Morality is by constraint
Answer: A Explanation: At about 18 months, infants realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight (Object Permanence).
. Taking into consideration that Ann's parents are keeping hands off and letting children \"be themselves\" with the hope that this will encourage the child to become self-reliant and develop initiative, how is their parenting style called? A. Authoritarian B. Authoritative C. Hostile D. Permissive
Answer: D Explanation: Permissive - This style of parenting adopts the policy of keeping hands off and letting children \"be themselves\" with the hope that this will encourage the child to become self-reliant and develop initiative.
Taking into consideration that the Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Model explains abnormality in terms of internal (intrapsychic, unconscious) dynamics at work within the individual, which of the following statements refers to Diathesis-Stress Model? A. the cognitive-behavioral position emphasizes the role of mental factors to explain abnormality, primarily through cognitive distortions (Beck) or irrational thinking (Ellis) B. the human being as an organism made up of numerous biologic and biochemical systems which are primarily responsible for determining adjustment, behavior, and disorders C. Emphasizes the combination of nature (biology and genetics) and nurture (the environment) to produce abnormality. D. Argues that disorders occur in systems (e.g. the family) rather than in individuals and emphasizes concepts of homoeostasis, individual roles within systems, and poor communication patterns
Answer: C Explanation: Diathesis-Stress Model emphasizes the combination of nature (biology and genetics) and nurture (the environment) to produce abnormality.
Susan was just diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. On what symptoms criteria did the doctors diagnosed her? A. a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking B. an inflated or grandiose sense of self; expects others to see them as specially gifted C. so highly sensitive to criticism and rejection that they may refuse to enter into social relationships D. She exhibits abrupt shifts in mood, has a poorly developed selfimage, and demonstrates intense and unstable relationships
Answer: D Explanation: Borderline Personality Disorder: patient exhibits abrupt shifts in mood, has a poorly developed self-image, and demonstrates intense and unstable relationships.
Taking into consideration that Nosology is the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease, how can be the DOWN SYNDROME defined according to it? A. the biological condition directing behavior toward a goal B. the automatic repetition by someone of words spoken in his or her presence C. the graphic measure of the alpha waves of the brain D. the classification of mental retardation that is caused by an extra chromosome; sometimes called mongolism
Answer: D Explanation: Down's Syndrome - the classification of mental retardation that is caused by an extra chromosome; sometimes called mongolism.
Taking into consideration that Social Theories specify how features of the social structure that is external to an individual produce observable patterns of drug-using behavior, how can the Psychological Theories be defined? A. drug use is an aberrant phenomenon afflicting otherwise healthy people B. Emphasizes the orderly progression from one drug to another as young people get more involved in drug use. C. Believes that each individual has the right to use drugs as he/she sees fit and that society should have a hands-off policy. D. Examine the individual's personality and psychopathology to explain drug abuse as a maladaptive behavior.
Answer: D Explanation: Psychological Theories - Examine the individual's personality and psychopathology to explain drug abuse as a maladaptive behavior.
One of the eight developmental tasks that adolescent development encompasses is occupational selection and preparation. What can be defined as a task of the Early Adulthood stage? A. Manage career B. Accept life C. Coping with physical changes D. Explore intimate relationships and start a family
Answer: D Explanation: The tasks in the Early Adulthood Stage are exploring intimate relationships and start a family, begin a career and find a compatible social group.
According to Masters& Johnson, there are four-stage cycles both in men and women regarding sexual responses. Which of the following statements is characterizing the Plateau Phase? A. Initiated by whatever is stimulating to the person; heart, respiration, and blood pressure rates increase. B. The body changes resulting from stimulation reaching maximum intensity. C. Muscles in female and male sexual organs contract rhythmically. D. The tension prepares the body for orgasm.
Answer: D Explanation: Plateau Phase - The tension prepares the body for orgasm. There is increased stimulation of the body parts and functions.
Considering that cognitive development is influenced by such factors as culture, evolution, integration, and language, what impact can have the technical advances on a human being? A. technology causes diminished use of brain potential B. technology is the means by which such plans are generated, not the other way around C. shape the development of intellectual functioning D. alloplastic view
Answer: C Explanation: 'Technical advances shape the development of intellectual functioning. He sites as evidence the fact that people think differently in our technically advanced culture as compared with the thinking of a few centuries ago. Even during the same time period, more sophisticated cultures think differently than less sophisticated ones.
If a woman over the age of 35 who have been out of the labor force for an extended period of time is characterized as a . Displaced Homemaker, how can a Job Satisfaction be defined? A. dominant motivational pattern or thrust which comes from a particular interest, ability, or personality trait exhibited by a person B. People who have lost jobs due to changes in corporate structure (downsizing, mergers, or acquisitions). C. The underemployed D. The lack of ability to execute or perform customary roles and common daily endeavors as the result of impairment
Answer: A Explanation: Job Satisfaction (Miller and Mattson) - results when one's work choice is consistent with the dominant motivational pattern or thrust which comes from a particular interest, ability, or personality trait exhibited by a person. Such consistency yields job satisfaction. Lack of consistency produces burnout.
Considering that JOB can be defined as a group of similar positions in a particular work setting, how can be LEISURE defined? A. group of jobs so similar in nature that a person successful in one could move to another without great difficulty B. a displaced female worker who is reentering the job force C. a person is confronted by a demand that is perceived to exceed the emotional or the physical resources available to effectively respond to it D. Time free from required effort or for the free use of abilities and pursuit of interests Answer: D
Explanation: Leisure - Time free from required effort or for the free use of abilities and pursuit of interests.
Considering that JOB can be defined as a group of similar positions in a particular work setting, how can be Occupation defined? A. Time free from required effort or for the free use of abilities and pursuit of interests B. a displaced female worker who is reentering the job force C. a person is confronted by a demand that is perceived to exceed the emotional or the physical resources available to effectively respond to it D. group of jobs so similar in nature that a person successful in one could move to another without great difficulty
Answer: D Explanation: Occupation - a group of jobs so similar in nature that a person successful in one could move to another without great difficulty.
During the embryonic (second through eighth weeks) and fetal stages (last seven months on average) of pregnancy, maternal characteristics and external environmental forces (teratogens) have a major effect on the baby's development. What mothers are in increased risk to giving birth to a child with Down syndrome? A. Adolescent mothers B. Mothers over 22 C. Mothers over 27 D. Mothers over 30
Answer: D Explanation: Mothers over 30 have an increased risk of delivering a Down syndrome baby. Also, infertility rates increase.
If electronic email can be used for counseling; marketing; screening; client/counselor correspondences for scheduling, inter-session monitoring and post-therapeutic follow-up, what for can Databases/FTP sites be used? A. counseling; homework; referrals; and consultation B. consultation; referrals; resources for information; and professional collegiality C. supervision and skills training D. research; information resources for counselors; self-help libraries; client record transfers; and assessment and analyses
Answer: D Explanation: Databases/FTP sites - research; information resources for counselors; self-help libraries; client record transfers; and assessment and analyses.
If electronic email can be used for counseling; marketing; screening; client/counselor correspondences for scheduling, inter-session monitoring and post-therapeutic follow-up, what for can Chat rooms/electronic discussion groups be used? A. group counseling; self-help; and support B. research; information resources for counselors; self-help libraries; client record transfers; and assessment and analyses C. counseling; homework; referrals; and consultation D. consultation; referrals; resources for information; and professional collegiality
Answer: A Explanation: Chat rooms/electronic discussion groups - group counseling; self-help; and support
Taking into consideration that Epinephrine and norepinephrine are associated with stress reactions, what is the function of Serotonin? A.Associated with stress reactions.B.Allows the transmission of impulses across the synapse.C.Affects neurons in the corpus stratum.D.Associated with sleep disturbances.
Answer: D Explanation: Serotonin - Associated with sleep disturbances.
The personal constructs is based on the belief that an individual's own concepts or constructs are created by the individual in an effort to understand the individual environment. What is an important determinant of one's decisions and behavior? A. Classical Conditioning B.Constructive alternativism C.One-Shot Learning D.Extinction or Forgetting
Answer: B Explanation: Constructive alternativism is an important determinant of one's decisions and behavior.
According to Masters& Johnson, there are four-stage cycles both in men and women regarding sexual responses. How can be the EXCITEMENT PHASE defined? A.The tension prepares the body for orgasm.B.The body changes resulting from stimulation reaching maximum intensity.C.Muscles in female and male sexual organs contract rhythmically.D.Initiated by whatever is stimulating to the person; heart, respiration, and blood pressure rates increase.
Answer: D Explanation: Excitement Phase - Initiated by whatever is stimulating to the person; heart, respiration, and blood pressure rates increase. Erection and engorgements occur.
Taking into consideration that a child is preoccupied with social acceptance, appearance, and material possessions, at what ego development sequence is he? A. Conscientious Stage B. Autonomous Stage C. Integrated Stage D. Conformist Stage
Answer: D Explanation: Conformist Stage - Rules are partially internalized. Transgression results in shame. Trust develops. The child is preoccupied with social acceptance, appearance, and material possessions.
Taking into consideration that Paranoid Schizophrenia involves an organized delusional system or theme such as persecution, what is the Schizophreniform Disorder? A. replicates the Schizophrenia criteria but covers a duration of symptom presence between one and six months B. It involves exclusive psychotic symptoms of delusions, but these are differentiated from Schizophrenia by being labeled \"nonbizzare.\" C. involves the simultaneous presentation of a Schizophrenic and a Mood Disorder D. involves many of the odd and eccentric characteristics of Schizophrenia without presentation of the major clinical criteria
Answer: A Explanation: Schizophreniform Disorder also replicates the Schizophrenia criteria but covers a duration of symptom presence between one and six months.
The Exposure of a developing embryo to certain environmental factors can damage the developing organism and even cause death. What impact can Maternal Diseases have on a delivering mother? A. can cause birth defects B. infant brain damage C. acquired immune deficiency syndrome D. can produce defects by crossing the placental barrier
Answer: D Explanation: Maternal Diseases - Maternal diseases or infections can produce defects by crossing the placental barrier.
The Specificity of the stimulus in case of CLASSICAL CONDITIONING is that a specific stimulus results in a particular response. What is the operant conditioning in this case? A. The response occurs prior to the effect (reward) B. The response is elicited. C. A substitution in stimuli does not take place D. No specific stimulus produces a particular response.
Answer: D Explanation: Specificity of the stimulus: Classical Conditioning: A specific stimulus results in a particular response. Operant conditioning: No specific stimulus produces a particular response.
According to Erikson's developmental theory, there are eight psycho-social stages which unfold with continuity over the life span as the individual endeavors to attain a mature sense of identity. At what developmental stage does the Intimacy vs. Isolation Psycho-social Crisis occur? A. Middle childhood B. Adolescence C. Middle adulthood D. Early adulthood
Answer: A Explanation: Early adulthood:- Intimacy vs. isolation. Sharing one's life with others vs. I'm the only one I can depend on.
If Modeling\" or the acquiring of learning through observation occurs through four processes, what can happen during the MOTIVATION process? A. Reinforcement, either internal/self-reinforcement or external, is required for behavior to be retained and regularly manifested B. Learning does not occur by exposure alone C. The learner must have the capacity to recall his or her memory of the modeled behavior D. The learner uses memory to guide an actual performance of the behavior.
Answer: A Explanation: Motivation - Reinforcement, either internal/self-reinforcement or external, is required for behavior to be retained and regularly manifested.
In a grandmother, old age caused an impaired contact with reality. Which one of the following terms characterizes her situation? A. Self-fulfilling Prophecy B. Retrieval C. REM D. Senile psychosis
Answer: D Explanation: Senile psychosis - mental disorder in which old age causes an impaired contact with reality; more loosely may refer to memory loss.
Piaget's observation of children playing games led him to conclude that children think in two distinct ways about moral issues, depending on their developmental maturity. What can be said about children between the age of 7 and 10? A. Children view rules and justice are as absolutes; they cannot be changed by people B. Children begin to realize that rules are created by people and that intentions and consequences can be taken into consideration. C. Children incorporate old ideas or old habits with new objects thus providing a new event D. Children are thought to be in transition and will exhibit some features of both stages
Answer: D Explanation: Children between 7 and 10 are thought to be in transition and will exhibit some features of both stages.
Taking into consideration that penetrance is the genetic transfer of mental illness or other characteristics from one generation to another, how are the parallel levels of symptoms across family members called? A. concordance B. prevalence C. covalence D. incidence
Answer: A Explanation: concordance - parallel levels of symptoms across family members
In case of CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Stimulus response sequence, the stimulus precedes the response. What happens in case of OPERANT CONDITIONING in this sequence? A. The response is emitted. B. A substitution in stimuli does not take place. C. Goal-seeking activity is primarily involved D. The response occurs prior to the effect (reward)
Answer: D Explanation: OPERANT CONDITIONING: The response occurs prior to the effect (reward). (Child tries to help you. You either say \"Thank you\" or \"Just leave me alone.\")
Taking into consideration that a person is suffering of Paranoid Schizophrenia, what does his behavior involve? A. a primary disturbance of self-care habits or languageB. a primary disruption of motor functioning, either to excess (agitated movement) or to near-paralysis C.the clinician is unable to successfully classify the patient's symptoms into any of the preceding subtype organized delusional system or theme such as persecution
Answer: D Explanation: the clinician is unable to successfully classify the patient's symptoms into any of the preceding subtype descriptions.
Taking into consideration that Epinephrine and norepinephrine are associated with stress reactions, what is the function of Epinephrine and norepinephrine? A.Associated with sleep disturbances.B.Allows the transmission of impulses across the synapse.C.Affects neurons in the corpus stratum.D.Associated with stress reactions.
Answer: D Explanation: Epinephrine and norepinephrine - Associated with stress reactions.
Mental growth comes as an individual deals with the inconsistencies (the tension) between his/her assimilation and accommodation. How is the quality of not being able to view an object from another's vantage point called? A. Reversibility B. Egocentrism C. Conservation D. Centration
Answer: B Explanation: Egocentrism - the quality of not being able to view an object from another's vantage point.
From birth to 4 months, an infant wages 10-18 pounds and has a length of 23-27 inches. What can be said about the social and emotional development at this age? A.Shows fear of falling from high placesB.Smiles and pats at own reflection in mirrorC.Does not want mother to leaveD.Loves to be touched and held closely
Answer: D Explanation: Social and Emotional Development: the infant loves to be touched and held closely, and among others, anticipates being lifted and bables, coos and gurgles.
After being separated from her mom for 5 days, the baby shows DISORGANIZED ATTACHMENT behavior at the caregiver's return. How can her behavior be more closely described? A.The baby seems confused, may physically approach the mother but not look at her.B. The baby uses the mother as a secure base from which to explore the environmentC. The baby ignores the caregiver, avoids direct contact.D. The baby resists the caregiver, perhaps kicks and pushes away.
Answer: A Explanation: Disorganized attachment - The baby seems confused, may physically approach the mother but not look at her.
After being separated from her mom for 13 days, the baby shows AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT behavior at the caregiver's return. How can her behavior be more closely described? A. The baby uses the mother as a secure base from which to explore the environmentB.The baby resists the caregiver, perhaps kicks and pushes away.C. The baby seems confused, may physically approach the mother but not look at her.D.The baby ignores the caregiver, avoids direct contact.
Answer: D Explanation: Avoidant attachment - The baby ignores the caregiver, avoids direct contact.
During the embryonic (second through eighth weeks) and fetal stages (last seven months on average) of pregnancy, maternal characteristics and external environmental forces (teratogens) have a major effect on the baby's development. What is the risk for adolescent mothers? with Down syndromeC.diabetes occurrenceD.premature babies
Answer: D Explanation: 'Adolescent mothers often have premature babies, and the mortality rate of infants born to adolescent mothers is double that of mothers in their twenties.
For a 2 years old child, the toys are the focus until school tears begin at the age of 6. What is aggressive behavior influenced by? A.SelfishnessB.IndependenceC.Absence of the caregiverD.the reinforcers used for the behavior
Answer: D Explanation: Aggressive behavior is influenced by the reinforcers used for the behavior, the models of aggressive behavior seen by the child and the amount of guilt or anxiety associated with aggressive behavior.
Taking into consideration that Tolerance refers to the need for ever increasingly larger doses of a drug to obtain the initial effect of the original dose, how can be the Dependence defined? A.drug-produced condition characterized by both tolerance and dependence B.pattern of behaviors wherein one is driven to use the drug and to act in ways that guarantee its availability C.perceptual disorders, disrupted attentional impairment and disoriented person D.the need for continued or repeated use of a drug in order to maintain a particular desired state which includes the avoidance of withdrawal
Answer: D Explanation: Dependence refers to the need for continued or repeated use of a drug in order to maintain a particular desired state which includes the avoidance of withdrawal.
Taking into consideration that more males commit suicide than females, which of the following statement about females is correct? A. Females are more active B. Females show less self-regulation of behavior C. Females show less self-regulation of hormones D. More females attempt suicide than males.
Answer: D Explanation: More females attempt suicide than males. Perhaps males are more successful because they will use more lethal means.
Taking into consideration that Bob's and Clara's parenting style can be defined as Authoritative, what characteristics does it have? A.parents have definite standards B.Parents are keeping hands off and letting children \"be themselves\" C.Parents have high self-esteem and high expectations D.parents deliberately try to shape the behavior of the child according to their own standards of conduct
Answer: D Explanation: Authoritative - This is the most effective form of parenting. The parents have definite standards, but they also encourage the child to be independent and will solicit the child's opinions at times.
A teenage mother gives birth to a relatively healthy baby that experiences 3 weeks after the birth crib death. What might have most probably caused this problem? A.Aspirin use B.Rubella C.AIDS D.Barbiturates
Answer: D Explanation: drug usage (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc.) compromises the health of both the mother and the baby and increases the risk of birth abnormalities, hyperirritability, crib death, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and still birth.
Cognitive development is influenced by such factors as culture, evolution, integration, and language. What does the Integration Factor imply? A. brain evolved to its larger size due to new selection pressures after the introduction of various tools B. Objects have meaning only with respect to the actions performed on them C. Knowledge is based heavily on images which stand for perceptual events D. cognitive maturation results from integration of acts and skills and what he called \"blueprints\" or plans of higher order combinations
Answer: D Explanation: 'Integration - Bruner believed that there are few simple, individual adult acts that cannot be performed by a child. He theorized that cognitive maturation results from integration of acts and skills and what he called \"blueprints\" or plans of higher order combinations. He asserted that language is the means by which such plans are generated, not the other way around.
Taking into consideration that the Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Model explains abnormality in terms of internal (intrapsychic, unconscious) dynamics at work within the individual, which of the following statements refers to Existential Models? A. the cognitive-behavioral position emphasizes the role of mental factors to explain abnormality, primarily through cognitive distortions (Beck) or irrational thinking (Ellis) B. Emphasize the role of personal meaning and coming to term with one's inevitable death. C. the human being as an organism made up of numerous biologic and biochemical systems which are primarily responsible for determining adjustment, behavior, and disorders D. Abnormality is hypothesized to result when one is not treated or loved unconditionally, resulting in a failure to fully grow and self-actualize.
Answer: B Explanation: Existential Models: emphasize the role of personal meaning and coming to term with one's inevitable death.
Taking into consideration that the practice of \"trephining,\" an \"operation\" performed by the medicine man, consisted of chipping a circular hole in an area of the skull (a \"trephine\") which was believed to allow the evil spirit who was causing all the trouble to escape was specific for Stone Age, what civilization provided some of the earliest written evidence of treatment of disease and behavior disorders, including a detailed description of the treatment of wounds and other surgical operations? A. Babylonians B. Persians C. Greeks D. Ancient Egypt
Answer: D Explanation: Ancient Egypt: Writings from the 16th century B.C. provide some of the earliest written evidence of treatment of disease and behavior disorders, including a detailed description of the treatment of wounds and other surgical operations.
Exposure of a developing embryo or fetus to certain environmental factors can damage the developing organism or even cause death. What can HIV teratogen cause? A. facial deformities B. death of the newborn C. defective limbs D. mental retardation
Answer: B Explanation: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can result in birth defects, illness, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and death of the newborn.
According to Masters& Johnson, there are four-stage cycles both in men and women regarding sexual responses. Which of the following statements is characterizing the RESOLUTION PHASE? A. A lessening of sexual tension as the person returns to the unstimulated state B. Initiated by whatever is stimulating to the person; heart, respiration, and blood pressure rates increase C. The tension prepares the body for orgasm. D. The body changes resulting from stimulation reaching maximum intensity.
Answer: A Explanation: Resolution Phase - A lessening of sexual tension as the person returns to the unstimulated state.
Taking into consideration that a mother takes MARIJUANA during the pregnancy period, what effect can this have on the fetus? A. crib death B. lower birth weights and pre-term births C. skill defects D. pre-term birth
Answer: A Explanation: Other drug usage (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc.) compromises the health of both the mother and the baby and increases the risk of birth abnormalities, hyperirritability, crib death, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and still birth.
Exposure of a developing embryo or fetus to certain environmental factors can damage the developing organism or even cause death. What impact can Maternal Diseases have on a delivering mother? A. can cause birth defects B. infant brain damage C. acquired immune deficiency syndrome D. can produce defects by crossing the placental barrier
Answer: D Explanation: Maternal Diseases - Maternal diseases or infections can produce defects by crossing the placental barrier.
Taking into consideration that a fetus has been exposed to X-rays for 6 months before his birth, what effect can this have on his health? A. Visual discrimination and memory skill problem B. retarded growth, mental retardation C. cerebral palsy D. mental retardation
Answer: D Explanation: X-rays can cause retarded growth, mental retardation, and leukemia.
Taking into consideration that the activity rate, rhythmicity, adaptability to new experiences, general mood, and intensity of response as products/factors of inherited temperament, how can be the slow-to-warm-up temper defined? A. low adaptability B. slow to accept new experiences C. quickly establishes routines D. has a low activity level
Answer: A Explanation: Slow-to-warm-up - Is somewhat negative, has a low activity level, shows low adaptability and low mood intensity.
There are 3 stages of adulthood defined by Erikson based on the Psycho-Social Crises that individuals encounter. What characterizes the late adulthood stage? A. Person formulates plans to leave a legacy B. Person learns to be intimate with others C. Person becomes aware of its boundaries and limits D. Person evaluates whether life has been worthwhile
Answer: D Explanation: In late adulthood, the individual evaluates whether life has been worthwhile and has, therefore, been lived with integrity.
There are 3 stages of adulthood defined by Erikson based on the Psycho-Social Crises that individuals encounter. What characterizes the early adulthood stage? A. Person learns to be intimate with others B. Person formulates plans to leave a legacy C. Person evaluates whether life has been worthwhile D. Person becomes aware of its boundaries and limits
Answer: A Explanation: In early adulthood, the task of the individual is to learn to be intimate with others. A lack of intimacy results in isolation, depending only on oneself.
At Late Adolescence, the abstract logical thinking is developed. What are the social characteristics that develop at this stage in an adolescent? A. Concerned with the larger world B. Identifies with group C. Identifies with same-sex parent D. Peer group and out-of-family relationships are important
Answer: A Explanation: At Late Adolescence, adolescents are with the larger world.
Taking into consideration that the area of emotional expression is more active in females, which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Females are less likely to die or to develop physical or mental disorders. B. Males have longer bones and are approximately 10 percent taller than females. C. the area of physical expression is more active in males D. Men are less likely to die or to develop physical or mental disorders.
Answer: D Explanation: Females are less likely to die or to develop physical or mental disorders.
Taking into consideration that a person has the following symptoms: perceptual disorders, disrupted attentional impairment and he is disoriented, what diagnosis would be accurate for his disease? A. Dementia B. Mild mental retardation C. Severe mental retardation D. Delirium
Answer: D Explanation: Delirium: perceptual disorders, disrupted attentional impairment and disoriented person.
There are four stages of attachment in human infants defined according to different life stages. What is the typical behavior for an infant from 7 months to 2 years? A. the child actively seeks close contact with the caretaker B. the infant uses signaling behavior to establish contact with others C. the infant begins to show a preference for a familiar person D. the relationship between the child and the caretaker evolves into a give-and-take relationship
Answer: A Explanation: Active Proximity Seeking - From seven months to two years, the child actively seeks close contact with the caretaker.
Taking into consideration that a mother takes ASPIRIN during the pregnancy period, what effect can this have on the fetus? A. lower birth weights and pre-term births B. hyperirritability C. crib death D. skill defects
Answer: D Explanation: Aspirin usage can cause intelligence, attention, and motor skill deficits.
Stage Theorists Believe development proceeds in a sequential, fixed manner. What do Learning Theorists emphasize? A. Emphasize internal motivations. B. Stress the predictable continuum of operations in effect at various stages. C. Believe development proceeds in a sequential, fixed manner. D. Emphasize external environmental forces.
Answer: D Explanation: Learning Theorists emphasize external environmental forces.
Exposure of a developing embryo or fetus to certain environmental factors can damage the developing organism or even cause death. What stamen about the teratogen types is incorrect? A. Genital herpes can cause lower birth weights B. Maternal Diseases - Maternal diseases or infections can produce defects by crossing the placental barrier. C. Rubella (German measles) and syphilis can cause birth defects. D. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can result in birth defects, illness, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and death of the newborn
Answer: A Explanation: Genital herpes can cause infant death or brain damage.
Schizophrenia involves a qualitative impairment in functioning, including in the most severe conditions a loss of contact with reality. Taking into consideration that a person suffers of schizophrenia and is in the Avolition phase, how can be his behavior characterized? A. not able to enjoy normally enjoyable experiences B. without will; no desires C. without a drive for achievement D. diminished thinking ability
Answer: B Explanation: Avolition - without will; no desires
The first developmental stage of a human being is Infancy (birth-2 weeks). What is characteristic for this stage? A. Erikson's trust vs. mistrust stage applies. B. Bonding/attachment takes place C. Children exhibit a gradual decrease in helplessness D. umbilical cord falling from the navel and the child regaining weight lost at birth
Answer: D Explanation: This stage is marked by the umbilical cord falling from the navel and the child regaining weight lost at birth.
Taking into consideration that the Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Model explains abnormality in terms of internal (intrapsychic, unconscious) dynamics at work within the individual, which of the following statements refers to Client-Centered Model? A. Applies the laws of learning, motivation, and conditioning to explain abnormality in terms of behavioral excesses and deficits. B. Abnormality is hypothesized to result when one is not treated or loved unconditionally, resulting in a failure to fully grow and self-actualize. C. the cognitive-behavioral position emphasizes the role of mental factors to explain abnormality, primarily through cognitive distortions (Beck) or irrational thinking (Ellis) D. the human being as an organism made up of numerous biologic and biochemical systems which are primarily responsible for determining adjustment, behavior, and disorders
Answer: B Explanation: Client-Centered Model: abnormality is hypothesized to result when one is not treated or loved unconditionally, resulting in a failure to fully grow and self-actualize.
Null Hypothesis: no significant difference found between subjects' scores on the communication scale with respect to their success in forming friendships as measured by a sociogram. To what does the Simple Random Sample Technique refer to? A. Representative items/subjects are divided into parts (grades, ages, income, test scores, etc.) B. Parts that go together are researched/studied together (neighborhood, class, etc.). C. systematic rule of selection or predictable interval is employed D. each item/subject in a sample is considered to have an equal, independent chance of being selected \"into\" the sample
Answer: D Explanation: the Simple Random Sample Technique: each item/subject in a sample is considered to have an equal, independent chance of being selected \"into\" the sample
Taking into consideration that Jim suffers of sleep disturbances, what neuro-transmitter has that effect on him? A. Serotonin B. Epinephrine and norepinephrine C. Acetylcholine D. Dopamine
Answer: A Explanation: Serotonin - Associated with sleep disturbances.
Taking into consideration that Sienna was diagnosed with Paranoid Personality disorder, what patterns characterized her behavior? A. disinterested in social relationships, socially apathetic B. a pattern of acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive/perceptual distortions, and behavioral eccentricities C. a pattern of disregard for and violation of the right's of others D. a pattern of distrust and suspiciousness such that other's motives are interpreted as malevolent
Answer: D Explanation: Paranoid Personality disorder: a pattern of distrust and suspiciousness such that other's motives are interpreted as malevolent
Gould (1978) links stage and crisis in his developmental transformations approach: false assumptions (myths) are challenged and transformed at every stage. What is the development at 35-43? A. Questioning identity and roles B. May experience dissatisfaction in career or marriage C. Awareness of mortality D. A general mellowing evolves with an increased tolerance
Answer: C Explanation: 35 - 43: Awareness of mortality. Goals are evaluated and realigned
Taking into consideration that a person suffers of a disorder conceptualized as a clinically-significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associated with distress, disability, or an increased risk of suffering, what type of disorder is he suffering of? A. Anxiety B. Depression C. Mental disorder D. Turner's syndrome
Answer: C Explanation: The definition of a mental disorder presented in the Introduction to the DSM-IV conceptualizes a disorder as a clinically-significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associated with distress, disability, or an increased risk of suffering.
A baby makes a small sound; mom smiles and says words that sound like the infant's; this continues until the infant makes a sound that is a recognized word. How is this process called? A. Successive approximation B. Successive reasoning C. UCS D. UCR
Answer: A Explanation: Successive approximation - increments of change toward a desired behavior are reinforced, thereby shaping the response into the desired behavior.
Considering that Social Class Membership is the occupation and income of parents, education of parents, place and type of residence, ethnic background, how can Role Perception be defined? A. the individual's perception of self as a leader, follower, isolate, as well as the degree to which the individual's perception is in accord with the way others see him B. relationships with peers and faculty C. group goals and values, special opportunities or influences D. the degree to which an individual or his/her family has come under any particular influence
Answer: A Explanation: Role Perception - describes the individual's perception of self as a leader, follower, isolate, as well as the degree to which the individual's perception is in accord with the way others see him.
If in the 4-10 years (Fantasy) of a human being's life needs are dominant; role-playing in fantasy is important, what is characteristic for the Interest stage? A. Abilities are given more weight and job requirements are considered B. developing a realistic self-concept, and learning more about various opportunities C. Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered D. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities
Answer: D Explanation: Interest (11 - 12 years) - Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities.
If in the 4-10 years (Fantasy) of a human being's life needs are dominant; role-playing in fantasy is important, what is characteristic for the Capacity stage? A. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities B. developing a realistic self-concept, and learning more about various opportunities C. Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered D. Abilities are given more weight and job requirements are considered
Answer: D Explanation: Capacity (13 - 14 years) - Abilities are given more weight and job requirements are considered
If in the 4-10 years (Fantasy) of a human being's life needs are dominant; role-playing in fantasy is important, what is characteristic for the Exploration Life Stage? A. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities B. Abilities are given more weight and job requirements are considered C. Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered D. developing a realistic self-concept, and learning more about various opportunities
Answer: D Explanation: Exploration Life Stage Tasks (14 - 24 years) Implementing a vocational preference, developing a realistic self-concept, and learning more about various opportunities.
If in the 4-10 years (Fantasy) of a human being's life needs are dominant; role-playing in fantasy is important, what is characteristic for the Tentative Life Stage? A. Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered B. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities C. Abilities are given more weight and job requirements are considered D. developing a realistic self-concept, and learning more about various opportunities
Answer: A Explanation: Tentative (14 - 15 years) - Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered; tentative choices are made and tried out in fantasy, discussion, courses, work.
If at the Tentative Stage (14 - 15 years) - Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered and tentative choices are made and tried out in fantasy, discussion, courses, work, what is the TASK of this stage? A. Specifying a vocational preference B. Implementing a vocational preference C. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities D. Crystallizing a vocational preference
Answer: D Explanation: Tentative Stage TASK: Task: Crystallizing a vocational preference.
If at the Tentative Stage (14 - 15 years) - Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered and tentative choices are made and tried out in fantasy, discussion, courses, work, what is the TASK of the Transition stage? A. Crystallizing a vocational preference B. Implementing a vocational preference C. Likes are the major determinant of aspirations and activities D. Specifying a vocational preference
Answer: D Explanation: Transition stage: Specifying a vocational preference
If at the Tentative Stage (14 - 15 years) - Needs, interests, capacities, values, and opportunities are all considered and tentative choices are made and tried out in fantasy, discussion, courses, work, what is characteristic for the Trial (with) Little Commitment Stage? A. Finding opportunity to do desired work, learning to relate to others, consolidation and advancement, making occupational position secure, and settling down into a permanent position B. Having made a place in the world of work, the concern is how to hold on to it C. doing things one has always wanted to do D. job is located and is tried out as a potential for life work
Answer: D Explanation: Trial (with) Little Commitment (22 - 24 years): A seemingly appropriate occupation having been found, a first job is located and is tried out as a potential for life work.
In case that a counselor uses the Agoraphobia technique with a client, what does this procedure basically include? A. Aversive therapy B. the chaining together of a sequence of behaviors to produce a more complex behavior C. Graded exposure and flooding D. Systematic desensitization for simple phobias
Answer: C Explanation: Agoraphobia - Graded exposure and flooding.
A therapist is modifying his language, tone, or style in order to join with the client (Accommodation). What does the Maintenance Structural Technique include? A. use of clarification or amplification of communication to reinforce individuals or subsystems B. the adoption of the clients' communication style by the therapist C. techniques that directly impact the family structure D. act of the therapist focusing or highlighting certain behaviors in order to increase the functional aspects of the family structure
Answer: D Explanation: Maintenance is the act of the therapist focusing or highlighting certain behaviors in order to increase the functional aspects of the family structure.
According to the theory of motivational processes, man is basically a survivor and responds in such a way as to insure his continued existence. What is the learned association between the drive and the behavior that reduces stimulation? A. Habit B. Drive C. Arousal D. Anxiety
Answer: A Explanation: According to the theory, stimulation associated with any of these variables arouses behavior that aims to reduce or eliminate the stimulation. This learned association between the drive and the behavior that reduces it is called a habit.
A child plays beside others and mimics their play but does not interact with the others. How is this called? A. Solitary play B. Associative play C. Unoccupied play D. Parallel play
Answer: D Explanation: Parallel play - Child plays beside others and mimics their play but does not interact with the others.
Taking into consideration that the Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Model explains abnormality in terms of internal (intrapsychic, unconscious) dynamics at work within the individual, which of the following statements refers to Systemic Model? A. Emphasize the role of personal meaning and coming to term with one's inevitable death. B. the cognitive-behavioral position emphasizes the role of mental factors to explain abnormality, primarily through cognitive distortions (Beck) or irrational thinking (Ellis) C. Argues that disorders occur in systems (e.g. the family) rather than in individuals and emphasizes concepts of homoeostasis, individual roles within systems, and poor communication patterns D. the human being as an organism made up of numerous biologic and biochemical systems which are primarily responsible for determining adjustment, behavior, and disorders
Answer: C Explanation: Systemic Model: argues that disorders occur in systems (e.g. the family) rather than in individuals and emphasizes concepts of homoeostasis, individual roles within systems, and poor communication patterns.
The concept of time refers to the understanding that events take place one after the other. To what does CAUSALITY refer to? A. the understanding that an object can return to its former shape B. the understanding that the child can cause something to happen C. drawing appropriate conclusions from facts D. the quality of focusing on a key feature rather than on the whole object
Answer: A Explanation: Causality refers to the understanding that the child can cause something to happen.
A teenage mother gives birth to a hyperirritable baby. What might have most probably caused this problem? A. Aspirin use B. Rubella C. AIDS D. Marijuana
Answer: D Explanation: Other drug usage (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc.) compromises the health of both the mother and the baby and increases the risk of birth abnormalities, hyperirritability, crib death, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and still birth.
Taking into consideration that Nosology is the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease, how can be EEG defined according to it? A. the graphic measure of the alpha waves of the brain B. the biological condition directing behavior toward a goal C. the classification of mental retardation that is caused by an extra chromosome; sometimes called mongolism D. the automatic repetition by someone of words spoken in his or her presence
Answer: A Explanation: EEG or Electroencephalogram - the graphic measure of the alpha waves of the brain.
A child's reinforced for a behavior in one setting and punished in another: yelling on the playground is acceptable; yelling at a funeral is not. What by is the reflexive behavior produced? A. environmental stimuli B. conditioned stimuli C. curiosity stimuli D. responses controlled by stimuli present at the time of reinforcement or punishment
Answer: D Explanation: responses controlled by stimuli present at the time of reinforcement or punishment (a child reinforced for a behavior in one setting and punished in another, i.e. yelling on the playground is acceptable; yelling at a funeral is not)
A therapist is modifying his language, tone, or style in order to join with the client (Accommodation). What does the Enactment Technique include? A. occurs when the therapist directs the family to perform an interaction B. use of clarification or amplification of communication to reinforce individuals or subsystems C. the adoption of the clients' communication style by the therapist D. techniques that directly impact the family structure
Answer: A Explanation: Enactment occurs when the therapist directs the family to perform an interaction.
A therapist is modifying his language, tone, or style in order to join with the client (Accommodation). What does the Escalation of stress Technique include? A. the heightening of tension in the family in order to force the members to accept the restructuring occurs when the therapist directs the family to perform an interaction B. use of clarification or amplification of communication to reinforce individuals or subsystems C. the adoption of the clients' communication style by the therapist D. making takes place as the therapist assists the family in renegotiating old rules
Answer: A Explanation: Escalation of stress is the heightening of tension in the family in order to force the members to accept the restructuring.
Taking into consideration that Nosology is the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease, what is Hedonism? A. the fundamental constitution of an organism in terms of its hereditary factors B. the mental process of converting external stimuli into meaningful forms (memory) C. expressing an entire sentence or phrase in one word, like a child's command D. a person always acts in such a way as to seek pleasure and to avoid pain
Answer: D Explanation: Hedonism - a person always acts in such a way as to seek pleasure and to avoid pain.
Modeling\" or the acquiring of learning through observation occurs through four processes. What happens during the MOTIVATION process? A. Reinforcement, either internal/self-reinforcement or external, is required for behavior to be retained and regularly manifested. B. Learning does not occur by exposure alone C. The learner must have the capacity to recall his or her memory of the modeled behavior D. The learner uses memory to guide an actual performance of the behavior.
Answer: A Explanation: Motivation - Reinforcement, either internal/self-reinforcement or external, is required for behavior to be retained and regularly manifested.
Taking into consideration that penetrance is the genetic transfer of mental illness or other characteristics from one generation to another, how is the number of existing cases at a point in time called? A. covalence B. concordance C. incidence D. prevalence
Answer: D Explanation: prevalence - number of existing cases at a point in time
A 9 months old child actively seeks close contact with the caretaker. What attachment stage is the infant in? A. Active Proximity Seeking B. Social Responsiveness C. Partnership Behavior D. Discriminating Social Responsiveness
Answer: A Explanation: Active Proximity Seeking - From seven months to two years, the child actively seeks close contact with the caretaker.
There are 4 stages of adult development related to parenting (Rossi). How can be the Disengagement defined? A. The child leaving home B. The formation of parent-child attachments; C. The adapting of parents to the child's demands as the child passes from infancy through adolescence D. The adjustment to pregnancy and new responsibilities
Answer: A Explanation: Disengagement: The child leaving home.
Christopher is sitting at a slot machine putting in quarters and knows that might be a chance of winning, but doesn't know how many quarters he'll have to put in before winning. What type of Reinforcement can we talk about in this case? A. Fixed-interval schedule B. Fixed-ratio schedule C. Variable-ratio schedule D. Variable-interval schedule
Answer: D Explanation: Variable-ratio schedule: The number of responses required before being reinforced is unpredictable/continually changing.
Taking into consideration that Epinephrine and norepinephrine are associated with stress reactions, what is the function of Dopamine? A. Affects neurons in the corpus stratum. B. Associated with sleep disturbances. C. Associated with stress reactions. D. Allows the transmission of impulses across the synapse.
Answer: A Explanation: Dopamine - Affects neurons in the corpus stratum.
Taking into consideration that a person accepts new roles and activities and life, how is it called the Adulthood Stage he is in? A. Middle Adulthood or Middle Age B. Very Old Age C. Post- Middle Adulthood Crisis D. Later Adulthood or Later Maturity
Answer: D Explanation: The Later Adulthood or Later Maturity tasks are accept new roles and activities, accept life and formulate a viewpoint on death.
Taking into consideration that Discrimination is the ability to recognize distinct features of similar, but non-identical things, how can it be defined in learning? A. the unfolding of inherited biological patterns B. enduring changes in behavior that take place as the result of experience C. biological condition directing behavior toward a goal D. the ability to withhold a behavioral response except in the presence of specific stimuli
Answer: D Explanation: In learning, Discrimination is the ability to withhold a behavioral response except in the presence of specific stimuli
In case of OPERANT CONDITIONING role of stimulus response sequence, the response is emitted. What happens in case of Classical Conditioning in this sequence? A. The response occurs prior to the effect (reward) B. A substitution in stimuli does not take place. C. Goal-seeking activity is primarily involved D. The response is elicited.
Answer: D Explanation: In case of Classical Conditioning in this sequence, the response is elicited (by the alarm clock) is elicited.
Parten's six play categories emphasize the role of play in the child's social world. What statement refers to ONLOOKER PLAY? A. Child is not engaged and not interested in play. B. Child watches others to play C. Child plays beside others and mimics their play but does not interact with the others. D. Play involves social interaction with little or no organization.
Answer: B Explanation: Onlooker play - Child watches others play (with active interest).
Taking into consideration that Paranoid Schizophrenia involves an organized delusional system or theme such as persecution, what is the Schizotypal Personality Disorder? A. It involves exclusive psychotic symptoms of delusions, but these are differentiated from Schizophrenia by being labeled \"nonbizzare.\" B. involves the simultaneous presentation of a Schizophrenic and a Mood Disorder C. replicates the Schizophrenia criteria but covers a duration of symptom presence between one and six months D. involves many of the odd and eccentric characteristics of Schizophrenia without presentation of the major clinical criteria
Answer: D Explanation: Schizotypal Personality Disorder involves many of the odd and eccentric characteristics of Schizophrenia without presentation of the major clinical criteria (hallucinations, delusions, or gross disorganization).
Contemporary researchers emphasize both the cognitive and social aspects of play. Which of the following statements refers to Constructive Play? A. The repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned or perfected. B. Involves social interaction with peers. C. The self-regulated creation or construction of a product or a problem solution. D. Behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas.
Answer: C Explanation: Constructive play - The self-regulated creation or construction of a product or a problem solution. Requires combining sensorimotor/practice repetitive activity with symbolic representation of ideas.
Pete was just diagnosed with Dependant Personality Disorder. On what symptoms criteria did the doctors diagnosed him? A. a pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of B. a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking C. an inflated or grandiose sense of self; expects others to see them as specially gifted D. so highly sensitive to criticism and rejection that they may refuse to enter into social relationships
Answer: A Explanation: Dependant Personality Disorder: a pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of
Brian's parents deliberately try to shape the behavior of the child according to their own standards of conduct. How can be their parenting style defined? A. Permissive B. Authoritarian C. Authoritative D. Hostile
Answer: B Explanation: Authoritarian - The parents deliberately try to shape the behavior of the child according to their own standards of conduct.
Taking into consideration that Bob suffers of moderate and trainable mental retardation, what IQ score must he have? A. 50-70 B. 20-40 C. Below 20 D. 35-55
Answer: D Explanation: Moderate Mental retardation: IQ 35-55.
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