Role of religion and spirituality in bereavement and counselling Essay Example
Although death is an inevitability in human existence, its timing remains unpredictable. However, experiencing the loss of a loved one or witnessing death can elicit intense emotional distress and sorrow. Over time, people have sought ways to manage grief and overcome loss, yet no method has proven to be a quick remedy for pain. Typically, the process starts with denial and advances to unbridled anger. Nonetheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that life must carry on despite bereavement; hence we must find means of regulating our emotions and moving forward.
Learning to manage loss is crucial for our overall health and well-being, as life goes on. Nevertheless, dealing with the overwhelming emotions of grief can prove challenging. Timothy Shriver acknowledges in "Religion from the Heart" that few people are successful in properly handling their so
...rrow. The way individuals cope with loss varies; some may react by screaming, yelling or withdrawing, while others might be paralyzed by shock before accepting their circumstances.
It can be difficult to handle grief and death, but it's not advised to isolate oneself. I personally faced great sadness when my aunt died from cancer three years ago. Despite her long-term agony, she always put on a brave front and concealed her discomfort with a gentle smile during our time together. She was my favorite aunt, and we had built a close relationship over the years, with her frequently staying with us for important events.
Someone special consistently supported and shielded me from my mother's anger throughout my life, and we shared a strong bond. Our shopping trips were filled with generosity as she bought me gifts. However, after their passing, I foun
it difficult to accept the reality of such a significant loss. Waiting by the phone for reassurance that everything was okay became routine, but sadly that call never came. Counseling from my mother was necessary to help me come to terms with the fact that they were content in their new home in heaven.
Coping with the death of someone can take various forms, and for me, it wasn't the most ideal. However, it did bring some relief to my suffering. It's important to note that grieving involves a connection to the spiritual side, which is often emphasized by counselors. Author Sandy Fox shares similar insights in her book, I Have No Intentions of Saying Goodbye: Surviving Grief - Death of a Child (2001, 17). Fox discovered that parents who were grieving the loss of their children sought answers and comfort through their religious beliefs.
Counseling services in the United States aim to help friends and families dealing with spiritual bereavement, with the goal of helping individuals regain their sense of self and find happiness. Interactive therapy is encouraged to address emotional and spiritual aspects while allowing individuals to express their emotions towards the deceased loved one. Sandy Fox advises paying attention to any signs of contact such as dreams, music or visions that may ease the grieving process. A holistic approach is necessary for overcoming grief.
While it may seem mystical, it is important to note that bereavement counselors often bring religion and spirituality into the process of coping with death. They emphasize that though physical interaction with the dead may have abruptly ended, our relationship with them has not been severed. Memories of the
good and bad moments we shared continue to be cherished. Those who have lost loved ones understand that their thoughts and memories of interactions live on, despite physical absence. This is why many report still receiving contacts from their departed loved ones. It is a common feeling and should not be unsettling.
Although it cannot be validated, it is crucial to express these emotions to individuals we feel at ease with, particularly those who have confronted bereavement in the past (Tschudin, V, 190). The loss of a significant other may lead to a crisis of identity, resulting in spiritual frailty, as well as triggering feelings of culpability or rage. The loss of a mother by a child, who is the sole person they know and care for in this world, may be incredibly catastrophic. Similarly, parents losing their children can be incredibly devastating considering all the love and aspirations they had for them.
Disillusionment is an inevitable outcome, and to address it, several bereavement counseling centers have been established in the United States. These are mostly non-denominational and always include religious inspiration in their counseling. Research on grief and bereavement suggests that individuals who maintain their spiritual beliefs are better equipped to deal with grief. Bereavement counselors stress the importance of seeking spiritual guidance from a pastor or rabbi for religious perspectives on death as they offer more comfort than secular views.
It is important to recognize that people are most vulnerable when experiencing grief, making them susceptible to false spiritual leaders. Seeking their guidance while in a state of extreme distress is unwise (Clements, P. T.).
The Prayer Wave for After Death Communication is a spiritual bereavement
counseling center located in the United States, founded by Vigil and Manno in the year 20.
These groups aim to assist individuals in coping with the grief and sorrow that accompany the loss of a loved one. In the United States, most of these groups provide phone support and have a nationwide presence. They place emphasis on spirituality, encouraging people to deepen their relationship with God as it can aid in comprehending the grieving process. Religion provides immense solace to those who are in distress. Grief often elicits self-pity, which can be alleviated through spiritual fortitude.
Psychiatrists have recognized the importance of funerals in helping individuals deal with the effects of grief. According to Delzoppo (46), funerals can alleviate the desolation that often accompanies grief by providing spiritual rituals that offer therapeutic value. For instance, hearing a pastor speak about the deceased being in heaven can be comforting. In my personal experience at my aunt's funeral, listening to religious leaders speak about death and heaven changed my perspective of my aunt.
The author, L.W Easterling, discusses how older widows cope with grief and loss. Many women find the loss of their spouse devastating, and turn to strengthening their religious beliefs to ensure a positive attitude afterwards (Easterling, L.W, 265). Psychiatrists and counselors note the role of religion in helping individuals interact with others after a significant loss.
Experiencing bereavement may lead to isolation and depressive thoughts, but religious and spiritual beliefs can unite individuals who share similar views. Religious and spiritual counseling groups in America offer collective and personal therapy to assist people in dealing with sorrow after the loss of a loved one. These groups provide spiritual
advice and motivation to help those undergoing bereavement.
Using phone therapy, grieving individuals can connect with their spirituality, understand the nature of loss, and develop a religious perspective on death. This type of therapy also offers solace by emphasizing that one is not alone and that God is always present.
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