Role of Personal Values and Ethical Standards Essay Example
When making decisions that conflict on personal ethics and instincts, the general moral principles for the common good of all comes into play. As an individual, I rely on deontological ethical approach developed by Kant on ethics. The theory asserts that rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the ability of the action to fulfill a duty (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016). Therefore, all actions should serve in attaining the common good of the majority. As such, it is indicative that while some decisions may lead to personal benefit, they may lead to adverse effects on the society. Where such a situation arises, one should abandon the personal benefit derived for the benefit of the society that serves as the majority.
Personal values play a significant role in decision making as the values serve as determiners of the outcomes set
...by individuals and the decisions are made towards achieving those outcomes. As such, decision making is organized in a manner that ensures matching personal values (Audi, 2004). The personal and ethical values that I consider important comprise of achievement, integrity and honesty. My decision making has always strived towards observing these values.
A notable example that signifies my trust on intuition as well as ethical beliefs is evidenced in an incident where I was employed to work at retail stall. At the retail business, the business owner required all workers to deduct some units per every kilogram of product sold. The deducted grams were them sold to the same customers with the same price as equally units. Feeling that my intuition and ethical beliefs were under threat, I questioned the business owner about the unethical practice. When
we failed to arrive at an agreement, I made a decision to quit the job.
- Audi, R. (2004). The good in the right: A theory of intuition and intrinsic value. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2016, July 7). Kant's Moral Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/
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