RHIT – ICD-10-CM – Chapter 2 Guidelines – Neoplasms – Flashcards
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When a patient is admitted because of a primary neoplasm with metastasis and treatment is directed towards the secondary site only
Secondary neoplasm is PPDX even though primary is still present
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When admission/encounter is for management of an anemia associated with the malignancy and the treatment is only for anemia
Malignancy is PPDX followed by the code for the anemia (there's one that is due to neoplastic disease, D63)
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When the admission/encounter is for management of an anemia associated with an adverse effect of the administration of chemotherapy or immunotherapy and the treatment is for the anemia
Anemia code is sequenced first followed by the appropriate codes for the neoplasm and the adverse effect of the drugs
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When the admission/encounter is for management of an anemia associated with an adverse effect of radiotherapy
Anemia code is sequenced first followed by the neoplasm code and then Y84.2, Radiological procedure and radiotherapy as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
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When the admission/encounter is for management of dehydration due to the malignancy and only the dehydration is being treated (IV)
Dehydration is sequenced first, followed by the code(s) for the malignancy
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When the admission/encounter is for treatment of a complication resulting from a surgical procedure and treatment is directed at resolving the complication
Complication is PPDX or first-listed diagnosis
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When a primary malignancy has been previously excised or eradicated from its site and there is no further treatment directed at that site and also no evidence of any existing primary malignancy
Code from category Z85, personal history of malignant neoplasm Any mention of extension, invasion, or metastasis to another site is coded as a secondary malignant neoplasm to that site. The secondary site may be the PPDX/first-listed with the Z85 code used as a secondary code
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When an episode of care involves the surgical removal of a neoplasm, primary or secondary site, followed by adjunct chemotherapy or radiation treatment during the same episode of care
Neoplasm code is PPDX/first-listed
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If admission/encounter is solely for the administration of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiation therapy
Assign Z51.0, Encounter for antineoplastic radiation therapy, or Z51.11, Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy, or Z51.12, Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy as the first-listed/PPDX. Secondary would be the malignancy.
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If admission/encounter is solely for the administration of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiation therapy and the patient receives more than one of these therapies
More than one of Z51.0, Z51.11, Z51.12 may be assigned in any sequence. Secondary would be the malignancy.
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When a patient is admitted for the purpose of radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy and develops complications such as uncontrolled nausea and vomiting or dehydration
PPDX is Z code for Encounter for type of antineoplastic therapy followed by any codes for the complications
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When the reason for admission/encounter is to determine the extent of the malignancy, or for a procedure such as paracentesis or thoracentesis
Primary malignancy or appropriate metastatic site is designated as the PPDX/first-listed, even though chemo or radiotherapy is administered
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Symptoms, signs, and abnormal findings associated with an existing primary or secondary site malignancy
Cannot be used to replace the malignancy as PPDX/first-listed, regardless of the number of admissions or encounter for treatment and care of the neoplasm
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Uses of Code C80.0, Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified
Only in cases where the patient has advanced metastatic disease and no known primary or secondary sites are specified. Should NOT be used in place of assigning codes for the primary site and all known secondary sites
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Uses of Code C80.1, Malignant (primary) neoplasm, unspecified
Cancer, unspecified Used when no determination can be made as to the primary site of a malignancy Rarely used in the inpatient setting
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Reason for the encounter is for treatment of a primary malignancy
PPDX/First-listed is the malignancy Primary site is sequenced first, followed by any metastatic sites
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Encounter is for a primary malignancy with metastasis and treatment is directed toward the metastatic (secondary) site(s) only
PPDX/first-listed is the metastatic site(s) Primary malignancy is secondary code
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When a pregnant woman has a malignant neoplasm
Code from subcategory O9A.1-, Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium should be sequenced first, followed by the type of neoplasm
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When an encounter is for management of a complication associated with a neoplasm, such as dehydration, and the treatment is only for the complication
Complication coded first followed by the appropriate code(s) for the neoplasm except in cases for anemia where the malignancy is coded first
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When an encounter is for treatment of a complication resulting from a surgical procedure performed for the treatment of the neoplasm
Complication is PPDX/first-listed
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When an encounter is for a pathological fracture due to a neoplasm and the focus of treatment is the fracture
Code from M84.5, Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, should be sequenced first, followed by the code for the neoplasm
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Focus of treatment for neoplasm with an associated pathological fracture
Neoplasm is sequenced first followed by M84.5
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When a primary malignancy has been excised but further treatment, such as an additional surgery for the malignancy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is directed to that site
Primary malignancy code should be used until treatment is completed
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When a primary malignancy has been previously excised or eradicated from its site, there is no further treatment (of the malignancy) directed to that site, and there is no evidence of any existing primary malignancy
Code from Z85, Personal history of malignant neoplasm, should be used to indicate the former site of the malignancy
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Leukemia Codes
-Has achieved remission? -Personal history codes
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A malignant neoplasm of a transplanted organ should be coded as ___.
A transplant complication
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Coding Malignant neoplasm associated with transplanted organ
PPDX is complication code T86.-, Complications of transplanted organs and tissue, followed by code C80.2, Malignant neoplasm associated with transplanted organ. Use additional code for the specific malignancy
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