Rhetorical Analysis, Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes Essay Example
Since time immemorial our society has clearly and involuntarily outlined how men and women should act. There exists rules and regulations that govern their interaction, although they may not be specifically written in any document. In his article, Aaron Devor attempts to explain why gender roles, a construct of our society, has become so strict in our modern society. In addition the author explain the clear meaning of gender role in based on men and women responsibilities stand-point. Most importantly the article strives to explain how the gender role were established, where the author seem to support the assertion that they the result of inequalities as opposed to the assumption that they are actually the cause. In passing his message, has extensively used rhetorical devices that enhances proper delivery of the desired message. This paper
...will strive to explain how Devor uses rhetorical devices in the article and hoe the enhance message delivery. The paper will focused on logos, ethos and pathos in theme development and their eventual importance in the article.
To start with, Devor extensively uses pathos in a bid to appeal about the real cause of gender roles. In his argument, the author claims that gender roles are social constructs, which leads us to believe that women have a desire to have children and therefore depend on men for their provision and protection (Devor 572). In this assertion, Devor appeals to women to accept the historical truth that men naturally competitive and aggressive, an advantage that makes them dominate the females. In this message to some extent appeal to everyone to understand that, although gender role is a social construct, the society doe
not prevent one from changing this innately existing truth (Devor 570). Based on this claim, it is pointless to believe that men are strong and women are weak. The author appeals to all person not to believe about gender inequalities but rather take all as equal.
Most importantly, the author deviates from the initial claim that gender is an historical truth the is to the disadvantage of females. Devor claims that gendered qualities are negatively described by the society despite the fact that we (human beings) can do something disadvantages to ourselves in our existence (Devor 571). Although this claim may not be written in any document Devor using logos is able to unravel this truth by clearly defining society and its key players. In this argument a question that seem to prove this claim is whether women are part of the society. The answer is obviously yes, and therefore it beats logic to assume that gendered roles disadvantage women since it is a societal construct in which women are part. Evidently, women are obviously the first teacher who spent most time with boys and girl, during which they pass the teachings of gender roles (Devor 569). Devor argument on gender roles seem to propose that gender inequalities try to foster competition among men and women in a bid to achieve success (dominance). It is through adherence to societal roles that women get full acceptance in the society. In most cases, women that speak up their mind, fight for equality get societal acceptance up to a certain point.
Lastly Devor has employed ethos in the article, whereby He tries to dispute the claim that women are weaker
than male but rather takes genders as simply division of labor. Women therefore do not perform certain roles because there are weak since they are capable of men’s roles. Ethically, it is wrong to view women as subjects to men. It is common knowledge that roles of women majorly entails family formation particularly children upbringing. Both male and female thus depend on each other. Men depend on women for managing their families, a task that men obviously perform poorly.
On the other hand, women depend on men for support and protection and their fore both a complements. Importantly, women are fosters of peace and harmony in the family, and as first mentors to their children the strive to be submissive as a way of teaching their children. Arguably, the role of providing for the family requires assertiveness and dominance a task that women are capable. However, if the society allows, women would complete with men in the workforce and leadership wrangles. To avoid this, gender roles dictates that women on the primary goal of mentoring children, submitting to men but still being supportive to men but not completing for family leadership roles.
In conclusion, author has successfully used logos ethos and pathos to give society an advanced interpretation of gender roles. The article views as genders as advantageous but not discriminative as many of would tend to believe. In addition, gender roles are not innate but a societal construct focused on creating harmony in the family and society at mentor. In broad spectrum, if gender roles are viewed from this stand point, male dominance will not be seen as a way of suppressing women but a mission
to societal success through labor divisions.
Work cited
- Devor, Aaron. “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes”. In Bedford/St. Martin (Ed), Signs of Life in the USA (p 567-572). (2009). Boston, MA and New York, NY: Bedford/St. Martins.