Researching and Writing about a Mythical Character – Flashcards

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before sentence 2
Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1. Greek mythology, though ancient, has a long-reaching influence upon modern life. 2. The US space program, for instance, is called Apollo, after the god who never missed a target and who ruled light. 3. Titanium, an elemental metal, is named after the Titans, who were locked far under the ground. 4. Even video games include characters such as Icarus and Kratos. Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? One Greek scholar states, "The influence of the Olympians on everyday culture is equal to that of Shakespeare and the Bible" (Thomas 87).
"Achilles' heel" is a term used to describe a weak spot. The phrase comes from the story of a Greek soldier who was thought to be unbeatable—but was actually vulnerable.
Lucas is given the paragraph below to read and paraphrase. Achilles, a powerful Greek warrior, was thought to be immortal because he had been submerged in the River Styx during infancy. However, because his mother dipped him into the water while holding his heel, he was left vulnerable in that small spot. Today "Achilles' heel" refers to a weakness that can lead to downfall. Which is the best paraphrase of the paragraph?
Poseidon, the coolest of the Greek gods, ruled the seas with his awesome tri-tip fish spear.
Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone?
Readers should become familiar with the Greek goddess, Hera. Her strength, wisdom, and beauty set her apart from other Olympians.
Elise needs to revise her essay's conclusion to use a more formal tone. Hera is a Greek goddess you should get to know. I like her because she's strong, smart, and beautiful. Which revision of Elise's conclusion best uses a formal tone?
the illegal practice of passing the work of another as one's own work
Which best defines plagiarism?
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Artemis wasn't great to have around because she's the one who brought death and disease everywhere.
Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone?
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Elizabeth should ask, "Which traits show Theseus's heroism?" using a current article from a scholarly website for research.
Elizabeth receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about the Greek hero, Theseus. Summarize his victory over the Minotaur, and identify his heroic characteristics. Elizabeth's first research question is "How did Theseus overcome the Minotaur?" What should her second research question be, and what would be the most credible source for research?
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Dana should ask, "What are some modern examples of Pandora's influence?" using an encyclopedia entry for research.
Dana receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about the first woman in Greek mythology, Pandora. Summarize her myth and explain the impact of her story on today's culture. Dana's first research question is "What events occurred in the myth of Pandora?" What should her second research question be, and what would be the most credible source for research?
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What events shaped Perseus's life? How did he overcome obstacles and prove himself a hero?
Darcy receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about a hero in Greek mythology. Summarize his or her life, and explain how this character is a true hero.
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restate the ideas of the article in his own words.
Sammy will paraphrase an article for his class. To paraphrase correctly, Sammy must
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A formal tone is most appropriate to use in
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Dr. W. Wharton explains, "Zeus was the king of the gods, ruler of sky, weather, law, and fate."
Which is an example of a direct quotation?
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before sentence 3
Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1. Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, was responsible for healing in ancient mythology. 2. His daughter, Hygieia, was the goddess of health and cleanliness. 3. Tradition states that Asclepius angered Hades, god of the underworld, by saving others from death. 4. Hades asked Zeus to use his mighty lightning bolt to stop Asclepius. Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? A noted expert has written, "Health and hygiene are still represented today by the rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff" (Atkin 286).
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an article published by
Emily is writing an essay on Demeter, Greek goddess of the harvest. Which website is most credible for research as she develops her topic?
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