Researching and Informative Persuasive Essays Topic Test Reveiw – Flashcards
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What is the best type of organization for describing how your bedroom looks to a stranger?
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In your search for information on volcanoes, you find this site: Should you use this site for your research paper?
It shouldn't be used because Wikipedia is not reliable.
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What is the best type of organization for explaining, step by step, how to get to your house from school?
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What is a presentation aid?
A presentation aid is a visual method of clarifying ideas and illustrating the message.
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The five Principles of Effective Informative Speeches explain how important __________ and ____________ are to a successful Informative Speech.
simplicity, relevance
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What is a manipulative aid? Describe a situation in which the speaker would want to use a manipulative aid?
A manipulative aid is any presentation aid that the speaker actively changes during the course of the speech. Writing notes on a chalkboard during a classroom lecture is an example of when a speaker may want to use a manipulative aid. Other examples include: writing ideas from audience participation, or changing an aid during a demonstration speech.
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What is a handout? When would it be useful to use a handout?
A handout is a written aid you provide to the audience. It would be helpful to use a handout if your speech contains detailed information that the audience may not remember without a tangible reminder. It may also be useful to use a handout for "how-to" speeches, to outline the step-by-step instructions. It is also common to use handouts when you use technology aids, such as slideshows, so the audience can follow along.
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Spatial organization should be used when your subject can best be explained _____________.
from the inside out
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____________ are presentation aids you can change during the course of your speech
manipulative aids
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Explain the important guidelines for using a presentation aid during your speech.
The speaker should work for integration with the aid, the speaker should be sure he/she is not talking to the aid and uses the aid only when it is relevant. Finally, the speaker should NEVER read directly from the aid.
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If you are looking for information about volcanic eruptions, how can you broaden your search?
There are several ways you can broaden a search. You could search for "volcano OR volcanic," use the words "AND volcano," or you could use truncation and search for "volcan," which would result in a listing of sites with "volcano" or "volcanic."
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