Research Paper: Pro-Choice
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\"Abortion-rights advocates frequently use the analogy of a building to underscore the difference between human chromosomes and a human being. Skyscrapers are erected based on written instructions, or blueprints, that detail how the various parts of the building will be coordinated. Yet the blueprints, which consist of ink and paper, are distinct from the building--an assemblage of metal, cement and other materials.\"
(\"Abortion: When\") Topic: Human Chromosomes v. Human Being
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\"Abortion-rights activists say that the chromosomes in the fertilized egg are like those blueprints. The chromosomes in a living cell provide a map for a human life but they are not themselves human. Just as the blueprints for a building are drafted long before a skyscraper is built, chromosomes exist in living cells long before an actual human being comes into existence, they claim.\"
(\"Abortion: When\") Topic: Chromosomes
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\"Pro-choice proponents argue that a fetus cannot be considered a distinct human being meriting rights until its body systems are working as a whole and it can survive independently.\"
(\"Abortion: When\") Topic: Human Being (Pro-Choice)
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\"Some argue that, as long as the mother's body provides sustenance to the fetus, the woman has the right to make decisions for the fetus regarding its physical well-being, including whether it should live. Using a similar line of argument, others contend that a woman cannot be legally forced to sustain another human being in her body against her will.\"
(\"Abortion: When\") Topic: Abortions Limit Rights
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