Research paper Cell phones

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Quote \"They can be important for school supervisors who are at crossings or playgrounds who may need to call for help quickly.\"
Obringer, S. John and Coffey Kent. \"Cell Phones in American High Schools: A National Survey.\" The Journal of Technology Studies. 2009: n. pag. Web. 14 May. 2014
Quote \"The camera capability can be used to record field trips or school events, to enhance reports.\"
Obringer, S. John and Coffey Kent. \"Cell Phones in American High Schools: A National Survey.\" The Journal of Technology Studies. 2009: n. pag. Web. 14 May. 2014
Quote \"One issue is that camera phones can be used to take photographs of quizzes or exams and transmit them to classmates.\"
Obringer, S. John and Coffey Kent. \"Cell Phones in American High Schools: A National Survey.\" The Journal of Technology Studies. 2009: n. pag. Web. 14 May. 2014
Quote \"Data from 2004 indicated that 58 percent of 6th -12th graders have a cell phone and 68 percent of students regularly bring cell phones to school ('NetDay's 2004,' 2005)\"
Obringer, S. John and Coffey Kent. \"Cell Phones in American High Schools: A National Survey.\" The Journal of Technology Studies. 2009: n. pag. Web. 14 May. 2014
Quote \"Schools are updating their policy on the latest risks for students with cell phones in the school.\"
Gerard, Vanessa.\" Updating Policy on Latest Risks for Students with Cell Phones in the School.\" 2006: n. pag. Web. 17 May. 2014
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Summary Since the cell phones of today are more advance than when cell phones policies made the policies are being updated, because there are several risks of letting children use them in school.
Gerard, Vanessa.\" Updating Policy on Latest Risks for Students with Cell Phones in the School.\" 2006: n. pag. Web. 17 May. 2014
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Paraphrase Since the majority of students including middle and elementary already own a cell phone, parents and students both feel they should be allowed into schools.
Gerard, Vanessa.\" Updating Policy on Latest Risks for Students with Cell Phones in the School.\" 2006: n. pag. Web. 17 May. 2014
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Paraphrase Although schools have traditionally limited cell phones in the classroom, 73% of Advanced Placement teachers said their students use phones in the classroom or to complete assignments.
Higgins, Josh. \"More schools use cellphones as learning tools.\" 7 August. 2013. Web. 17 May. 2014.
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Quote \"With mobile apps and the Internet at their fingertips, teachers and students are now using phones as clickers to answer questions, providing feedback on student progress, and also to document labs, collaborate on group projects and capture teachers' notes, Milman said.\"
Higgins, Josh. \"More schools use cellphones as learning tools.\" 7 August. 2013. Web. 17 May. 2014.
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Quote \"with youth, (having a phone) is a very natural part of their ecosystem. It doesn't make sense to close that opportunity for them when they go to school.\"
Higgins, Josh. \"More schools use cellphones as learning tools.\" 7 August. 2013. Web. 17 May. 2014.
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Paraphrase Teachers are using the recording ability one students' phones to record there class and have the students watch the recordings at home for homework.
Ormiston, Meg. \"How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools.\" The K-12 Teachers Alliance, 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May. 2014.
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Quote \"Using and your students' cell phones, you can track instant answers from all your students. It's free for classrooms of 30 people or less.\"
Ormiston, Meg. \"How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools.\" The K-12 Teachers Alliance, 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May. 2014.
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Paraphrase Another way cell phones are useful is the fact that teachers are able to directly send information to students' phone as they would send it to a computer.
Ormiston, Meg. \"How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools.\" The K-12 Teachers Alliance, 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 May. 2014.
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Quote \"Many cell phones now have Internet capability, built-in calculators, and memories able to hold entire books. For schools with limited technologies available to students, cell phones mimic the computers that the classroom may lack.\"
Shaw, Katherine. \"Students and Cell Phones: Controversy in the Classroom.\" 2009: 1-2. Web. 15 May 2014.
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Summary There is a big controversy over cell phone use in school this article takes a stand on both sides giving the pros and cons along with proposing a solution.
Shaw, Katherine. \"Students and Cell Phones: Controversy in the Classroom.\" 2009: 1-2. Web. 15 May 2014.
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Quote \"We decriminalized cell phones. Now, if a phone causes a disruption, we treat it as we would any other disruption. After all, to our students the cell phone has become a virtual appendage—an essential communication tool, and not necessarily more disruptive than a student tapping a pencil.\"
Long, Kate, Andre Potvin, Dave Stovenour, and Scott Herrmann. \"Among Colleagues / Should We Allow Students to Use Their Cell Phones in School?\" n.d. Web. 17 May. 2014.
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Paraphrase The students at Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School have been taught how to responsibly use cellular devices in school and the Principal Andre Potvin has seen significant instructional benefits from it.
Long, Kate, Andre Potvin, Dave Stovenour, and Scott Herrmann. \"Among Colleagues / Should We Allow Students to Use Their Cell Phones in School?\" n.d. Web. 17 May. 2014.
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Visual This visual is of a national survey given to over 50 schools in all 50 states. Asking common questions about how they feel about cell phone use in school.
Obringer, S. John and Coffey Kent. \"Cell Phones i n American High Schools: A National Survey.\" The Journal of Technology Studies. 2009: n. pag. We b. 14 May. 2014
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Quote \"Cell phones can also be used as a way to gather data for classroom experiments and demonstrations (Cheung 2008) and enhance interactivity in large classroom settings (Scomavacca, Huff, and Marshall 2009). Ferriter (2010) argued that cell phones may be able to replace materials in short supply, such as dictionaries, timers, and digital cameras.\"
Tindell, Deborah and Bohlander, Robert. \"The Use and Abuse of Cell Phones and Text Messaging in the Classroom: A Survey of College Students.\" College Teaching 60:1 (2012) 1-9. Web. 15 May 2014
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Visual Chart displaying the average of how many time a cell phone rings during class on a college campus
Tindell, Deborah and Bohlander, Robert. \"The Use and Abuse of Cell Phones and Text Messaging in the Classroom: A Survey of College Students.\" College Teaching 60:1 (2012) 1-9. Web. 15 May 2014
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