READ 180 Universal – Flashcards
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How many workshops are included in each stage of READ 180 Universal?
There are six workshops in each stage of READ 180 Universal.
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Are students allowed choice when selecting topics for software and independent reading materials?
YES! High-interest topics are organized into 12 Knowledge Clusters per stage. When students are provided choice, they are engaged and motivated. By spending an extended perod of time within a Knowledge Cluster, students are able to develop the deep knowledge that comes from meaningful study of a topic.
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Name the parts of the instructional model for blended learning.
Whole Group (opening lesson and closing activity), Small Group, Student Application, and Independent Reading
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What is the focus of whole group learning?
Whole group instruction includes a "Do Now", followed by systematic instruction in close-reading strategies, academic vocabulary, writing, and academic discussion. The opening whole group lesson should last no longer than 20 minutes and should be very interactive.
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What is the focus of Small-Group Learning?
Students receive targeted, data-driven instruction unique to their individual learning needs.
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What occurs in the Student Application rotation?
Students work independently on the READ 180 student software, following a personalized path that accelerates their learning.
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What occurs in the Independent Reading rotation?
Students choose engaging, content-rich texts to whilch they apply newly acquired vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students can choose from paperbacks, audiobooks, eBooks, and eReads. Reading Counts quizzes and additional accountability measures are available for each book.
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What students materials should be available and used daily?
ReaL Book, Student Application, and Independent Reading. Teachers can decide on organizational tools needed in classroom.
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What teacher materials are used daily?
HMH Teacher Central and the Blended Learning Handbook
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What is the screening tool used to place students in READ 180 Universal?
Reading Inventory
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What opportunities are available for assessment during each workshop?
Formative assessment opportunities are available daily. An interim assessment is used after the first half of the workshop. An end of workshop assessment is used at the end of the workshop. Differentiation is provided using gathered data.
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What resources are available for leaders as they access and utilize data?
HMH Leader Central AND the HMH Regional Consultant providing coaching services are key resources.
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What are the characteristics of an effective READ 180 Universal teacher?
READ 180 Universal teachers must be motivated to work with struggling readers, must believe that all students can and will become successful readers, must have high expectations, must work comfortably in a multiple learning group classroom, must be confident with technology, and must be willing to work as a team to achieve fidelity with the program.
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What is needed for the READ 180 Universal classroom setup?
The following items are needed: tables/desks that can be moved easily, computers for students/teacher (at least one third of students plus 1 or 2), interactive whiteboard, working headsets with microphones, comfortable seating for independent reading, and supplies for printing materials as needed.
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What is the purpose of the instructional routines?
Instructional routines provide consistent instruction and opportunities for practice, involve all students, structure academic discussions, hold students accountable, and prepare students for college and career success. Instructional routines are IMPERATIVE - DAILY!!!
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