Psych History Ch. 16 – Flashcards
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Explain how Freud used hypnosis in his practice. How effective did he find it to be?
He used hypnosis to treat hysteria -he did not find it to be very effective because some patients could not be hypnotized, sometimes symptoms or other symptoms would recur, or some did not believe what they said during hypnosis
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What other methods did Freud use with his patients? -Describe the set-up of Freud's office
free association -would encourage his patients to speak freely about whatever came to their mind -his patients would lie on a couch while he sat out of sight of the patient
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Describe hysteria, the focus of Freud's practice. -How does repression and unconscious motivation play into the treatment of process of hysteria?
Hysteria is caused by a traumatic experience that is not allowed adequate expression and therefore manifests itself in physical symptoms -because the experience is traumatic it is repressed (actively held in the unconscious because to ponder it would provoke anxiety); resistance means therapist is on right track -the only way to deal with repressed material properly is to make it conscious and thereby deal with it rationally -best way is free association -unconscious motivation
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What was Freud's seduction theory? How did he later change this theory?
the idea that hysteria was caused by a sexual attack in childhood -he changed it to: the basis of neuroses was the repression of sexual thoughts, whether the thoughts were based on real or imagined experiences
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Who first analyzed Freud (psychoanalyzed)? -What method was used? -What were some of the findings from this analysis? -Describe the book that Freud wrote as a result of his experience
He psychoanalyzed himself -he used dream analysis -dreams could also be seen as symbolic manifestations of repressed thoughts -The Interpretation of Dreams:
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What is the Oedipus complex? Might Freud have experienced this complex?
young males tend to love their mothers and hate their fathers -yes because his mother favored him
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In dream analysis, what is the difference between manifest and latent content?
manifest content: what a dream appears to be about latent content: what it really is about
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Discuss the view that Freud claimed to have original ideas, but that others may have had (and published) those ideas before him.
The idea that dream analysis was new and that his peers would excommunicate him if he believed there was scientific value is false -interpreting dreams goes back to at the early Greeks
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Why did Freud come to the U.S. (only one visit)? How was his new psychoanalytic theory received?
To visit Clark University -reactions were generally favorable
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What contributions is Freud credited with making to the field of psychology?
-expanding psychology's domain -psychoanalysis -understanding of normal behavior
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What world events did Freud have to deal with toward the end of his life? -Where did Freud live out the end of his life? What medical problems did he have?
He had to deal with the Nazi's -London -cancer
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Whose word association technique did Jung first use and then developed more?
administered Galton's word association test to psychotics in hopes of discovering the nature of their unconscious thought processes
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What was the initial relationship between Jung and Freud? -What happened to end that personal and professional relationship?
Jung used Freud's techniques and then they became close friends -ended because Jung began to express doubt about Freud's emphasis on sexual motivation
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When did Jung begin to develop his own theory of personality?
when him and Freud cut off ties
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Explain the differences between Jung's and Freud's ideas of the libido. -Compare their ideas of the ego
Freud defined libido as "sexual energy" that was the main driving force of personality; therefore most human behavior is sexually motivated -Jung believed libidinal energy is a creative life force that could be applied to the individual's continuous psychological growth Similar to Freud's idea of ego -ego is a mechanism by which we interact with the physical environment (everything of which we are conscious and is concerned with thinking, problem solving, remembering, perceiving)
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Jung developed the ideas of the personal and the collective unconscious. Explain these two concepts and be sure to discuss how they are different.
Personal Unconscious -consists of experiences that had either been repressed or simply forgotten -material from one's lifetime that for one reason or another is not in consciousness -some material is easily retrievable and some is not Collective Unconscious -the deepest and most powerful component of the personality -deposit of ancestral experience from untold millions of years, the echo of prehistoric world events to which each century adds an infinitesimally small amount of variation and differentiation -registers common experiences that humans have had, these common experiences are recorded and are inherited as predispositions to respond emotionally to certain categories of experience
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What was Jung's idea of an archetype. Be able to give examples.
each inherited predisposition contained in the collective unconscious -child being born with generic conception of mother -the child will tend to project onto its real mother the attributes of the generic mother-image
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Jung and Freud interpreted dreams very differently. Compare and contrast their dream interpretations.
dreams are a means of giving expression to aspects of the psyche that are underdeveloped -Freud believed dreams revealed repression, trauma
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Summarize the criticisms and the cited contributions of Jung's work.
criticized for being unscientific, embracing mysticism, religion etc notions of introversion and extroversion have stimulated much research and are apart of personality tests
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How did Alfred Adler describe his childhood? What influence might these memories have had on his theory of personality?
he was sickly child who saw himself as small and ugly -also had a rivalry with his older brother -all of this influenced the type of personality theory he developed
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Describe the beginning, middle and end of Adler's personal and professional relationship with Freud. -What part of Freud's theory did they seem to disagree most about? -Summarize Freud's attitude toward Adler having they parted company
-wrote a paper defending Freud's theory and was invited to join the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society-became prez -differences between Freud and Adler became so pronounced that Adler resigned as prez -9 year friendship crumbled Sexual factors were reduced to a minimum by Adler "I have made a pygmy great"
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Explain Adler's concept of organ inferiority. -Relate the concept of compensation to inferiority -Explain how compensation is different from over compensation, give an example
people are particularly sensitive to disease in organs that are "inferior" to other organs -on way to adjust to a weakness is through compensation; a person can adjust to a weakness in one part of his or her body by developing strengths in other parts (being blind but having good hearing) -overcompensation is conversion of a weakness into a strength (teddy roosevelt)
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According to Adler, how do feelings of inferiority motivate us? -what causes an inferiority complex and what is the result of having one?
all humans begin life completely dependent on others for survival and therefore with feelings of inferiority (weakness) -these feelings motivate people first as children and later as adults to gain power to overcome these feelings although feelings of inferiority motivate all personal growth and are therefore good they can also disable rather than motivate some ppl -these ppl are so overwhelmed by such they accomplish little or nothing
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Discuss Adler's worldview theory. How does the worldview affect the person? What is the social interest?
A person's worldview develops from early experiences as a child -the first invention of meaning in a person's life then is the creation of a worldview -depending on how the person views the world they begin to create their future for a lifestyle to be truly effective it must contain social interest -part of its goal must involve working toward a society that would provide a better life for everyone
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Rather than Adler's theory resembling Freud's, his had more in common with whom?
Carl Rogers
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What in Horney's background may have influenced her opinions of relation and of authority figures?
Her father was a god-fearing man who believed women were the source of all evil in the world -however he took her on adventures (3 sea voyages) -had a negative view of authority figures
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Briefly describe her career in the United States. Why did she leave the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute?
invited to become an associate directory are the newly founded Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis -failed marriage
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In what ways did she disagree with Freud's theory? What in the U.S. gave support to her views?
she thought they may have been appropriate in Freud's cultural setting and his time in history but they had little relevance for the Depression in the U.S. -the Depression-ppl dealing with loss of work, not having enough $ or food
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Describe Horney's view that psychological problems are caused by disturbed human relations.
what a person experiences socially determines whether he or she will have psychological problems -the causes of mental illness are to be found in society and social interaction
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Explain the following three concepts and differentiate between them: -basic evil -basic hostility -basic anxiety
Basic Evil -if parents demonstrate indifference, inconsistency, or hatred the child experiences basic evil -on their way to becoming a neurotic Basic Hostility: -a child experiencing some form of basic evil develops basic hostility toward the parents -the hostility he or she feels develops into a worldview (world viewed as a dangerous/unpredictable place) Basic Anxiety -when basic hostility is repressed -all-pervading feeling of being lonely and helpless in a hostile world
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Discuss the following coping methods and be able to give examples: -moving toward people -moving against people -moving away from people
Moving Toward People: -becoming the compliant type -"If I give in, I shall not be hurt" -this type needs to be liked, wanted, desired, loved, accepted, welcome, etc. Moving Against People: -hostile type -"If I have power, no one can hurt me" -relationships are looked at like, "What can I get out of it?" Moving Away From People: -detached type -"If I withdraw, nothing can hurt me" -emotional distance between themselves and others
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Freud said that anatomy is destiny. Discuss Horney's views of this. -how did her views on this change over time?
initially agreed with it -however decided that males envy female anatomy instead of the other way around
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