Psych 230 Final – Flashcards

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What best describes marriage and sexual relations in ancient Rome? A) They involved couples coming together through passionate love. B) They were seen as a means to improve one's economic and social standing. C) They emphasized male dominance and a lack of respect for women. D) They had many restrictions handed down from the rulers and leaders
B) They were seen as a means to improve one's economic and social standing.
Which of the following best describes harms within traditional Islamic communities? A) Places with orgies between groups of men and women B) Places where women learned to become self sufficient C) Places restricted to lower class women D) Places for males to obtain the services of prostitutes
B) Places where women learned to become self sufficient
By the late Middle Ages, women were: A) Elevated to a place of purity and considered almost perfect. B) Considered to be more like Eve than Mary. C) Thought to be temptresses. D) Sent to convents to be cured of their natural tendencies to seduce men.
A) Elevated to a place of purity and considered almost perfect.
The purpose of anti-miscegenation laws was to make _______ illegal. A) Contraception B) Interracial sex C) Abortion D) Pre-marital sex
B) Interracial sex
In early Puritan culture young couples were allowed to share a bed as long as they were clothed and wrapped in sheets. What was this practice called? A) Bundling B) Boarding C) Swaddling D) Courting
A) Bundling
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What best describes how semen was viewed in early Chinese civilization? A) evil and cursed B) sacred and precious C) unlimited D) passive or inferior to yin
B) sacred and precious
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According to the Christian Bible, what best describes Jesus' view on sexuality? A) He taught that men should be held to the same standards of adultery, divorce and remarriage as women. B) He advised that women who were caught in adultery should be stoned. C) He generally condemned sexuality. D) He established the Christian view of sexuality that dominated Western thought for the next 2000 years.
A) He taught that men should be held to the same standards of adultery, divorce and remarriage as women.
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Ashley feels very conflicted about her sexuality. She enjoys sex with her partner, Matthew, but at the same time feels very guilty about having sex before marriage. What is Ashley experiencing? A) Cognitive dissonance B) Sexual identity confusion C) The Electra complex D) Moral development
A) Cognitive dissonance
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What is TRUE about the relationship between white settlers and minority groups in the U.S.? A) White settlers admired the Mexican people's ability to show affection in public. B) There was a higher rate of prostitution and venereal diseases among slaves than whites. C) Native Americans were criticized for their attitudes toward premarital sex and practice of polygamy. D) Whites and minorities were seen as having similar sexual needs, desires, and values.
C) Native Americans were criticized for their attitudes toward premarital sex and practice of polygamy.
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During the Victorian era, women consulted their doctors to learn how to sexually please their husbands. A) True B) False
B) False
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In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of psychiatric disorders. A) True B) False
A) True
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Among the social movements that arose in the 19th century, the Free Love Movement advocated marriage as a prerequisite to sexual relationships. A) True B) False
B) False
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The Comstock Act of 1873: A) Allowed people access to contraception if they were married. B) Outlawed the mailing of articles on contraception. C) Outlawed prostitution. D) Made homosexual relations among consenting adults legal.
B) Outlawed the mailing of articles on contraception.
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Which of the following is true regarding the Kama Sutra? A) It gives instructions on many sexual positions. B) It categorizes people based on the size of their genitals. C) It gives guidance on how to make a good home and family. D) All of these
D) All of these
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What is a quadruped? A) A person with four or more sex partners B) Any animal that walks on four legs C) Someone who practices bestiality D) A type of monkey that has face-to-face intercourse
B) Any animal that walks on four legs
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Which of the following is most attributed to the liberation of female sexuality? A) The development of antibiotics for STIs. B) The development of nonfiction sex manuals. C) The development of the contraceptive pill. D) The invention of the television.
C) The development of the contraceptive pill.
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What best describes the view of women during the Victorian Era? A) Virtuous, refined, delicate, and fragile B) Sexually free C) Likely to lead men into immorality D) The property of their husbands
A) Virtuous, refined, delicate, and fragile
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When humans began to walk upright, how did sexuality change? A) The sense of smell became more important. B) The sight of the genitals became less important. C) The sensual aspect of intercourse became more important. D) Breast contact became less important.
C) The sensual aspect of intercourse became more important.
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Sexuality is considered a uniquely human trait. A) True B) False
A) True
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How did the feminist movement contribute to the development of women's sexuality? A) It advocated for sexual satisfaction among women. B) It helped to outlaw abortion with Roe vs. Wade in the 1970s. C) It emphasized that all women should be wives and mothers. D) It encouraged women to value their virginity.
A) It advocated for sexual satisfaction among women.
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Which ancient civilization emphasized the natural blending of masculine and feminine principles as part of the procreative process? A) Indian B) Roman C) Greek D) Chinese
D) Chinese
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According to Thomas Aquinas, using sex in unnatural ways was immoral. What did he consider the worst of all sexual sins? A) Homosexuality B) Masturbation C) Adultery D) All sexual sins were considered equally wrong.
A) Homosexuality
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How did the arrival of the medical model of sexuality at the end of the 19th century impact views of sexuality in the United States? A) Physicians advocated for self-restraint and abstention from masturbation. B) Physicians encouraged divorce for unhappy marriages. C) Physicians urged men and women to masturbate to relieve sexual tensions. D) Physicians viewed sexual passion as normal and healthy, especially for women.
A) Physicians advocated for self-restraint and abstention from masturbation.
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The Kama Sutra contains guidance to couples about the dangers of having passion within sexual relations. A) True B) False
B) False
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What was a main contribution of the Greek culture in Western history? A) The first civilization to have accounts of erotic writings, art, and carvings B) The first civilization to allow women more freedom of sexual expression C) One of the few major civilizations to approve of sexual relations with family members D) One of the few major civilizations to successfully institute homosexuality
D) One of the few major civilizations to successfully institute homosexuality
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A researcher who wants to study sexual behavior of adults in the U.S. uses a college-level human sexuality class to get participants. What sample method is the researcher using? A) 100% sampling B) Random sampling C) Sample of convenience D) Sample of variance
C) Sample of convenience
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What statement best fits with feminist theory? A) The social construction of sexuality is based on power. B) Women are no longer seen as subordinate and submissive in our culture. C) Sexuality is governed by biological gender differences more than other factors. D) The social construction of sexuality is based on the media.
A) The social construction of sexuality is based on power.
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"Women have sexual appetites equal to men and they do not necessarily need men to satisfy those appetites." Which researcher would agree most strongly with this statement? A) Magnus Hirschfield B) Katherine Bement Davis C) Sigmund Freud D) Clelia Mosher
B) Katherine Bement Davis
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According to your text, who is considered the most influential sex researcher of the 20th century? A) Havelock Ellis B) Clelia Mosher C) Alfred Kinsey D) Virginia Johnson
C) Joshua, who is sexually experienced and more liberal
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What statement best fits with queer theory? A) It is important for research to uncover the cause of homosexuality. B) Sexuality education should focus on teaching gender differences. C) Sexual orientation categories lead to limited views of sexuality. D) Research findings should be separated based on sexual orientation.
C) Sexual orientation categories lead to limited views of sexuality.
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Which theory emphasizes the structure of the personality on the unconscious nature of sexuality? A) Psychoanalytic B) Behavioral C) Social Learning D) Queer
A) Psychoanalytic
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A researcher doing in-depth interviews often asks the same questions in different ways during the interview to assure accurate and honest responses. How does this impact the results? A) It reduced volunteer bias. B) It reduces interviewer bias. C) It increases validity. D) It increases reliability.
D) It increases reliability.
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According to evolutionary theory, we enter a sexual relationship to: A) Fulfill societal expectations to marry and start a family. B) Exert power over another person. C) Receive physical gratification. D) Pass on our genes.
D) Pass on our genes.
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What is a major limitation of the case study method of research? A) The results cannot be generalized to a larger group of people. B) It is impossible to get informed consent from the subjects. C) Researchers cannot guarantee anonymity. D) They are the most costly of all research methods.
A) The results cannot be generalized to a larger group of people.
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Sigmund Freud believed that our basic personality is formed by events that happen to us in the first six years of life. A) True B) False
A) True
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In his studies from the 1950s, Kinsey found that the majority of heterosexual couples only had sex in the missionary style. A) True B) False
A) True
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Researchers using methods of direct observation find that getting participants for their studies is fairly easy among college student populations. A) True B) False
B) False
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Which researcher sought a medical degree primarily to study sexuality and reported that homosexuality and masturbation were not abnormal? A) Alfred Kinsey B) Katherine Bement Davis C) Albert Moll D) Havelock Ellis
D) Havelock Ellis
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Which of the following best fits the findings of cross-cultural studies? A) Those with a written language have the lowest rates of masturbation. B) Sexual intercourse is most common when couples wake up in the morning. C) Women usually initiate foreplay in heterosexual relationships. D) Female orgasmic ability differs significantly from culture to culture.
D) Female orgasmic ability differs significantly from culture to culture.
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The influence of law and religion and the impact of economic conditions on sexual behaviors are stressed most by which theory? A) Sociological B) Behavioral C) Humanistic D) Queer
A) Sociological
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If Freud is correct, sexual urges are LEAST important while a child is in which stage? A) Oral B) Anal C) Phallic D) Latency
D) Latency
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Freud is to case study as Masters and Johnson are to: A) Questionnaire B) Interview C) Experiment D) Observation
D) Observation
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What best describes findings from the 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior? A) Rates of vaginal intercourse among young teens have increased dramatically. B) Partnered sex is more common than masturbation during old age. C) Few men reported that their partner had orgasm during their most recent sexual interaction. D) A high percentage of sexually active male teenagers reported using condoms the last time they engaged in sexual behavior.
D) A high percentage of sexually active male teenagers reported using condoms the last time they engaged in sexual behavior.
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Why was Morton Hunt's research results not considered generalizable? A) His study included only adolescents. B) His study included only heterosexual males. C) He only included students enrolled in his courses. D) He only included people with listed phone numbers.
D) He only included people with listed phone numbers.
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Which researcher founded the Institute for Sexology and believing that homosexuality was genetic, argued for the repeal of laws against homosexuality and bisexuality? A) Magnus Hirschfeld B) Richard von Krafft-Ebing C) Havelock Ellis D) William Masters
A) Magnus Hirschfeld
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If someone filled out an in-school questionnaire when they were in 8th grade and have been interviewed four more times throughout adulthood, what is the name of the study they most likely participated in? A) The Youth Risk Behavior Survey B) The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior C) The National Survey of Family Growth D) The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
D) The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
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Which of the following best describes a goal of future sexuality research? A) Improved collaboration between researchers of various disciplines B) Less involvement from the federal government C) More focus on the physiological and biological aspects of sexuality D) Less reliance on studies conducted from university counseling programs
A) Improved collaboration between researchers of various disciplines
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What best describes the most recent U.S. approach to sex research? A) Problem driven and underfunded B) Theory driven and underfunded C) Theory driven and adequately funded D) Problem driven and adequately funded
A) Problem driven and underfunded
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Who conducted most sexuality research in the late 19th century? A) Biologists B) Sociologists C) Physicians D) Psychoanalysts
C) Physicians
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Someone with Turner syndrome would look like a genetic female at birth. A) True B) False
A) True
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What does the term "gender-neutral housing" refer to on college campuses? A) Allowing transgendered students to have equal access for housing options B) Allowing male floors and female floors within the same residence hall C) Allowing male and female students to share rooms in a residence hall D) Allowing homosexual and bisexual students to have special room requests
C) Allowing male and female students to share rooms in a residence hall
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According to communication experts, hedge words decreases the speaker's perceived assertiveness of speech. A) True B) False
A) True
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The use of tag questions seems to be a universal feature of men's and women's communication patterns. A) True B) False
B) False
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Cognitive development theory suggests that gender attitudes change predictably as children get older because: A) Children pass through stages of development related to their ability to process information. B) Changes in attitude over time are based on hereditary and hormonal influences. C) They are exposed to consistent gender role models. D) Their gender schemas are culturally determined.
A) Children pass through stages of development related to their ability to process information.
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In one research study that asked men and women to report how they express their consent to engage in sex with a partner, what did most report? A) Most said verbal things such as "Let's do it," "I want you bad," or "Let's have sex." B) Most used non-verbal gestures such as pulling closer to the other person, changing body positioning, or reciprocating touch. C) Men reported more verbal exchanges and women reported more nonverbal exchanges. D) Most said nothing at all.
D) Most said nothing at all.
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What does the author of your textbook suggest is responsible for the level of body dissatisfaction in the United States? A) Education B) Gender roles C) Advertising D) Family expectations
C) Advertising
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In the 1500s, King Henry VIII of England divorced Catherine of Aragon because she gave birth to a daughter not a son. Henry VIII's reasoning was: A) Inaccurate: Embryonic hormones differentiate in the 8th week to determine sex. B) Inaccurate because sperm cells carry both the Y and the X chromosome. C) Accurate: Egg cells carry the Y chromosome. D) Accurate: Once a woman has a daughter, subsequent offspring are more likely to be female.
B) Inaccurate because sperm cells carry both the Y and the X chromosome.
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Latoya says, "I might be wrong, but I think it is going to rain today." What is this an example of? A) A tag question B) A disclaimer C) A hedge statement D) A question statement
B) A disclaimer
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What term is used to describe a transgender individual who is experiencing confusion or discomfort about their biological sex and gender identity? A) Genderqueer B) Gender dysphoria C) Gender fluidity D) Gender binary
B) Gender dysphoria
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Critics of Tannen's work regarding gender and communication question her assumption that: A) Gender is biologically based. B) Gender is socially constructed. C) There are no gender differences. D) Sexual orientation is biologically based.
A) Gender is biologically based.
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According to the Onion Theory of communication people have the tendency to reveal information about themselves from the inside out. A) True B) False
B) False
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According to the Onion Theory of communication, what best describes how we reveal ourselves to others? A) We begin with our unpleasant qualities first to be upfront with the other person. B) We share about ourselves from the inside out. C) We share about ourselves beginning with the least personal. D) We begin with our best qualities to paint the best picture possible.
C) We share about ourselves beginning with the least personal.
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If you visually compared the sexual development of third-week female and male embryos, what would you notice? A) Developing testes in the male and developing ovaries in the female B) No development yet of testes in the male, but developing ovaries in the female C) No development yet of ovaries in the female, but developing of testes in the male D) No development yet of ovaries in the female or testes in the male
D) No development yet of ovaries in the female or testes in the male
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Validating each other's opinions is a suggestion for fighting fairly. A) True B) False
A) True
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Sandra Bem would define an androgynous individual as one who is: A) Undifferentiated in gender characteristics B) High in masculinity, low in femininity C) Low in masculinity, high in femininity D) High in masculinity, high in femininity
D) High in masculinity, high in femininity
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When we have a message for someone and want to communicate that message, which of the three goals of communication are we focusing on? A) Relational B) Identity management C) Getting the job done D) Communication filtering
C) Getting the job done
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Gender roles are fundamentally innate. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is true of Turner's syndrome? A) It affects only males. B) It affects only females. C) It affects both males and females equally. D) It is a condition that makes it impossible to identify a child as male or female.
B) It affects only females.
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What category/style of communication skills are referred to as more comforting and involve a significant amount of listening? A) Affectively-oriented B) Status-oriented C) Instrumentally-oriented D) Network-oriented
A) Affectively-oriented
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What is the rarest disorder of sex development in which a child is born with both, fully formed ovaries and fully formed testes? A) Hermaphroditism B) Klinefelter's syndrome C) Turner's syndrome D) XYY syndrome
A) Hermaphroditism
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According to your text, what is one crucial factor that nondefensive listening relies on? A) Self-assertiveness B) Self-efficacy C) Self-disclosure D) Self-restraint
D) Self-restraint
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In the United States, personal health is valued over personal beauty. A) True B) False
B) False
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Piaget is to cognitive theory as Bem is to: A) Social learning theory B) Evolutionary theory C) Gender schema theory D) Feminist theory
C) Gender schema theory
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What statement best describes research findings related to gender and communication? A) Overall gender differences in many areas of communication are small. B) Gender differences explain a significant amount of the variation between men and women's communication styles. C) Younger men and women show less gender differences than older generations did. D) While the stereotype is that women talk more than men, research shows that men use many more words per day than women.
A) Overall gender differences in many areas of communication are small.
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What are two functions of the ovaries? A) To produce eggs and regulate sexual arousal B) To produce eggs and secrete hormones C) To produce estrogen and regulate menstruation D) To produce estrogen and fertilize sperm
B) To produce eggs and secrete hormones
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Which of the following is a function of the cervix? A) Allow menstrual fluid out of the uterus B) Allow sperm to enter the uterus C) Allow babies to pass out of the uterus D) All of these
D) All of these
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While there are no overall ethnic differences in the prevalence of premenstrual symptoms (PMS), research has found ethnic differences related to the following: A) The length of time symptoms are experienced B) The age at which the individual began having PMS C) The types of symptoms experienced D) The treatments used for individuals experiencing PMS
C) The types of symptoms experienced
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What are the four main areas of PMDD symptoms? A) Behavioral, relational, cognitive, somatic B) Cognitive, psychosomatic, relational, mood C) Relational, physical, internal, behavioral D) Mood, behavioral, somatic, cognitive
D) Mood, behavioral, somatic, cognitive
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According to the textbook, when is it recommended for women to undergo their first gynecological exam with a Pap smear? A) Beginning within 3 years after first sexual intercourse or at age 21 B) Beginning at the age of first sexual intercourse or at age 18 C) Beginning within 2 years of first sexual intercourse or at age 16 D) Beginning at age 18 for sexually active females and age 21 for others
A) Beginning within 3 years after first sexual intercourse or at age 21
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The term amenorrhea refers to painful menstruation.
B) False
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What factor is often related to the onset of puberty? A) Age at first intercourse B) Height C) Weight D) All of these
C) Weight
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Which type of cancer of the female reproductive system is most likely to lead to death? A) Cervical B) Endometrial C) Ovarian D) Breast
C) Ovarian
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What is TRUE about withdrawal bleeding which occurs when a woman taking birth control pills stops taking them for a week? A) It is usually greater in volume than menstrual flow for a woman who has not taken birth control for several months. B) It does not occur if the woman takes placebo pills during that week. C) It indicates that the woman is likely pregnant. D) It is biologically very different from normal menstrual fluid.
D) It is biologically very different from normal menstrual fluid.
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Implantation of a fertilized egg usually occurs during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. A) True B) False
A) True
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Pap smears, taken during routine pelvic exams, test for ovarian cancer. A) True B) False
B) False
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Current recommendations suggest routine pap smears beginning at the age of 17. A) True B) False
B) False
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What best describes the process through which the vagina is lubricated during sexual arousal? A) Sweating of the vaginal walls B) Expansion of the cervix C) Release of fluid by the Grafenberg spot D) Release of mucus from the ovaries
A) Sweating of the vaginal walls
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What is one factor that makes women more susceptible than men to urinary tract infections? A) A shorter urethra B) Location of the urethra and introitus C) Earlier onset of puberty D) Hormones produced during the menstrual cycle
A) A shorter urethra
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What layer of the uterus contracts to expel menstrual fluid and push the fetus out of the womb during labor? A) Perimetrium B) Myometrium C) Endometrium D) Perineum
B) Myometrium
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Which of the following statements regarding female breasts is FALSE? A) Culture impacts the size of breasts that women prefer. B) Breasts are modified sweat glands that produce milk. C) Some women experience orgasm from breast stimulation alone. D) The areola is the part of the breast that cannot be seen from the outside.
D) The areola is the part of the breast that cannot be seen from the outside.
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Which woman is LEAST likely to develop breast cancer in the next year? A) Deanna who is 60, White, has no family history of breast cancer and has never had a child B) Sawyer who is 50, Hispanic, has no family history of breast cancer and had two miscarriages C) Sheila who is 35, White, has no family history of breast cancer and bottle fed her 4 children D) Jewel who is 35, Black, has a family history of breast cancer and breastfed her 2 children
D) Jewel who is 35, Black, has a family history of breast cancer and breastfed her 2 children
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If a woman has pain and swelling in the labial and vaginal areas due to an infected cyst, we could infer that the infection most likely came from: A) The cervix B) The urethral opening C) The hymen D) The Bartholin's glands
D) The Bartholin's glands
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What is the primary function of the fimbriae? A) Direct the ova from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes. B) Direct the release of hormones C) Provide lubrication during sexual stimulation D) Implant the fertilized egg into the uterus
A) Direct the ova from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes.
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What is the area of tissue between the vagina and the anus called? A) Vulva B) Hymen C) Perineum D) Rectum
C) Perineum
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How much fluid (including tissue and blood) is typically released during the menstrual cycle? A) 1-3 teaspoons B) 2-4 Tablespoons C) A half-cup (100ml) D) A cup (200ml)
B) 2-4 Tablespoons
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What does the Instead Softcup do? A) Lubricates the vagina of a woman experiencing menopause B) Promotes menstrual suppression C) Holds back menstrual fluid during sexual activity D) Restores the look of breasts for women after a mastectomy
C) Holds back menstrual fluid during sexual activity
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Sara is experiencing vaginal burning and rawness along with a sometimes stabbing pain in the vaginal area. Although her gynecologist has been unable to identify a specific cause, what is the most likely diagnosis? A) Uterine fibroids B) Toxic shock syndrome C) Urinary tract infection D) Vulvodynia
D) Vulvodynia
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If a woman has a hymen that is not intact, what can we safely assume? A) She is not a virgin. B) She has used tampons. C) She has engaged in vigorous exercise that has ruptured the hymen. D) None of these
D) None of these
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What is the age range in which menopause will typically occur? A) 30-52 B) 35-64 C) 40-58 D) 50-67
C) 40-58
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Erection is best described as a: A) Spinal reflex B) Muscular contraction C) Cognitive process D) Tactile response
A) Spinal reflex
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A man is experiencing a bump in his scrotum. This happened while he was lifting heavy boxes. Which of the following conditions is he most likely to have? A) Hydrocele B) Prostate cancer C) Inguinal hernia D) Scrotal hernia
C) Inguinal hernia
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Next to skin cancer, what is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men? A) Testicular B) Prostate C) Penile D) Anal
B) Prostate
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A 21-year old male has just been diagnosed with cancer of the reproductive organs. Given his age, which of these cancers is more likely? A) Penile B) Prostate C) Testicular D) Breast
C) Testicular
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What factor is found to be highly correlated with a man's penis size? A) Size of hands B) Size of feet C) Father's penis size D) Height
C) Father's penis size
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Which man is most likely to develop prostate cancer? A) John, a 55-year old Black man B) Dan, a 55-year old White man C) Thao, a 40-year old Asian man D) Deon, a 25-year old Black man
A) John, a 55-year old Black man
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Sperm requires temperatures cooler than the body's temperature for viability. A) True B) False
A) True
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The majority of women and men report that penis size is a significant factor in the quality of a sex partner. A) True B) False
B) False
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In 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Association approved the first vaccine for: A) Prostate cancer B) Testicular cancer C) Gynecomastia D) Priapism
A) Prostate cancer
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A PSA test is used to detect prostate cancer. A) True B) False
A) True
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What is the 18-inch tube that carries sperm away from the testicles and mixes it with other seminal fluids? A) Epididymis B) Vas deferens C) Ejaculatory duct D) Prostate
B) Vas deferens
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All of the following statements are TRUE regarding testicular self-examinations EXCEPT? A) They are the only early detection system for testicular cancer. B) The majority of U.S. men surveyed reported doing monthly self-exams. C) Most lumps that are found during self-exams are benign. D) Doing the exam in a warm shower helps because the scrotum is relaxed and the testicles hang lower.
B) The majority of U.S. men surveyed reported doing monthly self-exams.
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Which of the following area(s) has been studied related to sperm production? A) Cell phone use B) Alcohol use C) Bicycling D) All of these
D) All of these
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What describes the process of erection? A) Rapid muscle contractions of the penile root B) Blood engorgement of the testicles which push the penis up C) Erectile tissues filling with blood D) Temporary hardening of the penile cartilage
C) Erectile tissues filling with blood
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Which statement regarding male circumcision is TRUE? A) Health care providers recommend routine circumcision for male babies born in the United States. B) Circumcision has been related to higher rates of cancer of the penis. C) Circumcision is mainly practiced for religious and cultural reasons. D) Some cultures prefer to leave the foreskin intact as it creates a more masculine look.
C) Circumcision is mainly practiced for religious and cultural reasons.
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According to World Health Organization statistics, the majority of males are circumcised. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is found to detect more than 50% of cases of prostate cancer in its early stages? A) Rectal exam B) Prostate self-exam C) Ultrasound D) Hormone testing
A) Rectal exam
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According to an evolutionary scientist, what characteristic of the penis would serve an important function related to sperm competition (when the sperm of two or more men is present in the female reproductive tract)? A) The force of ejaculation B) Sperm count C) Coronal ridge D) Penis size
C) Coronal ridge
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Ty was injured at football practice and experienced acute scrotal pain, swelling, abdominal pain, and vomiting. In order to provide the best treatment, his condition needed to be diagnosed very quickly. What was the most likely diagnosis? A) Priapism B) Testicular torsion C) Cryptorchidism D) Peyronie's disease
B) Testicular torsion
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Approximately how long does it take for a sperm to develop? A) 24 hours B) 1 week C) 30 days D) 72 days
D) 72 days
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Annual prostate exams are recommended for men beginning at 60 years of age. A) True B) False
B) False
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According to recent research with college populations what was found related to sperm production? A) Sperm production was highest for college males who had several sexual partners. B) Sperm production was lower during exam periods than at the beginning of the semester. C) Sperm production was higher in students attending college in warmer parts of the U.S. (i.e. Florida, Texas) than those attending college in places with cooler climates (i.e. Minnesota, New York). D) Sperm production was highest for college males who masturbated daily.
B) Sperm production was lower during exam periods than at the beginning of the semester.
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What term refers to the decrease of blood testosterone concentrations as a male ages? A) Gynecomastia B) Priapism C) Andropause D) Cryptorchidism
C) Andropause
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Jay often wakes up with an erection and sometimes experiences erections throughout the night. What is the most likely reason for this? A) Jay looks at porn before falling asleep which causes erotic dreams. B) Jay's REM cycles occur throughout the night and right before he wakes up. C) Jay drinks too much fluid before going to bed which causes the need to urinate and pressure in his penis. D) Jay does not masturbate frequently enough to release built up amounts of semen.
B) Jay's REM cycles occur throughout the night and right before he wakes up.
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Devon, whose mother smoked during pregnancy, was born prematurely and had to have surgery for undescended testes when he was 9 months old. What condition is Devon most likely diagnosed with? A) Priapism B) Testicular torsion C) Cryptorchidism D) Peyronie's disease
C) Cryptorchidism
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When a person is in love, his or her body releases the drug phenylethylamine which is also found in which of the following? A) Alcohol B) Chocolate C) Heroine D) Breast milk
B) Chocolate
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More men than women report "hooking up" behavior on college campuses. A) True B) False
B) False
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Self-love is another name used for narcissism. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is one of the most reliable predictors of whom a person will date? A) Physical attraction B) Education background C) Acceptance of peers D) Proximity
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Research has found that age and relationship length are both positively related to intimacy and commitment. A) True B) False
A) True
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What was one example given in the text for how a couple's score on Rubin's love scale correlates with their behavior? A) Probability they will get married B) Probability they will cheat on each other C) How many sexual partners they have had D) How many years they have been together
A) Probability they will get married
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What is the term used to describe love that will never be returned? A) Platonic B) Companionate C) Agape D) Unrequited
D) Unrequited
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According to behavioral reinforcement theory, a person may dislike someone based on the experience of an unrelated negative association in his or her presence. A) True B) False
A) True
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What have love researchers determined about the role of one's mother and father in the development of healthy, intimate relationships? A) Those who do not experience intimacy growing up will not experience it as adults. B) Childhood intimacy is not related to adult intimacy. C) People who did not experience intimacy growing up can experience it as adults. D) None of these
C) People who did not experience intimacy growing up can experience it as adults.
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Which style of attachment is most likely used to describe babies who have caregivers who are uncomfortable with affection and force separation at an early age? A) Secure B) Ambivalent C) Avoidant D) Inflexible
C) Avoidant
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What method did psychologist, John Alan Lee, use to identify the six different ways to love which he called "colors" of love? A) He asked college students to identify feelings associated with their most recent romantic relationship. B) He interviewed couples who had been married for 20 years or longer. C) Using lists of feelings words, he asked individuals between the ages of 10 and 95 to identify the words they most associated with feeling loved. D) He collected statements about love from works of fiction and nonfiction including both ancient and modern authors.
D) He collected statements about love from works of fiction and nonfiction including both ancient and modern authors.
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What are the three components of attachment measure by Rubin's "Love Scale"? A) Passion, intimacy, commitment B) Affection, loyalty, openness C) Secure, insecure, avoidant D) Needing, caring, trusting
B) Trusting
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People use their body language to reveal their level of attraction when meeting someone for the first time. A) True B) False
A) True
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Research has found a strong correlation between intimacy and the ability to do what? A) Compromise B) Show affection C) Self-disclose D) Be assertive
C) Self-disclose
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According to attachment researchers, what style of attachment in infancy leads adults to have a difficult time trusting their partners? A) Anxious/ambivalent B) Secure C) Avoidant D) Irritable/insecure
A) Anxious/ambivalent
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Which of the following aspects of love does a person's culture impact? A) How easily he or she falls in love B) Who he or she falls in love with C) How the relationship proceeds D) All of these
D) All of these
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Which statement is descriptive of the matching hypothesis? A) As couples are together longer, their behaviors tend to become very similar. B) People are drawn to others with traits and levels of attractiveness similar to themselves. C) Heterosexual people tend to find a partner who is similar to their opposite sex parent. D) People are more likely to choose partners with opposite characteristics to themselves.
B) People are drawn to others with traits and levels of attractiveness similar to themselves.
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The finding that gay men are more likely than heterosexual men to believe that "you should share your most intimate thoughts and feelings with the person you love" can possibly be explained by which statement? A) Gay men tend to adopt more feminine gender roles. B) Gay men tend to adopt fewer stereotyped beliefs about gender roles. C) Gay men produce lower levels of testosterone. D) Gay men tend to have greater ability to self-regulate emotionally.
B) Gay men tend to adopt fewer stereotyped beliefs about gender roles.
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In which of the following countries is it most likely for a person to think first of how a mate would be received by family and friends over one's own sense of romance? A) Mexico B) China C) United States D) France
B) China
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Sixteen-month old Latesha doesn't mind if her father leaves the room because she knows he will respond is she needs him. What style of attachment is Latesha most likely to have? A) Avoidant B) Loyal C) Secure D) Companionate
C) Secure
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What did Robert Sternberg's research propose? A) Love is made up of three different elements combined in different ways. B) Each person has a style of love that remains consistent over time. C) Most people will choose relationships with those who have similar love styles. D) Love that begins as romantic love is not likely to be long lasting.
A) Love is made up of three different elements combined in different ways.
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"I would do almost anything for her" is an example from which part of Rubin's Love Scale? A) Trusting B) Caring C) Loyalty D) Commitment
B) Caring
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During which era did the idea that romantic love is the most desirable form of love become popular? A) Ancient Egyptians B) Middle Ages C) 19th century D) Current generation
C) 19th century
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What is the term used to describe the set of behaviors developed in adolescence that we use to forge close relationships throughout our lives? A) Intimacy repertoire B) Attachment style C) Relationship roles D) Love styles
A) Intimacy repertoire
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Ethnic differences do not account for much variance in sexual attitudes, sexual behaviors, or frequency of behaviors among teens. A) True B) False
B) False
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A typically-developing child shows a decline in sexual exploration. Most likely, this child is how old? A) 2 B) 3 C) 6 D) 12
C) 6
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The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found that today's adolescents are increasingly engaging in more risky sexual behaviors. A) True B) False
B) False
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What popular clothing store chain that appeals to tween and teen girls introduced its new maternity line in 2010? A) Forever 21 B) Aeropostale C) Wet Seal D) Vanity
A) Forever 21
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Young boys are often told to call their penis a "wiener." What are young girls often told to call their clitoris? A) Man in the boat B) Pee pee C) Tee tee D) None of the above
D) None of the above
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Experts encourage parents to be tolerant of their children's questions and behaviors related to sexuality (i.e. genital touching).
A) True
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What was the most common motivation given by girls for engaging in sexual intercourse for the first time? A) Affection for partner B) Curiosity C) Just went along with it D) Physical pleasure
A) Affection for partner
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Comprehensive sexuality education programs typically begin in kindergarten and continue through 12th grade. A) True B) False
A) True
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All of the following are true about teens and contraceptive use EXCEPT: A) Teens who talk more frequently with their mothers about sexuality are more likely to use contraception than teens who do not talk to their mothers. B) Approximately 80% of U.S. teens use contraception the first time they engage in sexual intercourse. C) Condoms are the most common form of contraception method among teens. D) Teens in long term relationships are less likely to use contraception methods.
D) Teens in long term relationships are less likely to use contraception methods.
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What types of sexuality education programs were found to delay sexual behavior and reduce frequency of sexual behaviors and unprotected sex? A) Abstinence-only with information included about STIs B) Abstinence-only programs that do not prematurely introduce advanced topics such as contraception and STIs C) Comprehensive education that includes abstinence and contraceptive information D) No educational programs have been found to influence sexual behaviors.
C) Comprehensive education that includes abstinence and contraceptive information
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Four-year-old Emma knows that she is a girl, but sometimes says things indicating that she thinks she may be a boy in the future. Emma has not yet achieved: A) Gender identity B) Gender constancy C) Gender integration D) Gender role identification
A) Gender identity
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What was the most common motivation given by boys for engaging in sexual intercourse for the first time? A) Affection for partner B) Curiosity C) Just went along with it D) Physical pleasure
B) Curiosity
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Children's earliest friendships tend to be activity-based, whereas in early adolescence friendships are more based on: A) Affective qualities B) Physical qualities C) Social status D) Sexual orientation
A) Affective qualities
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People from which country are least likely to engage in sexual intercourse as teenagers? A) Canada B) Japan C) France D) Russia
B) Japan
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What percent of high school students commonly report being unsure about their sexual orientation? A) 10% B) 20% C) 25% D) 30%
A) 10%
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What is best describes genital self-stimulation and infants? A) During infancy genital touching is virtually unknown. B) Genital touching during infancy is uncommon and should be considered a warning sign of potential psychosexual disorders. C) During infancy genital touching is uncommon and not correlated with future sexual problems when it does occur. D) Genital touching during infancy is common and should not be discouraged.
D) Genital touching during infancy is common and should not be discouraged.
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Since the earlier Kinsey studies, how have rates of oral sex among teenagers changed? A) Rates of oral sex have decreased and been replaced by higher levels of intercourse. B) Rates of oral sex have remained constant between the years of the Kinsey studies and the more recent National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. C) Rates of oral sex have increased according to results of the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. D) Rates of receiving oral sex for males have remained constant while rates of receiving oral sex for females have increased dramatically.
C) Rates of oral sex have increased according to results of the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior.
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Research finds that more adolescent and young adult males masturbate than females. What is one possible reason for this? A) Females may under-report their masturbation. B) Females do not typically enjoy masturbation. C) Females do not reach orgasm as easily through masturbation. D) All of these
A) Females may under-report their masturbation.
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What countries are known as world leaders in sexuality education, providing the best examples of the value of high-quality sex education? A) Brazil and Canada B) United States and France C) Sweden and the Netherlands D) Japan and England
C) Sweden and the Netherlands
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According to the most recent sexuality studies, oral sex among teens has increased. A) True B) False
A) True
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Molly has just taken a virginity pledge. Compared to girls who did not take this pledge, Molly is more likely to: A) Abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage. B) Have an unplanned pregnancy. C) Use contraception if she "breaks" her pledge. D) Masturbate more frequently.
B) Have an unplanned pregnancy.
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The best approach for parents whose five-year-old child walks in on them while they are having sexual intercourse is to: A) Explain to the child that he or she should not imitate their behaviors. B) Teach the child to knock before entering the bedroom in the future. C) Have an honest discussion about love and intercourse. D) All of these
D) All of these
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All of the following are true EXCEPT: A) On average, teenage girls masturbate less often than teenage boys. B) Boys are more likely than girls to masturbate in groups. C) By the age of twelve, most children are capable of stimulating themselves to orgasm. D) Girls most often learn about masturbation from other girls.
D) Girls most often learn about masturbation from other girls.
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Laura asks questions such as "how far should you go on a date" and "why do people think it is wrong to have sex before marriage?" How old is Laura likely to be? A) 6 to 8 B) 9 to 12 C) 12 to 14 D) 15 to 17
D) 15 to 17
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What is the significance of the Quinceañera celebration in Latino communities? A) To announce a daughter's availability to potential mates B) A time to celebrate a young girl's transition into adolescence C) A time to celebrate a young girl's first period D) To announce a daughter's graduation from middle school
B) A time to celebrate a young girl's transition into adolescence
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What state was the first to legalize same-sex civil unions? A) California B) Wisconsin C) Vermont D) Maine
C) Vermont
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According to research, what is the reason why the majority of extramarital affairs occur? A) Unmet sexual needs B) Incompatibility of sexual drives C) Unmet emotional needs D) More women in the workplace
C) Unmet emotional needs
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Who is most likely to report the highest level of marital happiness? A) Joe, a White male B) Rachel, a White female C) Simone, a Black female D) Tyrome, a Black male
A) Joe, a White male
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Related to the overall impact on marital relationships, what type of affair has been found to have the LEAST affect? A) Emotional B) Sexual C) Emotional and Sexual D) Internet
B) Sexual
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Related to research on sex within marriages, what has been found? A) Reports of more frequent sexual behavior is correlated to higher levels of relationship satisfaction. B) Increased relationship satisfaction leads to more frequent sexual behavior. C) More frequent sexual behavior leads to higher levels of relationship satisfaction. D) The frequency of sexual behavior is not correlated with relationship satisfaction.
A) Reports of more frequent sexual behavior is correlated to higher levels of relationship satisfaction.
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Related to sexuality in dating relationships, couples who wait to have sex in a relationship: A) Are more likely to cheat on their partners. B) Report less overall relationship satisfaction. C) Experience better relationship outcomes. D) Are less likely to have an unintended pregnancy.
C) Experience better relationship outcomes.
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Comparing divorce rates within the first 10 years of marriage, what is true regarding divorce rates of couples married in the 1970s and couples married in the 1990s? A) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years increased from 1970 to 1990. B) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years was about the same between both groups. C) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years decreased from 1970 to 1990. D) Due to changes in divorce laws, comparisons between these groups are not valid.
C) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years decreased from 1970 to 1990.
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On a survey, who is likely to report the lowest level of overall happiness? A) Jan who is heterosexual and married B) Justin who is lesbian and in a long term dating relationship C) Jacob who is gay and in a legal marriage D) Jennifer who is heterosexual and single
D) Jennifer who is heterosexual and single
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Compared to a generation ago, those who get married in the early 21st century are more likely: A) Older and about as happy with their marriages B) Older and less happy with their marriages C) About the same age and more happy with their marriages D) About the same age and about as happy with their marriages
A) Older and about as happy with their marriages
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It is more likely for black females to be in mixed race marriages than black men, while the opposite gender difference is true for Asian men and women. A) True B) False
B) False
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What percent of heterosexual couples in the U.S. live together before marriage? A) Less than 40% B) Approximately 50% C) Approximately 75% D) More than 80%
C) Approximately 75%
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The number of cohabitating couples has decreased slightly over the last 10 years. A) True B) False
B) False
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Couples who were already engaged prior to living together have the same chance of divorce as couple who marry without living together first. A) True B) False
A) True
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In a 2010 CBS News Poll, what percentage of respondents indicated they were against legal recognition of any kind for same-sex couples? A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 80%
B) 25%
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Longer cohabitation has been found to be associated with higher likelihood of divorce in heterosexual couples A) True B) False
A) True
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Related to racial/ethnic trends and mixed-race marriage rates, which of the following statements is true? A) Asian females are less likely than Asian males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group. B) Black females are less likely than Black males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group. C) People in the Midwest have a higher percent of mixed-race marriages than people in Southern states. D) White people are more likely than Hispanic people to be in mixed-race marriages.
B) Black females are less likely than Black males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group.
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Legal marriage offers the same rights same-sex couples as both domestic partnerships and civil unions. A) True B) False
B) False
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While men traditionally receive more benefits from marriage than women, which of the following benefits does recent research show now applies equally to married men and married women? A) Physical health B) Self-reported happiness C) Mental health D) Sexual health
C) Mental health
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What is a factor related to why older men are more likely than older women to remarry after the death of a spouse? A) Men tend to marry younger women. B) Men are more likely to have familial support to remarry. C) Men maintain their physical attractiveness longer than women. D) Men tend to be in better health into later ages.
A) Men tend to marry younger women.
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What is one of the reasons given in your text for why current research on cohabitating couples may be skewed? A) Couples are often ashamed to admit to living in premarital relationships. B) We lack adequate relationship labels to define different "forms" of living together. C) The Census survey does not include a category for people to indicate when they live together but are not married. D) Only couples who live together and also have children are labeled as cohabitating in the Census data.
D) Only couples who live together and also have children are labeled as cohabitating in the Census data.
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There is a higher percentage of married men than women who are over 65. A) True B) False
A) True
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What does the "half-age-plus-seven rule" says it indicates? A) Research indicates best outcomes when a person dates someone who is half their age plus seven years. B) This "rule" indicates a person should not date someone under half their age plus seven years. C) This "rule" indicates that couples tend to stay together longer when there is a larger gap between their ages. D) Research indicates that couples who have at least a difference of half their age plus seven indicate higher levels of sexual satisfaction in their relationships.
B) This "rule" indicates a person should not date someone under half their age plus seven years.
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If you want to cohabitate with your couple and be given similar rights as married couples, you would then want to live in A) Spain B) Norway C) Italy D) China
B) Norway
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What is found as one of the most important factors in how someone recovers from a break up? A) The amount of social support they have B) If the relationship lasted less than 6 months C) How long the couple knew each other prior to their romantic relationship D) Whether or not the relationship also included a sexual relationship
A) The amount of social support they have
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Related to sex outside of marriage, how does the United States compare to other countries? A) Less than 5% of all societies are as strict about forbidding extramarital intercourse as the U.S. B) The U.S. is within the top 10% of countries with the loosest standards related to sex outside of marriage. C) The U.S. is very comparable to the majority of other countries in relation to expectations about sex outside of marriage. D) The U.S. is one of only 20% of countries around the world that do not have any laws related to sex outside of marriage.
A) Less than 5% of all societies are as strict about forbidding extramarital intercourse as the U.S.
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Which of the following can affect the sexual response cycle in women? A) The amount of time spent in each response phase B) Previous childbearing C) Menstrual cycle D) All of these
D) All of these
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What is the most frequent sexual technique reported among gay males? A) Mutual masturbation B) Anal intercourse C) Fellatio D) Fisting
C) Fellatio
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Why do some researchers, such as Beverly Whipple, criticize the Kaplan model as being based on a male model of sexual function? A) Women can experience arousal and orgasm without desire as well as desire and satisfaction without orgasm. B) It is overly focused on achieving orgasm for sexual satisfaction. C) It is only based on the physiological aspects of the sexual response. D) It does not take into account the differences in sexual response of young women compared to older women.
A) Women can experience arousal and orgasm without desire as well as desire and satisfaction without orgasm.
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A prescription is required to get a dental dam. A) True B) False
B) False
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Research on men's and women's fantasies show that gender differences are decreasing related to sexual fantasies. A) True B) False
A) True
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If someone says they choose to be abstinent, you can most likely assume they do not engage in: A) Vaginal sex B) Oral sex C) Masturbation D) All of these
A) Vaginal sex
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Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to normal. Which stage of the sexual response cycle does this describe? A) Plateau B) Refraction C) Orgasm D) Resolution
D) Resolution
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What does tenting refer to? A) Lubrication of the vagina B) Expansion of the vaginal walls C) The sensation just before orgasm D) The pleasure sensation just after orgasm
B) Expansion of the vaginal walls
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Who would be LEAST likely to perform oral sex on a male? A) Natasha, a White heterosexual female B) Mike, a White homosexual male C) Kevin, a Black homosexual male D) Lydia, a Black heterosexual female
D) Lydia, a Black heterosexual female
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The most frequently reported sexual behavior among gay males is anal sex. A) True B) False
B) False
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All of the following are reasons suggested for the increase in STIs among gay men over the past few years EXCEPT: A) Decreased fear of acquiring HIV B) Increase in high-risk sexual behaviors C) Increased Internet access to sexual partners D) Increase in the number of gay men overall
D) Increase in the number of gay men overall
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Some critics of Masters and Johnson's 4-phase model of the sexual response cycle believe that it focuses too much on: A) Foreplay B) Technique C) Frequency of intercourse D) Orgasm
D) Orgasm
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Which of the following sexual fantasies are reportedly more common among men than women? A) Sex with a current partner B) Reliving a past sexual experience C) Having an aggressive partner D) All of these
C) Having an aggressive partner
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Current researchers believe that sexual fantasies are experienced by sexually unsatisfied people. A) True B) False
B) False
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Masturbation rates remain constant over the lifespan. A) True B) False
B) False
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Men are not capable of faking orgasms. A) True B) False
B) False
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What does ejaculatory inevitability refer to? A) The pleasurable sensation right after orgasm B) The uncomfortable feeling that happens if an orgasm does not occur C) The feeling just before orgasm when ejaculation can no longer be held back D) The intense feeling of desire experienced as an erection develops
C) The feeling just before orgasm when ejaculation can no longer be held back
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What are sexual cognitions? A) Thoughts about sex B) Behaviors related to sex C) Hormonal responses to sexual stimuli D) Assessments of a partner's sexual performance
A) Thoughts about sex
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What is the most prevalent sexual behavior among men and women of all ages? A) Masturbation B) Manual sex C) Oral sex D) Vaginal intercourse
D) Vaginal intercourse
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High levels of religiosity are correlated with low levels of: A) Dating B) Early marriage C) Premarital sex D) Sexual response
C) Premarital sex
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The triphasic model of sexual response includes: A) Excitement, resolution, orgasm B) Arousal, orgasm, resolution C) Desire, excitement, orgasm D) Excitement, plateau, surrender
C) Desire, excitement, orgasm
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What is the model of sexual response developed by David Reed which blends Masters and Johnson's and Kaplan's model into one that is described by four separate phases? A) Four Phase Sexual Response B) Sensory Erotic Profile C) Sexual Arousal Cycle D) Erotic Stimulus Pathway
D) Erotic Stimulus Pathway
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If one's partner is free of sexually transmitted infections, it is safe to swallow the male ejaculate. A) True B) False
A) True
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Kaplan's model of sexual response differs from Masters and Johnson in that she believes sexual response starts with: A) An attraction component B) A psychological component C) A hormonal component D) A moral component
B) A psychological component
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While masturbation is common for both men and women, what is one of the most common differences related to gender and masturbation? A) Age at which masturbation typically stops B) Frequency of masturbation C) Masturbation decreases among women as they age, but not for men D) Masturbation increases among women as they age, but decreases for men
B) Frequency of masturbation
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Reports of same-sex behavior among males have been increasing at a higher rate than reports of same-sex behavior among females. A) True B) False
B) False
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In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor? A) The concept of time - past, present, future B) The difference between a person's moral beliefs and their actual behaviors C) The number of same-sex partners someone has before being considered homosexual D) If a person's first sexual experience was with someone of the same-sex or someone of the opposite sex
A) The concept of time - past, present, future
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Research shows that women's sexual identity is more fluid than men's. A) True B) False
A) True
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As of 2011, Facebook relationship status options included "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership." A) True B) False
A) True
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All of the following statements about same-sex sexual relations and Asian countries are true EXCEPT: A) It wasn't until 2001 that the Chinese Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. B) Homosexuality is often seen as a result of Western influences, considered a "Western social disease." C) Buddhist countries generally accept homosexuality although they may have different laws for homosexuals and heterosexuals. D) In India, which is a patriarchal country, lesbians are generally more accepted than gay men.
D) In India, which is a patriarchal country, lesbians are generally more accepted than gay men.
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Which of the following describes hate crimes? A) Hate crimes include crimes motivated by hatred of religion, sex, race, and sexual orientation. B) According to the APA, hate crimes against homosexuals are the most socially acceptable crimes. C) Hate crimes are known as "message crimes." D) All of these are true.
D) All of these are true.
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In India, there is more acceptance for lesbians than for gay men. A) True B) False
B) False
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What can be concluded about reparative therapy? A) Research has found that in time, it is possible to change sexual orientation in about 80% of patients. B) Reparative therapy may do more harm than good. C) It is recommended by the American Psychological Association. D) Although sexual orientation may not change, many patients report being happier as a result of the therapy.
B) Reparative therapy may do more harm than good.
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Which theory would contend that homosexuality is the result of various reinforcements and punishments? A) Sociological B) Systems C) Behavioral D) Interactional
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Statistically speaking, which of the following individuals would be more likely to experience thoughts of suicide as well as higher levels of binge drinking? A) Samantha, a 20-year old heterosexual female B) Sheila, a 20-year old lesbian female C) Daniel, a 20-year-old gay male D) Derrick, a 20-year old bisexual male
D) Derrick, a 20-year old bisexual male
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Lesbian relationships have been found to have which of the following characteristics in comparison to heterosexual relationships? A) More egalitarian relationships B) Less empathy for each other C) Higher levels of conflict D) Less overall relationship satisfaction
A) More egalitarian relationships
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What is one criticism of the current theories that attempt to explain sexual orientation? A) They ignore gender differences. B) They ignore the interaction between biology, social, and cultural factors. C) They ignore bisexuality. D) They ignore physical differences between gay and straight people.
C) They ignore bisexuality.
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Which president did not support the Defense of Marriage Act? A) George W. Bush B) Bill Clinton C) Barak Obama D) None of these, the Defense of Marriage Act has always had presidential support.
C) Barak Obama
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How did many scientists during the 1930s and 1940s try to explain homosexuality? A) By exploring physical differences between male and female gay and straight people B) By exploring gay men's and women's motivations to identify as homosexual C) By exploring brain differences between gay and straight men and women D) By exploring the family backgrounds of gay men and women
A) By exploring physical differences between male and female gay and straight people
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Evidence from studies of biological differences in sexual orientation is most likely to lead to what conclusion? A) Biological factors are much stronger for lesbians than for gay men. B) Biology allows us to predict close to 90% of people who will be homosexual. C) Biology probably interacts with social influences in predicting homosexuality. D) Biology plays no role in influencing sexual orientation.
C) Biology probably interacts with social influences in predicting homosexuality.
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What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? A) Gay men have more older brothers than heterosexual men. B) Gay men have more older sisters than heterosexual men. C) Gay men are typically the oldest child. D) Gay men are more likely to be only children.
A) Gay men have more older brothers than heterosexual men.
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In the Sambian culture, males practice sequential homosexuality primarily through what sexual activity? A) Extramarital affairs B) Through oral sex C) Father-son sexual contact D) Through anal intercourse
B) Through oral sex
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What state struck down its laws against same-sex adoption in 2010? A) Iowa B) Connecticut C) Florida D) Utah
C) Florida
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What is the largest and best-known magazine dedicated to gay and lesbian issues? A) The Source B) Pride C) The Advocate D) Coming Out
C) The Advocate
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What is the role of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in middle schools and high schools across the country? A) To make homosexuality more appealing to young people B) To teach young homosexuals how to practice safer sex C) To encourage acceptance of LGBT students D) All of these
C) To encourage acceptance of LGBT students
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What statement best describes the Church's stance on homosexuality through the first 1,000 years of Christianity? A) Initially the Church was concerned with only male homosexuality. B) Initially the Church was concerned with female homosexuality. C) From the very beginning, the Church enforced strict sanctions against homosexuality. D) For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Church was fairly indifferent towards homosexuality.
D) For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Church was fairly indifferent towards homosexuality.
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All of the following are true of bisexual sexual orientation and identity EXCEPT: A) People who identify as bisexual tend to self-label later in life than gay or lesbian individuals. B) Bisexuals are more accepted than lesbians in both the heterosexual and homosexual communities. C) Bisexuality is a relatively new "categorization" of sexual identity. D) Compared to gays and lesbians, bisexuals have been found to have decreased social well-being.
B) Bisexuals are more accepted than lesbians in both the heterosexual and homosexual communities.
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If you wanted to find a religious denomination that is the most accepting of homosexuality, you would most likely become a member of which congregation? A) Methodist B) Pentecostal C) United Church of Christ D) None of these; there are no Christian based denomination accepting of homosexuality.
C) United Church of Christ
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Sexual experimentation is highly correlated with sexual orientation. A) True B) False
B) False
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Low family acceptance during the coming out process is related to increased risk of: A) Suicide B) Use of illegal drugs C) Unprotected sexual activity D) All of these
D) All of these
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What state was the first to legalize same-sex civil unions? A) California B) Wisconsin C) Vermont D) Maine
C) Vermont
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According to research, what is the reason why the majority of extramarital affairs occur? A) Unmet sexual needs B) Incompatibility of sexual drives C) Unmet emotional needs D) More women in the workplace
C) Unmet emotional needs
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Who is most likely to report the highest level of marital happiness? A) Joe, a White male B) Rachel, a White female C) Simone, a Black female D) Tyrome, a Black male
A) Joe, a White male
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Related to the overall impact on marital relationships, what type of affair has been found to have the LEAST affect? A) Emotional B) Sexual C) Emotional and Sexual D) Internet
B) Sexual
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Related to research on sex within marriages, what has been found? A) Reports of more frequent sexual behavior is correlated to higher levels of relationship satisfaction. B) Increased relationship satisfaction leads to more frequent sexual behavior. C) More frequent sexual behavior leads to higher levels of relationship satisfaction. D) The frequency of sexual behavior is not correlated with relationship satisfaction.
A) Reports of more frequent sexual behavior is correlated to higher levels of relationship satisfaction.
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Related to sexuality in dating relationships, couples who wait to have sex in a relationship: A) Are more likely to cheat on their partners. B) Report less overall relationship satisfaction. C) Experience better relationship outcomes. D) Are less likely to have an unintended pregnancy.
C) Experience better relationship outcomes.
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Comparing divorce rates within the first 10 years of marriage, what is true regarding divorce rates of couples married in the 1970s and couples married in the 1990s? A) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years increased from 1970 to 1990. B) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years was about the same between both groups. C) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years decreased from 1970 to 1990. D) Due to changes in divorce laws, comparisons between these groups are not valid.
C) The percentage of couples that divorced within the first 10 years decreased from 1970 to 1990.
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On a survey, who is likely to report the lowest level of overall happiness? A) Jan who is heterosexual and married B) Justin who is lesbian and in a long term dating relationship C) Jacob who is gay and in a legal marriage D) Jennifer who is heterosexual and single
D) Jennifer who is heterosexual and single
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Compared to a generation ago, those who get married in the early 21st century are more likely: A) Older and about as happy with their marriages B) Older and less happy with their marriages C) About the same age and more happy with their marriages D) About the same age and about as happy with their marriages
A) Older and about as happy with their marriages
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It is more likely for black females to be in mixed race marriages than black men, while the opposite gender difference is true for Asian men and women. A) True B) False
B) False
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What percent of heterosexual couples in the U.S. live together before marriage? A) Less than 40% B) Approximately 50% C) Approximately 75% D) More than 80%
C) Approximately 75%
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The number of cohabitating couples has decreased slightly over the last 10 years. A) True B) False
B) False
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Couples who were already engaged prior to living together have the same chance of divorce as couple who marry without living together first. A) True B) False
A) True
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In a 2010 CBS News Poll, what percentage of respondents indicated they were against legal recognition of any kind for same-sex couples? A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 80%
B) 25%
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Longer cohabitation has been found to be associated with higher likelihood of divorce in heterosexual couples A) True B) False
A) True
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Related to racial/ethnic trends and mixed-race marriage rates, which of the following statements is true? A) Asian females are less likely than Asian males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group. B) Black females are less likely than Black males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group. C) People in the Midwest have a higher percent of mixed-race marriages than people in Southern states. D) White people are more likely than Hispanic people to be in mixed-race marriages.
B) Black females are less likely than Black males to marry a person of another racial/ethnic group.
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Legal marriage offers the same rights same-sex couples as both domestic partnerships and civil unions. A) True B) False
B) False
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While men traditionally receive more benefits from marriage than women, which of the following benefits does recent research show now applies equally to married men and married women? A) Physical health B) Self-reported happiness C) Mental health D) Sexual health
C) Mental health
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What is a factor related to why older men are more likely than older women to remarry after the death of a spouse? A) Men tend to marry younger women. B) Men are more likely to have familial support to remarry. C) Men maintain their physical attractiveness longer than women. D) Men tend to be in better health into later ages.
A) Men tend to marry younger women.
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What is one of the reasons given in your text for why current research on cohabitating couples may be skewed? A) Couples are often ashamed to admit to living in premarital relationships. B) We lack adequate relationship labels to define different "forms" of living together. C) The Census survey does not include a category for people to indicate when they live together but are not married. D) Only couples who live together and also have children are labeled as cohabitating in the Census data.
B) We lack adequate relationship labels to define different "forms" of living together.
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There is a higher percentage of married men than women who are over 65. A) True B) False
A) True
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What does the "half-age-plus-seven rule" says it indicates? A) Research indicates best outcomes when a person dates someone who is half their age plus seven years. B) This "rule" indicates a person should not date someone under half their age plus seven years. C) This "rule" indicates that couples tend to stay together longer when there is a larger gap between their ages. D) Research indicates that couples who have at least a difference of half their age plus seven indicate higher levels of sexual satisfaction in their relationships.
B) This "rule" indicates a person should not date someone under half their age plus seven years.
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If you want to cohabitate with your couple and be given similar rights as married couples, you would then want to live in A) Spain B) Norway C) Italy D) China
B) Norway
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What is found as one of the most important factors in how someone recovers from a break up? A) The amount of social support they have B) If the relationship lasted less than 6 months C) How long the couple knew each other prior to their romantic relationship D) Whether or not the relationship also included a sexual relationship
A) The amount of social support they have
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Related to sex outside of marriage, how does the United States compare to other countries? A) Less than 5% of all societies are as strict about forbidding extramarital intercourse as the U.S. B) The U.S. is within the top 10% of countries with the loosest standards related to sex outside of marriage. C) The U.S. is very comparable to the majority of other countries in relation to expectations about sex outside of marriage. D) The U.S. is one of only 20% of countries around the world that do not have any laws related to sex outside of marriage.
A) Less than 5% of all societies are as strict about forbidding extramarital intercourse as the U.S.
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Which of the following can affect the sexual response cycle in women? A) The amount of time spent in each response phase B) Previous childbearing C) Menstrual cycle D) All of these
D) All of these
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What is the most frequent sexual technique reported among gay males? A) Mutual masturbation B) Anal intercourse C) Fellatio D) Fisting
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Why do some researchers, such as Beverly Whipple, criticize the Kaplan model as being based on a male model of sexual function? A) Women can experience arousal and orgasm without desire as well as desire and satisfaction without orgasm. B) It is overly focused on achieving orgasm for sexual satisfaction. C) It is only based on the physiological aspects of the sexual response. D) It does not take into account the differences in sexual response of young women compared to older women.
A) Women can experience arousal and orgasm without desire as well as desire and satisfaction without orgasm.
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A prescription is required to get a dental dam. A) True B) False
B) False
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Research on men's and women's fantasies show that gender differences are decreasing related to sexual fantasies. A) True B) False
A) True
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If someone says they choose to be abstinent, you can most likely assume they do not engage in: A) Vaginal sex B) Oral sex C) Masturbation D) All of these
A) Vaginal sex
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Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to normal. Which stage of the sexual response cycle does this describe? A) Plateau B) Refraction C) Orgasm D) Resolution
D) Resolution
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What does tenting refer to? A) Lubrication of the vagina B) Expansion of the vaginal walls C) The sensation just before orgasm D) The pleasure sensation just after orgasm
B) Expansion of the vaginal walls
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Who would be LEAST likely to perform oral sex on a male? A) Natasha, a White heterosexual female B) Mike, a White homosexual male C) Kevin, a Black homosexual male D) Lydia, a Black heterosexual female
D) Lydia, a Black heterosexual female
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The most frequently reported sexual behavior among gay males is anal sex. A) True B) False
B) False
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All of the following are reasons suggested for the increase in STIs among gay men over the past few years EXCEPT: A) Decreased fear of acquiring HIV B) Increase in high-risk sexual behaviors C) Increased Internet access to sexual partners D) Increase in the number of gay men overall
D) Increase in the number of gay men overall
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Some critics of Masters and Johnson's 4-phase model of the sexual response cycle believe that it focuses too much on: A) Foreplay B) Technique C) Frequency of intercourse D) Orgasm
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Which of the following sexual fantasies are reportedly more common among men than women? A) Sex with a current partner B) Reliving a past sexual experience C) Having an aggressive partner D) All of these
C) Having an aggressive partner
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Current researchers believe that sexual fantasies are experienced by sexually unsatisfied people. A) True B) False
B) False
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Masturbation rates remain constant over the lifespan. A) True B) False
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Men are not capable of faking orgasms. A) True B) False
B) False
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What does ejaculatory inevitability refer to? A) The pleasurable sensation right after orgasm B) The uncomfortable feeling that happens if an orgasm does not occur C) The feeling just before orgasm when ejaculation can no longer be held back D) The intense feeling of desire experienced as an erection develops
C) The feeling just before orgasm when ejaculation can no longer be held back
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What are sexual cognitions? A) Thoughts about sex B) Behaviors related to sex C) Hormonal responses to sexual stimuli D) Assessments of a partner's sexual performance
A) Thoughts about sex
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What is the most prevalent sexual behavior among men and women of all ages? A) Masturbation B) Manual sex C) Oral sex D) Vaginal intercourse
D) Vaginal intercourse
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High levels of religiosity are correlated with low levels of: A) Dating B) Early marriage C) Premarital sex D) Sexual response
C) Premarital sex
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The triphasic model of sexual response includes: A) Excitement, resolution, orgasm B) Arousal, orgasm, resolution C) Desire, excitement, orgasm D) Excitement, plateau, surrender
C) Desire, excitement, orgasm
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What is the model of sexual response developed by David Reed which blends Masters and Johnson's and Kaplan's model into one that is described by four separate phases? A) Four Phase Sexual Response B) Sensory Erotic Profile C) Sexual Arousal Cycle D) Erotic Stimulus Pathway
D) Erotic Stimulus Pathway
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If one's partner is free of sexually transmitted infections, it is safe to swallow the male ejaculate. A) True B) False
A) True
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Kaplan's model of sexual response differs from Masters and Johnson in that she believes sexual response starts with: A) An attraction component B) A psychological component C) A hormonal component D) A moral component
B) A psychological component
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While masturbation is common for both men and women, what is one of the most common differences related to gender and masturbation? A) Age at which masturbation typically stops B) Frequency of masturbation C) Masturbation decreases among women as they age, but not for men D) Masturbation increases among women as they age, but decreases for men
B) Frequency of masturbation
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Reports of same-sex behavior among males have been increasing at a higher rate than reports of same-sex behavior among females. A) True B) False
B) False
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In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor? A) The concept of time - past, present, future B) The difference between a person's moral beliefs and their actual behaviors C) The number of same-sex partners someone has before being considered homosexual D) If a person's first sexual experience was with someone of the same-sex or someone of the opposite sex
A) The concept of time - past, present, future
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Research shows that women's sexual identity is more fluid than men's. A) True B) False
A) True
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As of 2011, Facebook relationship status options included "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership." A) True B) False
A) True
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All of the following statements about same-sex sexual relations and Asian countries are true EXCEPT: A) It wasn't until 2001 that the Chinese Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. B) Homosexuality is often seen as a result of Western influences, considered a "Western social disease." C) Buddhist countries generally accept homosexuality although they may have different laws for homosexuals and heterosexuals. D) In India, which is a patriarchal country, lesbians are generally more accepted than gay men.
D) In India, which is a patriarchal country, lesbians are generally more accepted than gay men.
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Which of the following describes hate crimes? A) Hate crimes include crimes motivated by hatred of religion, sex, race, and sexual orientation. B) According to the APA, hate crimes against homosexuals are the most socially acceptable crimes. C) Hate crimes are known as "message crimes." D) All of these are true.
D) All of these are true.
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In India, there is more acceptance for lesbians than for gay men. A) True B) False
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What can be concluded about reparative therapy? A) Research has found that in time, it is possible to change sexual orientation in about 80% of patients. B) Reparative therapy may do more harm than good. C) It is recommended by the American Psychological Association. D) Although sexual orientation may not change, many patients report being happier as a result of the therapy.
B) Reparative therapy may do more harm than good.
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Which theory would contend that homosexuality is the result of various reinforcements and punishments? A) Sociological B) Systems C) Behavioral D) Interactional
C) Behavioral
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Statistically speaking, which of the following individuals would be more likely to experience thoughts of suicide as well as higher levels of binge drinking? A) Samantha, a 20-year old heterosexual female B) Sheila, a 20-year old lesbian female C) Daniel, a 20-year-old gay male D) Derrick, a 20-year old bisexual male
D) Derrick, a 20-year old bisexual male
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Lesbian relationships have been found to have which of the following characteristics in comparison to heterosexual relationships? A) More egalitarian relationships B) Less empathy for each other C) Higher levels of conflict D) Less overall relationship satisfaction
A) More egalitarian relationships
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What is one criticism of the current theories that attempt to explain sexual orientation? A) They ignore gender differences. B) They ignore the interaction between biology, social, and cultural factors. C) They ignore bisexuality. D) They ignore physical differences between gay and straight people.
C) They ignore bisexuality.
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Which president did not support the Defense of Marriage Act? A) George W. Bush B) Bill Clinton C) Barak Obama D) None of these, the Defense of Marriage Act has always had presidential support.
C) Barak Obama
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How did many scientists during the 1930s and 1940s try to explain homosexuality? A) By exploring physical differences between male and female gay and straight people B) By exploring gay men's and women's motivations to identify as homosexual C) By exploring brain differences between gay and straight men and women D) By exploring the family backgrounds of gay men and women
A) By exploring physical differences between male and female gay and straight people
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Evidence from studies of biological differences in sexual orientation is most likely to lead to what conclusion? A) Biological factors are much stronger for lesbians than for gay men. B) Biology allows us to predict close to 90% of people who will be homosexual. C) Biology probably interacts with social influences in predicting homosexuality. D) Biology plays no role in influencing sexual orientation.
C) Biology probably interacts with social influences in predicting homosexuality.
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What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? A) Gay men have more older brothers than heterosexual men. B) Gay men have more older sisters than heterosexual men. C) Gay men are typically the oldest child. D) Gay men are more likely to be only children.
A) Gay men have more older brothers than heterosexual men.
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In the Sambian culture, males practice sequential homosexuality primarily through what sexual activity? A) Extramarital affairs B) Through oral sex C) Father-son sexual contact D) Through anal intercourse
B) Through oral sex
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What state struck down its laws against same-sex adoption in 2010? A) Iowa B) Connecticut C) Florida D) Utah
C) Florida
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What is the largest and best-known magazine dedicated to gay and lesbian issues? A) The Source B) Pride C) The Advocate D) Coming Out
C) The Advocate
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What is the role of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in middle schools and high schools across the country? A) To make homosexuality more appealing to young people B) To teach young homosexuals how to practice safer sex C) To encourage acceptance of LGBT students D) All of these
C) To encourage acceptance of LGBT students
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What statement best describes the Church's stance on homosexuality through the first 1,000 years of Christianity? A) Initially the Church was concerned with only male homosexuality. B) Initially the Church was concerned with female homosexuality. C) From the very beginning, the Church enforced strict sanctions against homosexuality. D) For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Church was fairly indifferent towards homosexuality.
D) For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the Church was fairly indifferent towards homosexuality.
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All of the following are true of bisexual sexual orientation and identity EXCEPT: A) People who identify as bisexual tend to self-label later in life than gay or lesbian individuals. B) Bisexuals are more accepted than lesbians in both the heterosexual and homosexual communities. C) Bisexuality is a relatively new "categorization" of sexual identity. D) Compared to gays and lesbians, bisexuals have been found to have decreased social well-being.
B) Bisexuals are more accepted than lesbians in both the heterosexual and homosexual communities.
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If you wanted to find a religious denomination that is the most accepting of homosexuality, you would most likely become a member of which congregation? A) Methodist B) Pentecostal C) United Church of Christ D) None of these; there are no Christian based denomination accepting of homosexuality.
C) United Church of Christ
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Sexual experimentation is highly correlated with sexual orientation. A) True B) False
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Low family acceptance during the coming out process is related to increased risk of: A) Suicide B) Use of illegal drugs C) Unprotected sexual activity D) All of these
D) All of these
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At 4 weeks after conception, A) The embryo is the size of a softball and has a heart B) The embryo is no bigger than grain of rice and has a heart and spine C) The embryo is no bigger than a grain of rice and has fully developed reproductive organs D) The embryo has a brain and is capable of dreaming
B) The embryo is no bigger than grain of rice and has a heart and spine
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What is one of the reasons the number of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in the U.S.? A) More females are using assisted reproductive technologies to become pregnant. B) The level of quality nutrition available in the U.S. has declined. C) There has been an increase in pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia infections. D) The birth rate among teens and unmarried women has been increasing and these groups are less likely to receive prenatal care.
C) There has been an increase in pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia infections.
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Data from 2009 showed that while the overall number of U.S. births declined, increases were found among what age group? A) Ages 15-19 B) Ages 20-24 C) Ages 25-29 D) Over 30
D) Over 30
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How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy? A) 22 weeks B) 36 weeks C) 40 weeks D) 44 weeks
C) 40 weeks
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Approximately how many women experience postpartum depression? A) 1 in 4 B) 1 in 8 C) 1 in 15 D) 1 in 20
B) 1 in 8
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The rate of C-section deliveries have been steadily declining over the past 20 years. A) True B) False
B) False
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More babies are born before their due date rather than after their due date. A) True B) False
B) False
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The majority of births worldwide take place in hospitals. A) True B) False
B) False
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At what point during the pregnancy do many women report an increased sex drive? A) During the first trimester B) During the second trimester C) During the third trimester D) Most women report little interest in sex during the entire pregnancy.
B) During the second trimester
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What is most likely to cause morning sickness? A) Eating something spicy or rich B) Increased estrogen and progesterone C) Growth of the uterus which pushes on the stomach D) Amniotic fluid that is passing through the placenta to the mother
B) Increased estrogen and progesterone
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Prior to birth, the birth canal is too small for the baby to emerge. What happens to allow the baby to exit its mother? A) The baby will shrink B) The skull of the baby will compress C) The mother's pelvis will expand D) The skull of the baby will compress, the bones of the baby are pliable, and the mother's pelvis will expand E) None of the above. C-sections are always performed.
D) The skull of the baby will compress, the bones of the baby are pliable, and the mother's pelvis will expand
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Where does fertilization normally take place? A) In the uterus B) At the cervix C) In the ampulla (part of the fallopian tube) D) When sperm enter the ovaries
C) In the ampulla (part of the fallopian tube)
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What statement regarding sex during pregnancy is TRUE? A) Oral sex should be avoided during pregnancy. B) Some cultures believe semen is essential throughout pregnancy for proper fetal development. C) While intercourse is safe during pregnancy, orgasm is not and should be avoided. D) During the first trimester, sexual interest is often at its peak because the couple does not have to worry about becoming pregnant anymore.
B) Some cultures believe semen is essential throughout pregnancy for proper fetal development.
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What happens during the final stage of labor? A) Engagement B) Placenta Expulsion C) Birth D) Crowning
B) Placenta Expulsion
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What is the procedure called when sperm are collected via masturbation from the partner or from a sperm donor and then deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes to assist with fertilization? A) In vitro fertilization (IVF) B) Preimplantation fertility diagnosis (PID) C) Artificial insemination (AI) D) Intracellular Sperm Injections (ICSI)
C) Artificial insemination (AI)
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By day 28 the embryo, A) Has gills and a tail B) Has lungs C) Has a functional heart D) Can respond to touch
A) Has gills and a tail
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Related to sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true? A) Most women take up to a year before resuming pre-pregnancy sexual desire and frequency. B) Sexual intercourse can be safely resumed immediately following delivery. C) Most physicians advise heterosexual patients who had an uncomplicated delivery to wait 6 weeks postpartum before resuming intercourse. D) Most women report increased vaginal lubrication up to 6 months postpartum.
C) Most physicians advise heterosexual patients who had an uncomplicated delivery to wait 6 weeks postpartum before resuming intercourse.
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What percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage? A) 2-5% B) 5-10% C) 15-20% D) 25-30%
C) 15-20%
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8 weeks is seen as a developmental milestone because A) The fetus would survive outside the womb B) all organs have formed C) The embryo develops eyes D) The embryo has fully functioning lungs
B) all organs have formed
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When a couple is experiencing fertility problems, most often the problems can be traced back to: A) Problems associated with just one of the partners B) A combined problem between both partners C) Unknown causes D) Psychological causes in the female partner
A) Problems associated with just one of the partners
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When two ova are released and both are fertilized by sperm, what type of twins result? A) Fraternal twins B) Identical twins C) Either fraternal or identical twins. D) Neither, only one egg at a time can be fertilized and twins result if that egg splits in two.
A) Fraternal twins
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Most states have structured and highly monitored laws regarding surrogate parenting. A) True B) False
B) False
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The major organ systems are formed, the circulatory and urinary systems are operating and the fetus weighs about a half ounce. What stage of pregnancy are we talking about? A) End of the first month B) End of the first trimester C) End of the second trimester D) Half way through the pregnancy
B) End of the first trimester
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What is one of the reasons a mother who is Rh incompatible with her fetus is given the drug RhoGAM after delivery or after an amniocentesis, miscarriage or abortion? A) If she is not given the drug, she will not be able to breastfeed her baby or future children. B) If she is not given the drug, it can be dangerous for future pregnancies and lead to fetal death. C) If she is not given the drug within the first 12 hours of delivery, she is at risk for developing a serious bacterial infection that could result in death. D) If she is not given the drug, she will likely become infertile.
B) If she is not given the drug, it can be dangerous for future pregnancies and lead to fetal death.
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What is the primary role of the placenta? A) Supply nutrients to the developing fetus B) Aid in respiratory and excretory functions of the fetus C) Secrete hormones necessary for the continuation of the pregnancy D) All of these
D) All of these
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All of the following are true related to erectile dysfunction and pharmacological treatments EXCEPT: A) More patients prefer Cialis over Viagra or Levitra because of its longer duration. B) Pharmacological treatments are considered the first line of treatment for erectile disorder. C) Critics of ED drugs dislike the primary focus on erection without considering the multidimensional nature of male sexuality. D) Erectile dysfunction drugs work by causing an erection without needing any additional sexual stimulation.
D) Erectile dysfunction drugs work by causing an erection without needing any additional sexual stimulation.
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What is a common reason cited for a second-trimester abortion? A) Fetal deformities B) Marital difficulties C) Financial problems D) All of these
D) All of these
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In the U.S., White women are more likely to use _______, while Black and Hispanic women are more likely to use _______. A) Sterilization, condoms B) The pill, condoms C) The pill, sterilization D) Condoms, the pill
C) The pill, sterilization
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Progesterone is the primary hormone responsible for sexual desire in both males and females. A) True B) False
B) False
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If a couple wants to prevent pregnancy and avoid STIs, what is the most reliable choice? A) Male or female sterilization B) Abstinence C) Birth control pills D) Condoms
B) Abstinence
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Which of the following is NOT a hormonal method of birth control? A) Seasonale B) Ortho Evra patch C) NuvaRing D) ParaGard
D) ParaGard
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What statement is descriptive of men's reactions to abortion? A) Men do not typically want to be involved in an abortion decision. B) Men often do not discuss the pregnancy with anyone other than their partner. C) Men do not experience the sense of loss from an abortion because their bodies do not experience the physical changes associated with pregnancy and abortion. D) Women who are still in a relationship with their male partner do not typically get abortions.
B) Men often do not discuss the pregnancy with anyone other than their partner.
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If a man is being treated for erectile dysfunction, a lack of nighttime erections would be a good indicator that the underlying cause is physical. A) True B) False
A) True
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Which of the following is true related to surgical treatment options and erectile disorders? A) There are two main types of implants, including semi rigid rods that provide a permanent state of erection and inflatable devices that become firm when pumped. B) After prosthesis implantation, a man no longer experiences orgasm or ejaculation. C) Most men remain dissatisfied with their sex lives after surgical treatment for erectile disorder. D) Homosexual men are more likely to be satisfied with surgical treatment options as orgasm and ejaculation are not as important for their sexual satisfaction.
A) There are two main types of implants, including semi rigid rods that provide a permanent state of erection and inflatable devices that become firm when pumped.
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After a vasectomy, a man: A) Will no longer ejaculate. B) Is sterile immediately. C) Will have difficulty achieving an erection for two to three months after surgery. D) Will continue to produce viable sperm, but they will have nowhere to go.
D) Will continue to produce viable sperm, but they will have nowhere to go.
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Emergency contraception works by causing a fertilized egg to dissolve back into the body. A) True B) False
B) False
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Genital pain associated with sexual behavior is referred to as dyspareunia. A) True B) False
A) True
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In the 1800s and early 1900s, doctors were the primary ones to provide information about contraception to women and men. A) True B) False
B) False
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Which group of women may experience lower effectiveness rates with hormonal methods of birth control? A) Women ages 15-19 B) Women over 35 C) Women who are significantly overweight D) Women who exercise too much
C) Women who are significantly overweight
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What statement describes the female condom? A) It is composed of two rings joined by a sheath. B) It is made of rubber or latex. C) It can be used more than once. D) It must be fitted by a physician.
A) It is composed of two rings joined by a sheath.
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The most common procedure for female sterilization is the hysterectomy. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is the closest range of common effectiveness rates for spermicides used alone? A) 40-50% B) 50-60% C) 70-80% D) 80-90%
C) 70-80%
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What factor is associated with the disorder of delayed ejaculation? A) High masturbatory activity B) Lower levels of sexual satisfaction C) Higher levels of anxiety and depression D) All of these
D) All of these
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The majority of individuals with severe mental illness are asexual. A) True B) False
B) False
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Even though it is easier to reach orgasm through masturbation, many heterosexual women report increased pleasure with vaginal intercourse over masturbation because: A) Orgasms through vaginal intercourse tend to be more intense. B) Intercourse provides more intimacy and closeness. C) Most women prefer to delay their orgasms as long as possible for heightened pleasure. D) All of these
B) Intercourse provides more intimacy and closeness.
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What is the term used for a persistent and sometimes painful erection? A) Priapism B) Anejaculation C) Penile tumescence D) Vasoconstriction
A) Priapism
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In men, what disorder is classified as a sexual arousal disorder? A) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder B) Orgasmic disorder C) Premature ejaculatory disorder D) Erectile disorder
D) Erectile disorder
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What is a criticism of how the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) classifies sexual dysfunctions? A) It overly emphasizes male dysfunctions. B) It only focuses on global sexual dysfunctions. C) It is heterosexist. D) It is too focused on psychological factors and doesn't account for physiology.
C) It is heterosexist.
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What is the name of the device placed just under the skin in the arm that uses time-released hormones to prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years? A) Depo-Provera B) Implanon C) Mirena D) NuvaRing
B) Implanon
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Progestin-only birth control methods are recommended for women who are breastfeeding. A) True B) False
A) True
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When a woman has a pap test, the test is also screening for STIs. A) True B) False
B) False
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Someone who is HIV-positive might initially experience flu-like symptoms, followed by a period to time with no obvious symptoms. Only when later, more severe symptoms develop does the seriousness of the disease become apparent. What other STI is this similar to? A) Herpes B) Chlamydia C) Syphilis D) Trichimoniasis
C) Syphilis
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What can trigger herpes outbreaks? A) Exposure to sunlight B) Fatigue C) Chapped lips D) All of these
D) All of these
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How many stages does syphilis progress through? A) Two B) Three C) Four D) Five
B) Three
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During the 1990s and today, rates of high risk sexual behaviors among gay males have steadily decreased due to fear of contracting HIV. A) True B) False
B) False
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Who is most likely to contract PID? A) Jason, 25-year-old sexually active gay male B) Kimberly, a 19-year-old sexually active heterosexual female C) Casey, a 23-year-old abstinent lesbian female D) Cameron, a 20-year-old sexually active bisexual male
B) Kimberly, a 19-year-old sexually active heterosexual female
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What is the name for compounds that are applied to the vagina or rectum to protect against STIs and work by providing a physical barrier to keep STIs from reaching certain cells? A) Condoms B) Microbicides C) Antiretrovirals D) Lactobacillus
B) Microbicides
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All of the following statements are true regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) EXCEPT: A) There are over 40 types of HPVs. B) The majority of people who are infected do not know they have it. C) Some strains of HPV cause genital warts and some strains can lead to cervical cancer. D) Once a person is infected with HPV, it is impossible to get rid of.
D) Once a person is infected with HPV, it is impossible to get rid of.
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How do men and women differ in their symptoms of gonorrhea? A) Men may not develop symptoms for several months, whereas women show symptoms within a week of infection. B) Men tend to develop symptoms within a week of infection, whereas women may not experience symptoms until complications have developed. C) Men and women both develop symptoms within a week of being infected. D) Both men and women tend to be asymptomatic for anywhere from several months to several years.
B) Men tend to develop symptoms within a week of infection, whereas women may not experience symptoms until complications have developed.
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Higher knowledge levels about HIV/AIDS are consistently strong predictors of behavior changes and the practice of safer sex among U.S. college students. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is the main mode of HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Heterosexual intercourse B) Males having sex with males C) Intravenous drug use D) Prostitution
A) Heterosexual intercourse
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If people have a "punishment concept" of STIs, they: A) Believe that STIs are the primary cause of sexual disorders. B) Think those who develop STIs deserve them. C) Believe it is okay to not tell ex-lovers when they find out they have an STI. D) Feel that people who commit sex crimes should be infected with STIs as their consequence.
B) Think those who develop STIs deserve them.
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What areas of the world have seen the greatest increase in HIV infections? A) The U.S. and Europe B) The U.S. and Africa C) Central and South America D) Eastern Europe and Central Asia
D) Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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What is one of the most serious long-term outcomes of chlamydia in women? A) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) B) Ovarian cancer C) Increased risk for hysterectomy D) Neurological damage
A) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
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A person is experiencing "viral shedding" but no other symptoms. What is this person's most likely STI diagnosis? A) Herpes and contagious B) Herpes but not contagious C) Genital warts and contagious D) Genital warts but not contagious
A) Herpes and contagious
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What is one advancement that has been made related to HIV? A) Medication that can be given within 6 months of infection to rid the body of the HIV infection B) Medication that can be given to the partner of a person with HIV to prevent transmission C) Development of rapid HIV testing that can be done through a blood sample or sample of mucus membranes in the mouth D) Development of prenatal testing for babies whose mothers are HIV positive
C) Development of rapid HIV testing that can be done through a blood sample or sample of mucus membranes in the mouth
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Which of the following may be treated with antibiotics? A) Pubic lice B) Herpes C) HPV D) Chlamydia
D) Chlamydia
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Unlike other medications that typically require an 80% adherence rate to remain effective, HIV drugs require a nearly perfect adherence rate to be effective. A) True B) False
A) True
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What is something the author of your text suggests including in the conversation with your partner about STIs? A) Past sexual behaviors B) The importance of STI testing C) The importance of honesty D) All of these
D) All of these
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What is suggested in your text as one of the most useful things people who are sexually active can do to prevent STIs? A) Don't have sex before you are 18. B) Have a yearly pap test. C) Get tested. D) Only have one partner at a time.
C) Get tested.
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It is important to notify your sexual partner as soon as a positive diagnosis for an STI is made except for cases where the STI is not contagious. A) True B) False
B) False
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Women are at greater risk for long-term complications from STIs. A) True B) False
A) True
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Where do we find the highest rates of HIV positive in the world? A) Asia B) Central and South America C) Sub-Saharan Africa D) Easter Europe and Western Asia
C) Sub-Saharan Africa
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The majority of people who become infected with genital herpes are infected by someone who: A) Received treatment and was no longer having symptoms. B) Has had herpes for less than one year. C) Doesn't even know they have it. D) Has had herpes for over one year
C) Doesn't even know they have it.
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Since the discovery of more advanced treatment options for HIV in the late 1990s, how has the percent of gay men who engage in "high risk" behaviors changed? A) Increased. B) Decreased. C) Stayed the same. D) Decreased initially and then increased.
A) Increased.
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Behaviors classified as paraphilias are also illegal. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is a common gender difference found related to attitudes about rape? A) Men overall are less empathetic toward rape. B) Men believe more rape myths and have higher levels of victim blaming. C) Men are more likely to expect sex after paying for an expensive date. D) All of these
D) All of these
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How does the controversial Rapex female condom work to discourage rape? A) Its metal barbs hook into the penis, disabling the man. B) It produces a distinctive, strong odor which makes the man easily identifiable. C) It releases an indelible dye making the man easily identifiable. D) Its outward-facing plastic ribs prevent penile penetration.
A) Its metal barbs hook into the penis, disabling the man.
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Gary derives sexual pleasure from rubbing his groin against women in the crowded subway he takes to work each morning. Gary is likely a: A) Necrophiliac B) Frotteur C) Zoophiliac D) Exhibitionist
B) Frotteur
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John Money believed that sexual development can be influenced by childhood sex play. What term did he use to describe the template of the ideal lover and sexual situation people develop based on these patterns of play? A) Sex attributes B) Genderguise C) Lovemaps D) Courtship guides
C) Lovemaps
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A rape victim recently moved from one apartment to another and got a new job in an attempt to gain some control over her life. What stage of the rape trauma syndrome response is she likely in? A) Acute B) Recovery C) Re-establishing identity D) Long-term reorganization
D) Long-term reorganization
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What have studies shown related to female athletes and attitudes about rape? A) They believe they have a lower risk of being raped than do nonathletes, and they are more likely to hold sympathetic attitudes for victims of rape. B) They believe they have a lower risk of being raped than do nonathletes, and they are more likely to hold victim blaming attitudes. C) They believe they have a greater risk of being raped than do nonathletes, and they are more likely to hold victim blaming attitudes. D) They believe they have the same risk of being raped as nonathletes, and do not differ in their victim blaming attitudes.
B) They believe they have a lower risk of being raped than do nonathletes, and they are more likely to hold victim blaming attitudes.
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According to studies, a male prisoner's chance of being sexually threatened in prison is: A) Less than 20% B) About 40% C) About 50% D) Greater than 80%
A) Less than 20%
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According to research, what condition does many paraphilias have the most in common with? A) Mood disorders B) Impulse-control disorders C) Phobia disorders D) Sexual aversion disorders
B) Impulse-control disorders
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While people are more likely to celebrate individual and cultural differences in most aspects of human life, people are less tolerant of sexual diversity. A) True B) False
A) True
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"Blame the victim" is a good way to describe victim precipitation theory. A) True B) False
A) True
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Which of the following is true related to the effects of rape and talking to others? A) Younger victims are more likely to tell someone than older victims. B) Nearly all victims of rape tell someone about it within the first year following the attack. C) Women typically report that feelings of depression and anxiety subside within 6 months after an assault. D) Women who were raped by acquaintances experience more anxiety, fear and depression than women who were raped by strangers.
A) Younger victims are more likely to tell someone than older victims.
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Of the following, who would NOT be classified as a pedophile? A) Someone who derives sexual gratification from looking at naked children B) Someone who derives sexual gratification from engaging in sexual intercourse with children C) Someone who derives sexual gratification from exhibitionism in front of children D) All of these would actually be classified as pedophiles
D) All of these would actually be classified as pedophiles
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Children who are sexually abused by strangers are likely to experience more distress than children who are abused by trusted relatives or friends. A) True B) False
B) False
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What theory might consider the foundation of an adult's fascination with sadomasochism the experience of having an erection while receiving a spanking as a child? A) Psychoanalytic B) Behavioral C) Developmental D) Sociological
B) Behavioral
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All of the following are true related to intimate partner violence (IPV) EXCEPT: A) IPV is rare among teen and college couples. B) IPV typically involves a pattern of abuse rather than a single isolated event. C) Many people experiencing IPV stay because they believe the abuse is their fault or that it would be unsafe to leave. D) Gay and bisexual men are reluctant to seek help for IPV due to lack of social support.
A) IPV is rare among teen and college couples.
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What impact did the "Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act" have on college campuses? A) It required campuses to have security officers devoted to sexual violence prevention. B) It required that campuses disclose the details of any ongoing sexual assault case to the victim. C) It required campuses to report the names of students who had been accused of a sex crime at any time during his/her college career. D) It required campuses to make information about sexual crimes public.
D) It required campuses to make information about sexual crimes public.
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What is one problem with past research on paraphilias? A) Most of the research has been done with clinical and incarcerated samples, which are not representative of the general population. B) Most of the research occurred before 1950; therefore it is not generalizable to today's population. C) Most of the research has focused only on non-consenting paraphilias thus not giving a broad overview of the range of paraphilias that exist. D) Most of the research has been done with people who were voluntarily seeking treatment for their paraphilia, thus creating volunteer bias in the findings.
A) Most of the research has been done with clinical and incarcerated samples, which are not representative of the general population.
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Statistically speaking, which of the following individuals would be at higher risk for rape? A) Laura, a 15-year-old female in high school B) Vicky, a 22-year-old female who does not attend college C) Jessica, a 20-year-old female attending college D) Sarah, a 17-year-old female who dropped out of high school
C) Jessica, a 20-year-old female attending college
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Hypersexuality is to hyposexuality as: A) Mother to son B) A lot is to a little C) Height is to weight D) Environment is to heredity
B) A lot is to a little
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What was one of the earliest treatments for paraphilias? A) Dipping the genitals in boiling water B) Isolation away from the community C) Prison D) Castration
D) Castration
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An individual was recently raped and finds that they experience fear of being alone, strangers, and even being in their bedroom. What stage of rape trauma is this person likely experiencing? A) Primary B) Acute C) Secondary D) Recovery
B) Acute
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Which ethnic group is found to have the least levels of empathy for women who have been raped and are more likely to show victim blaming attitudes? A) Hispanic B) Black C) Asian American D) White
C) Asian American
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What was one event that prompted the Obama administration's national sexual assault campaign for colleges and K-12 schools? A) The rape and murder of a young woman at Stafford University B) The gang rape of a group of women at a frat house at the University of Iowa C) The national report indicating that rape at universities across the nation had increased by 30% in 10 years D) A fraternity pledging event at Yale University that required a "pro-rape" chant
D) A fraternity pledging event at Yale University that required a "pro-rape" chant
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What percent of U.S. states consider marital rape a crime? A) 40% B) 50% C) 75% D) 100%
D) 100%
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What is true regarding the United States' involvement in the sex trafficking industry? A) While sex trafficking does occur in the U.S., it is much less likely than in most other countries. B) Sex trafficking in the U.S. is more likely to involve women. C) Sex trafficking in the U.S. is more likely to involve children. D) The U.S. is the second largest destination and market country for women and children trafficked by the sex industry.
D) The U.S. is the second largest destination and market country for women and children trafficked by the sex industry.
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Sex trafficking is primarily an international problem with only a small percent of trafficking occurring in the United States. A) True B) False
B) False
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What percent of individuals trafficked through international sex trade are children? A) 20% B) 30% C) 50% D) 60%
C) 50%
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According to your text, what was an important influence on the early development of pornography? A) Invention of the printing press B) Development of reliable postal service C) Increase in the worldwide literacy rates D) Early production of photography and still movies
A) Invention of the printing press
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If a man has received sexual services from a prostitute, what is the most likely sex act they have engaged in? A) Masturbation or a "hand job" B) Intercourse with the female on top C) Intercourse accompanied by "talking dirty" D) Fellatio
D) Fellatio
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Television executives claim that boys will not watch cartoons with a female lead, but girls will watch cartoons with a male lead. A) True B) False
A) True
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What Constitutional Amendment would someone most likely reference if they were against government attempts to regulate pornography? A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth
A) First
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Of the following, what type of prostitute would earn the most per sexual encounter? A) Courtesan B) Streetwalker C) Brothel prostitute D) Bar/club prostitute
A) Courtesan
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On what basis has the 1986 Attorney General's Commission on Pornography been criticized? A) It did not divide pornography by different categories. B) In analyzing the findings, they did not separate sexual offenders from non-sexual offenders. C) It relied on testimony from experts and laypersons who mostly supported restricting or eliminating sexually graphic materials. D) They started out with the bias that pornographic materials are not harmful.
D) They started out with the bias that pornographic materials are not harmful.
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Studies have found that the more hours of television teens watch, the more likely they are to perceive that their peers are sexually active. A) True B) False
A) True
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Which of the following statements matches findings related to pornography and sexuality? A) In Denmark where pornography has been legal since the 1960s, there are high rates of rape and sexual violence. B) In Japan where pornography is sold freely and dominated by rape and bondage scenes, lower rates of rape are reported than those in the U.S. C) Women in societies that forbid or repress pornography tend to have more positions of power and be held in higher esteem than in countries that have few restrictions on pornography. D) A study of four countries found that as the availability of pornography increases, the rates of rape and other sexual crimes increases rapidly.
B) In Japan where pornography is sold freely and dominated by rape and bondage scenes, lower rates of rape are reported than those in the U.S.
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Streetwalking is the most dangerous form of prostitution. A) True B) False
A) True
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What is a common characteristic found among many female sex workers? A) Economically deprived upbringing B) Became sexually active at an early age C) History of sexual abuse D) All of these
D) All of these
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What is a common characteristic of male sex workers? A) Ninety-five percent identify as homosexual. B) They are typically between the ages of 14 and 22. C) They had sex at an early age and have older partners. D) They are more likely to commit sexual crimes.
C) They had sex at an early age and have older partners.
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If you want to see competent women on TV, your best bet is to watch: A) Prime time dramas B) The advertisements C) Cartoons D) Soap operas
D) Soap operas
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What is the average age for a child's first exposure to online pornography? A) 5 years old B) 8 years old C) 11 years old D) 15 years old
C) 11 years old
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The "typical" individual arrested for internet-related possession of child pornography is: A) An unmarried Caucasian over 25 years old B) An unmarried African-American over 25 years old C) A married Caucasian over 35 years old D) An unmarried African-American over 40 years old
A) An unmarried Caucasian over 25 years old
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What is the main motivation for becoming a sex worker? A) High sex drive B) Economic C) Sexual and economic D) Drug addiction
B) Economic
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Current laws require the use of condoms during filming of pornographic films. A) True B) False
B) False
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The first Presidential Commission on pornography from 1970 found that exposure to explicit sexual materials was highly correlated to increased criminal sexual behavior. A) True B) False
B) False
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What is the best category for nude sculptures of gods used in religious ceremonies? A) Pornography B) Erotica C) Fresco D) Decorum
D) Decorum
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Feminist who align with the anticensorship movement are concerned that restrictions on pornography will lead to: A) Censorship of feminist writings and writings on homosexuality issues. B) Government regulation of the private sexual behaviors individuals engage in. C) Higher levels of poverty as women employed in those industries will no longer have jobs. D) Increased child sexual abuse because people who previously used porn as their sexual outlet will turn to children.
A) Censorship of feminist writings and writings on homosexuality issues.
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Although done in artificial research settings, what did research findings reveal related to the influence of men's attitudes after viewing violent pornography? A) It decreases sensitivity toward rape victims. B) It increases the desire to see more of it. C) It reinforces the belief that some women like to be raped. D) All of these
D) All of these
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What term refers to male sex workers who provide services to men? A) Johns B) Gigolos C) Hustlers D) Pimps
C) Hustlers
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All of the following are common related to sex workers and their sex lives EXCEPT: A) About 80% have sexual lives outside of their professional lives. B) Some sex workers report enjoyment from the sexual aspects of their work, but the majority does not. C) In Master's and Johnson's research, they found that sex workers were good subjects due to their high levels of sexual activity. D) Most do not experience orgasms during sexual interactions with clients.
C) In Master's and Johnson's research, they found that sex workers were good subjects due to their high levels of sexual activity.
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