PSY 2551: Adolescence (Ch 5-8) – Flashcards

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Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud agreed that: A. anatomy is destiny. B. gender behaviors and gender are instinctual. C. human behavior is directly related to reproductive processes. D. all of these.
D. all of these.
The theory on gender development that asserts that gender-typing emerges as children and adolescents develop gender schemas regarding what is gender-appropriate or -inappropriate in their culture is called: A. gender learning theory. B. schema dominance theory. C. gender schema theory. D. social learning theory.
C. gender schema theory.
Social role theory contends that psychological gender differences are mainly due to: A. biological dispositions. B. similar roles of males and females. C. contrasting roles of males and females. D. innate psychological dispositions.
C. contrasting roles of males and females.
Evolutionary psychologists agree that: A. natural selection favored males who adopted long-term mating strategies. B. males evolved dispositions that favor competition and risk-taking. C. natural selection favored females who paired widely. D. males evolved dispositions that favor male bonding and friendship.
B. males evolved dispositions that favor competition and risk-taking.
Which of the following statements regarding physical similarities and differences between men and women is NOT true? A. Males grow to be 10 percent taller than females. B. Androgens promote the growth of long bones in men. C. Estrogens stop the growth of long bones in females at puberty. D. Men have twice as much body fat as women.
D. Men have twice as much body fat as women.
Amanda and Dennis are high school classmates. Which of the following is likely to be TRUE? A. Amanda is more likely than Dennis to be attentive in class. B. Dennis is more likely than Amanda to be planning a career in math or engineering. C. Amanda is more likely than Dennis to participate in class. D. All of these are true.
D. All of these are true.
Mary and Matthew are classmates in grade six. Which of the following is probably true, based on research on gender bias in schools? A. Mary will be more assertive in class than Matthew. B. Mary's self-esteem will be higher than Matthew's self-esteem. C. Matthew will describe more career choices than Mary. D. Matthew will work quietly on his own; Mary will spend more time interacting with the teacher.
C. Matthew will describe more career choices than Mary.
Gender-role attitudes and gender intensification tend to: A. decrease in early adolescence. B. increase in early adolescence. C. spike in middle childhood. D. stay the same until late adolescence.
B. increase in early adolescence.
With regard to prosocial behavior, A. males view themselves as more empathetic. B. females view themselves as more empathetic. C. males engage in more prosocial behavior during adolescence than do females. D. the smallest gender differences occur for kind and considerate behavior.
B. females view themselves as more empathetic.
Betty's mother smiles and praises her for her fashion choices when she wears dresses and tasteful makeup for a family gathering. According to social cognitive theory, this approval for Betty's gender-appropriate behavior is likely to: A. make Betty want to wear more casual clothes to the next family event. B. reinforce Betty's choice to be feminine. C. have no effect on what Betty chooses to wear in the future. D. make Betty closer to her mother.
B. reinforce Betty's choice to be feminine.
Russell, a gay man, participated in a research study in which he was given injections of androgens to see what, if any, change there would be on his sexual orientation. According to research, which of the following was the most likely outcome for Russell in this study? A. He became more sexually interested in women. B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation. C. He experienced a decrease in desire but no change in sexual orientation. D. None of these
B. He experienced an increase in desire but had no change in sexual orientation.
A recent study showed that college women who ______ made more responsible decisions regarding sexuality than women who did not engage in this behavior. A. attended weekly religious services. B. volunteered in their communities at least five hours per week. C. had a prior STI. D. frequently set personal goals.
D. frequently set personal goals.
Which of the following was a finding from several research studies of adolescents who watched sexually explicit TV shows? A. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and initiation of dating. B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and the initiation of sexual intercourse. C. Adolescents who watched "sexy" shows were less likely to endorse sexual stereotypes than adolescents who did not watch these shows. D. None of these was a finding.
B. There was a link between the amount of time adolescents watched sexually explicit TV and the initiation of sexual intercourse.
Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and gender is NOT true? A. Adolescent females are less likely than males to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable experience. B. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to be sexually active. C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable experience. D. Adolescent males are more likely than adolescent females to engage in sexual intercourse.
C. Adolescent males are less likely than adolescent females to report sexual intercourse as an enjoyable experience.
Ivy realizes that she is strongly sexually attracted to other females. According to research on disclosure, Ivy is most likely to FIRST tell her A. sister. B. mother. C. friend. D. father.
C. friend.
Which of the following statements regarding adolescents' sources of sexual information is NOT true? A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers. B. Adolescents get information about sex from the Internet. C. Female adolescents are more likely to have conversations about sex with their mothers than with their fathers. D. Many parents are uncomfortable talking about sex with their adolescents.
A. Male adolescents are more likely to talk to their fathers about sex than their mothers.
Which of the following statements regarding patterns in heterosexual behavior for men and women in emerging adulthood is NOT true? A. Males have more casual sexual partners than females. B. Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood. C. Emerging adults are more likely than young adults to have had sexual experiences with two or more partners. D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.
D. Emerging adults have sex more frequently than young adults.
Phil is a gay man, but he dates women and has told nobody about his sexual orientation. Phil is engaged in a form of self-devaluation called A. passing. B. closeting. C. covert lying. D. covering.
A. passing.
Daughters of teenage mothers are at increased risk of A. dropping out of school. B. poor health. C. being teenage mothers themselves. D. none of these.
C. being teenage mothers themselves.
Which of the following statements regarding abstinence-only sex education programs is TRUE? A. They delay the onset of sexual intercourse. B. They reduce HIV-risk behavior. C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse. D. They are preferred by the majority of parents.
C. They do not delay the onset of sexual intercourse.
Which of the following statements regarding adolescent disclosure of their same-sex orientation is TRUE? A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction. B. Fathers are usually told before mothers. C. Siblings are usually told before friends. D.Parents are usually told before friends.
A. Mothers are more likely than fathers to know about their adolescents' same-sex attraction.
According to recent research, adolescents who look to the future and see that they have the opportunity to become self-sufficient and successful may be motivated to A. reduce their risk of pregnancy. B. go to college. C. marry wealthy, established men. D. none of these.
A. reduce their risk of pregnancy.
Researchers have found that having a religious affiliation is linked to A. lower rates of delinquency. B. lower rates of drug use. C. lower rates of depression. D. all of these.
D. all of these.
The discipline technique in which a parent uses reason and explanation of the consequences for others of the adolescent's actions is known as A. deduction. B. rationality. C. induction. D. none of these.
C. induction.
The theorist who developed a major stage theory of moral development is A. Lawrence Kohlberg. B. John Money. C. Timothy Malone. D. Susan Cloninger.
A. Lawrence Kohlberg.
Criticisms of Kohlberg's theory of moral development have included all of the following, EXCEPT that Kohlberg A. placed too much emphasis on moral thought. B. may not have done high-quality research. C. may have underestimated the care perspective. D. placed too much emphasis on moral behavior.
D. placed too much emphasis on moral behavior.
Marcy believes that self-regulation, rather than abstract reasoning, is the key to positive moral development. Which of the following theorists shared Marcy's view? A. George Kelly B. Abraham Maslow C. B. F. Skinner D. Albert Bandura
D. Albert Bandura
Lance's parents encourage family discussions about value-laden issues such as the death penalty, abortion, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. As a result, Lance is likely to think at A. more advanced levels of moral reasoning than other people his age. B. the same level as his parents. C. Stages 5 or 6 of Kohlberg's stages. D. none of these.
A. more advanced levels of moral reasoning than other people his age.
Katie's parents know that their daughter will inevitably be confronted by peers who want to offer her alcohol or drugs. They spend time talking with her about how to resist these harmful situations, and they even role-play with her to increase her skills. Katie's parents are engaging in which type of parenting strategy? A. cocooning B. pre-arming C. pampering D. protecting
B. pre-arming
What differences exist between Kohlberg's and Gilligan's theories of moral development? A. Gilligan postulated an ethic of justice; Kohlberg postulated an ethic of care. B. Kohlberg postulated an ethic of justice; Gilligan postulated an ethic of care. C. Gilligan postulated an ethic of equity; Kohlberg postulated an ethic of care. D. Gilligan postulated an ethic of individualism; Kohlberg postulated an ethic of collectivism.
B. Kohlberg postulated an ethic of justice; Gilligan postulated an ethic of care.
Parents who attempt to gain control over their adolescent or his or her resources are using a discipline technique known as A. authoritative. B. induction. C. power assertion. D. love withdrawal.
C. power assertion.
Which theory of moral development emphasizes a distinction between adolescent moral competence and moral performance? A. self-efficacy theory B. social cognitive theory C. social competence theory D. none of these
B. social cognitive theory
Alyssa, age 17, was brought up in the Baptist church but recently she has begun to go to the Buddhist temple in the next town. She tells her parents that she is "all done with the Baptists." According to research, Alyssa probably A. is testing her parents. B. is going through a phase, and will return to the Baptist church within a year. C. has conflict with her parents. D. experiences none of these.
C. has conflict with her parents.
Recent research on the benefits for volunteers and those who receive volunteer services suggest that A. recipients benefit when adolescents are mandated to participate in service learning; adolescents are negatively affected. B. required service learning results in hostility and is not good for either the volunteer or the recipient. C. more adolescents should be required to participate in service learning programs. D. service learning programs should be introduced in middle school.
C. more adolescents should be required to participate in service learning programs.
Ashley, age 17, lives with her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner, Daryl. According to researchers, Ashley is likely to A. develop a heterosexual identity. B. develop a bisexual identity. C. suffer more mental health problems than her peers raised in heterosexual homes. D. have fewer friends than her peers being raised in heterosexual homes.
A. develop a heterosexual identity.
The most common pattern of parenting that was found in a study of parenting behaviors in 186 countries around the world was A. warm and controlling. B. restrictive and punitive. C. permissive and indulgent. D. permissive and neglectful.
A. warm and controlling.
Adolescents and emerging adults from divorced families are more likely than those whose parents did not divorce to do which of the following? A. have academic problems B. show acting-out behavior and delinquency C. experience anxiety and depression D. all of these
D. all of these
The old model of parent-adolescent relationships suggests that _____, while the new model suggests that _____. A. parent-adolescent conflict is moderate; parent-adolescent conflict is intense B. as adolescents mature, they move towards their parents for continued support; as they mature, adolescents detach themselves from parents C. conflict between parents and adolescents is intense; conflict between parents and adolescents is moderate D. parents serve as support systems that allow adolescents to explore a more complex social world; parents are invested in keeping adolescents as close to home as possible
C. conflict between parents and adolescents is intense; conflict between parents and adolescents is moderate
Adolescents whose parents are not involved with their lives and who do not monitor their activities in any way tend to A. lack self-efficacy. B. lack self-control. C. be shy and withdrawn. D. be socially competent.
B. lack self-control.
According to research, which of the following statements about divorce among parents of adolescents is TRUE? A. Prolonged conflict between divorced parents was linked to emotional problems in adolescents. B. Adolescents with secure attachment cope better with their parents' divorce. C. Disequilibrium occurs in the year following a divorce. D. All of these are true.
D. All of these are true.
Before Justin's father remarried, Justin was responsible for mowing the grass, putting the dishes in the dishwasher, and doing his own laundry. Now that Kim has married into the family, Justin is not sure which of his responsibilities he should continue to do. Justin is experiencing A. boundary strain. B. role discontinuity. C. boundary ambiguity. D. cognitive dissonance.
C. boundary ambiguity.
Which of the following changes in parents contribute to parent-adolescent relationships? A. Parents feel a decreased economic burden when their children are in adolescence. B. Marital satisfaction increases after adolescents or emerging adults leave home. C. Parents feel a decreased economic burden when their children are emerging adults. D. Parents are increasingly comfortable with their own health and attractiveness.
B. Marital satisfaction increases after adolescents or emerging adults leave home.
Which of the following statements regarding parents as managers is NOT true? A. Fathers are more likely than mothers to have a managerial role in parenting. B. Mothers are more likely than fathers to have a managerial role in parenting. C. Family management practices are positively related to students' grades. D. Family management practices are negatively related to school problems.
A. Fathers are more likely than mothers to have a managerial role in parenting.
Which of the following statements regarding the link between marital relationships and parenting is NOT true? A. Marital satisfaction is often related to good parenting. B. When parents have more intimacy in their marriage, they are less affectionate to their children and adolescents. C. Marriage enhancement programs improve parenting. D. Happily married parents are more sensitive towards their children and adolescents.
B. When parents have more intimacy in their marriage, they are less affectionate to their children and adolescents.
The majority of adults describe their attachment styles as A. ambivalently attached. B. insecurely attached. C. securely attached. D. avoidantly attached.
C. securely attached.
Michael's parents never discuss their rules. If he asks for an explanation, they answer, "Because I said so; that's all the explanation you need." Michael's parents are using which style of parenting? A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. neglectful D. indulgent
A. authoritarian
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