Pro Choice and Pro Life Abortion Comparison Essay Example
Following the command of taking up your cross and following God would seem like an easy task for most people. Usually most people are mistaken. People should pick up their cross, deny themselves and follow their leader. The only reason all of humanity is here is because of the effort of mothers along with the grace of God. Our mothers did not give up on us so why should we let expected mothers give up on their own child? Our own society promotes the killing of an innocent child who doesn’t have a voice of his/her own. We should get rid of the practice of abortion to save precious lives for the greater good of humanity.
Mothers know all of the sufferings of child bearing and are also the best people to talk to about complication
...s with your pregnancy. The next step to take if you cannot contact your mother is to talk to a therapist about your problems. They are professionals about helping people through difficult times. Before you can come after the Lord you must deny yourself and take up your cross. To follow in Gods footsteps, you must say no to all of the pressures of society and say yes to God. You need to think about the child’s life instead of thinking about the effect on your life. At the moment of conception there is a new baby being born! You must now bear your cross in everyday life because the life that is within you now. Back when Jesus walked the earth, a cross was seen as a sign of death. To bear your cross is to put unfulfilling dreams away
and begin to follow the Lord. Multiple people carry their cross and a really good example is St. Gianna Beretta. St. Gianna Beretta was born in 1922 in Italy. Her parents were both Franciscans were so she went to mass a lot and prayed the rosary daily. She had 12 other brothers and sisters. She was a very adventurous person She studied medicine in college along with working at the St. Vincent De Paul society. She earned a degree in medicine and surgery in 1949. She later opened her own clinic which specialized in care for mothers, children, elderly, and the poor. In 1955 she got married and eventually had 4 children.
When she was pregnant with her 4th child she developed a fibroma in uterus. When the doctor diagnosed her with it he/she gave her three options to choose from. The first option was to have an abortion which would save her life and grant her the ability to have another child but the consequence was it would exterminate the child’s life. The second option was to have a hysterectomy which would save her life but would end the child’s life. The third and final option was to have a very risky surgery which would save the child’s life but put her life in grave danger. In the end she made the brave decision to try and remove the Fibroma. Thankfully the surgery was successful but after the surgery she started to have complications. On April 21, 1962 (Good Friday that year) Her daughter Gianna was born. Nine days later (April 30, 1962) died painfully at the age of 39. Her last words were “Jesus,
I love you” (Citation: Filz, Gretchen. “St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Mother's Heroism.” Get Fed, GetFed, 28 Apr. 2017, www.catholiccompany.com/getfed/the-feast-of-st-gianna-beretta-molla-a-modern-mothers-heroism/). Pro life will apply to my life more when I am older and hopefully become a father later in life. For now, though the only real reason it affects me today is the very reason I am alive today! If my mom never decided to have a son in general, I wouldn’t even be here! Along with that if all of my friends and family’s mothers and fathers decided not to have them, I would’ve never met them! Its important to be pro life so you can give every child a chance. The world all around us calls out people who don’t go along with popular opinion. Being pro life is a step towards creating a culture of life where every child can experience life. Just think about it in the long term. That child could’ve done extraordinary things. That child could’ve helped those in need, he/she could’ve had a technological breakthrough.
For all we know that child could’ve discoverer a cure to one of the many devastating diseases we know today. There was so much potential in that one child but it all went away not because of him/her but because of the soon to be mother who decided to give up. All of the unborn children were our future generation. Think on a deeper level, the country we call the United States of America is legalizing the killing of the future generation who are going to surpass us and do marvelous things! If we allow this to continue there will someday not be
a future generation! We must act before it gets to that stage. In conclusion, being pro life is a good thing. All people should have the right to live and have the experience of life. We must fight for it. We should fight without physical violence which would lead to aggression. We should fight passive aggressively where we can make a point without violence. In the end lets give every child a chance to live, for their sake and our own.