POST PB Terms – Flashcards

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Accessorial Service (ACC):
Additional, supplemental, or special services performed in addition to basic transportation.
Advance Transportation Control and Movement Document (ATCMD):
A document used for various types of shipments in the Defense Transportation System.
Automated Cost Tool (ACT):
ACT is an automated, Universal Service Contract (USC) cost estimating tool under development that standardizes D2 Network Operations Cost and Customer Cost computations for unit level surface cargo movements based on applicable USC Rates, stabilized Breakbulk and Container Billing Rates, and stabilized Port Handling Billing Rates.
Berth Term:
A contract for ocean carriage (coastal, intercoastal, and offshore) of cargo on commercial vessels operating on regularly scheduled berth or lines service based on a published trade route (including loading and discharging costs). Rates are in accordance with the published conference or company tariff and with specific commodities for which an ocean bill of lading is the contract. The shipper is required to pay for and deliver the cargo alongside the ship. The carrier then becomes responsible for paying for and arranging the loading and securing of the cargo, delivering it to the agreed upon destination, and unloading the cargo onto the pier alongside the ship. All linehaul to/from or beside the ship is the responsibility of the shipper.
Berth Term Shipment Rate:
Charges for services performed by SDDC in connection with releasing, booking, documenting, customs clearance, and expediting all offshore, intercoastal and coastal export and import shipments moving under commercial berth term rates. Berth Term Shipment Rate applies to Container Booked and Breakbulk Booked cargo. For rates, see table 5 of the current FY Port Handling Billing and Definitions document
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Best Value (BV) Booking
Each contract prescribes the booking policy that must be followed for selecting and booking cargo with carriers to include minimum cargo commitments. The Universal Service Contract (USC) Specialized Customer Requirements (SCR) section and the designated routes of the General Performance Requirements (GPR) section were awarded and require cargo booking based on BV principle. The CONUS outbound routes of the Regional Domestic Contract 05 (RDC-5, OY2) require the same booking process. Once the minimums have been met, the OO must make a BV determination through the use of a trade off analysis in accordance with Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) priorities, technical factors/sub factors and price.
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Offer by the US Government and acceptance by the Contractor for the transportation of goods pursuant to the applicable rates, terms and conditions of the subject contract. A booking is an order. The manner in which cargo is booked has implications on how costs are calculated.Two primary ways cargo can be booked (by cargo type and pick-up/drop-off location) are described in items 1 and 2.
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Booked By Cargo Type:
Booked as Breakbulk: All cargo that is not containerized will be booked as Breakbulk. Additionally, containerized cargo may be booked as Breakbulk. Booked as Container: Container booked refers to cargo in containers as described in the Container definition below. Booked By Service Locations (Pick-Up/Drop-Off Location) Door to Door: Carrier provides complete services from origin to destination. Port to Port: Carrier provides services from Port of Embarkation (POE) to Port of Debarkation (POD). Door to Port: Carrier provides services from origin to POD. Port to Door: Carrier provides services from POE to destination.
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Breakbulk (BB):
All cargo that is not containerized. Any commodity that, because of its weight, dimensions, or incompatibility with other cargo, must be shipped by mode other than military mode other than military van or SEAVAN.
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Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF):
An allowance for fluctuations in maritime fuel prices paid to Contractors or to the US Government in accordance with the following: 1) the allowance shall be paid per freight payable unit of cargo. For containerized goods these units are 20-foot and 40-foot containers. 2) For breakbulk cargo, they are measurement tons.
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Cargo and Billing System (CAB):
CAB translates SDDC's cargo movement data into financial transactions that can be processed for billing and payment by the Transportation Financial Management System - SDDC (TFMS-S). CAB uses a relational database structure to store the reference and transactional data needed for these operations. CAB functions address DTS cargo movement, via ocean carrier and cargo handling by DoD Stevedore and POV Contractors who have remote access to CAB. The CAB system also includes interfaces with TFMS-S, the Worldwide Port System (WPS), and other DoD/SDDC cargo systems. In addition, the system supports commercial industry interfaces with DoD contractors, web-based communications, and Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI).
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Cargo Preference Act of 1904
Requires DOD to ship 100% of its cargo on U.S. flag vessels except when a statement of non-availability is executed by the appropriate SDDC authority or when SDDC finds that proposed freight charges are excessive or unreasonable. The McCumber amendment prohibits U.S. flag carriers from charging DOD higher prices than private persons for carrying goods.
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Cargo Preference Act of 1954
Requires any federal agency to ship 50% of the gross tonnage of equipment, materials or cargo on privately owned U.S. flag commercial vessels to the extent the vessels are available at fair and reasonable rates. Generally, for DOD cargo, the 1904 Act is more demanding than the 1954 Act and compliance focuses on the 1904 Act.
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Carrier Service Options
Contracts and tariffs provide a wide range of options for linehaul and drayage to meet customer requirements. A description of these options is as follows: Door to Door -Point of origin to destination (this is the primary way to move commercial containers) Door to Port - Point of origin to Port of Debarkation Port to Door - Port of Embarkation to Destination Port to Port - Port of Embarkation to Port of Debarkation
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Centralized Disbursing System (CDS):
System used by DFAS to pay vendors for services performed for the DoD.
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An article of transport equipment that meets American National Standards Institute/International Organization for Standardization standards that is designed to be transported by various modes of transportation. These containers are also designed to facilitate and optimize the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transportation without intermediate handling of the contents and equipped with features permitting ready handling and transfer from one mode to another. Containers may be fully enclosed with one or more doors, open top, refrigerated, tank, open rack, gondola, flatrack, and other designs.
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A standardized, demountable, reusable conveyance for transporting cargo on a chassis, rail car, or vessel.
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A container that can be mounted behind the power unit of a truck or carried on a flatbed trailer or in a van and that can be used to transport less-than-truckload shipments of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives; SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, and Controlled Cryptographic Items; or sensitive material.
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Portable, open-topped, open-sided units that fit into existing below-deck container cell guides and provide a capability for container ships to carry oversized cargo and wheeled and tracked vehicles.
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These containers have sides that are approximately 4 foot high. There is no permanent metal top. If the cargo needs to be covered, then a tarpaulin is provided.
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A standardized, demountable container for transporting cargo on a chassis, rail car, or vessel. International Organization for Standardization containers may be 20', 40', or 45' long by 8' wide and 8'6" or 9' 6" high.
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A container without a permanent metal top. The top is a removable tarpaulin supported by roof bows to protect cargo from the elements.
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The quadruple container measures 57.50(l) x 96(w) x 82(h) inches. It is a lockable, weatherproof, reusable, prefabricated container with a cargo capacity of 8,200 pounds. It has International Organization for Standardization corner fittings for lifting and restraint and for coupling up to four quadruple containers together to have the same dimensions as a standard 20-foot International Organization for Standardization container.
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A weatherproof container for the movement of temperature controlled cargo insulated against external temperatures and equipped with mechanical refrigeration.
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Commercial or Government-owned (or leased) shipping containers that are moved via ocean transportation without bogie wheels attached (i.e., lifted on and off the ship).
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Specialized container that meets International Organization for Standardization and International Maritime Organization requirements for transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous bulk liquids
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The triple container measures 77.5(1) x 96(w) x 96(h) inches. It is a lockable, weatherproof, reusable, prefabricated container with a cargo capacity of 12,300 pounds. It has International Organization for Standardization corner fittings for lifting and restraint and for coupling up to three triple container s together to have the same dimensions as a standard 20-foot International Organization for Standardization container.
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Planning Container Utilization Factor (PCUF)
There are two aspects to PCUF. 1) The percentage of volume occupied by the cargo and 2) the maximum allowable weight of a container. In certain scenarios the container could max out by weight before meeting 100% or other volume requirement. Therefore, in the absence of scenario specific information, use 85% of volume utilization as the PCUF. In cases where the container meets its maximum allowable weight before achieving container capacity it will be considered (deemed) to be 100% utilized.
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Container Pools:
Each contract lists any applicable locations where specific types of equipment may be pooled by the carrier for use in moving cargo
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Contractual Requirements
Contracts include specific service requirements for container shipments. Carriers are required to meet these requirements for each booking they have accepted. Reference must be made to the contract under which the shipment is booked to identify applicable specific requirements, i.e., delivery notification, free time, pick up of empty containers, equipment pools, etc.
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Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF):
Intended to offset local currency exchange rate for terminal services; applies to Ocean portion of transportation.
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Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance
Established in 1941, the primary goal of the Defense Base Act was to cover workers on military bases outside the United States. The act was amended to include public works contracts with the government for the building of non-military projects such as dams, schools, harbors, and roads abroad. A further amendment added a vast array of enterprises revolving around the national security of the United States and its allies. Today, almost any contract with an agency of the U.S. government, for work outside the U.S., whether military in nature or not, will likely require Defense Base Act
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Who Requires DBA Coverage?
Any employee working on a military base or reservation outside the U.S. Any employee engaged in U.S. government funded public works business outside the U.S. Any employee engaged in a public works or military contract with a foreign government which has been deemed necessary to U.S. National Security. Those employees that provide services funded by the U.S. government outside the realm of regular military issue or channels. Any employees of any sub-contractors of the prime or letting contractor involved in a contract like numbers 1-4 above.
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Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS):
Provides payment services to the United States DOD.
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The Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR), Part II, DOD 4500.9-R:
The purpose of the DTR is to prescribe policies and procedures and assign responsibilities for performing traffic management functions initiated or sponsored by the DDOD activities and to provide a standard method of documentation and control procedures applicable to all cargo movements in the DTS.
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Destination Line Haul (DLH):
Transportation of cargo from POD to destination.
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Determining Low Cost:
When cargo is booked utilizing a contract that has been awarded based on low cost, cargo must be booked with the carrier that can meet the delivery requirements of the cargo at the lowest overall cost to the Government. One of the most important factors is that all costs to the Government be considered. Costs are computed for all services that are ordered from the carrier under the contract as well as other costs that are incurred by the Government outside of the contract to support movement of the cargo from origin to destination. While SDDC billing rates are not used for determining costs to the TWCF, it is important to understand all elements of cost that occur throughout this process, who is paying for what, and how the cost elements impact TWCF and the enterprise. This is outlined in great detail in the Cost Based Decision Support (CBDS) methodology approved by USTRANSCOM as the standard approach to calculating cost for all cargo movement.
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Direct Booking:
Program that allows designated agencies to contact and directly book cargo with commercial carriers to designated areas. Contractors with established direct booking capabilities shall accept bookings from shippers who are authorized to use Direct Booking procedures. Contractors shall ensure that Direct Booking systems comply with the terms and provisions of the current USC contract.
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Discharge (DIS):
Activities associated with unloading a vessel
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Enterprise Executable Plan (EEP):
Transportation feasible cargo movement plan which takes into account all aspects of the transportation infrastructure and enterprise as a whole.
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Export Traffic Release (ETR):
IBS Contractual orders issued by the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command G384 Ordering Officer, that specify the mode of transportation, carrier(s) to move the shipment, rate, minimum shipment weight, cost favorable terminal, shipment terminal arrival date, and any pertinent Routing Instruction Notes.
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Export Traffic Release Request (ETRR):
Customer completed document in prescribed formats informing SDDC of cargo requirements for breakbulk and container movements.
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FAR Contracts:
There are currently six (6) contracts that have been awarded and meet recurring movement requirements of DOD shippers. FAR Contracts are based on either BV carrier selection.
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Use of Foreign-Flag
Public laws require that preference be given to the use of U.S. flag vessels for DOD shipments including personal property of military personnel and DOD civilian employees. U.S. Public Laws outlined below impose specific restrictions governing which commercial carriers can be used to transport DOD cargo.
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Free In (FI) & Free Out (FO):
Describes who has liability. When cargo is booked as FI or FO, the US Government shall bring the cargo into the holds, stow it and/or trim it, tally it, lash it and/or secure it (FI), and take it from the holds and discharge it (FO) with customary dispatch, free of any risk, liability, and expense whatsoever to the Contractor. See also S&RTS Definition.
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Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF)
Sometimes referred to as Fuel Adjustment Surcharge, it is a fuel adjustment for inland CONUS transportation.
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Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES)
GATES automates support for receipt, movement and billing of cargo and passengers. GATES provides the Air Mobility Command, the DOD, and commercial partners with an automated management system to process and track cargo and passenger information, support management of resources, provide logistical support information, generate standard and ad hoc reports, and provide message routing and delivery service for virtually all aircraft movement data.
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Global Freight Management (GFM):
GFM provides 14 applications/capabilities enabling DOD and other Government agencies the ability to perform shipping functions supporting freight movement. The primary shipping tools include the Freight Acquisition Shipping Tool (FAST) which enables shippers and other DOD shipping systems to access tender and contract rates on file for freight shipments; Spot Bid enables one-time-only shipments for overweight/over-dimensional freight; Small Package Express enables shipping small packages from 0-150 lbs domestically and 0-300 lbs international; and Rate Quotation enables shippers to access rates for planning shipments. GFM also provides various capabilities for shipper and service/agency Headquarters to manage freight and carriers across the Enterprise. Additional capabilities are available for carriers to support rate filing and shipment management.
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Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES):
JOPES is used to monitor, plan, and execute mobilization, deployment, employment, and sustainment activities associated with joint operations.
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Integrated Booking System (IBS):
The Integrated Booking System (IBS) is the lead execution system of the DTS for the global shipment of ocean cargo. The IBS consists of the following applications: Carrier Analysis and Rate Evaluation II (CARE II), Requirements Forecasting, Rate Evaluation (RF-RAM), Unit, Sustainment (SUS), Commercial Sealift Solutions (CSS), Ocean Carrier Interface (OCI), Web Vessel Schedule WVS), One-Time-Only, Advanced Transportation Control and Movement Document (ATCMD), and electronic Shipper System (eSS). These applications provide automated tools to support: carrier contract requirement definition, rate and service solicitations and evaluation; input vessel schedules; booking unit and sustainment cargo; produce shipment documentation; provide cargo offering and status information; provide payment and billing information.
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Integrated Surface Deployment Data Cleansing Tool (ISDDC):
A tool set that provides near real-time data visibility to integrated ocean cargo, freight, personal property, satellite-based commercial vessel visibility, financial data and operational-level data for container management. ISDDC's robust reporting includes highly customizable reports, search options and filters, all accessible via SDDC's Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) single sign-on.
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The Global Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Contract:
Provides movement and storage of POVs belonging to military personnel, dependents, DOD civilians and other authorized persons.
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Activities associated with loading a vessel.
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Liner In (LI) & Liner Out (LO):
Describes who has liability. Contractor is responsible for the loading and/or discharging of cargo at port of origin and/or destination and all costs associated thereto.
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Liner Terms-Breakbulk
The Contractor provides all services from receipt of cargo at POE to load of cargo on the vessel (liner in) or from discharge of the vessel at POD to outgate (liner-out). Any costs for the loading and discharging of inland transport within the Contractor's terminal are for the account of the Contractor.
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Liner Terms-Container
The Contractor assumes all responsibility and cost for the transportation of the container booked cargo from the port or point where the cargo is receipted for by the Contractor to the destination port or point where the Contractor makes the cargo available to the consignee. In the case of Breakbulk/Roll On-Roll Off, the cargo is accepted and/or made available within the Contractor's terminal. Any costs for the loading or discharging of inland transport within the Contractor's terminal are for the account of the Contractor.
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Management Reform Memorandum 15 (MRM 15) Program
MRM 15 stands for "Management Reform Memorandum 15", the reengineering of defense transportation documentation and financial processes mandated by DOD. The MRM 15 program is currently being executed only for CONUS outbound containers. Ultimately the process will be implemented for OCONUS container shipments as well as breakbulk and Roll On/Roll Off (RO/RO) cargo in both CONUS and OCONUS. The goals of the MRM-15 Program are to completely reengineer the Defense transportation documentation/financial processes by achieving the following goals: • Fix the Transportation Account Code Process • Test the potential use of IMPAC cards for paying airlift, sealift, domestic freight and express package bills • Eliminate the use of government bills of lading for domestic express carrier movements
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Measurement Ton (MTON):
Measure of Volume. 40 cubic feet per ton. 1 MTON = 40 ft³.
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Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (Jones Act)
Requires the use of U.S. flag, U.S. owned, and U.S. built vessels in the transportation of all merchandise between U.S. ports/possessions (Cabotage Law). • Any use of foreign flag vessels for any segment of the ocean movement requires prior approval before a booking can be made with the carrier. The authority to approve use of foreign flag vessels has been delegated by MARAD to designated OOs. It is the duty of the Chief, Movement Operations Support Branch to insure that the use of foreign flag is in strict compliance with public laws and DOD policy. • When IBS automatically selects a routing involving the use of foreign flag vessels consistent with the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) priorities outlined below, it forwards the offering to the OO for approval. The OO will review all automated foreign flag offerings and validate that the RDD is firm. When the RDD is flexible, the OO will cancel the automated offer, and re-offer the cargo to a US flag carrier.
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Mode-Neutral: Movement Integrator (MI):
G385 Traffic Management Specialist (TMS) who manages the planning and execution of a cargo movement by coordinating the efforts of a cross functional team, consisting of the different areas of expertise required to manage the Plan, Order, Ship, Track - Pay and Bill (POST-PB) lifecycle of cargo movements ultimately resulting in the development of an Enterprise Executable Plan (EEP).
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Movement Options:
The use of intermodal equipment provides a range of options for meeting shipper movement requirements. The most preferred option is the movement of cargo in containers from the source of supply directly to the ultimate user. However, this is not always possible for both operational and economic reasons, and other options are employed to best meet the requirements of the cargo. A brief description of the more common options is outlined below: • Container Consolidation Point (CCP) Shipments - Combined shipments from multiple authorized shippers for consolidation and containerization and delivery to a single consignee, or by use of stop-offs or breakbulk points, to multiple consignees. • Container Freight Station (CFS) Shipments - Shipments that are not eligible for consolidation at a CCP due to commodity or destination, cargo that cannot be held at or stuffed into a container at origin or cargo that is being consolidated for a Military Sealift Command (MSC) vessel may be released into the appropriate Continental United States (CONUS) Seaport of Embarkation (WPOE). Supervisor approval is required prior to releasing cargo to a CFS. • Depot Shipments - Shipments originating within CONUS that are authorized routing by shippers to the appropriate CCP for consolidation and containerization for onward movement to a designated Outside CONUS (OCONUS) activity. • Multiple Consignee Shipments - Shipments going to two (2) or more destinations in the same geographical area serviced by a stop-off point. • Single Consignee Shipments - A container load for delivery to a single destination. • Stop-off - Stopping a container enroute at a place designated by the Ordering Officer (OO) for additional stuffing/unstuffing. • Vendor Shipments - Full container loads originating at non-Government activities.
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One-Time-Only (OTO)/On-Going Rate Requests/OTO-GBL
An OTO request is used as a booking alternative for unique requirements, like over-dimension or over-weight cargo or when previous options could not provide support. To initiate this scenario the Ordering Officer sends shipment information to an operations specialist in the G9 Global Business Requirements Branch. The operations specialist validates the onetime-only (OTO) requirement and sends the requirement to an acquisition specialist at USTRANSCOM. The acquisition specialist develops a solicitation package and sends it to one or more commercial carriers. When a carrier accepts the solicitation and earmarks resources for the requirement, the Ordering Officer receives the contract modification and books the shipment. Ongoing rate requests occur when an existing contract needs to be modified to fulfill a transportation requirement. The process begins with the Ordering Officer receiving a request for a contract modification. The Ordering Officer and acquisition specialist in the G9 Global Business Requirements Branch will determine if a modification is needed and send the information needed for a contract modification to the USTRANSCOM/AQ (TCAQ) Acquisition Specialist. The process ends after TCAQ modifies the contract and the G9 Global Business Requirements Branch publishes the rate in the SDDC Rate Guide. Book Ocean Cargo - Government Bill of Lading. This scenario is used when the acquisition specialist in the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) advises there are no ocean carriers to support the one-timeonly (OTO) request. The G9 Global Business Requirements (GBR) Branch will enter an offer via a Request for Proposal (RFP) to a carrier. The carrier sends their GBL rate to G9 GBR Branch to publish the rate. Then G9 GBR Branch offers the shipment to the carrier via a Notice of Acceptance (NOA) and the carrier accepts the shipment award.
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Origination Line Haul (OLH):
Transportation of cargo from point of origin to POE. (SSG Constructed)
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Over Ocean Transportation (OOT):
Movement of cargo by ocean vessel. (SSG Constructed)
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Pipeline Asset Tool (PAT):
A suite of business portals that supports the SDDC global transportation mission and provides SDDC contract compliance teams the ability to measure ocean carrier performance.
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Pre-approval Clearance Numbers
Some countries require the pre-clearance of certain commodities before being granted entry approval. When questions regarding pre-approval arise, OOs should refer requestors to Chapter 5 of the DTR 4500.9R for information pertaining to host nation cargo entry requirements.
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To divide, distribute, or assess proportionately. Proration is used when multiple customers cargo share the same container. (SSG Constructed)
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Quality Assurance
program for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service, or facility to ensure that standards of quality are being met
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Quality Control
An aggregate of activities (such as design analysis and inspection for defects) designed to ensure adequate quality in products or services
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Regional Domestic Contract (RDC):
The Government will ship all military and military sponsored cargo offered for commercial ocean transportation in the Defense Transportation System (DTS) to/from Continental U.S. (CONUS) points and ports to the port of San Juan, Puerto Rico; Alaska, Hawaii; and intra and inter-island service within Hawaii, under contracts awarded pursuant to this solicitation. In cases of emergency/natural disaster, non RDC-5S carriers may be used.
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Achievement of consistency or compatibility: the making of two or more apparently conflicting things consistent or compatible. For SDDC this means reconciling intent versus actual from the point of booking through to payment to ensure an independent government cost estimate is established and maintained throughout the POST PB process. There are three stages of reconciliation within the POST PB which include pre-lift, post-lift, and lifecycle management.
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Seaport Identifier Codes
ETRs include the identity of both the POE and POD. Existing codes for seaports are found in Appendix MM of the DTR DoD 4500.9R. When a code has not been assigned to a particular port, the CBO will contact the GATES functional at HQ. The GATES functional will work with IBS functional and advise all of new codes so that the IBS reference files can be updated as required.
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Seavan Service Codes/Type of Seavan
Seavan service codes and the type of seavan are reflected in the 15th, 16th and 17th positions of the seavan Transportation Control Number (TCN) to identify services to be provided by the carrier. The seavan service codes are used by the CBO to indicate the extent of service for which the ocean carrier is paid. The 15th position describes who is responsible for the container movement before it is loaded on a vessel. The 16th position describes who is responsible for the container movement after it is discharged from the vessel and the 17th position describes the type of container used.
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Shipper Quality Control Regional Offices (SQRs):
SQR replaces the previous Ocean Cargo Clearance Authority (OCCA) title for that function. New roles and responsibilities are listed in Figure 6, POST PB Roles and Responsibilities in this document.
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Single Factor Rates
Rates that include all charges except for Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF), Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF), War Risk Insurance, and accessorials ordered in the booking. Single factor rates can apply to point-to-point, point-to-port, or port-to-point movements. Single factor rates only apply to 20FT/40FT containers and flatrack moves, not break-bulk moves.
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Single Mobility System (SMS):
A web-based computer system that provides visibility of air, sea, and land transportation assets and provides aggregated reporting of cargo and passenger movements.
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Special Handling Commodities
The primary commodities that fall within the scope of contracts are General Cargo, Not Otherwise Specified (GENNOS), Vehicles, and Reefer. Other commodities can be shipped but usually require special negotiations on a shipment-by-shipment basis. Each contract needs to be checked to verify what commodities can be shipped within the scope of the contract, and what exceptions might exist for separate negotiations with carriers. The following are examples of commodities that require special handling under some contracts:
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Excepted Commodities
These commodities normally consist of heavy lift cargo, oversized cargo with the exception of cargo that meets the definition of over dimensional cargo in certain contracts, explosives and certain hazardous commodities.
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Hazardous Cargo
A hazardous substance or material which has been determined by the Secretary of Transportation or the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property when transported in commerce and which has so been designated.
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On-Deck Stowage
Some hazardous commodities require on-deck stowage per Coast Guard Regulations. These are identified in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 171 et seq. (49 CFR 171 et seq.) and the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Dangerous Goods Code in effect at the time of shipment. These commodities can normally be shipped under contracts but at some additional costs. When the ETRR has identified a need for On Deck Stowage, this service must be ordered at the time of booking with the ocean carrier. Some ETRRs may not reflect a need for under deck stowage; however, the ocean carrier may determine that due to the nature of the commodity the shipment must be stowed on deck. The Movement Integration Division (MID) upon receiving a surcharge invoice from the ocean carrier performs verification of the requirement for on-deck stowage. No charges are appropriate when the ocean carrier provides this service for his convenience.
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Stevedoring and Related Terminal Services (S&RTS)
Government Contracted services applied when cargo (usually breakbulk) is booked Free In/Free Out for loading and unloading of a ship.
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Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD):
A TPFDD is a computer database used to identify types of forces and actual units required to support an OPLAN or OPORD. In addition, TPFDDs contain estimates of logistics support and designate ports for loading (embarkation) and unloading (debarkation). Finally, the TPFDD, based on planner input, establishes the sequence for moving the forces and their support (time phasing) into the Area of Operations.
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Transportation Financial Management System (TFMS):
TFMS-M is the financial management system for the SDDC. The system interfaces with other systems, such as payroll, travel, disbursing, and SDDC non-core accounting support systems. TFMS-M improved cash management and controls over assets, reduced the time required to obtain financial information. TFMS-M allows SDDC and Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to track on a daily basis cash management, answer vendor payment issues, and address customer billing questions.
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Type Pack Codes
For cargo containers (SEAVAN, MILVAN, MSCVAN), the code identifies who loaded the cargo into the container and the capacity to which the container was loaded
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Universal Service Contract (USC)
TCAQ negotiated contract for the provision of commercial ocean containers, related services and over-ocean movement
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Universal Service Contract Performance Work Statement
The purpose of the Performance Work Statement is to fulfill its mission of providing global surface deployment command, control and distribution operations to meet National Security objectives in peace and war, it is necessary for SDDC to provide ocean and intermodal distribution services for delivering Defense Transportation System (DTS) cargo anywhere in the world. DTS cargo consists of military equipment and related supplies including supermarket-type commodities shipped by the Defense Commissary Agency, department store merchandise shipper by Army and Air Force Exchange Service, mail shipped by the Military Postal Service, Prime Vendor cargo, General Services Administration (GSA) and personal property including Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) of DOD personnel. DOD is the largest single shipper of cargo by ocean transportation on a worldwide basis. DTS cargo is shipped in substantial, recurring and consistent volumes on many trade routes.
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Vessel Status and Terms of Carriage Codes
The vessel status code identifies the type of shipping and payment agreement for a particular shipment. Vessel status codes are assigned to each offering and forwarded to the carrier. Different codes can be assigned to individual offerings that are booked to the same vessel. This data is passed to GATES. The terms of carriage code indicates who is responsible for vessel loading and unloading. This code is used for statistical summaries, contractor payments, cost accounting, vessel operator billing, and related financial purposes.
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Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) Priorities
On 30 January 1997, the Secretary of Defense approved the VISA as an alternative to the Sealift Readiness Program. USTRANSCOM will provide an updated list of VISA participants to designated OOs as changes to the list occur. The following is the prioritized order for booking cargo shipments (breakbulk and containers) in the DTS. • U.S. Flag vessel capacity operated by a VISA "Participant" that has made a current, minimum commitment of its U.S. Flag vessel capacity to Stages I, II and III of VISA or that has made a current, minimum commitment of its Jones Act capacity (capacity exclusively engaged in the domestic trades) to Stage III of VISA and a current, minimum commitment of the remainder of its U.S. Flag vessel capacity to Stages I, II and III of VISA or, with regard to an offer for a long-term charter to DOD, that has made a current, minimum commitment of its U.S. Flag vessel capacity to Stage III of VISA. The U.S. Flag Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA) capacity of such a participant also is grouped in this category of priority. U.S. Flag vessel capacity operated by a VISA "Participant" that has made a current, minimum commitment of its U.S. Flag vessel capacity to Stage III of VISA and the U.S. Flag Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA) capacity of such a Participant. • U. S. Flag vessel capacity operated by a non-Participant. • Combination U.S./foreign flag vessel capacity operated by the kind of "Participant" described in paragraph 1 above and the combination U.S./foreign flag VSA capacity of such a Participant. • Combination U.S./foreign flag vessel capacity operated by the kind of "Participant" described in paragraph 2 above and the combination U.S./foreign flag VSA capacity of such a Participant. • Combination U.S./foreign flag vessel capacity operated by a non-Participant. • U.S. owned or operated foreign flag vessel capacity and VSA capacity of the kind of "Participant" described in paragraph II.A.1 above. • U.S. owned or operated foreign flag vessel capacity and VSA capacity of the kind of "Participant" described in paragraph II.A.2 above. • U.S. owned or operated foreign flag vessel capacity or VSA capacity of a non-participant. • Foreign-owned or operated foreign flag vessel capacity of a non-Participant. If a particular shipment's requirements cannot be met by any of the booking priority categories above, then SDDC shall have the right to solicit additional service under commercial tariffs using Government Bills of Lading (GBLs) or another Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) contract utilizing all sources of common carriage.
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War Risk Insurance (WRI):
In the event it is necessary for the Contractor to pay additional premiums to extend the coverage of crew, hull and machinery, protection and indemnity insurance and insurance covering the loss and damage of cargo while aboard the vessel at sea (not applicable to inland cargo) to include war risks, or to pay crew war risk bonuses as a result of the vessel entering the war risk area, the US Government will reimburse the Contractor in the amount of the surcharge (by whatever name) set forth in the Contractor's commercial tariff relating to war risk when the normal routing of one or more of the vessels carrying the shipment involves transiting a Listed Area designated by Lloyd's Market Association's Joint War Committee. For Contractors that do not have filed commercial tariffs for such War Risk charges, the US Government shall reimburse the Contractor for a percentage of such extra premium and bonus payments based on the ratio existing between the cargo carried for the account of SDDC and the total cargo aboard the vessel which is loaded or discharged at ports within the War Risk area. The intent of this clause is that War risk will only be paid if the vessel actually enters or travels through war risk areas.
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