Politics and Economics – Flashcards

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When people are united by common history and culture, they belong to a __________. A. state B. nation C. territory D. boundary
B. nation
Political issues that may lead to the creation of political boundaries include __________. A. shifts of riverbeds B. extreme climate changes C. conflicts between two neighboring groups D. trade agreements between existing countries
C. conflicts between two neighboring groups
Sovereignty usually only applies to __________. A. states B. nations C. territories D. democratic countries
A. states
After the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory, America's western boundary shifted to the __________, which is a(n) __________ boundary. A. Mississippi River . . . visible B. Mississippi River . . . political C. Rocky Mountains . . . physical D. Rocky Mountains . . . imaginary
C. Rocky Mountains . . . physical
Which of the following is the best example of an invention that has been used to overcome physical features? A. ships B. fences C. microwaves D. gaming systems
A. ships
In the 1800s, the boundaries between the United States and Mexico changed drastically because of __________. A. a revolution in America B. changes in technology C. a war between the two countries D. the collapse of the Mexican government
C. a war between the two countries
The boundaries of the former Soviet Union changed in the 1990s, when 15 new countries were created after __________. A. the government collapsed B. the Soviet Union fought a war against Germany C. the population grew faster than was expected D. the country bought land from the United States, doubling its size
A. the government collapsed
The American Revolution is an example of how political boundaries can __________. A. disappear B. stay the same C. change slightly D. change drastically
D. change drastically
One example of a recent technological advancement that is helping people to overcome a physical boundary is __________. A. a tunnel for a high speed train underneath the Alps B. a bridge for a high speed train crossing over the Nile River C. a luxury cruise ship that travels from Mexico to Japan D. a steam-powered train that travels across the Rocky Mountains
A. a tunnel for a high speed train underneath the Alps
The citizen was told that if he crossed the boundary into the other king's territory, he would be arrested. The underlined word in the sentence above can best be defined as a __________. A. high mountain that is challenging to cross B. group of soldiers hired to protect the king when he travels C. line that surrounds territory controlled by a person in power D. large structure in the middle of a kingdom used to hold armor
C. line that surrounds territory controlled by a person in power
Which of the following descriptions characterizes a unitary system of government? A. the belief that the only efficient government is one with limited power B. the belief that a strong central government best serves the needs of the people C. a system where local governments control the powers of the central government D. a system where local governments share their powers with a strong central power
B. the belief that a strong central government best serves the needs of the people
Both the confederate and federal government systems have been used in __________. A. the United Kingdom B. the United States C. north Korea D. Iran
B. the United States
Which of the following government systems most resembles that of the United States? A. South Africa B. France C. India D. China
C. India
Which modern nation is one of the few remaining examples of an oligarchy? A. India B. Burma (Myanmar) C. France D. England
B. Burma (Myanmar)
In a theocracy, the leader of a nation is only a representative of a deity.
Which of the following statements describes a primary difference between democratic and communist governments? A. Only democratic governments distribute land to citizens and make decisions about the economy. B. Only democratic governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems. C. Only communist governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems. D. Only communist governments use popular elections to determine who serves as a government official.
C. Only communist governments have complete control of both the economic and political systems.
Government can best be described as __________. A. a form or system of rule B. a national banking system C. the basic unit of currency used by the European Union D. the ability to deal with situations and issues without provoking hostility
A. a form or system of rule
In the fictional country of Wachoviak, there is one leader who holds all of the power. He took power by force, not by popular election, but he controls all government officials and makes every major decision. He also uses torture against those who oppose his power. What form of government system is Wachoviak using? A. an oligarchy B. a democracy C. a dictatorship D. a theocracy
C. a dictatorship
The United Kingdom currently uses a __________ as their form of government. A. royal theocracy B. wealthy aristocracy C. traditional monarchy D. constitutional monarchy
D. constitutional monarchy
All of the following are stated missions of the World Health Organization except __________. A. distributing vaccines and medicines B. monitoring outbreaks of infectious diseases C. providing peacekeeping troops in countries with famines D. promoting healthy living, diet, and access to clean drinking water
C. providing peacekeeping troops in countries with famines
An example of a mixed economy leaning toward a command market is __________. A. North Korea B. South Africa C. Canada D. France
A. North Korea
One of the most important incentives provided to both command and traditional economies is __________. A. profit B. security C. progress D. economic equality
B. security
Knowledge, skills, and experience are examples of __________ capital. A. hypothetical B. undesired C. physical D. human
D. human
Charles' family is going to his favorite amusement park on Saturday. His soccer team has a game that morning, and he is supposed to be one of the starters. If Charles chooses to go to the game, he gives up the chance to go to the amusement park. Not going to the amusement park with his family is the __________ of going to the game. A. benefit B. incentive C. punishment D. opportunity cost
D. opportunity cost
According to the article "A Matter of Choice," an incentive for living near a forest could be __________, while a consequence could be the threat of __________. A. an ocean view . . . dangerous animals B. the beautiful scenery . . . wildfires C. fresh air . . . tornadoes D. seclusion . . . floods
B. the beautiful scenery . . . wildfires
Darice finally has everything she needs to start her pet-grooming business. This is her first business venture, and she is very excited, but a little nervous that it may fail. She opens the door and waits for customers to arrive. Darice is an example of (an) __________. A. employee B. consumer C. entrepreneur D. marketing advisor
C. entrepreneur
Which of the following situations is the best example of a negative consequence? A. Aaron missed the school bus because he decided to snooze after his alarm clock went off. B. Bryce was a starter in Friday night's game because he chose to practice hard after school every day. C. Becky had extra energy to help her mom with dinner because she chose to jump rope for a half hour. D. Trisha was spared a lecture on personal responsibility because she decided to clean her room without being asked.
A. Aaron missed the school bus because he decided to snooze after his alarm clock went off.
What is the main incentive for using a traditional economy? A. profit B. stability C. progress D. economic equality
B. stability
What is the main incentive for using a command economy? A. profit B. stability C. progress D. economic equality
D. economic equality
Labor is best defined as __________. A. volunteer work B. a finished good from a factory C. work for which people get paid D. the buildings, machines, and tools used to get a job done
C. work for which people get paid
What is gross domestic product? A. The total dollar value of a country's goods divided by the country's population. B. The level of comfort the average person in a country can reasonably afford. C. The measure of a country's economic health, social conditions, and standard of living. D. The total dollar value of all the final goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given year.
D. The total dollar value of all the final goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given year.
What determines in which economic sector a job belongs? A how much the job pays B. how many people have the job C. how much people in the job produce D. how closely the job is connected to natural resources
D. how closely the job is connected to natural resources
Andy is the captain of a fishing boat. In which economic sector does he work? A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. quaternary
A. primary
In 1900, 40% of the US labor force worked in agriculture. A hundred years later, in 2000, only 2% worked in agriculture. What is an important reason for this change? A. There was not enough good farmland left. B. Congress passed a law restricting the number of farmers there can be. C. Improved technology meant that the country needed fewer farmers to meet its needs. D. Large numbers of farmers left the US for countries where they were needed.
C. Improved technology meant that the country needed fewer farmers to meet its needs.
Let's say the average GDP per capita for the world's countries is $10,500. The GDP per capita of Country B is $10,000. The majority of the workforce is in tertiary-sector jobs. What is most likely about Country B's economic development? A. Country B has a developed economy. B. Country B has a developing economy. C. Country B has a least-developed economy. D. We can tell nothing about the economic development of Country B.
A. Country B has a developed economy.
Economic sectors are determined based on what criteria? A. How important a job is to human survival. B. How closely a job is related to natural resources. C. How important a job is to a country's GDP. D. How closely a job is related to the center of a city.
B. How closely a job is related to natural resources.
Least-developed economies are dominated by jobs in the __________ sector. A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. quaternary
A. primary
Joey decided it was time to go to college because all of the jobs he used to have on the farm were being mechanized. The word underlined in the sentence above is best defined as __________. A. used to increase human capabilities or make people's lives easier B. changed to allow only people with college educations to participate C. downsized and sent overseas D. conducted by machines
D. conducted by machines
Which continent has the greatest number of least-developed countries? A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. South America
B. Africa
Jobs that turn raw materials or resources into usable finished products are part of the __________ sector. A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. quaternary
B. secondary
Who elevated Coca-Cola to a national brand? A. Earnest Woodruff B. Asa Candler C. Robert Woodruff D. John Pemberton
B. Asa Candler
Which of the following is a cost associated with free trade? A. It will increase the availability of diverse products. B. It will increase global trade. C. Companies may move production to other countries. D. Consumers will pay lower prices.
C. Companies may move production to other countries.
What a nation specializes in producing has much to do with its resources.
Which of the following is a benefit of free trade? A. It reduces employment in many fields. B. It makes more diverse products available. C. It causes industries to decline. D. It makes countries dependent on foreign powers.
B. It makes more diverse products available.
Countries create quotas and tariffs to increase the volume of trade with their neighbors.
What causes exchange rates to change? A. The World Bank sets the rates each day. B. The Chinese government sets worldwide exchange rates. C. The rates change when nations decide to use a bartering system. D. The rates change based on the supply of and demand for different currencies.
D. The rates change based on the supply of and demand for different currencies.
Which of the following phrases defines the word "export"? A. to send a product to another country to sell B. to purchase a product from another country C. to place taxes on goods purchased from other countries D. to limit how much of a good can come from other countries
A. to send a product to another country to sell
What is a country's currency? A. its government's savings bonds B. reports on its imports and exports C. the coins and paper money it issues D. the daily ups and downs of its stock market
C. the coins and paper money it issues
To narrow one's focus in order to become an expert at producing a particular good or service is to __________. A. specialize B. expand C. enlarge D. contract
A. specialize
Which of the following phrases defines the word "import"? A. to limit how much of a product can come from another country B. to send a product to another country to sell C. to purchase a product from another country D. to tax a product from another country
C. to purchase a product from another country
Which four principles does the United Nations Global Compact for multinational corporations address? A. the distribution of power, tariffs, trade barriers, and negotiation B. human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption C. sanctions, compensation, the environment, and human rights D. tariffs, trade standards, the environment, and compensation
B. human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption
Which of the following professions is most similar to an MNC? A. a classroom teacher who informs students of new information B. a manager of a local business that provides goods and services to the immediate community C. a traveling salesperson with business offices in different cities and countries D. a homemaker who organizes the home for his/her family
C. a traveling salesperson with business offices in different cities and countries
What role do teenagers play in the westernization of the world? A. Teens are one of the biggest groups of consumers. B. Teens seek an education to further their opportunities. C. Teens use sports to advance their nation's economic success. D. Teens interact with WTO officials to impact tariff and trade barriers.
A. Teens are one of the biggest groups of consumers.
Which of the following terms is best described as "an increasingly international approach to producing, marketing, and distributing goods and services"? A. economic globalization B. world trade C. capitalism D. trade agreement
A. economic globalization
Many products and services are available to the global society as a result of the WTO. Which of the following goods or services would not fall under WTO jurisdiction? A. cars B. oil C. bananas D. health care
D. health care
Which of the following nations or regions does not dominate the global marketplace? A. the United States B. Japan C. South Asia D. Western Europe
C. South Asia
Countries that are on the rise economically and growing in importance in the global economy but still have large numbers of the population living in poverty are considered __________ economies. A. core B. semi-periphery C. periphery D. external
B. semi-periphery
Many international cultures are becoming westernized. Which of the following scenarios would best symbolize the effect of this process on indigenous cultures? A. a pot boiling on the stove B. a scale tipping heavily in one direction C. children sharing their toys D. money earning interest in a bank
B. a scale tipping heavily in one direction
Providing financial assistance for smaller nations' economic negotiating teams and increasing the bargaining powers of these nations __________. A. is one way MNCs force smaller economies to allow international investments B. increases the influence of external economies C. is a method that core economies have used to increase their market share D. is one strategy the WTO has used to deflect criticism of its policies
D. is one strategy the WTO has used to deflect criticism of its policies
If the United States government were to regulate its financial structures, including banks and businesses, which of the following criteria of a capitalist economy would it violate? A. Consumer interests affect capitalism. B. Prices and wages are set by supply and demand. C. Privately owned resources are used to make a profit. D. Government involvement in businesses and markets must be limited.
D. Government involvement in businesses and markets must be limited
Mapped boundaries that often follow straight lines are referred to as __________. A. territories B. visible boundaries C. natural boundaries D. imaginary boundaries
D. imaginary boundaries
Political boundaries can change due to peaceful agreements between nations. Using complete sentences, explain two reasons why one nation might peacefully agree to hand over part of its territory to another.
Several peaceful political actions can change a country's territorial boundaries. For example, a country may need money to pay off a debt or to buy needed supplies. That country can choose to sell a portion of its land in exchange for money. A country might also change its boundaries if it exchanges territory with a neighbor. One country might make agreement with another country to give up territory after a war. After many years, that land may be returned to its original owner. Finally, a country might change its boundaries to avoid a war. A country may choose to give up a piece of land rather than to fight a war against a neighbor.
A territory can best be described as __________. i. A portion of land ii. A politically organized space iii. A group of people who are united by common history, culture, and beliefs A. i. only B. ii. only C. i. and iii. D. ii. and iii.
A. i. only
Using four or more complete sentences, summarize the difference between a state and a nation.
The terms "nation" and "state" are often used interchangeably; however, they are two different things. A state is a politically organized space with a defined territory, a governing body, and a unified population. A state is also sovereign, which means that its government has complete authority within its boundaries: no other state has any power or control within those boundaries. An example of a state is the United States. Though a state is similar to a nation, there are differences. The term "nation" is more conceptual, while "state" is more concrete. A nation refers a group of people who are united by a common history, culture, and beliefs. People can belong to a nation even if they do not have defined territory or a state. Many Native American tribes are examples of nations.
Read the information below and answer the question that follows. Josh has been living on the US border near the Rio Grande his entire life. He has been tracking one area of the river for about five years now. He has noticed that it now flows towards Mexico instead of the United States. What is Josh witnessing? A. the creation of a new nation B. the creation of a new state C. a drastic boundary change D. a small boundary change
D. a small boundary change
Using complete sentences, describe the two types of changes that national boundaries experience on a regular basis. Provide an example of each.
The two types of changes that national boundaries experience on a regular basis are small changes and drastic changes. A small change may be something as simple as a river shifting direction and moving 50 feet. This would be an example of a small change in a state's boundary. If a state experiences a drastic boundary change, it is normally due to a revolution, a war, or the collapse of a government system. Drastic changes may also take place because of the exchange of land through a purchase.
Using four or more complete sentences, explain why new technologies are making physical features less of a challenge when creating and changing national boundaries.
New technologies make physical features less of a challenge when creating boundaries. Many new technologies have been created to overcome these barriers. For example, a mountain range was once an impassable barrier. Now we have the technology that allows us to fly over the mountain or tunnel through it. We have created heating and cooling systems that allow us to live in extreme climates, such as desert or arctic regions. We also build dams that allow us to live near water sources or store water where it is scarce. These technologies allow people to create barriers for political reasons, rather than because of physical challenges.
The Rio Grande is an example of a __________. A. physical boundary B. political boundary C. stateless nation D. sovereign state
A. physical boundary
What is a boundary? Using four or more complete sentences, identify both types of boundaries and give an example of each.
A boundary is a line surrounding a territory that is controlled by a person or group in power. Boundaries can be visible or imaginary. There are two types of boundaries: physical and political. A physical boundary is created by natural or physical features. For example, the Himalayas create a natural boundary between India and Tibet. A political boundary is one that is formed between groups of people for political reasons, e.g. conflicts or peaceful agreements between neighboring groups.
The ability to dam water and the use of improved transportation are examples of how __________. A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries B. technology can be used to overcome political issues C. governments can prevent the growth of countries with large populations D. governments can encourage all states to work together
A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries
A portion of land can best be described as a __________. A. state B. territory C. boundary D. physical feature
B. territory
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a state? A. Its territory is undefined. B. It has a government system. C. It has a unified population. D. It is sovereign.
A. Its territory is undefined.
The citizen was told that if he crossed the boundary into the other king's territory, he would be arrested. The underlined word in the sentence above can best be defined as a __________. A. high mountain that is challenging to cross B. group of soldiers hired to protect the king when he travels C. line that surrounds territory controlled by a person in power D. large structure in the middle of a kingdom used to hold armor
C. line that surrounds territory controlled by a person in power
When people are united by common history and culture, they belong to a __________. A. state B. nation C. territory D. boundary
B. nation
After the American Revolution, life for American colonists changed because they no longer had to follow the laws of the English king. The underlined word in the sentence above can best be defined as a(n) __________. A. conflict between two nations B. peaceful negotiation between the king and his citizens C. overthrow of a governing body that causes a new group to take power or control D. state that decides to change its government structure when the system is not working effectively
C. overthrow of a governing body that causes a new group to take power or control
Political issues that may lead to the creation of political boundaries include __________. A. shifts of riverbeds B. extreme climate changes C. conflicts between two neighboring groups D. trade agreements between existing countries
C. conflicts between two neighboring groups
Which of the following is the best example of an invention that has been used to overcome physical features? A. ships B. fences C. microwaves D. gaming systems
A. ships
Boundaries created between groups of people due to conflicts or peaceful agreements are __________. A. natural B. political C. physical D. suggested
B. political
Another term for a state is a __________. A. city B. county C. country D. community
C. country
Most Native American tribes are referred to as __________. A. territories B. countries C. nations D. states
C. nations
All of the following are examples of the United Nations' special agencies except __________. A. the European Union B. the World Food Programme C. the World Health Organization D. the United Nations Children's Fund
A. the European Union
In the fictional country of Alvernia, there is one central government and ten smaller local state governments. If the country of Alvernia operates using a confederate system of government, what is the best way to describe the distribution of government power? A. The state and central governments are both ruled by a dictator who holds all decision-making powers. B. The state governments determine the powers of the central government. C. The central government holds complete control over the state governments. D. The state and central governments are both ruled by citizen through the process of referendum.
B. The state governments determine the powers of the central government.
Using four or more complete sentences, differentiate between federal and confederate systems of government.
A federal system of government is a system wherein self-governing nations are united by a strong central government. Although the amount of power that local governments have varies, the goal is to have an equal distribution of powers across local and central governments. A modern example of the federal system of government is the United States. In contrast, a confederate style of government involves strong local governments and a weak central government. The confederate style of government is built around the idea that local governments can best serve the needs of the people. A modern example is Sweden.
Using four or more complete sentences, describe the creation, goals, and special agencies of the United Nations.
The United Nations (UN) is a supranational organization whose membership includes most of the world's nations. The United Nations was created in 1945, shortly after World War II, with the outlined goals of defending human rights and maintaining peace. In order to accomplish these goals, the United Nations has formed several agencies that have particular responsibilities. For example, the World Food Programme (WFP) specializes in providing food to impoverished or famine-stricken parts of the world. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) focuses on improving the health and well-being of the world's children. Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) works to treat curable diseases and promote healthy living worldwide.
What is the European Union (EU)? Explain some of the special rights afforded to EU citizens.
The European Union is a supranational organization that only offers membership to certain European nations. When nations apply for membership and are accepted, several rights are afforded to them. For example, a citizen of any member country enjoys the freedom to travel to other EU nations. EU citizens are also allowed to work in any other EU nation, meaning that citizens can move freely from country to country for the purposes of acquiring work. Lastly, all EU nations use a common currency: the Euro. The EU currently has 27 member nations, a fully functioning government, a flag, and an anthem.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a democratic system of government? A. elected officials B. accountability for leaders in power C. the guiding principle of "majority rules" D. unlimited authority for leaders chosen to govern
D. unlimited authority for leaders chosen to govern
Using four or more complete sentences, contrast monarchies with dictatorships.
Traditional monarchies and dictatorships have many similarities. For example, their rulers are not elected by the people, though how they gain power differs. Traditional monarchs often follow a hereditary line, while dictators often take power by force and attempt to hold power by limiting the rights of the people they rule. In both types of government, the ruler is the unquestioned leader of the country and holds unlimited power. Constitutional monarchies are different from dictatorships because they have a constitution that limits the monarch's powers. That constitution outlines the structure and the power of the government and prevents the monarch from denying citizens their rights.
Which of the following options shows the two systems of government adopted by the United States in chronological order? A. confederate to federal B. federal to confederate C. confederate to unitary D. unitary to federal
A. confederate to federal
Using three or more complete sentences, describe a unitary government system.
A unitary system of government is a single-unit system in which the central government has supreme power. A unitary government allows for decisions to start at the national level and then flow into local communities with the end goal being an equal distribution of power. France and South Africa are modern examples of unitary governments.
Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows. The fictitious nation of Fiona has no need for state governments. The queen holds absolute power in the land. On a trip into the country, the queen noticed that many of her people were going without food. She decreed that city shelters must provide a warm meal daily for anyone who needs it. What type of government system does Fiona operate under? A. confederate B. aristocratic C. federal D. unitary
D. unitary
Modern democracies function as republics in which elected officials make decisions for the majority of the people.
Which of the following ideals are the main goals of the United Nations? i. Maintaining peace ii. Preserving human dignity iii. Promoting democracies around the world A. i. only B. i. and ii. only C. ii. and iii. only D. i., ii., and iii. only
B. i. and ii. only
Which modern nation is one of the few remaining examples of an oligarchy? A. India B. Burma (Myanmar) C. France D. England
B. Burma (Myanmar)
All of the following are stated missions of the World Health Organization except __________. A. distributing vaccines and medicines B. monitoring outbreaks of infectious diseases C. providing peacekeeping troops in countries with famines D. promoting healthy living, diet, and access to clean drinking water
C. providing peacekeeping troops in countries with famines
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Alliyah and Zarduk Tors are tired of the unrest in their country. Over dinner one night, they discuss the possibility of leaving their country for a new nation. They agree that they like the tradition associated with a monarchy, but they would also like to live in a country where the most powerful officials are elected by the people and must adhere to a constitution. Which of the following countries would best satisfy the Tors' needs? A. the United States of America B. the United Kingdom C. Indonesia D. China
B. the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom currently uses a __________ as their form of government. A. royal theocracy B. wealthy aristocracy C. traditional monarchy D. constitutional monarchy
D. constitutional monarchy
Read the sentence below and answer the question that follows. Often when two counties have a problem, they try to solve their issues by first using diplomacy. The underlined word in the sentence above can best be defined as __________. A. a form or system of rule B. the ability to deal with situations and issues without provoking hostility C. an aristocracy hired to reorganize the government systems of both countries D. three or more states that have joined together to form an organization in pursuit of shared goals
B. the ability to deal with situations and issues without provoking hostility
Both the confederate and federal government systems have been used in __________. A. the United Kingdom B. the United States C. North Korea D. Iran
B. the United States
In which of the following scenarios would the WFP most likely play a critical role in providing relief? A. Civil unrest creates a food shortage. B. Increased temperatures cause polar ice caps to melt slowly. C. A tornado rips through several towns and causes widespread damage. D. A war-torn nation requests help from peacekeeping troops.
A. Civil unrest creates a food shortage.
When a country is ruled by a small, wealthy group, that country is using a(n) __________ as its form of government. A. aristocracy B. democracy C. theocracy D. republic
A. aristocracy
What is one of the major purposes of the World Trade Organization? A. to help countries establish trade barriers B. to encourage free trade among countries C. to promote understanding of other cultures D. to provide nations with a place to display their new products
B. to encourage free trade among countries
What does a growing GDP per capita indicate about a country? A. Economic development is increasing. B. Economic development is decreasing C. The number of people in the military is increasing. D. The number of people in the military is decreasing.
A. Economic development is increasing.
A country's gross domestic product divided by its population is called __________. A. literacy rate B. national income C. GDP per capita D. standard of living
C. GDP per capita
How do "global teens" differ from teens of other generations as a result of commoditization? A. A global teen does not attend school. B. A Japanese teen does not have access to other cultures. C. Today's teens can go to the movies, unlike other generations of teenagers. D. Teens, whether in America or Thailand, have access to the same pop culture.
D. Teens, whether in America or Thailand, have access to the same pop culture.
Why is it difficult to turn strong brands into commodities? A. Consumers are less likely to purchase recognized brand names, making them less likely to be targets for commoditization. B. Strong brands generally have fewer features that are valued by people interested in purchasing commodities. C. A well-established brand more easily resists commoditization because of its reputation, value, innovation, and consumer trust. D. A strong brand escapes trade barriers.
C. A well-established brand more easily resists commoditization because of its reputation, value, innovation, and consumer trust.
The three basic economic questions include all the following except __________. A. who will use the products produced B. what goods and services to produce C. how the products will be produced D. who will produce the products
D. who will produce the products
The idea of a __________ is more conceptual than concrete. A. state B. nation C. territory D. boundary
B. nation
What is the term for the value of one nation's currency compared to another? A. the trade barrier B. the exchange rate C. the money exchange D. the currency difference
B. the exchange rate
Which of the following events would definitely turn an unlimited government system into a limited government system? A. A war is fought between citizens and their leader(s). B. A civil war divides a country into two independent nations. C. A trade agreement dealing with goods that cross country borders is made between a monarch and a dictator. D. A written constitution outlining government rules is created between the people and their leader(s).
D. A written constitution outlining government rules is created between the people and their leader(s).
Drastic boundary changes can occur for all of the following reasons except for __________. A. a shift in the way a river flows B. the collapse of a government system C. a conflict between two neighboring groups D. one country's decision to sell land to another country
A. a shift in the way a river flows
In what type of economy does the government try to control all factors of production? A. traditional B. command C. market D. mixed
B. command
The United States has a __________ system of government, or one in which power is distributed between the central government and local governments. A. unitary B. federal C. oligarchic D. confederate
B. federal
Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of how much a country produces. How does improved technology increase a country's GDP? A. Improved technology allows workers to take more time off. B. Improved technology sometimes means that certain jobs won't be needed anymore. C. Improved technology makes it easier to communicate with people around the world. D. Improved technology allows workers to produce more goods and services each year.
D. Improved technology allows workers to produce more goods and services each year.
Which of the following statements about developed economies is false? A. Countries with developed economies are industrialized. B. Most people work in the primary and secondary sectors. C. Most people enjoy a high standard of living. D. GDP per capita is high compared to the countries of the world.
B. Most people work in the primary and secondary sectors.
Jobs focused on obtaining natural resources or raw materials are part of the __________ economic sector. A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. quaternary
A. primary
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