Pirates Of The Caribbean Essay Example
Pirates Of The Caribbean Essay Example

Pirates Of The Caribbean Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (500 words)
  • Published: September 11, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Here we are once again on board the Black Pearl looking out onto what looks to be a thrilling encore to an amazing first adventure. However sadly we are much disappointed as a similar plot quite literally rolls across our screen. The entire film seems to be just one big repeat over several points.

Ok well I suppose some credit can be given to the two main actors Orlando Bloom (Will Turner) and of course the ever popular Johnny Depp (Jack Sparrow) who gives that extra something that make the whole affair worth watching.Depp has succeeded again to continue his much loved bad lad character and proves that there are men out there who would save their own lives my swapping that of another's to the infamous Davey Jones. Slightly less praise can be given to


Bloom as he shows no signs of developing his character any further and really Will Tuner is a rather boring person! Now we arrive at the port off Miss Kira Knightly (Elizabeth Swann). Well how to put this in a manner of constructive criticism?Throughout the entire film she was dull and should be replaced immediately to the extent where her best acting was a fake feint which didn't even attract and attention form her fianci?? or her new found secret crush. Yes that's right more lust.

Maybe the film director's relised how boring the film was getting and decided this would be the best way to spark it up again I don't know but sadly it really doesn't work. So perhaps we should now venture into why the two boys were rather preoccupied to rush over to save poo

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Miss Swann.Well to cut a very long, dull and boring story short, Jack goes on a new (repetitive) voyage to find a key. The key opens a chest and basically Jack wants the chest.

Along the way Will finds his father and Miss Swann discovers her lust towards the sly yet alluring Jack Sparrow. Oh sorry I mean Captain Jack Sparrow. So with this in mind we find our selves on three consecutive islands and on each one we find something to roll on! On The Cannibals Island we see the crew of the Black Pearl rolling down a valley in some bone and vine built cage.And so this brings us to my final opinion of the film.

From where I am standing this film is merely something to fill in the gaps before the final chapter and for me I found it totally boring and unsatisfying. I think that the film producers should have jettisoned this film and gone straight to the third instalment because I believe it would have made me a lot more willing to go and see the next film where as now I am having my doubts. I would give this piece a mere 1 golden galleon and I just hope that its sequel will have me a lot more gripped.

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