Physics Chapter 27 – Flashcards
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Color depends on what characteristic of light? its amplitude its frequency both of these
*its frequency* lights of different frequencies appear as different colors. Lights of of lower frequencies appearing the red part of the spectrum and move up to higher frequencies in the violet part.
When the frequency of light matches the natural frequency of molecules in a material, light is transmitted. absorbed. reflected. none of these
*absorbed.* different materials have different natural frequencies, for absorbing and emitting electromagnetic radiation. If the the material has a natural frequency the same as the light, it RESONATES. And absorbs the light which raises its internal KE levels
The color of an opaque object is the same as the light that is transmitted. reflected. absorbed. all of these none of these
*reflected.* An opaque object absorbs certain wavelength and reflects others. The reflected wavelengths are what you see, and therefore determine the color of the object. A red objects absorbs all wavelengths except red, which it reflects
What color light is transmitted by a piece of blue glass? red white orange blue yellow
*blue* A piece of colored glass appears that color because it absorbs all the colors of the white light, and transmits the color in the white light, that matches the pigment of the glass.
The brightest color emitted by the sun is violet. yellow-green. red. green-blue. orange.
*yellow-green.* The intensity of light from the sun varies with frequency. It is most intense in the yellow-green part of the spectrum.
The solar radiation curve is a) a dent in the otherwise spherical sun b) the path taken by the sun as it travels around the Earth c) a plot of brightness of sunlight versus its frequency d) a plot of the colors of sunlight versus their frequencies e) a plot of light intensity versus distance from the sun
*c) a plot of brightness of sunlight versus its frequency.* The radiation curve of sunlight is a graph of: *brightness* vs *frequency* Sunlight is brightest in the yellow-green region
Light shines on a pane of green glass and a pane of clear glass. The temperature will be higher in the A) clear glass. B) green glass. C) Neither - it will be the same in each.
*B) green glass. * Due to *Selective Transmission* the green pane of glass absorbs all wavelengths of light except for green. Green is transmitted through. Energy of the absorbed light increases the KE of the molecules in the glass, warming it. The clear glass transmits all waves of visible light and, mengin less light waves will be absorbed in to the glass increasing its KE
The colored dots that make up the color on a TV screen are A) magenta, cyan, yellow. B) red, blue, green. C) yellow, blue, green. D) red, green, yellow. E) red, blue, yellow.
*B) red, blue, green. * red, blue, green are the *primary additive colors* colored lights that add to each other to produce others. Since red, blue, green are primary, they can be added to one another to produce any color,
If three primary colors of light are to shine on a white wall to produce a white spot, the primaries must be a) additive b) subtractive c) multiplicative d) divisive
*a) additive* red, blue, green are the *primary additive colors* colored *lights* that add to each other to produce others. Since red, blue, green are primary, they can be added to one another to produce any color,
The complementary color of blue is A) red. B) green. C) yellow. D) cyan. E) magenta.
*C) yellow.* When *two* colors are added together to produce white, they are called complementary colors. *Blue+Red+green= White* So since... *Red+Green = Yellow * Then.. *Yellow+ Blue= White * making yellow complementary to blue
Complementary colors are two colors that A) look good together. B) are additive primary colors. C) are subtractive primary colors. D) produce white light when added together. E) are right for each other.
*D) produce white light when added together. * For example: *Blue+Red+green= White* So since... *Red+Green = Yellow * Then.. *Yellow+ Blue= White * making yellow complementary to blue
Colors seen on TV results from color addition. subtraction. either of these neither of these
*addition.* The colors seen on the TV are not a result of pigment which would be the result of subtraction. The colors on the TV red, blue, green are the *primary additive colors* colored *lights* that add to each other to produce others. Since red, blue, green are primary, they can be added to one another to produce any color
Colors seen on the cover of our physics book result from color A) addition. B) subtraction. C) either of these D) neither of these
*B) subtraction. * Mixing Colored Pigments in paints and dyes is different from mixing lights. pigments are tiny particles that absorb colors. For example a pigment that is the color red, produces the color red because it absorbs red's complementary color cyan. Magenta, yellow, cyan: are subtractive colors
Magenta light is really a mixture of A) red and blue light. B) red and cyan light. C) red and yellow light. D) yellow and green light. E) none of these
*A) red and blue light.* colored *lights* that add to each other to produce others. Magenta is a secondary color
Different colors of light correspond to different light a) velocities b) intensities c) polarities d) frequencies e) none of these
*d) frequencies* lights of different frequencies appear as different colors. Lights of of lower frequencies appearing the red part of the spectrum and move up to higher frequencies in the violet part.
A mixture of cyan and yellow pigments appears a) orange b) green c) magenta d) blue e) blackish brown
*b) green* A mixture of Cyan and yellow, will leave red and blue, which is magenta. Magenta is a subtractive primary color. Pigments that produce the color green, have to absorb the primary color magenta.
Look at a full-color picture in a magazine with a magnifying glass and you'll see that the inks used are A) red, green, and blue. B) red, green, blue, and black. C) magenta, cyan, and yellow. D) magenta, cyan, yellow, and black. E) none of these
*D) magenta, cyan, yellow, and black.* this is because magenta, cyan, yellow are subtractive primary colors. When light illuminates different colored pigments, light of some frequencies is subtracted, from the light that is reflected. Black is added for contrast
The sky is blue because air molecules in the sky act as tiny A) mirrors which reflect only blue light. B) resonators which scatter blue light. C) sources of white light. D) prisms. E) none of these
* resonators which scatter blue light. * The blue sky is the result of selective scattering When light moves through a thinner and higher layer of the atmosphere, which is made up of smaller atoms and molecules (hydrogen and oxygen). It causes light to scatter at wave length on on the near the blue side of the spectrum
Which interacts more with light of relatively high frequencies? A) large particles B) small particles C) both the same
*B) small particles * * resonators which scatter blue light. * The blue sky is the result of selective scattering When light moves through a thinner and higher layer of the atmosphere, which is made up of smaller atoms and molecules (hydrogen and oxygen). It causes light to scatter at wave length on on the near the blue side of the spectrum
A whitish sky is evidence that the atmosphere contains A) predominantly small particles. B) predominantly large particles. C) a mixture of particle sizes. D) water vapor. E) pollutants.
*C) a mixture of particle sizes.* This is because light in the atmosphere is scattered by different sized molecules, causing it to slow down to different frequencies in the visible light spectrum. If its scattered by lighter molecules it appears on the blue side of the spectrum, which has a higher frequency *However, if there is a mix of molecules with different sizes, the light would be scattered at all the different frequencies of the spectrum. The mix of all these colors makes the sky apeere white.*
Red sunsets are due to lower frequencies of light that A) are scattered from larger particles in the air. B) are refracted from larger particles in the air. C) are reflected by clouds and relatively large particles in the air. D) survive being scattered in the air. E) appear reddish orange to the eye.
*D) survive being scattered in the air. * Light that isn't scattered is light that is transmitted. Red, orange, and yellow light are the least scattered by the atmosphere. These lower frequencies are transmitted through the air better. *Red scatters the least and is transmitted the most*: As the sun sets, the path for light to reach earth *becomes LONGER* Leaving only the light of the red part of spectrum able to reach it.
The sky is the deepest blue A) just before a rainstorm. B) during a rainstorm. C) just after a rainstorm. D) when the air is humid. E) just before sunset.
*C) just after a rainstorm. * After a heavy rainstorm the sky becomes deep blue because the rail washes away the particles, which allow light to pass through the atmosphere without being scattered as much.
The whiteness of clouds is evidence in the clouds for a variety of A) water droplet sizes. B) molecules. C) "seeds" upon which condensation of cloud material forms. D) light intensities. E) water prisms.
*A) water droplet sizes.* water droplets in a variety of sizes make up clouds. The different sized droplets produce a variety of scattered frequencies Small droplets scatter light near the blue side of the spectrum Large droplets scatter light near the red side of the spectrum.
A red crab very deep in water, where sunlight is dim, appears A) red. B) orange. C) cyan. D) brown. E) no color - black.
*E) no color - black.* Water molecules resonate somewhat in the visible red, which causes red light to be more strongly absorbed by water than blue light. The water appears CYAN, due to the absorption of red, which it is complementary to. Sea creatures that appear to be black at these depths, are found to be RED. Because black and red look the same at these depths
A sheet of red paper will look black when illuminated with A) red light. B) yellow light. C) magenta light. D) cyan light. E) none of these
*cyan light.* Because cyan light which contains BLUE and GREEN, has no wavelength of RED to reflect off of it. Since it is red it just absorbs all the wavelengths of the cyan light making it appear black.
If sunlight were green instead of white, the most comfortable color to wear on a hot day would be A) magenta. B) yellow. C) green. D) blue. E) violet.
*C) green. * Because frequencies of the green light waves do not match the natural frequencies of vibration in green clothing. it would reflect all incoming green sunlight.
If sunlight were green instead of white, the most comfortable color to wear on a cold day would be A) magenta. B) yellow. C) green. D) blue. E) violet.
*A) magenta. * Because frequencies of the green light waves do not match the natural frequencies of vibration in green clothing. it would reflect all incoming green sunlight. However MAGENTA has no green wavelengths in. Wearing it would allow you to absorb all green light
The redness of the lunar eclipse is evidence for the A) refraction of sunsets and sunrises all around the world. B) infrared light continually emitted by the moon. C) scattering of lower frequencies of light by the moon. D) faintly radiating atoms in our own atmosphere when sunlight is not incident upon them. E) dim light that is incident upon the moon by Jupiter and other planets.
*A) refraction of sunsets and sunrises all around the world. *
If the atmosphere were about 40 times thicker, at noon the sun would appear A) red-orange. B) orange-green. C) green-blue. D) blue-violet. E) none of these
*A) red-orange.* Red, orange, and yellow light are the least scattered by the atmosphere. These lower frequencies are transmitted through the air better. If the atmosphere is thick is would cause wavelengths of light on the red part of the spectrum to be scattered. Leaving the ones on the red.
Distant dark colored hills appear blue because that is the color of the A) atmosphere between the observer and the hills. B) selectively reflected light that reaches a distant observer. C) reflected light that survives scattering. D) sky that is reflected off the hills.
*A) atmosphere between the observer and the hills. * very little light from the mountains reaches us and the blueness of the atmosphere between us and the mountains predominates
A piece of green paper appears black under red light. Why?
Green paper appears Green under white or green light for example, because both have frequencies of green light in them that reflect the green light off of the green paper and into the viewer's eye, making it appear green. The rest of the light is absorbed by the paper. However If the Green paper was under a red light there would be no green light to reflect, just red light. Since the object is not red and not at the same frequency as the red light, it would just absorb the red light, making the green paper appear black.
What other color than green (and black) would appear black under red light?
Blue and Cyan. Because there are no other frequencies in blue, that match the frequency of the red object. So the the blue light would just be absorbed by the object. Since Cyan is made of Green and blue, which also have no red frequencies, then it would have the same effect.
are tiny particles that absorb specific colors
Paint Pigments
Red + Blue = Magenta Red + Green = Yellow Blue + Green = Cyan
*Complementary Colors *
How does colored paint mix?
*subtractive color mixing*
Most things we see do not produce light themselves. Instead they reflect or transmit part of the light that shines on them. The rest of the light is absorbed.
for any given color on the color wheel, the color exactly opposite it is called it's complementary color
*complementary color*
what you get when you combine two primary colors. yellow, magenta, and cyan
*secondary light colors*
White paint No pigment produces
*White paint *
mix all three colors: cyan, yellow, and magenta or CYM. and you get
Black paint
White light all three primary colors gives you
*White light*
the absence of light
involves pigments like those in paint or ink. The primary colors for Paint are cyan, yellow, and magenta or CYM.
*subtractive color mixing *
nvolves mixing different colors of Light. Specifically, red, green, and blue or RGB.
*additive color mixing*
additive color mixing
*How does colored light mix*