Philosophy 103-Drug and Alcohol Use
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Alcohol Classification
Depressant (Drowsiness and Sedation)
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Cocaine Classification
Stimulants (Alertness, a sense of power, enhanced performance)
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Herion Classification
Opiates (Diminished or no pain; sense of euphoria)
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Morphine Classification
Opiates (Diminished or no pain; sense of euphoria)
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Marijuana Laws in the USA vs Canada
Canada: (2001) Medical Marijuana is legal, Decriminalization of marijuana possession so small time users do not face criminal offenses (2003) USA: Medical Marijuana is legal in 15 states
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Race and Drug Convictions
~Cocaine is 2nd most popular illicit drug. White males are twice as likely to use as blacks, Hispanic, Native Americans. ~African Americans are more likely to use heroin. Heroin offenses receive much more severe legal penalties than cocaine or alcohol-related crimes blacks bear a disproportionate burden with respect to enforcement of drug laws. ~Blacks are also more likely than whites to receive convictions for similar drug-related offenses
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Drug and Alcohol Problems on College Campuses
~Poor concentration, lower grade-point average, health risks. ~Binge drinking is related to violence, homicide, rape, brawls, vandalism, burglary ~about half of all date rapes ~casual factor in suicide
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Raising the drinking age to 21...
~Had little effects on the behaviors of college students ~Binge Drinking ~Frats and Sororities are at the highest risk for excessive drinking bc it is viewed as acceptable
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Disease Model of Addiction
views addiction primarily as an individuals medical problem rather than a social or moral problem. ~Not a lack of willpower or moral character that separates addicts ~Is a pathological state ~An addict is ill ~People who harm others or break the law under influence should be treated not punished ~AA
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Moral Model of Addiction
Is a freely chosen vice ~Overcoming addiction is simply a matter of willpower ~Alcoholism is a sin ~Accepting moral responsibility for one's actions is a key part in recovery ~People who harm others while under the influence should be held responsible for their actions and be punished
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Aristotle's Virtue Ethics
~Rejects the disease model of addiction ~People who are drunk are \"acting in ignorance\" ~Addicts give up their essential humanity by giving up control of their actions ~No sympathy ~Unlike a person who is involuntary ill, a drunk is responsible for his ignorance \"since it was open to him to refrain from getting drunk\" ~Not Object to moderate use
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Muslim Views
~Opposed ~Morally failing ~\"When a person drinks he becomes intoxicated, when he is intoxicated he raves, when he raves he falsely accuses\"
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Kant (6)
Categorical Imperative: We should never use ourselves as a means only. ~Addicts debase themselves by using themselves as a means only-to get a fix ~Addiction distracts us from our lives and relieves us of the burden, frustration, boredom, and the search for meaning in our lives (addiction becomes meaning of life) ~Prevent us from being fully human, therefore incompatible with human dignity ~As rational moral agents we are responsible for our actions and choices ~Disease model is problematic bc it places the burden of caring on the physician rather than the addict ~Passing of responsibility for our destructive and disrespectful behavior is inconsistent with human dignity and freedom
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Thomas Szasz's and Legalization of Drugs (6)
~Since drug are hard to obtain and illegal people become addicted ~Some drugs are more dangerous then others but some buildings are higher and more dangerous. In the case of drugs we regard their potentiality for self injury as regards for prohibition but not with building heights ~Every individual is capable of injuring or killing himself. This is a fundamental expression of human freedom. Therefore it is absurd to deprive an adult of a drug (or anything else) bc he might use it to kill himself ~To do so is to treat a person like a suicidal mental patient ~Accidental overdoses: When someone buys an illicit drug they can not be sure what they are getting. If the government was to monitor drug sales they drugs would be more pure ~In an open society it is none of the governments business what idea a man puts into his mind likewise it should not be the governments business what a man puts in his body
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Thomas Szasz and Free Trade
~The fear that free trade in narcotics would result in vast masses of the population spending their days and nights doing drugs is absurd ~habits of work and idleness are deep-seated in culture ~we can be held responsible for driving cars and operating computers but not on what we put in our bodies?
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Thomas Szasz The Right to Self-Medicate
~We regard freedom of speech and religion as a fundamental right so we should also regard freedom to self-medicate as a fundamental right ~public intoxication or activities that are harmful to others should not be tolerated ~Responsible for harmful behavior to others ~Same laws as alcohol
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Thomas Szasz; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Drugs
~Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness; we do not deny someone the right to play golf or watch TV. So should we deny them a drug? ~If we take a drug and conduct ourselves appropriately and abide by all laws should we have the right to be unmolested by the government? ~If we take a drug and break the law should we be treated as a criminal rather than a patient with mental illness? ~John Stuart Mill
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James Wilson and the use of Crack Cocaine
~intense effects; uninhibited, impulsive, hyper-sexual, compulsive, irritable, hyperactive, violent, homicidal ~Babies born whose mother have used crack. Baby can be deformed , brain damage, low cognitive abilities ~Tobacco shortens ones life, cocaine debases it. Tobacco alters ones habits cocaine alters ones soul. ~The heavy use of crack corrodes those natural sentiments of sympathy and duty that constitutes our human nature and make our social life possible. ~Distinguishing morally btw tobacco and cocaine is \"little more than a transient prejudice\"
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James Wilson and Drug Harm in Society
~The notion that abusing drugs is a \"victimless crime\" is absurd and dangerous. Even ignoring the fetal drug syndrome crack dependent people are individuals who regularly victimize their children by neglect, their spouses by improvidence, their employers by lethargy, their coworkers by carelessness ~We all have a stake in ensuring that each of us displays a minimal level of dignity, responsibility, and empathy. We cannot coerce people into goodness but we can and should insist that some standards must be met
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James Wilson and the Benefits of Illegality
~People who enter a rehab program because the law requires them too stays in the program longer than those who do not ~Investing huge amount is drug education programs in schools
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