Personal Statement For Masters In Public Administration Essay Example
Personal Statement For Masters In Public Administration Essay Example

Personal Statement For Masters In Public Administration Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1333 words)
  • Published: September 19, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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For some reason my head was hurting when I finally flickered my eyes open.

As I brushed my dark hair off my face, a haunting silence entered my ears. I sat up to see the whole school packed tightly into the hall. There were so many of us. I always imagined that this many people could fit in here easily, obviously I was wrong. Lined up row after row were familiar people lying on the floor, their faces were hidden in terror.

Next to me lay my best friend Lana; she was lying on her side with her back facing towards me. Her long light brown hair was hiding her beautiful blue eyes, as it covered her red lips.She was wearing a pini -frock similar to mine, as it was part of our school uni


form; under her grey tights she wore her black shoes. We had always been friends for as long as I can remember.

I searched around the hall to see if I could find my little sister. At the far end I saw her, but who was that next to her. My eye caught the back of a long figured person, who was wearing a black leather coat with something covering its face. It had knee-high leather boots that were covered in mud. Who was that? Then it twitched its head to the side as though it had felt my stare.

I ducked under my coat peeking over the rim.I saw him. In his gloved hand he held a phone. I couldn't see his long face because it was covered in a black mask, however I saw his hollow eyes look a

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It made my body freeze in terror. I gasped in horror as sweat trickled down my forehead. Had he heard me? Seconds later I heard heavy elephant like footsteps come towards me. I closed my eyes holding them really tight, as I did not know what else to do; questions circled my head, had he seen me? Was he coming to get me? What am I going to do? My heart began to beat extremely fast; it felt like I was waiting for a train to run me over.I heard the footsteps getting louder and louder as he came closer towards me.

He bent down and I felt his cold breath on my face. He whispered into my ear, "Yes. You'll be the first". In my mind I imagined smoke coming out of his mouth as he hissed those words. Then I heard his footsteps as he walked away.

What did he mean? The first to be released I thought. Suddenly there was a huge gust of wind outside and following it came a howling crash of thunder, it scared the hell out of me. A cold shiver ran through my spine. I saw a flicker of lighting almost blinding me.

At the corner of my eye I could see red and blue lights flashing. It was the police. Then I heard a policeman on a megaphone say, "Release the hostages and you will get what you want" his voice trembled in fear. What had happened? Even the police seem to be frightened.

All I could remember was lining up for something, but what? Was it assembly? No, it was the same man standing here;

he had a gun pointing towards Mr Owens head, our head teacher. He ordered all of us to get inside the hall. Another man walked in also wearing a black mask. He walked to, what seemed to be the head in charge of this hostage situation.

He whispered something that I could not tell from here. Obviously the head did not like the sound of it, as he started to yell impolite words that we weren't allowed to say. I hid under my coat trying to block them out. Out aloud he yelled, "I want my money of exactly a million immediately, or you will suffer the consequences! " He had a cloth over the phone when he shouted this, and slammed the phone down on the floor, it smashed into tiny pieces. He turned his back around and he saw me. He pointed his half chewed finger at me, the look in his evil eyes made me feel like the chosen one.

The next minute I knew. One of the men that stood beside the door came to get me; he grabbed me from the arm and lifted me right of the floor leaving my coat behind. He took me into a dark small room where I had never been before. He tied my hands with a rope to the back of a wooden chair where I couldn't move them. He walked out of the room leaving the door slightly open.

I waited there for half an hour or so, tugging at the rope that bond my hands together. Then I realized that my hands were free. I didn't wait a moment and got up trying

to make as little noise as possible.I peeped through the door, nobody was on guard; I tiptoed out of the room, the lights were out and I gripped the wall to guide me to the end of the wide corridor.

I turned the corner, I saw a tall man standing near the door he was smoking a cigar completely in his own world. He was also wearing a black outfit similar to the other men in the building. He stretched his arms and yawned very deeply. I snatched this opportunity to escape; I slipped under his legs and ran as fast as I could. As I was running I could hear heavy footsteps approaching me, I didn't dare look behind.

I was gasping for air and I realized I was now running for my life. If he caught up to me now there was no telling of what he was going to do to me. I ran past several classrooms until I reached the staircase. I ran down the stairs and into a gloomy classroom I hid under a table, I sat their crouched quietly.

He entered the room and searched for me. After trying to seek me out he left the room. My heart was beating so fast it no longer sounded like the beat of the heart, instead it sounded like a soft humming. My hands trembled in fear. The hairs on my arms pricked my skin.

I sat their crouched in my fear for a couple of minutes.I was too scared to do anything now. What if the man was waiting outside the classroom for me? After a while I assured myself that

there was nobody there. I crept towards the doors and peeked through the gap in the doorway. I couldn't see anyone.

So I pulled the door ajar and squeezed myself through the space. I was standing in the corridor again. I looked towards the way out and saw to figures standing on either side. The exit was wide open. I held my breath and tried to get as close as I could without being noticed.

Now I stood only a few feet away from freedom. I held my breath and ran.One of the men made a grab for me and almost stopped me but I was too quick. I ran out into the chilly air with rain trickling down my face.

I was still running when I saw the police cars parked ahead of me. The men were no longer chasing me. I collapsed into the arms of a large uniformed figure. He wrapped me up in a towel and put me into the safety of the police vehicle. I hugged the soft towel tightly, shivering from the cold. I looked back, the school stood drenched in rain.

Then I gasped at what I suddenly realised. I may be free but the rest of the school students and teachers were still inside with those brutal minded men.

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