Online Classes and Isolation Essay Example
Online Classes and Isolation Essay Example

Online Classes and Isolation Essay Example

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  • Pages: 33 (8824 words)
  • Published: December 15, 2021
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According to Huege (2016), online learning is the way of sturdy for any international recognized qualification without the need of attending classes in the campus. This field of sturdy is aimed at helping or being adventitious to those who are in jobs or other commitments, which inconvenience them from attending full time classes. Online writing involves the use of technology in order to get access to the curriculum of education. Distance education is also another form of online learning, which is highly beneficial to people who are limited to access to the institution where the learning is taking place (Bowen & Tobin, 2015). Online learning does not mean that the individual learning online cannot communicate to his professor or teacher; he can use technological instruments like laptops and computers to talk in a


live stream with them. A student who undergoes online learning is also tested for performance through the use of these electronic devices, you can deliver assignments for grading and have active participation in the classroom business and lectures.

The word e learning is said to have its existence way back in the year 1999 at a CBT systems seminar, which was held in Los Angeles. It was during this event that a new word hit the ears of the participants. This new word was online learning. It was intended to mean a way of learning, which would be based on the use of the current technology, which would allow access to the online, -personalized ad interactive training, which would be through the internet or in other case the electronic media (Childress et al, 2006). Online education also has its roots from the Universit

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of Illinois which created a ground which enabled to create a link between computer terminals. Online learning has had to go through different eras all the way from the year 1728 where the first distant learning was introduced in Boston and was called the written era. In 1922 courses through the radio were offered in pen state. By the year 1925, many colleges and universities were granted official broadcasting licenses.

In 1968 the television era took root where Stamford university came up with the Stamford instructional television hence part time studies on engineering students. The internet was then created in 1969 by the United States defense (Meyer, 2016). The online era began in 1976 where the University of Phoenix was found to offer higher education to adults. In 1994, the first complete curriculum based online was introduced in cal campus. The modern era, in which we are today started all way back in 1995, where many united states institutions was highly on distance learning. All years from 2000 to the present day, more development in the modern era has been taking place to enhance and improve the existing online learning. After this invasion of online learning, the years that followed after 1960 have been a great success to the online learning matter. Technology has been having the biggest influence in online learning and it is responsible for online learning. Technology is of high influence to online learning since the absence of technology would also mean the absence of online learning. (Moore et al, 2010)

Many educational institutions have adopted this idea of online learning in the efforts of expounding their fame and influence. This is because most

institutions have the ambition of having a high number of students in the institutions. This makes them to introduce the idea of online learning since some of the students have commitments in other grounds or other students who are too far to access the institution.

According to Childress (2006), the history of online education insists on the first quantitative breakthrough. It came from the Midwest program. Purdue University located in Indiana. Online education was transmitted by MPATI to almost two thousand public schools, which are located in Indiana and other surrounding states. The mid west programme on airborne television instruction (MPATI) was reported to be a special initiative of broadcast in bringing on air educational programmes. MPATI was introduced especially in areas where educational television were either hard to receive or where completely unavailable. In the early years of 1961, MPATI broadcast from DC-6AB aircraft which was based on west Lafayette, Indiana and Purdue university airport used a broadcasting technique which was known as stratovision. The Middle West schools were to benefit from the MPATI goals and intentions for the community like the idea of pioneering instructional television education. MPATI experienced many financial problems, which later made the organization to stop recruiting the schools into their partnership (Moore et al, 2010)

Over the years of different efforts and struggle of different organizations, the field of online education has taken new grounds and new approach. Many people can now access education in different countries without physically attending the institutions. This has profited people who get the advantage to school in other countries but due to state regulations they are not allowed to access the country, the main choice

they are left with is applying for courses online and surprisingly they get access to the education just the same way they would have done if they attended the schools. Another reason why many people prefer having online learning is that they are based on full time jobs which don’t give them time to attend classes. The access to technology is another factor, which has made people to go for the idea of online learning because unlike the past, the availability of laptops and computers has become one of the most common things in the present world. This makes it quite possible for any individual to turn to online learning. The use of Smartphone has highly made an impact on the online learning field in that the cost of the smart phones is so low that anyone in the twenty first century can afford it (Childress et al, 2006).

Virtual education is the use of technology in education by submitting work through the computer and some connection of the internet. Brick and mortar education is the old education system, which involved physically attending lessons and having a close contact to the teacher or professor. In the present world, many learners prefer applying for virtual or online education for their studies due to some facts and reasons. The young generation has been said to be living In the digital error whereby they highly adore the use of machines like laptops and tablets. Brick and mortar kind of education has been considered as outdated and boring. Brick and mortar involves the physical appearance and attendance of a learner into the classroom. Imagine of two students where one of

them always has to wake up early in the morning and attend morning classes and another who only has to stay in bed and revise his notes.

Most students will definitely try to avoid attending morning classes and go for the idea of having an electronic device for learning. Let’s imagine of two other individuals where one only has to carry his Smartphone. For studding and another one who has to carry books to class every day. These two students might be studying the same material of revision but the difference is how they perceive the different materials different from the other. Brick and mortar education or in other words traditional education has got a big advantage over choosing virtual education in that students are able to get first hand information and interaction with the lecturers.

The students who attend brick and mortar schools get a face to face with the school staff. Apart from getting educational material only, students in brick and mortar schools get to enjoy extra curriculum activities like sports and games hence making them more exposed to more opportunities than those in virtual learning. As argued by Ramey (2004), although the brick and mortar are known for their advantages to a learner, there are those which portray the negativity of its use. Bulling, peer pressure and violence are major issues characterized with mortar schools and a high level and ability of the learner being vulnerable to change or influence from other peers. After some attendance of a learner into a mortar school, parents are most likely to withdraw their children from these schools after acquiring information about the reality what really happens in

the brick schools,

In the present world, the most form of learning that is common to people is the use of virtual education which is highly influenced by the developing technology. The reason behind why human beings have abandoned the traditional form of education is because; in order to survive in any society you must learn to live by the level of development in the society. Any institution that confines itself to the use of traditional form of education is simply creating a division between it and the other institutions, which have taken a new path to impress the new culture. It is also evident that those schools which have sided themselves with the use of technology have been performing better than other schools which have confined themselves with the old ways of education. This creates a distinct different class of individuals who are informed in terms of technology. Through this work, I shall further analyze the issue of technology, online revision and the issue of isolation. I shall compare how these components are related to online learning. Online learning has got its merits and demerits, I shall compare the advantages and disadvantages of both isolation and also come up with a conclusion of which part of both demerits and merits outweigh the other, the future of online learning and its impact on the community analyze facts about the possible future of the world if the use of technology is continually used in the modern world (Ramey et al, 2004).

Advantages of online education

Online education has many merits and benefits which make it popular and preferable by many learners. The advantages the make online education popular are

discussed in this paper and they include Easy accessibility of online education; many learners find online education easy to access and thus they prefer it to forms of education like traditional classroom education. Online education encompasses the use of internet for learners. Most contents of the course are uploaded online thus; students are able to access and read them without attending the classes physically. Most of the course work is completed online, which is at least easy as learners can Google the course for further learning and research. Online learning thus helps the learners to reduce on costs of transportation, as they do not travel from time to time to and from the learning center. Most of learners who do research are able to do all the research process on the internet without visiting the libraries physically, which allow them to do it more easily and effectively.

Online learning also enables the learners to access the e-books easily from the internet at a low cost for the non-members and at no fee the members. This reduces the act of bias in using the learning materials as all learners are treated in equal terms. There are those people who wish to further their studies while they are working and have limited time because their schedule is so tight throughout the day. Therefore, they choose learn online. Online learning gives this category of people a chance to do their masters and PhDs while the same time working. This gives them convenient time to complete their course just by touch of a button. Apart from work, there is another category of learners with families. Some of the married couple

does not wish to spent time away from their partners but they wish to further their education in foreign countries. They get a chance of learning through online. These people live happily since they spend time with families and at the same time learning. Such families have access to wireless fidelity, which enable them to complete their work online (Clark, 2009).

Another crucial advantage of online education is on the choice of learning programs. Online learners are in position to acquire the best programs varying from certificate level, diploma, degree, masters and PhD level. All this is possible because online education offers a wide range and vast variety through the higher education body. The learners are able to choose their area of interest from the given online programs. They also have the knowledge of the job market and these know how help them to major into the course that will lead them in achieving their career and obtain jobs from those fields.

Online learning is also of advantage to the higher education board as it gives them a chance to advertise their course programs online at an effective cost. Therefore, the education body gets very many applicants online and the body is able to offer them very effectively and efficiently. Learners can complete quality programs ranging from nursing to neuroscience all these through online. Some of the graduates from these courses are able to land a job immediately after graduating. Online career advancement and professional growth are some of the issues that enable online learners to in choosing programs that are of interest by them (OEDb, 2006).

Moreover, online learning is also of great importance through providing instructions

to learners about marketable programs. Individuals can be helped to excel in their programs through the instructions that online learning provide to them. Besides the advice and instructions provided, online learning also helps an individual to be self-driven. They are self-driven, as they are able to do much of the learning on their own through consulting the interne as it provides them with personal instructions at cost effective. Individuals also need more assistance and guidance about their learning issues and their program. They get all these important information on guidance and assistance online. Online educators find it easy to engage with their learners and are able to identify their needs and serve them best. Online learning therefore links the educators and learners to achieve the best quality in education and career development.

Online learning also provides confidentiality and preserves the privacy of learners. The learners have an opportunity to engage the educator personally and ask them the questions or air the issues through the email. Some of the issues are might be embarrassing to ask in a normal sitting class. The learners therefore can freely ask these questions online without being afraid of other students (Blake, 2016).

Moreover, online education provides the advantage of rapid growing networking opportunities for learners. Currently the whole world depends heavily on technology. Technology has created easy accessibility to several internet based platforms and different network sites. With all these internet platform and internet sites, the online learners have an opportunity to network on a large scale like international with other course mates. This global network provides a platform for interaction and share what students have learnt and acquired internationally (Blake, 2016).


of online education

Despite all the advantages of online learning, many disadvantages are associated with online education. To start with, online learning has no convincing evidence of the best practices it has offered to both the learners and educators. It has not efficiently provided the document that outlines the best practices as well as worst practices. It only provides the part of its success and hides the odd side and issues that affect it. This is one of the failures of online learning. Online education has been generalized as a whole and one. The written journals and articles do not specify online education specifically to any education type, for instance psychology, health, engineering and nursing. It is therefore recommended that institutions should come up with a guideline to show the progress made by online education and also outline the mistakes and defects made by online learners.

Online education is also faced with issue of academic uprightness challenges. The virtue of honesty and faithfulness has not been upheld in the correct manner in sector of online education. Students face many challenges of integrity, as there is no openness and reliability by some of the educators. Many issues concerning integrity have been reported, as 75% of online learners have acknowledged and reported to involve in education uprightness violation throughout their profession education. The recommendation would be for all institutions to take the responsibility of setting their own academic integrity and guidelines on dishonesty consequences and rules to uphold on online education. The issue of integrity in education can be avoided if learners cannot be faithful and take part in the course fully. If really, the institutions set these rules

and guidelines and students adhere to them, the integrity issue is solved (Grijalva et al, 2016).

However, some tools have provided to check academic dishonesty by the educators. These tools include; snitch and Turnitin, cameras and computer tracking. To start with, the educators are to set cameras in the exam locations to monitor the whole process of examination accessing to reduce the cases of exam cheating. With this, those students that do not uphold integrity by engaging in exam malpractice are caught and necessary actions are taken (Herrington $ Kevin, 2007). Secondly, online software called the snitch and has been developed and is used by the educator to curb integrity issues. However, they cannot track the situations in which the learners are doing their own exams or incidences where the family member of the learner is sitting for the paper in place of the learner him/herself (Niezgoda & Way, 2006).

Computer tracking is used to detect the location of the leaner during the exam or test by the educator. This indicates whether the computer’s location is the same as where the test is being done. For instance, the leaner may lie of his or her where about but the educator through the computer tracker finds out that the student is in a different location with where the computer is. This will lead to serious action taken against the student to answer questions of academic unfaithfulness. It is also recommended that institution should have individual’s exam proctored to minimize exam cheating. This will help reduce the dishonesty in online education.

Another disadvantage concerns the issue of student alienation and isolation. The learners take their course through the internet,

something they were not used to initially. This applies to especially those students who are transitioning from traditional type of education. They are affected by a feeling of isolation and alienation. They feel alienated because the type of education they are receiving is so different and thus affecting them socially and psychologically (Ravai & Wighting, 2005). Students also miss the personal appeal they experienced with their class educators. The questions they asked would be responded to in few minutes if not a seconds thus they get what they want. On the other hand, an email can be send by a student but the educator may not have free time to reply thus taking long before the student gets response, this leads to alienation. Online learning also lacks personal motivation to the learners by the educator as in traditional call thus leading to demoralization and alienation of students (Ally, 2004).

Another issue that discourages online education is the issue of educator to learner delayed information release. Delayed questions and answers can be very discouraging to learners. Some educators do take long time to respond to issues and concerns of the students. The learners are filled with fear of failing the exams or with anxiety about their performance. It is recommended that the educators should have the concern of learners at heart and communicate to them by replying the emails in time to avoid anxiety that can cause poor performance by the learners (Kerka, 1996).

Theoretical framework

Moore’s free learning and training theory was his first attempt to recognize and explain an overall theory of distance learning (Moore, 1993). During the next twenty years of investigation in distance learning, his

ideas and assumptions were advanced and changed into the present theory of transactional distance. In accordance to this theory, distance is an educational phenomenon and not topographical. It is dissimilarity in insights and understanding that must be overcome by all instructors and learners tied up in any learning deal. The potential for distance is there in all learning relations. According to Kang & Gyorke (2008), whether or not learners are collocated with their instructor, anytime students do not have interest in their learning or are not engaged in important discussion, distance will occur in all instructional environs.

Moore’s free education and teaching theory grew by emphasizing that distance in training is academic in nature, not geographical. He considered the term transactional distance to identify the learning distance of perceptions and understanding created by the topographical separation of learners and instructors. Moore (1993) argues that, the transactional distance that exists in any learning progress is a function of three constituents: discussion, learner sovereignty, and organization. Conversation refers to the communication transaction between trainer and learner when one provides instruction and the other reacts. Student autonomy refers to the different knowledge of learners to decide on their education. Structure refers to the constituents of course strategy and their elasticity.

Transactional distance is a vigorous measure of the association between the teacher and learner in terms of the conversation provided by the teacher, the sovereignty required by the learner, and the requisite course structure. Moore provided a different argument on transactional distance when he said it is determined by the relationship between the course structure provided by teachers and the conversation required by learners. Commonly, novice learners need more organization

than qualified learners do. As novice students, attain skills and expertise, their need for conversation increases, and the transactional distance between teachers and learners decreases. The student-instructor communication relations diverges depending upon the student’s contextual, knowledge of the topic, and deepness of course. These transactional distance models align favorably to the situated education model because interaction and cooperation among learners and between learners and teachers are perilous constituents to the making of the collective of practice essential for education to happen in are alistic circumstance (Liu et al, 2010).

To add on, transactional distance differs from framework on social interaction’s basic role in education relentlessly depending upon what learners must do to learn and what instructors must attain to teach at each point in time. As learners become more expert and self-reliant, their need for sovereignty may or may not increase. Some learners who naturally show a need for structure may carry on to require a more structured tactic even when they have become more experienced in what they are education. Therefore, optimum transactional distance differs for each learner, matter, and instructor. The instructor and student should aim on optimizing transactional distance within a certain range to keep the learning session fruitful.

Although never connected to Moore’s work, transactional distance unmistakably matches theoretical outline on societal relations important role in education and improvement. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal improvement described the gap between a student’s real and potential level of progress. The actual level of improvement can be determined through observation, but the potential level of improvement is achieved through problem solving under guidance or in alliance with more aristocracies. Related to the transactional distance liaison of negotiation

to sovereignty, the optimum distance between the actual level and the potential level corresponds with the zone of proximal development, which can be weighed only by spotting what a student can do with help, attitude, or support from more proficient others (Benson et al, 2008).

The use of the theory of transactional distance is based on the opposite relationship between conversation and structure as linked to the freedom of each learner. Transactional distance declines when instructor-student conversation increases or when course structure decreases. Transactional distance increases when teacher-student conversation decreases or when progress structure rises. When transactional distance is high, learners must create their own assessments about when, what and where to study. The bigger the transactional distance, the more the learners must endure duty for their education. Therefore, learners must turn out to be progressively self-directed and has the aptitude to function independently to be fruitful in distance learning where the distance is hard to reduce. Several distance- education systems, comprising correspondence progresses, recorded training, computer-based training, and present methods of mobile education are essentially high in transactional distance because of their incapability to offer opportune student-instructor relations. These learning need student freedom, and they must be thoroughly structured to ensure the learner is fruitfully directed through the necessary tutoring (Benson & Samarawickrema, 2009).

The exchange of ideas between the student and the teacher features of Web-based, distance learning develop the relationship between the learner and teacher, thus reducing transactional distance. This level of communication offers the elasticity to structure instructional courses that have a bigger ability to react to each learner’s level of independence. Moore’s theory of transactional distance offers a theoretical outline from which

to improve a successful distance education environment by balancing the relations of course structure and student-instructor conversation established on the independence of the single student. Combined with Gagne’s nine events of tutoring, course content can be precisely organized to facilitate the realization of instructional results for the greatest number of learners (Gorsky et al, 2009).

Based upon the students’ freedom, the degree to which a teacher is capable of appropriately shape course work and supply the suitable conversation to his or her learners may define the victory of his or her distance-learning course. This education concentrated on the distance student and assessed the associations of the two constituents of transactional distance on which the learner has a direct effect, (a) conversation and (b) student independence, and how these constituents correlate to learner contentment in a Web-based education atmosphere. The significant traits of each constituent of transactional distance theory and learner satisfaction are revised in the remainder (Gorsky et al, 2009).

Chiu and Wang’s theory is based on the Social Cognitive (Chiu & Wang, 2008). Theory that says that a one's conduct is partly formed and managed by the sways of social systems and the one's reasoning. Bandura progresses two sorts of expectation views as the main thoughtful powers managing behavior: result prospects and self-efficacy. In the past era, readings in the information systems works have revealed the meaning of self-efficacy and result prospects for foretelling and improving computer teaching performance, computer practice, and Internet performances. According to Bandura, if individuals were not self-assured in their capacity to share understanding, then they would be unlikely to make the behavior, especially when knowledge sharing is voluntary. Accordingly, self-efficacy is

not well-thought-out in this reading. Researchers concerned with understanding the motivations provoking people to share knowledge or participating virtual communities have shown the significance of social inspirations (Benson & Samarawickrema, 2009).

They have focused on anonymous pattern of connections between people and resources that are attached to the complex relationships. For example, solid community bonds could offer important environmental situations for knowledge exchange. The theory resolved that pleasure with member–member relations and organizer–member relations have optimistic impacts on member contribution. It was found that group customs have a strong impact on group intentions to play a part in virtual communities. The theory saw that exchange is positively associated to the usage of electric knowledge depositories by knowledge contributors under situations of weak pro-sharing rules. Moore et al (1993), found that expected reciprocal relations have an optimistic effect on approach toward sharing of knowledge and subjective custom has a positive impact on target to share knowledge. Moreover, some lessons shows that a sound judgment of society and group distinctiveness can improve the likelihood of members' contribution in a virtual community.

Prior studies drawing upon the Social Cognitive Theory have ignored the importance of social network influence, whereas revisions in the virtual community literature have paid less courtesy to the part of particular understanding, such as result expectations. As per the Social Cognitive Theory, the query — why do persons use their treasured time and strength on sharing knowledge with members in virtual communities, should be spoken from the perceptions of both personal reasoning and societal network. However, the Social Cognitive Theory is mute regarding what resources are entrenched within a societal network and how they affect an individual's

behavior. Subsequently, the Social Capital Theory is introduced to supplement the Social Cognitive Theory to address our research question (Chiu et al, 2007)

Manifestation of disadvantages

According to McInnerney & Roberts (2004), higher attrition in online education leads to more learners plummeting out of online education programs different from customary brick and mortar educational institution. This generates segregation because the learners think that they are not getting the modified assistance and help that they may require. Reason why this is a unenthusiastic isolation phenomena for learners is that it is of low quality and lacks accreditation. Before you register in any online program, they look that the course is attributed and confirm this information with the accrediting organization. Registered schools, from recognized campuses to latest online colleges, are arrogant of their rank with accrediting organization, and agencies are contented to recognize better schools. Therefore, this information is voluntarily accessible online for you to look.

As recorded by Herrington et al (2002), online course, no one can perceive your sound nor your scream. Moreover, that leads to distress for some online learners. Studying lonely with only the computer as your cohort can be frightening. There is no whispering in the back of the area, no wise clarification from the peanut balcony, no powerful presence at the face of the classroom insistent for everybody to pay attention. The online setting is a much diverse ambiance that takes some receiving used to. Confidently, your online professor is responsive to this trouble and can help you conquer those thoughts. In any case, you should be conscious of them and try to find assistance if they begin to obstruct your studies. A fast

e-mail to a classmate, your lecturer or a professor can assist you feel better linked if the logic of community you look for is absent.

An Internet-related course requires that you build up private time-management skills. As with most things, if you fail to handle your time appropriately, you will discover yourself hidden below an apparent insuperable mountain of assignments. Online courses demand that self-discipline to be set away chunks of time to finish your studies. It means that you have to make online learning a main concern and not let other activities obstruct. Sometimes, it means making hard choice (Palloff & Pratt, 2010).

Only you are in charge for your learning. Nobody can compel it on you. I can't make you learn. I can split a little experience and knowledge, to illustrate you a few gear and trust you get it. The flash and wish to pursue your thoughts must be yours. So, in a theoretical manner, the actual short come to an Internet-related course is that you might not be in possession of it. You might not take accountability for your goals and your studies. You may not get the way after and fail to catch up (Song et al, 2004).

If you get a degree from an institution with no official recognition, you can find yourself with a valueless degree that will make you in arrears and no healthier equipped for the personnel. Verifying an online courses’ authorization is a tiny step that can set aside you money, time and misery for a long time. This creates room for the learners to feel anxious and isolated in society due to feeling of failure (Dolan, 2011).

to Reeves et al (2002), embarrassment and short of inspiration to re engage themselves into furthering their edification leading to no or little face to face communication.

Although this may appear apparent, learners have an affinity to undervalue the shock of never meeting the tutor and other students in the course group. Many professors argue that online learning creates a monologue and not a real interview in the learning setting. Building affairs with your classmates and instructor will need more attempt in an online atmosphere.

As indicated by Stodel et al (2006), isolation in online erudition is that it requires thorough self-regulation that you may not depict. Online courses frequently have deadlines for tests, coursework, commenting on lectures. That’s not only the problem, the trouble is the organizational skills and time management essential to keep on crown of your work, assign a suitable quantity of time to complete every chore and weigh your assignments alongside other priorities in your time. If you lean in the direction of procrastination, then you might require reinforcing your proficiency before selecting an online program or course.

Isolation has unenthusiastic phenomenon to educational organization. It lowers commencement rates, which negatively blow to the ranking institution. This has made the media to label the universities with low commencement rate as failure industries, rarely a good picture when trying to endorse that university education is commendable of money and time. Moreover, this spreads dissuasion all over the scheme, from the management to the professors and to students. The negative result of this would be unemployment rates increasing gradually. This equals to a lot of problem to the youth. There are situations that need these fellows

to be very smart in (McInnerney & Robert, 2004).

Also lower abrasion can lead to deficiency of salaries for the educational organization because of raise in drop rate. This interferes with development strategies that are put to improve and make that educational institution more competitive. This leads to problems to the standing of the educational organization are of the dangers with short abrasion rates. This promotes the possibility of loss of employment for professor with unenthusiastic assessment. Unemployment brings with it hopelessness, grief and agony. It forces people to survive in their lives in a manner that they do not desire to. The life expectation is negatively embellished.
As recorded by Palloff & Pratt (2010), isolation can add to feelings of seclusion and despair, terror of other people or make an unhelpful self-image.

There is a comprehension in the person that their isolating is not a good behavior and can create the sentiment that there is a entire world going on to which they do not fit in or are not capable to be a part of. This can result from feelings of guilt, shame, or estrangement in early ages experiences. Lower self-esteem and higher nervousness for learner’s results to feelings of segregation. In the case of mood-related segregation, the person may separate during a depressive incident when their frame of mind improves. The individual may try to give good reason for their isolated or isolating deeds as pleasurable or contented.

As argued by Alexander & Boud (2001), perseverance is a main factor in learner’s self-esteem. Self-esteem of the learners is determined by their optimistic mind-set towards the course, which is not slowed down by nervousness of feelings of

being besieged. The transference of excellence of life review of a way to get this occurrence. The difficulties of well-informed academically can really impact the individual’s high regard and logic of self-worth. Isolation is both a probable root to and a sign of expressive or mental challenges. As a cause, the apparent incapability to interrelate with the humanity and others can make an increasing outline of these troubles. As an indication, periods of loneliness can be constant or intermittent, depending upon any recurring changes in frame of mind, particularly in the case of irrefutable despair. For the lecturers in online course, there is no practical way to perceive the positive criticism from their learners. This can prevent their common sense if the classes they have planned, was structured in a better way.

These decreases access to education for many divers types of individuals. For those with long routine obligations, the suppleness of online lessons, or still an online level, can make a divergence between receiving a college degree and a high school degree, or an apprentice degree and a doctorate. In remote areas where assets may be taut, online courses can make wider scope of learning. The only method of gauging of how fine the course is going, are by assignment that learners are given and are required to present it in adding up to examination results. Assessment can be carried out but there is no way to substantiate if learners were charitable in their one hundred percent and response. This can interfere with the teaching methods of the lecturer unconstructively because they are not having face-to-face link with their student (Reeves et al, 2002).

As indicated

by Dolan (2011), the workload of the faculty can be improved or remain inactive depending on the quantity of hard work they put on the course. There are teaching boards that are made as alternative to person discussion. This takes extra time for the lecturer to decide whether the learners are learning the information because the lecturer has to go from side to side each post and react back with a meaningful answer. Unbelievably, you will use more time in completing assignments and studying in the online setting than you will in an on-university course. This can only be made through a text based online environment. To communicate with your lecturer and other students, you must write a text messages, communicate using fingers and otherwise post responses. As you can maybe guess, writing much slower than speaking, (try reading every word as you type it and contrast the dissimilarity if you had spoken similar thing).

In the same manner, reading your instructors materials can carry more time than listening to a lecturer giving it out to them, even though spoken lectures have a special shortcoming. If you are sitting in a class, it is possible that you will miss a high-quality percentage of what the lecturer says, no matter how straightforward you are. It is human personality to zone out for concise periods of time. When you are reading, you will have a propensity to go back over the notes if you miss something and that takes extra time. The point is that you will possibly learn more in an online setting, but you will have to make a more effort to complete that learning.
More written

homework is done in online courses than face-to-face courses because this is the main way to teach and give in return that information. Reading assignments and papers submitted can take hours to days to finish. The sizing of the course is determined by educational organization leading to classes holding from five students up to probably fifty or more (Song et al, 2004).

Recommendation and measures to mitigate isolation and enhance online learning for learners, faculty, and the education institution

For the learners, the research says that for the online education experience to be significant, it is important for those who are learning online to be socially involved and academically involved (Bollinger & Inan, 2012). This can moderate the isolation factors since there is involvement of learners that does not leave anxiety room, the involvement is available at any time.

Those who are involved in educating the learners and faculty are required to necessitate the benefits of social interaction throughout online education experience this online education experience. For example: group activities that makes sure that all learners involved in online education takes part in the interaction. It is highly recommendable that the interaction go beyond virtue classroom.

Using office hours for the learner end is tremendously of much importance in engaging in the actual time conversation, which they may be looking for. In the case of the learners not doing the definite time conversation because of travelling and many other issues, it is thus important for those who are being educated to attain the chosen time which the educator is able to respond back to learner within a quicker amount of time. This can lead to increased self-assurance in the

learner as well as justifying the isolation factors which are likely to be present (Appana, 2008).

The research approves that there are dissimilar styles of learning for people, which include aural, visual, logical, solitary and socially (Killeen, 1996). A recommendation is passed to the online learning institution to make sure that learners take part in an evaluation of them to the kind of work the learners are going about.
If there outcomes of the evaluation show that the learner is healthier well-matched for a traditional schooling, it is good that they be advised appropriately so that failure is easy to be prevented. Up to that point, the learner will be required to access an advantageous learning results in the online education. If they are willing to go on with the online program, it would be good for the learners to come up with relationships with the other online learners. Hence the intellectual learning theory.

If the learner is undergoing a transformation from a mortar and brick kind of education to online type of education, they are required to be well conversant and also have carried out research which the communication between the educator and the learner is virtual. There have been issues where the person undergoing the education registers for an online course assuming that it was going to become calmer and less stressful compared to a traditional course, instead he/she end up withdrawing or ineffectively completing the course since the learner had the communication separate that were used to having.

The learners are required to investigate the way the courses are taught as well as how the plan of the semester is before they register and aren’t mentally

ready for self-disciplineand persistence required to complete courses provide on online program (Dunn& Griggs, 200). One of the unique features of many distant education is the lack of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student. It sounds significant that an inventory used in a distant education should address the influence of various social on learning preference of the student.

This case is sampled in Gee, who used Canfield Learning Style Inventory (CLSI). The CLSI showed importance for employ in distance learning since it tried to measure the preference of the students in environmental conditions like student’s need for association with instructors and the other students, and the need for students in independence or structure. These opposing social dynamic represent one main differences between equivalent on-campus environment and distance learning the opinion of Kolb’s and the CLSI, builds a narrow range of accessibility of learning styles through restraining learning preference to two or one dimension. These styles of learning may be suitable for statistical analysis, although it is less beneficial in terms of educating students on weaker or unused preference of learning.

Learners must be in contact with their own personal attitude towards isolation (Boud, 2013). The educator can only help the learner if they are conscious with their needs. So, the online learning experience should be instigated so that it can be effective. The instance, which the learner starts to have the slightest inclination of sensation, overwhelmed, isolation or anxious, they require to say directly to their educators.
The lack of communication between the educator and the learner has implied to be a factor in isolating effects. There are learners who do not say how they are

feeling and then end up failing to excel in the course.

Recommendation for educators

For educator to minimize isolation experienced by the learners, it is important to facilitate individualized feedback. This will encourage the learner to maximize self-efficiency and consequently, authorizing their learning experience. The educator managing the course can own set times in week days that are designed to converse with their learners in regards to any issue that they may be experiencing. This recommendation can look extremely time wasting for faculty member although if a chosen times in the week is intended to address any available issue that which the learners are encountering, this can minimize isolation feelings and intensify the morale of the learner.

Evaluation of surveys should be carried out when the coursework is completed which exclusively reflects how student feels they are developing in the course (Astin, 2012). Patterns can be drawn back to the learner feeling if their isolation truly hinders their education or not. There are learners who achieve the sense of embarrassment during physically speaking out verbally on how they feel that they are doing in their course. A written assessment can diminish that feeling and still have the feelings conveyed to the educator who thus can aide the learner

There are several qualities that an educator should have in online education: a great educator should respect the learners. In a great teaching in online program, both the educator and the learner should respect and carefully listen to each other. This educator builds e welcoming learning environment for the online education for the student involved. The educator thus enables the learner to develop a positive attitude towards the online program.

A great

educator should create a sense of belonging and community to the online class. This mutual respect in the online education will facilitates a supportive collaborative environments for the online education. In this small community, there is availability of rules and jobs to be handled whereby each learner knows that he or she is of some importance, essential part of the group (Orlando, 2013). A great educator allows his or her online students to be aware of that they can rely not only on them, but also on the whole program.
An educator should set higher expectations for all online learners. This educator should realize that such expectations she or he keeps for the learners greatly affect their attainment; he or she is aware of that the online learners generally give to educator as much as or as less as is expected of them.

A great educator should have his/her own love of the online education and inspires the learners with his/her passion for education and also for the course material. The educator should constantly renew himself as an expert on his mission to provide online learners with highest quality of the online education possible. This should have no fright of learning new teaching approaches or joining new technologies into online class, and all the time appears to be the one willing to share what he teaches with his colleagues.

Educator should be able to flexible in case of the online program not working appropriately. This educator should assess his/her teaching throughout the online class and discover new methods to present material for making sure that each online learner is aware of the key concept. A great educator should

maintain professionalism in areas, that is, from the personal appearance to the organizational skills and preparedness, each day. The communication skills should be exemplary, if she is speaking with the administrator, one of the students or the colleague. The respect which an educator receives due to his/her professional manner is noticeable to those around her.

Recommendation for the education institution

An essential way for online course at the educational institution to be provided so this plants less feelings of confusion among the learners (Bates, 2005). Each of the courses which is facilitated by a given educational institution used similar template for every online course offered. Example of this case is the course syllabus, reading, assignment, etc., are all situated in the common place for every course. The education institution requires a technical support that set up educators courses, so that the educators do not need to incur the time factor doing it. This can substitute the time which the educator is able to spend for teaching, or conversing with a student.

Not all educators have a common level technique capability and can undergo frustrations feelings.
The educational institution requires to facilitate resources to choosing an intuitive platform which is to be used for their courses, online. The intuitive which implements the platform for online courses requires to be optimized. The shorter the interval the higher the tax. Too long of the interval can result the platform being antiquated. When thinking about online education, one should think it as a tool to cater for specific needs-and as a chance to bring up new capabilities and skills (Suler, 2000). The key with the online education is starting. One should not wait

for the perfect project which is risk-free. It does not exist. For this case find an area of online education. The best way to develop your online footprint is having the faculty who grow and teach online programs is loaded with a good experience. One should take a program that works the best on-ground, and also build digital elements to border the program.


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