Nutrition – College Essay Example
Nutrition – College Essay Example

Nutrition – College Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1239 words)
  • Published: August 18, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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Nutrition is crucial for acquiring the right food to support good health and development. It plays a vital role in maintaining physical well-being and strengthening the immune system, as a compromised immune system can put one's life at risk by reducing its ability to effectively fight against bacterial and fungal invasions.

The study of nutrition examines people's dietary preferences and investigates how poor nutrition can lead to common diseases. Poor nutrition is also linked to reduced fertility and malnutrition in human health. In countries like America, individuals choose to consume carbohydrates and fats in the form of fast food due to its easy accessibility and affordability.

The poor nutrition in countries like Haiti and parts of Africa is caused by poverty or low economic status, as well as cultural practices and religious beliefs. It is important for a balanced diet to include ca


rbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, iron, and roughage (Nies & McEwen, 2011).

Community, Demographic, and Epidemiological Data

Gonaives is a small community located in the North Coast region of Haiti. The area has flat land that is not very fertile for efficient farming and represents only a small portion of the country's population.

Gonaives, a once appealing place to live due to its coastal access, has been ravaged by natural disasters such as hurricanes. These calamities have resulted in the devastation of homes, hospitals, and schools. Consequently, there has been a significant decline in population, with 60% of residents either losing their lives or being left homeless. The ongoing cycle of disasters and political violence continues to claim lives and ruin livelihoods, leaving the community devoid of hope. As a consequence of this despair, the population has dwindled an

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is also plagued by poverty and starvation. Despite these traumatic experiences, the people of Gonaives still hold onto hope for a brighter future.

According to census reports, population numbers increase before disasters and during census but decrease rapidly after disasters occur. This indicates that hurricanes and earthquakes not only affect the population in the community of Gonaives but also throughout Haiti. When compared to statistics and city reports, Haiti is described as a impoverished country that relies on help and support from foreign countries not only to survive but also to invest in measures that can improve their economic system (Curnutte, 2011). The national report does not mention the conditions of smaller communities, which appear abandoned. As a result, when relief food is distributed, these smaller communities receive it last, if there is any left. Consequently, many people are forced to seek alternative means of survival, which becomes extreme since their only option is eating mud.

Multiple women engage in the preparation and sale of mud cookies in order to provide sustenance for their children. Consequently, children rely on inadequate nutritional sources in order to survive. In doing so, families are able to avoid dependence on emergency food supplies for their survival. Furthermore, national statistics indicate that impoverished small-scale farmers have attempted to engage in agriculture, but their efforts have been hindered by poverty and limited resources (Curnutte, 2011).

Windshield Survey

According to multiple surveys, the individuals within the Gonaives community engage in strenuous labor during the daytime to gather mud and engage in farming activities. Meanwhile, others dedicate their time to preparing mud cookies, which are later sold in the afternoon to

provide sustenance for their children. Unfortunately, this occupation does not generate significant profits as each mother participates solely to ensure her family's survival. Consequently, when successful crops are planted and harvested, the community is limited to consuming only that particular food source. Once it is depleted, they resort back to producing mud cookies.

Mud cookies have a negative effect on children's nutrition, causing malnourishment and resulting in health problems such as kwashiorkor. As a result, these children are unable to lead normal lives. Furthermore, family houses were made using mats and sticks, while existing schools were inadequately structured using mud and mats (Curnutte, 2011). Additionally, shaded trees served as makeshift classrooms until simple buildings were constructed following disasters.

Despite the presence of a few schools, the majority of children did not attend school as they assisted their parents in preparing and selling mud cookies. The Gonaives community had only one healthcare provider and a limited number of religious establishments. With scarce resources in the healthcare sector, reports of mortality rates, especially among children and expectant mothers, continue to rise annually. When other nations provide relief food, they typically distribute it within churches or schools.

Most buildings are small structures made on limited land to allow for farming space. However, many farmers try in-house farming in their small homes, which limits them due to the lack of space, facilities, and funds.

The primary activity during weekdays and weekends is searching for food, but on most weekends, people attend church (Curnutte, 2011).


The main issue in Haiti and the Gonaives community is poverty and disasters, leading to inadequate or no nutrition. The idea of in-house farming allows people to produce

their own food without relying on outsiders for assistance. The government should provide support to all communities, regardless of their size.

Furthermore, small-scale farmers are unable to thrive due to the constant destruction of their crops by earthquakes and hurricanes. By constructing sturdy houses, farmers can increase productivity and create job opportunities for others, enabling them to support their families even with limited incomes (Caroll, 2008).

Historical Significance

The lack of progress in both the communities and the country since its establishment is what makes it historically significant. Haiti has long needed urgent intervention to bring about change. Currently, the people of Gonaives community rely on sporadically available relief food, forcing them to find alternative ways to survive until aid arrives.

Reports indicate that the frequency of natural disasters in Haiti has resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of lives lost, which has surged from 20% to 56%. Unfortunately, a substantial number of these casualties consist of unprepared children and women. The Haitian population is in urgent need of change to tackle the multitude of challenges they face. Additionally, the geographical features and economic circumstances of Haiti also impact the nutritional well-being of its residents. When the economy is unstable, there is a scarcity of adequate food supply for all individuals. Consequently, people are forced to consume whatever is available, often leading to unhealthy eating habits.

Various factors contribute to human well-being, but their effects on Haiti are different. Unlike economically stable countries that incorporate a diversity of foods from various regions globally, Haiti continues to face challenges with inadequate

nutrition due to frequent natural disasters. Consequently, communities in Haiti confront health risks as they lack access to a wide range of foods necessary for proper nutrition. The insufficient nourishment also significantly impacts the growth and development of children and society as a whole (Curnutte, 2011).

Conclusively, nutrition holds equal importance to other crucial factors such as economy, history, religion, and culture when it comes to influencing human lives. It has both positive and negative effects. Inadequate nutrition hinders the growth and development of children while also posing health risks for adults, particularly the elderly. Governments should offer assistance to Haiti and other impoverished nations in order to enhance people's livelihoods. This would enable small communities to effectively and sustainably manage their small-scale farms. Moreover, a notable percentage of Haitians practice religion, enabling them to fervently pray for change.

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