NCOA DL Set B (Course 15 Version 01, Edition 2) Formative Exercises – Flashcards

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1. CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to Team Building chapter, the Five C's of a team are the qualities of community, cooperation, communication, coaching, and coordination, needed in making of a strong team. Although there is slight indication of communication in the scenario, there is not enough information to determine TSgt Tuckman's understanding of the Five Cs. See rationale for correct response for additional information. b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Team Building chapter, stages of team development are known as the Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. It helps determine the progress of the team's development by identifying typical events that occur during each stage and how to properly manage them. In the scenario, there are indications of the work group going through those stages (Forming: introductions and team objective; Storming: disagreements; Norming: when Tuckman refocuses the group; Performing: identifies the problem and develops a plan.) and Tuckman is helping the team move along in those stages to ensure team success. c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario for P.E.P. Cycle which, according to the Team Building chapter, is a Panic-Elation-Panic cycle that an idea naturally goes through. There is no indication in the scenario of panic or elation. See rationale for correct response for additional information.
1. TSgt Tuckman is tasked to lead a team in identifying efficient ways of doing engine swaps. Though most of the team members already know each other, he starts the first meeting by asking each member to introduce themselves. Then, Tuckman states the team's objective and opens it up for discussion. During the discussion, several people have disagreements. One member says, "I think the real issue is with the location." Another member responds, "That's not the issue! There are too many layers of inspections." Tuckman lets it go on for a little while and then refocuses the group on the objective. After several minutes of discussion, the team identifies the problem area and then develops a plan to swap engines more efficiently. This scenario BEST illustrates TSgt Tuckman's understanding of the ___________ impact on team success. a. Five C's of a team and their b. stages of team development and their c. P.E.P. Cycle and its
2. CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the chapter, team dynamics is an, "Ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to move toward or away from achieving the desired objective." There is no evidence in the scenario illustrating team dynamics. TSgt Bair is using his understanding of team roles to select his team. See rationale for correct response for additional information. b. This answer is INCORRECT. See rationale for 'a' and correct response for additional information. c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Team Building chapter, there are roles that people find most comfortable fulfilling based on their most natural thought processes and behavioral tendencies. TSgt Bair used his understanding of team roles to pick creators, refiners, and advancers to give his team the best chance for success. Because TSgt Bair used his understanding of team roles to build his team, this will most likely enhance team success. d. This answer is INCORRECT. TSgt Bair's understanding of team roles will enhance, not degrade, team success. See rationale for correct response for additional information.
2. Since TSgt Bair is good at connecting and negotiating with all types of people, he was charged with improving the unit's performance evaluation process. To help with the task, he selects unit members who are good at viewing problems from different perspectives and who are able to review solutions rationally. He also selects other members who are not inclined to let rules and boundaries discourage them. TSgt Bair's understanding of _______________________ will MOST LIKELY ____________ team success. a. team dynamics; enhance b. team dynamics; degrade c. team roles; enhance d. team roles; degrade
3. CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Leader Influence chapter, connection power is the perception of the leader's association with people of influence inside or outside of the organization. This was achieved by Johnson using her connection with the individual at the patient advocacy office to help Carney. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power and its impact on the NCO effectiveness. b. This answer is INCORRECT. This scenario does not illustrate use of the referent power which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, is based largely on a leader's personal traits. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power to provide proper medical treatment for her Airman's son. This action shows positive impact on the NCO effectiveness. c. This answer is INCORRECT. This scenario does not illustrate use of the information power which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, is based on a leader's access to data and information that is important to others. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power to provide proper medical treatment for her Airman's son. This action shows positive impact on the NCO effectiveness.
3. TSgt Johnson, section NCOIC, noticed A1C Carney seems irritable and to himself. Concerned, she brought him into the office and said, "A1C Carney, you are usually enthusiastic, but lately you look like you don't want to be here. What's wrong?" Because of the respect he has for her, so he decides to open up and says, "My son has rashes all over his body and has been seen several times at the base clinic, but he is not getting any better." Johnson said, "I can understand how that could be frustrating. If you're not getting adequate care, there is an agency at the clinic that can help you. As matter of fact, I know someone in the patient advocacy office. Let me give him a call and see what he could do for you." Few days later, Carney's son had an appointment with a specialist and the problem was resolved. This scenario BEST illustrates use of ________________________ and its impact on NCO effectiveness. a. connection power b. referent power c. information power
4. CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication of a system rewards in the way of training; however, there is no indication in the scenario of personal rewards which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, are reward that come from within us. The scenario shows Bell providing system and supervisory rewards which will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness. b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Leader Influence chapter, system level rewards are things the organization provides for being a member such as training which is identified in the scenario. Additionally, supervisory rewards are given to those who go beyond the standard such as Bell presenting an Airman with an award for excellence. The efforts of Bell will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness. c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication of a supervisory reward in the way of an Airman receiving the award of excellence; however, there is no indication in the scenario of personal rewards which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, are reward that come from within us. The scenario shows Bell providing system and supervisory rewards which will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness. d. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication in the scenario of a supervisory and systems reward in the way of an Airman receiving the award of excellence and training given to the technicians. With these rewards, according to the Leader Influence chapter, will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness.
4. TSgt Bell completed the NCOA about a year ago and constantly applies the lesson principles he learned. He ensures the Airmen are trained and understand their responsibility as a technician. With a clear understanding of their job, they have been excelling in their work. At the last roll call, Bell presented one of the Airmen with an award for excellence. However, some of the Airmen were little disappointed that they didn't win. TSgt Bell's __________________________ will MOST LIKELY _________ subordinate effectiveness. a. use of system and personal rewards; increase b. use of system and supervisory rewards; increase c. lack of supervisory and personal rewards; decrease d. lack of supervisory and system rewards; decrease
5. CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Negotiation chapter, cooperating is a negotiation style that involves an attempt to satisfy the concerns of all sides through honest discussion. In the scenario, cooperation took place because both parties won (e.g. Smith was able to gather intelligence and conduct his patrols and the villagers received food and medical care with less interruption to their daily routine). b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication that Insist style was used which, according to the Negotiations chapter, is a negotiations style that attempts to overwhelm an opponent with formal authority, threats, or the use of power. There is no evidence of this in the scenario. See rationale for correct response for additional information. c. This answer is INCORRECT. The Settle style was not used which, according to the Negotiations chapter, is a negotiations style that strives for partial satisfaction of both parties' desire by seeking a middle ground. To succeed at settling, both parties must be willing to give up something. There is nothing in the scenario showing that either party gave something up. MSgt Smith sat down with the village leaders and negotiated using collaboration. See rationale for correct response for additional information.
5. MSgt Smith leads a unit whose ability to gather intelligence and conduct its mission was being hampered by resistance from the local villagers. Smith met with the village leaders to explain his concern. One of the elders said, "The villagers are poor and in need of food and medicine, and your patrols disrupt their ability to work." Smith responded, "I can help with food and medical care. However, the patrols must continue." The elder replied, "It may help to reduce the disruption to work if we knew your patrol times." Smith replied, "Due to security reasons, I cannot give you that information." The elder said, "The villagers can help gather intelligence and share their knowledge of the terrain." Smith agreed, "That information could help us minimize disruptions to the villager's daily routine." After a couple of weeks, Smith noticed that resistance from the villagers had faded and his unit was able to conduct its mission more efficiently. This scenario BEST illustrates understanding of the __________________ style of negotiation and the impact on mission effectiveness. a. Cooperate b. Insist c. Settle
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6. CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication that the Flight Chief used the negotiation styles. According to the Negotiation chapter, the negotiation styles involves the use of one or more of the preferred styles of negotiations (Insist, cooperate, settle, evade, and comply). See rationale for correct response for additional information. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication that the Flight Chief used the negotiations styles. According to the Negotiation chapter, the negotiation styles involves the use of one or more of the preferred styles of negotiations (Insist, cooperate, settle, evade, and comply). See rationale for correct response for additional information. c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Negotiations chapter, Negotiation readiness is defined as the capacity of parties to decide it is in their best interest to negotiate an agreement rather than to continue to dispute. Negotiation Ripeness refers to the timing of negotiations. Timing is critical to successful negotiations. The flight chief failed to understand ripeness and readiness as evidenced by his surprise at the section chiefs' responses and how they held firm on their positions which further indicates the situation was neither ready nor ripe for negotiations. Overall, the Flight Chiefs' actions will have a negative impact on his effectiveness. d. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication that the Flight Chief used or understands negotiation readiness or ripeness. See rationale for correct response for additional information.
6. The Munitions Operation Flight Chief called a meeting with the section chiefs to discuss a manning swap to cross utilize members of the flight and to increase their breadth of experience in their career field. MSgt Thomas, section chief of Maintenance, is concerned because he had just finished training his Airmen and does not want to lose them. On the other hand, MSgt Lewis, section chief of Support, was glad because he wants to get rid of some slackers and acquire better workers. During the meeting, the Flight Chief was surprised by the section chiefs' responses and how they held firm on their positions. The heated discussions quickly became unproductive. The Flight Chief's____________will MOST LIKELY have a ____________ impact on NCO effectiveness. a. use of the negotiation styles, positive b. failure to use the negotiation styles, negative c. failure to understand readiness and ripeness; negative d. understanding of readiness and ripeness; positive
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CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, a Financial Execution Plan is an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known unfunded requirements with justification for each unfunded requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. The scenario depicts Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no evidence in the scenario of Budget Execution Review which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a two-part process that occurs twice within each budget cycle. The first part requires every level of command to identify, validate, and prioritize its unfunded requirements, and then submit them to higher headquarters for funding consideration. The second part requires each level of command to review and prioritize (rack and stack) all subordinate command unfunded requirements. The scenario best illustrates Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request. c. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not depict a development of Budget Process which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a perpetual cycle of planning, programming, revising, adjusting, and spending. Each cycle lasts one fiscal year (FY) which begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September of the following year. The scenario best illustrates Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request.
TSgt Caskey is the Cost Center Manager for an organization. She is very knowledgeable about finance and ensures the organization has the funding required for operation. However, she has an assignment and is training her replacement TSgt Griggs. At a training session, Caskey said, "Sergeant Griggs, it's that time of the year when we have to submit a document of how we are going to spend the upcoming fiscal year funding. To do that, we have to list and justify all needed items and services, and the cost. Additionally, we have to identify and justify items or services that can't be funded with the current budget." Because of her extensive knowledge and preparation, the organization was able to execute a strong budget and have the unfunded request on the top priority of the wing. This Scenario BEST illustrates how a well-developed ________________ can impact mission success. a. Financial Execution Plan b. Budget Execution Review c. Budget Process
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CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT: There is no indication that Performance Management will help in the scenario which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a manpower competency that concentrates on programs such as Productivity Enhancement Capital Investment, Fast Payback Capital Investment, Productivity Investment Fund, and Air Force Innovative Development through Employee Awareness that increase workforce efficiency and organization cost effectiveness. In the scenario, Requirement Determination is needed to request ACR in order to increase manpower, but there is no evidence of that by the squadron superintendent. Without the ACR request, the mission of the squadron will suffer. b. This answer is CORRECT: According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, Requirement Determination is a competency that centers on the Authorization Change Request (ACR) which is a multi-purpose instrument used to propose adjustments to a Unit Manpower Document. ACRs are commonly used to request increases, decreases, or realignments of manpower requirements and/or to change attributes on the UMD. There is no evidence in the scenario that the squadron superintendent is requesting a manpower increase to support the additional aircraft. Without this request, the mission of the squadron will suffer. c. This answer is INCORRECT: There is no indication that Program Allocation and Control will help sustainment of the unit's mission effectiveness. According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, it is a competency that centers on the Unit Manpower Document and funded and unfunded position requirements. It has nothing to do with requesting a manpower increase, but provides data needed to make decisions on manning. In the scenario, Requirement Determination is needed to request manpower increase, but there is no evidence of that by the squadron superintendent. Without the ACR request, the mission of the squadron will suffer.
TSgt Brady is a team chief of an engine shop. He was just notified by his shop chief, MSgt Thomas that they are projected to receive six more aircraft within a year. Brady states, "Sergeant Thomas, I can't see how we're going to support six more aircraft. We already have to work additional hours to support the aircraft we have now." Thomas replied, "I share your concern and voiced my opinion with the squadron superintendent, but he replied he has confidence that we can work it out." The mission of this squadron will MOST LIKELY: a. succeed due to refocusing of Performance Management b. fail due to lack of Requirement Determination c. sustain due to Program Allocation and Control
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CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not best illustrate punishment which, according to the Discipline chapter, can only be administered by officers on G-series orders to the enlisted members. The scenario depicts ineffective use of the Progressive Discipline Process which, if followed, Smith should have given Green some sort of documentation for his substandard behavior. b. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not best illustrate imposed discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is enforced obedience to the legal orders and the regulation. Imposed Discipline is evident in that Green must be at roll call, but the real issue is Smith failing to use the Progressive Discipline Process to correct the substandard behavior. c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Discipline chapter, supervisors should take the least amount of action necessary to correct behavior and then progress up from there. Smith is not using the Progressive Discipline Process effectively; rather than use progressive discipline (i.e. LOC then LOA then LOR), he continues with verbal counseling for the same infraction which has not been effective.
TSgt Smith is preparing to conduct a performance counseling session with A1C Green for being late to roll call. Smith had verbally counseled him twice before for the similar behavior. When Green arrived, he sat him down and told him how valuable he was to the squadron and appreciated his work. However, he told him that being late to roll call is unacceptable and gave him a stern warning and dismissed him. A week later, Green arrived late for roll call again and missed the mission briefing. Smith's actions concerning A1C Green BEST illustrate ineffective use of ________________ and its negative impact on his effectiveness. a. punishment b. imposed discipline c. progressive discipline
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CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario to indicate there is an issue with task discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is how well we meet the challenges of our job and having a strong sense of the responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities. Even though the Airmen had training in complying with the standards, the supervisor has to reinforce that clearly through regular feedback. Marble assumes the Airmen understands and does not comply with the prevention concept. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario to indicate there is an issue with task discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is how well we meet the challenges of our job and having a strong sense of the responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities. Even though the Airmen had training in complying with the standards, the supervisor has to reinforce that clearly through regular feedback. Marble assumes the Airmen understands and does not comply with the prevention concept. c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Discipline chapter, prevention is the first and most important step to prevent behaviors that are detrimental to personnel or productivity of a work center. Additionally, the supervisor must communicate standards and expectation clearly. Marble assumes the Airmen understand and does not communicate it to them, which will more than likely result in substandard performance. d. This answer is INCORRECT. Marble is using prevention but using it ineffectively which will likely not result in stellar performance from her Airmen. According to the lesson, the supervisor must communicate standards and expectation clearly. Personnel are less likely to ... perform in a substandard manner if they have a clear understanding of where their supervisor stands on standards, desired performance, and supervisor expectations.
TSgt Marble, the base dining facility NCOIC, believes that the dining facility personnel are here to support and provide a good quality of life for Airmen. She expects the dining facility to operate in flexible, efficient, and customer oriented way. TSgt Marble met with her dining facility Airmen and like a good supervisor, established rapport with them. She did not discuss much of her expectations because she thought doing the right thing and maintaining standards are common knowledge in the Air Force. They are drilled into Airmen Basic Military Training and Technical school. TSgt Marble's use of _______________ will MOST LIKELY result in _______________. a. task discipline; substandard performance by her Airmen b. task discipline; stellar performance by her Airmen c. prevention; substandard performance by her Airmen d. prevention; stellar performance by her Airmen
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CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of organizational factors of stress, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter are associated with task, role, and interpersonal demands; organizational structure; organizational leadership; and the organization's life stage. They can include pressure to avoid errors or complete tasks within time limits, work overload, a demanding and insensitive boss, and unpleasant coworkers. See rationale for correct answer for additional information. b. This answer is CORRECT. The scenario best illustrates the warning signs of stress, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include irritability, emotional outburst, and significant mood changes. SSgt Hightower is showing some of these warning signs (emotional outburst and substandard job performance). c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of individual factors of stress which, according to the Emergent Leadership chapter is comprised of an individual's personal life, and primarily focuses on family and personal economic problems. See rationale for correct answer for additional information.
Although she has been extremely irritable as of late, most people enjoy being around SSgt Hightower because of her outgoing personality. Normally a very successful AF recruiter, Hightower missed her quota last month and now it looks like she will miss it again this month. At a flight meeting, her flight chief MSgt Taylor, says, "I am not happy with our production!" Taylor then points at Hightower and says, "You have the worst record of all...not only will you miss your quota again, you've lost two from the Delayed Enlistment Program and are in danger of losing one more." Jumping to her feet, Hightower yells, "I don't appreciate you calling me out in front of others...I don't need this...I quit!" The scenario BEST illustrates ________ and their impact on NCO effectiveness. a. organizational factors of stress b. some of the warning signs of stress c. individual factors of stress
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CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. The scenario best indicates the act of self-identification which, according to Emergent Leadership chapter, is when an individual that is not currently under investigation or pending action because of an alcohol-related incident willingly discloses they have a substance abuse problem with the intent of entering treatment. Once assessed, the ADAPT program manager along with the treatment team will determine an appropriate clinical course of action, most likely preventing an alcohol related incident. b. This answer is INCORRECT. See alternative a. c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario of an intervention, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, is a professionally structured event that includes the member's significant others. Intervention is the processes of helping the member recognize, at the earliest possible moment, that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse, and includes effective communication, referral, and treatment. d. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario of the need for an intervention, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, is a professionally structured event that includes the member's significant others and is the processes of helping the member recognize, at the earliest possible moment, that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse. Intervention is not necessary in this scenario, since Thornton has self-identified to Wyatt that he has a substance abuse problem and needs help.
TSgt Wyatt is NCOIC of the Structural Repair training section. On Wednesday morning, he smells alcohol on SrA Thornton's breath. Wyatt knows Thornton drinks but until now, he has never seen him come to work smelling of alcohol. Wyatt calls Thornton into his office and asks, "Thornton, have you been drinking this morning?" Thornton responds, "No sir, I went out drinking last night, but I only had a few." Wyatt says, "You smell like you had more than a few." Thornton replies, "It's OK sir, I've got it under control." Wyatt then says "Just be careful, and try not to make a habit of it" The following morning Thornton comes to work, once again, smelling of alcohol. He goes to Wyatt's office, hangs his head and says, "Sir, I went out drinking again last night. I don't know how much I had to drink, and don't remember driving home. It's getting a little out of control, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me?" Due to ___________, the MOST LIKELY outcome of this scenario is ______________. a. a self-identification; the prevention of a alcohol related incident b. a failure to self-identify; an alcohol related incident c. an intervention; the prevention of a alcohol related incident d. a failure to intervene; an alcohol related incident
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CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. This scenario best illustrates the warning signs of suicide, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include thoughts of suicide, a suicide plan, and access to the method of suicide described. Brock recognizes these warning signs and offers to help Noble, as every good Wingman should. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of substance abuse, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, refers to any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others. Noble has prescription medication and has shown no signs of abuse as yet. See rationale for correct answer for additional information. c. This answer is INCORRECT. Although Brock mentions Nobles behavior has changed, nothing in the scenario indicates behavioral symptoms , which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include changes in productivity, absence, and turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders. See rationale for correct answer for additional information.
On the way to her office, MSgt Brock hears sobbing coming from the women's restroom. She enters to find SSgt Noble. "What's wrong? I've never seen you behave like this before," Brock asks. Noble responds, "Nothing I do is ever enough. The more I try, the worse things get. I can't seem to make ends meet since my husband left me." Shaking uncontrollably, Noble removes a prescription bottle from her pocket and swallows a couple of pills. "I want to just go to sleep and never wake up," she says. "I understand why you'd feel that way," Brock says. "I'm concerned about you. Are you thinking about hurting yourself? Let's go to my office and talk. There are lots of support programs and services that can help us work this out." This scenario BEST illustrates ______________________and its impact on NCO effectiveness. a. warning signs of suicide b. improper or illegal use of drugs c. behavioral symptoms of stress
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CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Emergent Leadership chapter, workplace bullying includes actions, decisions, and behaviors such as unwarranted or invalid criticism or blame without factual justification; treating some members differently than others, and excluding certain members from events to isolate them socially. It also includes physical intimidation (proximal), shouting, swearing and taking actions that embarrass or humiliate the target. Workplace bullying, in general, is not illegal. b. This answer is CORRECT. The briefing BEST explains unlawful discrimination, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, includes discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. c. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Emergent Leadership chapter, sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in certain circumstances (listed in the chapter). The harasser may be a man or a woman, and the victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.
At this week's Roll Call Chief Jordan briefs that there has been a recent incident of harassment in the workplace. The Chief emphasizes that all Airmen should be treated the same irrespective of their color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Additionally, he states that no members should be excluded from events and activities, and that all work center members should come forward with complaints without fear of retaliation. The Chief closes by stressing that the way team members relate to one another can make or break a unit. The Chief's briefing BEST explains __________________ and its impact on unit effectiveness. a. workplace bullying b. unlawful discrimination c. sexual harassment
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CORRECT ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. This answer is CORRECT. The paragraph best explains the concept of Cognitive Flexibility which, according to the Change Management lesson, Cognitive Flexibility is the concept of scanning the environment to identify changes as they occur or to see the changes coming and making sense out of a situation. Additionally, it involves developing several possible plans for responding to change. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario indicating Dispositional Flexibility which, according to Change Management chapter, is about operating from a place of optimism grounded in realism and openness. It acknowledges a bad situation while simultaneously visualizing a better future. Instead, the paragraph explains the concept of Cognitive Flexibility where the focus is expecting the changes, developing an understanding, and creating strategies. c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario indicating Emotional Flexibility which, according to Change Management chapter, is about having the ability to change our approach to dealing with our own and others' emotions. Instead, the paragraph explains the concept of Cognitive Flexibility where the focus is expecting the changes, developing an understanding, and creating strategies.
Effective NCOs respond by identifying new trends and opportunities, so they are never caught off guard and can make sense out of a situation in order to turn obstacles into opportunities and ideas into innovative practices. In addition, effective NCOs develop plan A and plans B and C just in case. This paragraph BEST explains: a. Cognitive Flexibility b. Dispositional Flexibility c. Emotional Flexibility
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CORRECT ANSWER: d a. This answer is INCORRECT. Perez is effectively using the steps of directive change in this scenario. According to Change Management lesson, Directive Change Cycle is a change imposed upon the group or organization. As the group is forced to comply, individual behavior is affected through compliance within the group. The application of Perez's position power is being used to change group behavior, then individual behavior, which causes an increase in knowledge, and ultimately a change in attitude. See the rationale for the correct answer for additional guidance. b. This answer is INCORRECT. The change was directed from a higher authority, thus TSgt Perez is simply attempting to implement the change rather than ask for team members' input and participation, which is part of the Participative Change Cycle according to Change Management lesson. See the rationale for the correct answer for additional guidance. c. This answer is INCORRECT. Nothing in the scenario indicates the Changing Phase which, according to Change Management lesson, involves the actual modification of technology, tasks, structure, or people. This is the movement from the old state, or previous norms, to a new state. Therefore, there is not enough information to determine effective or ineffective use of the Changing Phase. See the rationale for the correct answer for additional guidance. d. This answer is CORRECT. TSgt Perez used the Unfreezing Phase of Change Management, which according to that lesson there are three phases of change: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. During the Unfreezing (phase 1) the first step is to recognize the need for change (was recently informed), next create a felt need for the change, that is sell the importance of the change (planned how to tell his team), then deal with resistance to change by developing a plan to calm fears, to put them at ease by informing them how their new responsibilities can positively influence change (After answering several questions), and talk with personnel directly affected by the changes (gathering everyone for the announcement and implementation). All of this will increase the likelihood of a successful change.
TSgt Perez, a senior analyst for an intelligence Squadron was recently informed that his team will deploy as convoy operators. Upon receiving the news, TSgt Perez first planned how to tell his team and then after gathering everyone for the announcement and implementation, he said, "We have been tasked to deploy as convoy operators. Although this is not in our job description, it is a critical need that must be filled to support the war effort. We will receive all required training to be successful. I will not allow this tasking to affect our current duties." After answering several questions, Perez encouraged his team members to see him if they had any additional concerns. TSgt Perez's ___________________ will MOST LIKELY result in ____________ to mission effectiveness. a. Ineffective use of the Directive Change Cycle; a decrease b. Effective use of the Participative Change Cycle; an increase c. Ineffective use of the Changing Phase; a decrease d. d. Effective use of the Unfreezing Phase; an increase
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CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. INCORRECT: Although the narrative hints at Problem Solving, it does not BEST explain the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, "Is a team-centered, systematic, common-sense problem solving approach aimed at increasing combat capability, making Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhancing and enabling the Warfighter" b. CORRECT: The narrative BEST explains Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, "Decision Analysis is a systematic process based on the thinking pattern that you use when making choices." As NCOs, when you have to make critical decisions and solve complex problems, you should use a "systematic" process to make good, confident, reliable, and justifiable decisions. ...a process that allows you to stand back and look at "the whole picture" of the situation, in order to make the wisest and safest choice—through careful consideration of ALL the factors. c. INCORRECT: Nothing in the narrative explains Resource Stewardship, which according to that chapter, "Resource Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of resources under one's control." For the NCO, this requires the efficient and effective use of assigned personnel, material, financial, information and technology, energy, and warfare resources to ensure mission success.
Tired of hearing about all the problems with the K-9 mobility crates, TSgt Johnson asks his Superintendant for advice on how to fix the problem and hears, "Don't invest in new crates based on feelings and complaints. Instead, take your time and use a process that will help you analyze, develop, and select the best crates for the mission. Using such a process will not only help you gain confidence in your course of action, it makes it easier to justify your choice to leadership." Johnson smiles and says, "Your right, I really need to stand back and look at the whole picture instead of getting caught up in everyone's complaints. By doing that I'll know we'll get the best return on our investment." The narrative BEST explains: a. Problem Solving b. Decision Analysis c. Resource Stewardship
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CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. INCORRECT: TSgt Gerry and her subordinates did not use Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter includes four steps: 1) decision statement, 2) objectives [musts and wants], 3) gathering alternatives, and 4) risk analysis. See rationale for the correct response for additional information. b. INCORRECT: TSgt Gerry and her subordinates did not use Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, includes four steps: 1) decision statement, 2) objectives [musts and wants], 3) gathering alternatives, and 4) risk analysis. See rationale for the correct response for additional information. c. CORRECT: Because the team used the first five steps of the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, it is highly likely that they will continue through the rest of the steps to solve the work center problem, and solving the problem will most likely increase mission effectiveness. According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, problem solving is a team-centered systematic common-sense approach that involves an eight-step process designed to increase combat capability, make Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhance and enable the war fighter. In the scenario, TSgt Gerry and her subordinates have used steps 1 through 5 of the eight steps: 1) Observe first-hand what is taking place, 2) Review key process indicators and conduct performance gap analysis, 3) Set challenging but achievable targets, 4) Determine root cause (analyze the primary causes of all the complaints), and 5) Develop countermeasures and determine their workability. d. INCORRECT: The team's use of the first five steps of the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process will more than likely increase, not decrease mission effectiveness. See rationale for the correct response for additional information.
After listening to her subordinates complain about a current workplace procedure, TSgt Gerry personally observes the process to gather first-hand data. Then, she and her subordinates review some key process indicators, conduct a performance gap analysis, and set some challenging but achievable targets. After they analyze the primary causes of all the complaints, they come up with some countermeasures and determine their workability before implementing them. TSgt Gerry and her subordinates' use of ____________ will MOST LIKELY____________ mission effectiveness. a. Decision Analysis; increase b. Decision Analysis; decrease c. Eight-Step Problem Solving; increase d. Eight-Step Problem Solving; decrease
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CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, flagging is a technique used to emphasize your message. You can use verbal clues such as the tone of voice and nonverbally with hand gestures or facial expressions to emphasize a point. However, there is no evidence that Sands is applying this technique. It does illustrate him using the bridging technique by moving away from the question on Pakistan and into the positive message of the humanitarian mission. This has demonstrated a positive impact on NCO effectiveness. b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, bridging is a technique used to move from the reporter's agenda to your message. Also, bridging is a way to smoothly transition from the question asked to your message. In the scenario, Sands has used this technique to move away from the question on Pakistan and into the positive message of the humanitarian expeditionary operation. This has demonstrated a positive impact on NCO effectiveness. c. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Culture of Engagement chapter, hooking is a technique used to take advantage of opportunities before the interview to get the reporter interested in what you want to talk about. The idea is to entice the interviewer into your agenda. However, there is no evidence that Sands is applying this technique. It does illustrate him using the bridging technique by moving away from the question on Pakistan and into the positive message of the humanitarian mission. This has demonstrated a positive impact on NCO effectiveness.
MSgt Sands is the supervisor of a team that took part in a humanitarian expeditionary operation. The Protocol office scheduled Sands and his team to do an interview with the local media. During the interview, the reporter interjected a question that was not expected. She asked, "Why did the U.S. enter the Pakistan border without their government's approval?" Sands was little thrown off by the question, but regain his composure and said, "I don't have any information about that, but I can tell you that our humanitarian operation was a success and the people received very needed care from the U.S." The base commander was very impressed with the report that was published. This scenario BEST illustrates Sands' _________________ technique and ______________impact on NCO effectiveness. a. ineffective use of flagging; negative b. effective use of bridging; positive c. effective use of hooking; positive
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CORRECT ANSWER: c a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to Culture of Engagement chapter, one of the guidelines of using a social media is ensuring to use disclaimers to identify that it is your opinion and not that of the organization. It needs to identify to readers that the view you express are yours alone and that they do not necessarily reflect the view of the Air Force. In the scenario, posting of the disclaimer might have been appropriate but it will still create a negative view of the Air Force because of the offensive posting about Muslims. b. This answer is INCORRECT. According to Culture of Engagement chapter, one of the guidelines of using a social media is not divulging classified, FOUO or sensitive materials, photos, or video. There is a chance that the classified information may be accidently released by Newby, but the scenario has more evidence of Newby behaving in an offensive manner and causing negative view of the Air Force and reducing mission effectiveness. c. CORRECT. According to Culture of Engagement chapter, one of the guidelines of using social media is avoiding the offensive. It tells us not to post any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, racially and ethnically hateful, or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material. Since Newby is recognized as an Air Force member, he is portraying a negative view of the Air Force by posting offensive pictures and comments and will reduce mission effectiveness.
A1C Tims has a Facebook account and has recently accepted his coworker, Amn Newby, as a friend. Newby is a new user and very excited about using the Facebook. He is very proud to be in the Air Force, so he has posted regular updates about his journey in the Air Force. Over time, Tims notices Newby posting inappropriate pictures and comments on his page about his time in Iraq and dislike of Muslims. This scenario will MOST LIKELY _____________________ and will _______________________. a. create a problem because there was no disclaimer posted; reduce unit effectiveness b. result in release of classified information in his regular posts; reduce mission effectiveness c. develop a negative view of the Air Force because of the offensive posts; reduce mission effectiveness
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CORRECT ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT: According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, the feedback process controls effectiveness through evaluations and judgments, whereas counseling works to maintain or improve effectiveness through guidance. There is no indication in the scenario that TSgt Cho is conducting feedback or counseling. See rationale for correct response for additional information. b. This answer is CORRECT: In the scenario, TSgt Cho demonstrates effective interpersonal skills by listening and valuing his subordinates viewpoint (Working Relationships), providing and accepting constructive feedback (Working Relationships), and allowing subordinates to discuss their job ("Because our patient questionnaire is several pages long, it delays patient in-processing. If we sent the questionnaire to our patients ahead of time, it would speed up in-processing.") (Working Relationships). According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, one of the benefits of effective interpersonal skills on improving working relationships with subordinates was they are willing to share finer details of the job and their performance of it. Furthermore, his regular meetings to discuss the goals of the clinic and how the goals align with his subordinates personal goals demonstrates an understanding of the work center Climate (situational climate), which according to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, the situational climate contends that organizational and individual goals need not be at odds with one another; thus, this climate falls midway between the dehumanized and over humanized climates. The perception of similarity between personal and organizational goals should promote increased productivity, which, in turn, may increase the amount of intrinsic motivation and a greater sense of responsibility by subordinates. c. This answer is INCORRECT: According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, basic interpersonal skills can be broken down into three categories: Pre-session, Session, and Post-session skills. Pre-session activities include: diagnosing, and preparing. During the session, opening, attending, responding, resolving, and closing skills are used. Post-session activities include follow-up actions. There is no indication in the scenario that TSgt Cho performed these activities. See rationale for correct response for additional information.
TSgt Cho is the NCOIC of the optometry clinic and believes Airmen are the key to success. He establishes rapport with them, listens and values their viewpoint, and provides and accepts constructive feedback. He holds regular meetings to explain clinic goals and to discuss with his subordinates how to align their goals with organizational goals. At one of his meetings, Amn Jones says, "Because our patient questionnaire is several pages long, it delays patient in-processing. If we sent the questionnaire to our patients ahead of time, it would speed up in-processing." Cho replies, "That is a great idea. Please implement it immediately." Several weeks later Jones tells Cho, "Our new procedure has shortened patient in-processing an average of 15 minutes." TSgt Cho's actions BEST illustrate effective _____________ skills and their impact on mission effectiveness. a. feedback and counseling b. interpersonal c. basic interpersonal communication
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CORRECT ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. This answer is INCORRECT: MSgt Bixby is conducting counseling, not feedback. According to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, feedback, is the active communication process for controlling effectiveness where you evaluate or judge subordinate performance (formal feedback and EPRs) and respond by either promoting a change in behavior or by reinforcing present performance and counseling is simply telling subordinates how they are doing. It is critical, especially when you first contact new Airmen. It works to maintain or improve effectiveness through verbal or written guidance that empowers subordinates to achieve goals. See rationale for correct response for additional information. b. This answer is INCORRECT: See rationale for "a" and correct response. c. This answer is CORRECT: MSgt Bixby used basic interpersonal skills effectively, which, according to the Interpersonal Communication chapter, basic interpersonal skills can be broken down into three sections: Pre-session, Session, and Post-session. Pre-session activities include: diagnosing, and preparing. During the session, opening, attending, responding, resolving, and closing skills are used. Post-session activities include follow-up actions. Bixby knows Johnson was showing up late, doing poor work, and failing to fulfill his supervisory responsibilities and schedules a meeting with Johnson for the next day (pre-session). He welcomes Johnson to the meeting and said, "I have noticed that your work performance has dropped off and you have been late for work several times. What is going on? (opening skills) Bixby notices Johnson looking uncomfortable, Bixby encouraged him. (attending skills) "What sort of problems?" Bixby replied. Johnson says, ""I rarely have enough money to make ends meet so I took a part time job. Now I work 16 hours a day and don't have time for anything else." Bixby asks, "Have you considered asking for help?" (responding/resolving skills) Johnson replies, "No! I didn't want anyone to know." Bixby said, "I understand how you feel, but since your situation is interfering with your work here we need to get you some help." Johnson agreed. Bixby immediately schedules an appointment for Johnson with a financial counselor and then schedules follow up meeting. After Johnson departs, Bixby documents the session. (Closing Skills/follow up) d. This answer is INCORRECT: MSgt Bixby used basic interpersonal skills effectively. See rationale for correct response.
TSgt Johnson has been showing up late, doing poor work, and failing to fulfill his supervisory responsibilities. His supervisor, MSgt Bixby schedules a meeting with Johnson for the next day. When Johnson reports, Bixby welcomes him and says, "I have noticed that your work performance has dropped off and that you have been late for work several times. What is going on?" Noticing Johnson looks uncomfortable, Bixby encourages him, and after a few minutes, Johnson replies, "I rarely have enough money to make ends meet so I took a part time job. Now I work 16 hours a day and don't have time for anything else." Bixby asks, "Have you considered asking for help?" Johnson replies, "No! I don't want anyone to know." Bixby says, "I understand how you feel, but since your situation is interfering with your work here we need to get you some help." Johnson agrees. Bixby immediately schedules an appointment for Johnson with a financial counselor and then schedules follow up meeting. After Johnson departs, Bixby documents the session. MSgt Bixby's effective use of ___________ will MOST LIKELY have a ____________ impact on TSgt Johnson: a. feedback; positive b. feedback; negative c. basic interpersonal skills; positive d. basic interpersonal skills; negative
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