Mgt 110 Chapter 2
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True or False ? Great managers are aware of different sources of stress and seek ways to proactively manage it to avoid its harmful effects.
True Great managers are aware of different sources of stress and seek ways to proactively manage it to avoid its harmful effects.
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True or False ?Stressful events by themselves generate stress in individuals
False Events by themselves do not cause stress, it is how we experience events, and how resilient we are, that determines how stress affects us.
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True or False ?Different stressors call for different coping strategies.
True Different stressors call for different coping strategies
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True or False ? In general, having an external locus of control is more beneficial than having an internal locus of control with regard to job performance and stress
False In general, having an internal locus of control is more beneficial than having an external locus of control with regard to job performance and stress because people with such a mindset are more likely to take positive actions to address stressors as they believe that their actions will be effective.
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True or False ? People tend to underestimate how much large events in their lives contribute to their stress level and grossly overestimate the effects of "daily hassles."
False People tend to overestimate how much large events in their lives contribute to their stress level and grossly underestimate the effects of "daily hassles."
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True or False ? When we do not know how to fill a role or what we are supposed to do in it, we experience role conflict.
False When we do not know how to fill a role or what we are supposed to do in it, we experience role ambiguity. Role conflict occurs when our multiple roles conflict with each other.
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True or False ? Age is one of the strongest demographic predictors of burnout with older employees experiencing significantly greater burnout than younger employees.
False Age is one of the strongest demographic predictors of burnout with younger employees experiencing significantly greater burnout than older employees.
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True or False ? Research has shown that with respect to burnout, the only gender differences seem to be that men experience more emotional exhaustion symptoms, while women experience slightly more cynicism symptoms.
False Although burnout was originally presumed to affect more women than men, research does not confirm this assumption. The only gender differences seem to be that men experience more cynicism (depersonalization) symptoms, while women experience slightly more emotional exhaustion symptoms.
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True or False ?Although burnout was originally presumed to affect more women than men, research does not confirm this assumption. The only gender differences seem to be that men experience more cynicism (depersonalization) symptoms, while women experience slightly more emotional exhaustion symptoms.
True Emotional labor is the process of regulating both feelings and expressions for the benefit of organizational goals
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True or False ? Deep acting is "managing observable expressions" such as maintaining a pleasant facial expression and vocal tone
False Deep acting is the actual management of feelings, or actually trying to feel a certain way that is consistent with the emotions that are supposed to be expressed. Surface acting is "managing observable expressions" such as maintaining a pleasant facial expression and vocal tone.
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True or False ? Coping strategies are "first line" defenses for managing stress.
False Coping strategies are aimed at helping people cope and in minimizing the negative impact once stress has been experienced. Prevention strategies are "first line" defenses for managing stress.
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True or False ? Coping strategies are not always practical because it is not possible to remove every stressor from the work environment.
False Primary prevention strategies are not always practical because it is not possible to remove every stressor from the work environment or our lives. In such cases, coping strategies are required.
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True or False ? Instrumental support is support that is tangible and practical in nature and is a direct means of helping someone.
True Instrumental support is support that is tangible and practical in nature and is a direct means of helping someone
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True or False ? Appraisal support is feedback that builds your self-esteem.
True Appraisal support is feedback that builds your self-esteem
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True or False ? One of the antidotes for choking is pressure-free practice
False The existing research suggests that there are two antidotes for choking that have shown promise: pressure practice and focused automated behavior.
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True or False ? What makes choking so fascinating is that it happens only to star performers
False What makes choking so fascinating is that it happens to all of us—from superstar athletes to high-school test-takers—and it is among the most dreaded fears of human beings
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True or False ?Focused automated behavior is one of the antidotes for choking.
True The existing research suggests that there are two antidotes for choking that have shown promise: pressure practice and focused automated behavior.
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True or False ? Research has helped identify four recurring factors that distinguish those with psychological hardiness: psychological fitness, physical fitness, control, and challenge.
False Research has helped identify four recurring factors that distinguish those with psychological hardiness: physical fitness, commitment, control, and challenge
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True or False ? When under intense stress, we naturally ask for help from our network of family and friends
False When under intense stress, we naturally withdraw from the world and concentrate exclusively on solving the problem causing the stress. Sometimes that reaction is useful and appropriate, but, more often, asking for help from our network of family and friends is crucially important to coping with stress.
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True or False? One stress-management strategy closely aligned with control is that of seeking big achievements
False One stress-management strategy closely aligned with control is that of seeking small wins.
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True or False? Psychologically hardy individuals view change as a stumbling block, not a stepping stone
False Psychologically hardy individuals see problems as challenges rather than as threats. Hardy people view change as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block
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True or False? The inability to manage time is among the greatest sources of stress and can doom the most conscientious of people.
True The inability to manage time is among the greatest sources of stress and can doom the most talented, motivated, and conscientious of people.
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True or False? As management guru Peter Drucker has famously noted, doing things right should come before doing the right things.
False Managing time with an effectiveness approach means you actually pay attention to your goals and regularly revisit what is important to you—and avoid just diligently working on whatever comes up or is urgent or in front of you. As management guru Peter Drucker has famously noted, doing the right things should come before doing things right.
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True or False? Often referred to as Pareto's Law, the 80/20 rule holds that only 20 percent of the work produces 80 percent of the value.
True Often referred to as Pareto's Law, the 80/20 rule holds that only 20 percent of the work produces 80 percent of the value, 80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of customers, 80 percent of file usage is in 20 percent of the files, and soon
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True or False? What you choose not to do can be as important as what you do.
True Effective time management is largely learning to devote yourself fully to your most important tasks. What you choose not to do can be as important as what you do.
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True or False? The ABC method is a strategy used to address procrastination.
False The ABC method is a strategy used to address time management. The Swiss Cheese Method is a strategy used to address procrastination.
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Which of the following observations about strains is true? A. Strain is defined as a controlled or nonproductive stress. B. Strain occurs when people are experiencing both high work demands and high control over the task. C. Strain is a personal, non-work issue and should not be a concern in a work organization. D. Strains are often more long-term consequences of chronic stress that have not been alleviated. E. There is no clear evidence of the impact of sustained stress in strains.
Strains are defined as outcomes of stress. The evidence is clear that sustained stress plays a role in strains. A well-documented source of stress and strain occurs when people are experiencing both high work demands and low control over the task. One of the myths about stress is that it is a personal, non-work issue and should not be a concern in a work organization. Often, strains are more long-term consequences of chronic stress that have not been alleviated by some means.
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Which of the following is NOT a likely behavior for a manager experiencing high levels of stress? A. Underestimation of how fast time passes B. Selective information perception C. Fixation on single solutions to problems D. Reversion to old habits for problem solving E. Decreased creativity
Several research studies have shown that managers experiencing high stress are more likely to selectively perceive information, fixate on single solutions to problems, revert to old habits to cope with current situations, show less creativity, and overestimate how fast time is passing
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Which of the following is NOT a common stress-related physical problem? A. Heart disease B. Stroke C. Depression D. Diabetes E. Cancer
Common stress-related physical problems include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and lung disease. Stress-related psychological problems include sleep dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, depression, and problems with interpersonal relationships.
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"Eustress" is defined as: A. maximum psychological pressure. B. a productive stress. C. an autoimmune response. D. a response to uncertain conditions. E. a response pattern to perceived threat.
"Eustress" is defined as controlled or productive stress. It is eustress that gives us our competitive edge.
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When people encounter something potentially stressful in the environment, they first go through: A. cognitive responses. B. primary appraisal. C. physiological responses. D. coping strategies. E. denial.
When people encounter something potentially stressful in the environment, they first go through primary appraisal where they evaluate the potential stressor with respect to its potential impact on them.
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Current research shows that one specific aspect of the Type A behavior pattern is most predictive of one's health. Identify that aspect. A. Hostility B. Time urgency C. Ambitiousness D. Impatience E. Perfectionism
Current research shows that one specific aspect of the Type A behavior pattern—hostility—is most predictive of one's health.
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Which of the following is experienced when in fulfilling a family role, a work role is neglected? A. Psychological hardiness B. Locus of control C. Eustress D. FIW E. WIF
Family Interferences with Work (FIW) are experienced when in fulfilling a family role, a work role is neglected.
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Why do organizations often make accommodations for large stressful events? A. These events occur infrequently. B. Most individuals expect these events. C. These events are not accepted as a source of trauma. D. The role of these events as stressors is overestimated. E. Families and friends help with these events.
Organizations often make accommodations for large stressful events (such as moving or death of a loved one) because the role of these events as stressors is overestimated.
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Which of the following is an example of a "traumatic/major event" type of stress? A. Losing all access to work files because of a computer crash. B. Starting on a new job that requires substantial training. C. Receiving an e-mail that requires an immediate response. D. Having an unexpected visitor drop in. E. Unexpected and urgent phone calls from a client.
All the distracters other than B are examples of "daily hassle" type of stress. Starting on a new job that requires substantial training is often accepted as traumatic in people's lives and thus organizations often make accommodations for them.
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Depersonalization is associated with: A. the feeling that one's work does not really matter. B. feeling cynical, psychologically detached, and indifferent to one's work. C. the state of feeling psychologically "drained" by the job. D. the actual management of feelings. E. giving employees some latitude over the emotions they can express.
Emotional exhaustion is the state of feeling psychologically "drained" or "used up" by the job. Depersonalization is associated with feeling cynical, psychologically detached, and indifferent to one's work. Reduced personal accomplishment is the feeling that one's work does not really matter.
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Surface acting and deep acting are parts of: A. burnout. B. role conflict. C. emotional labor. D. role ambiguity. E. locus of control.
Surface acting and deep acting are parts of emotional labor. Emotional labor is the process of regulating both feelings and expressions for the benefit of organizational goals
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___________ is defined as performance decrements under pressure circumstances. A. Choking B. Loss of control C. Burnout D. Emotional labor E. Fraying
Choking is defined as performance decrements under pressure circumstances.
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The tendency of people under stress to focus on the threat to the exclusion of all else is a well-established process called: A. "tunnel vision." B. "stress focusing." C. "focused coping." D. "concentrated appraisal." E. "cognitive narrowing."
The tendency of people under stress to focus on the threat to the exclusion of all else is a well-established process called "cognitive narrowing."
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Employees who have ________________ exhibit better mental performance, greater ability to cope with stress, lower obesity levels, and higher energy levels. A. role conflict B. psychological strength C. physical hardiness D. many daily hassles E. good time management skills
Employees who have physical hardiness exhibit better mental performance, greater ability to cope with stress, lower obesity levels, and higher energy levels.
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Which of the following activities CANNOT be classified as a mood "repair" activity? A. Imagine being on vacation B. Do deep breathing exercises C. Listen to a piece of music D. Have a piece of chocolate E. Talk to a friend
It has been found that you can curb or "repair" your negative moods by understanding what triggers your positive moods. For some, it's a piece of chocolate or a latte, for others it may be listening to a piece of music, talking on the phone with a friend, or visualizing a scenario that gives them pleasure (their "happy place"). Doing deep breathing exercises relaxes the mind but it cannot be classified as a mood "repair" activity.
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The most important challenge in effective time management is to: A. exercise willpower. B. implement time management skills. C. resist temptation. D. evaluate plan options. E. learn time management skills.
The most important challenge in effective time management is the execution of time management skills.
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Nollie always misses the deadline for her quarterly report. She works diligently and sincerely makes "to-do lists." Nevertheless, she ends up spending most of her time on whatever comes up, is urgent, or is in front of her. Which time management principle does Nollie need to master? A. First be effective, then be efficient B. Multitasking C. Follow the five-second rule D. Exercise willpower E. Start earlier in the morning
Nollie needs to master the time management principle of first be effective, then be efficient. Managing time with an effectiveness approach means you actually pay attention to your goals and regularly revisit what is important to you—and avoid just diligently working on whatever comes up or is urgent or in front of you.
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Duffy Smith started having nightmares and chest pains and losing car keys and theater tickets. His wife urged him: "Take a vacation. See a physician. Do something!" So Duffy went to work on a Sunday afternoon. He threw out old files and glanced at the stack of weekly work logs accumulating next to the rubber tree plant. He sat down to eat the pizza he had ordered and looked at the work logs again. Then he retrieved the rest of them for a thorough study. Over the last quarter, the time spent on paperwork and reporting tasks had grown from 20 percent to 80 percent. He usually began to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Monday. Co-workers delivered rumors, management changed weekly priorities three or four times during the week, and balance estimates fluctuated constantly. So Duffy revised the report daily through the week until submitting it to management on Friday afternoon. The productive work of outside client contacts, which used to account for most of his time, was now squeezed into long lunches. Duffy decided to make some changes and left the building feeling better than he had in months. He told his wife, "If my new work plan works next quarter, we'll go to Calgary for a week in July." He started to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Thursday mornings, turning it in by noon on Friday. He scheduled contact meetings a week or two in advance, doing preparation work by phone and e-mail to increase client contact value. He followed up earlier and more thoroughly with each client. Duffy quickly returned to his old patterns of peaceful sleep and feeling good. Tomorrow Duffy and his wife go to Canada. Please answer the following question based on this scenario. Which time management principle does Duffy's work revision illustrate? A. To increase motivation, do the fun part first. B. Start with written goals and action plans. C. Use the Swiss Cheese approach effectively. D. When work is out of sight, it is out of mind. E. Spend the bulk of time on the most important work.
Duffy's work revision illustrates the 80/20 rule. This time management principle requires one to analyze the most important 20 percent of work and then spend the bulk of the time doing them
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Duffy Smith started having nightmares and chest pains and losing car keys and theater tickets. His wife urged him: "Take a vacation. See a physician. Do something!" So Duffy went to work on a Sunday afternoon. He threw out old files and glanced at the stack of weekly work logs accumulating next to the rubber tree plant. He sat down to eat the pizza he had ordered and looked at the work logs again. Then he retrieved the rest of them for a thorough study. Over the last quarter, the time spent on paperwork and reporting tasks had grown from 20 percent to 80 percent. He usually began to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Monday. Co-workers delivered rumors, management changed weekly priorities three or four times during the week, and balance estimates fluctuated constantly. So Duffy revised the report daily through the week until submitting it to management on Friday afternoon. The productive work of outside client contacts, which used to account for most of his time, was now squeezed into long lunches. Duffy decided to make some changes and left the building feeling better than he had in months. He told his wife, "If my new work plan works next quarter, we'll go to Calgary for a week in July." He started to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Thursday mornings, turning it in by noon on Friday. He scheduled contact meetings a week or two in advance, doing preparation work by phone and e-mail to increase client contact value. He followed up earlier and more thoroughly with each client. Duffy quickly returned to his old patterns of peaceful sleep and feeling good. Tomorrow Duffy and his wife go to Canada. Please answer the following question based on this scenario. Duffy's stress source at the start of the scenario was: A. daily hassles. B. big events. C. family pressures. D. daily uplifts. E. eustress.
Duffy's stress source at the start of the scenario was daily hassles. Daily hassles are annoying events that occur during the workday that make accomplishing work more difficult.
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Duffy Smith started having nightmares and chest pains and losing car keys and theater tickets. His wife urged him: "Take a vacation. See a physician. Do something!" So Duffy went to work on a Sunday afternoon. He threw out old files and glanced at the stack of weekly work logs accumulating next to the rubber tree plant. He sat down to eat the pizza he had ordered and looked at the work logs again. Then he retrieved the rest of them for a thorough study. Over the last quarter, the time spent on paperwork and reporting tasks had grown from 20 percent to 80 percent. He usually began to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Monday. Co-workers delivered rumors, management changed weekly priorities three or four times during the week, and balance estimates fluctuated constantly. So Duffy revised the report daily through the week until submitting it to management on Friday afternoon. The productive work of outside client contacts, which used to account for most of his time, was now squeezed into long lunches. Duffy decided to make some changes and left the building feeling better than he had in months. He told his wife, "If my new work plan works next quarter, we'll go to Calgary for a week in July." He started to prepare the item status and inquiry report on Thursday mornings, turning it in by noon on Friday. He scheduled contact meetings a week or two in advance, doing preparation work by phone and e-mail to increase client contact value. He followed up earlier and more thoroughly with each client. Duffy quickly returned to his old patterns of peaceful sleep and feeling good. Tomorrow Duffy and his wife go to Canada. Please answer the following question based on this scenario. Duffy's stress symptoms were: A. subtle. B. familial. C. eustresses. D. physiological. E. hardy.
Duffy's stress symptoms were physiological. Think about a time you have experienced stress. Almost always, it was because you were uncertain about something you really cared about: You were not sure you could finish an important project on time, you worried whether you had the ability to handle an assignment, or perhaps you were overwhelmed with the prospect of competing with someone you perceived as more skilled or competent.
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Which of the following is often referred to as Pareto's Law? A. The 80/20 rule B. The Swiss Cheese Method C. The ABC method D. The five-second rule E. The two-minute rule
Often referred to as Pareto's Law, the 80/20 rule holds that only 20 percent of the work produces 80 percent of the value, 80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of customers, 80 percent of file usage is in 20 percent of the files, and soon.
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Relationship building falls under the _____ quadrant in a time management matrix. A. relevant/urgent B. important/not urgent C. important/urgent D. not important/urgent E. not important/not urgent
Relationship building falls under the important/not urgent quadrant in a time management matrix. Refer: Table 2.1
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Interruptions fall under the _____ quadrant in a time management matrix. A. relevant/not urgent B. important/not urgent C. important/urgent D. not important/urgent E. not important/not urgent
Interruptions fall under the not important/urgent quadrant in a time management matrix. Refer: Table 2.1
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Trivia falls under the _____ quadrant in a time management matrix. A. relevant/not urgent B. important/not urgent C. important/urgent D. not important/urgent E. not important/not urgent
Trivia falls under the not important/urgent quadrant in a time management matrix. Refer: Table 2.1
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Which of the following is a specific time management suggestion? A. Taking a break B. Lengthening workday C. Multitasking D. Working on weekends E. Checking e-mail in the morning
Taking a break is a surprising time-saver because it keeps one's mind sharp and energy levels high.
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The task of _____ should be performed during external prime time. A. writing a letter B. long-range planning C. having a team meeting on an important project D. attending recreational programs E. analyzing the budget
External prime time is the best time to attend to other people—those you have to deal with in classes, at work, or at home. Amongst the given options, having a team meeting on an important project should be performed during external prime time.
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Which of the following time management strategies is an "instant task" related to? A. The 80/20 rule B. The Swiss Cheese Method C. The ABC method D. The next action E. The two-minute rule
"An instant task" is related to the Swiss Cheese Method of time management strategy.
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The Swiss Cheese Method is suggested to fight: A. procrastination. B. busywork. C. boredom. D. isolation. E. harassment.
The Swiss Cheese Method is suggested to fight procrastination
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"Do it now if you are ever going to do it at all" is an application of the _____ time management technique. A. Swiss Cheese B. two-minute rule C. ABC D. matrix management E. prime internal goal monitor
"Do it now if you are ever going to do it at all" is an application of the two-minute rule time management technique. The two-minute rule suggests that any time demand that will take less than two minutes should be done now.
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The TRAF system is used to: A. run staff meetings. B. organize paper and e-mail. C. evaluate peer feedback on assessment instruments. D. schedule personal fitness activities. E. balance life and work demands.
The TRAF system is used to organize paper and e-mail.
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What is stress and how is it different from strain?
Stress is the physiological and psychological states of arousal activated when we encounter a stressor. Strains are defined as outcomes of stress. Often, strains are more long-term consequences of chronic stress that have not been alleviated by some means. Sustained stress plays a role in strains, ranging from heart disease to cancer, and can weaken the body's immune function so that it is less capable of fighting off illness and disease. Moreover, stress and the accompanying strains can take a huge toll on an organization's productivity and performance.
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Identify some common myths about stress and time management
Some common myths about stress and time management include: • Stress is a personal, non-work issue and should not be a concern in a work organization. • All stress is bad. • A stressor is a stressor. • Only novices choke. • Good time management means being an efficient workaholic.
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Your friend Alice has an important exam coming up. She desperately needs to score high in this exam. She is experiencing extreme stress. She concludes that all stress is bad. Do you agree with her? Elaborate.
Since Alice is highly stressed out, she concludes that all stress is bad. However, research shows that although stress is thought of as a negative or unpleasant state, some level of stress is essential to high performance. The father of stress research, Hans Selye, called this eustress—a controlled or productive stress—that gives us our competitive edge. So, if Alice wants to do well in the exam which is stressing her out, she needs to experience stress that is optimal for her. Too much of stress will kill her performance, but so will too little of it.
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All stressors are not created equal. Give three examples of sources of stress (stressors) for yourself. Now list out top three stressors for the person you know best apart from yourself (could be a friend, parent, or sibling). Do these two lists match?
Students need to list out top three stressors for themselves and for another person they know well (could be a friend, parent, or sibling). The exercise of comparing the two lists is geared toward appreciating the fact that all stressors are not created equal. Examples of stressors include but are not restricted to speaking in front of an audience, a trip to the dentist, fear of heights, exams, or confined spaces.
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Describe the major components to the stress process.
The major components to the stress process are: a. When people first encounter something potentially stressful in the environment, they go through primary appraisal where they evaluate the potential stressor with respect to its potential impact on them. It is possible that different people will recognize the same situation in different ways. b. If the stimulus is not deemed threatening to the person in question, he/she simply goes on with life as normal. However, if the stimulus is perceived as a threat during primary appraisal, the person will engage in secondary appraisal, which is the individual's assessment of what he/she can do in response to the threat. The individual can engage in coping, which can include cognitive and behavioral responses to the stressor.
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Henry, a top sales executive at Personalized Inc., a personal care product company, is described around his workplace as a Type A individual. What are the characteristics of a Type A individual?
In the 1950s, cardiologists Friedman and Rosenbaum described people with a Type A behavior pattern as individuals who are engaged in a relatively chronic struggle to obtain an unlimited number of poorly defined things from their environment in the shortest period of time and, if necessary, against the opposing effects of other things or persons in this same environment. The Type A behavior pattern includes time urgency, hostility, ambitiousness, impatience, and perfectionism.
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In the 1950s, cardiologists Friedman and Rosenbaum described people with a Type A behavior pattern as individuals who are engaged in a relatively chronic struggle to obtain an unlimited number of poorly defined things from their environment in the shortest period of time and, if necessary, against the opposing effects of other things or persons in this same environment. The Type A behavior pattern includes time urgency, hostility, ambitiousness, impatience, and perfectionism.
Locus of control is the extent to which we believe we control our own environments and lives. Being an extreme believer of "What happens to me is my own doing" means that Dave has an extremely strong internal locus of control. In general, having an internal locus of control is more beneficial with regard to job performance and stress because people with such a mindset are more likely to take positive actions to address stressors because they believe that their actions actually could be effective. However, an extremely strong internal locus of control is not always beneficial. Since we cannot control every situation in our lives, to think that we can leaves us open to increased stress and physiological reactivity.
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Kathy is a financial analyst working for one of the top investment banks on Wall Street. She has recently survived a massive layoff at her bank and is suffering from a burnout. What is a "burnout"? What are its emotional components?
A "burnout" is a severe form of stress. Emotional components of a burnout include emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion is the state of feeling psychologically "drained" or "used up" by the job. Depersonalization is associated with feeling cynical, psychologically detached, and indifferent to one's work. Reduced personal accomplishment is the feeling that one's work does not really matter
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Your sister had asked her friend to suggest a few strategies for coping with stress she was facing while trying to balance work, family, and school. She later confided to you that most of those strategies did not help in the long run, although they did temporarily reduce her stress levels. Can you predict a few of those strategies?
The following are a few of the strategies that may temporarily reduce stress, but cause more damage in the long run: • Smoking • Using pills or drugs to relax • Drinking too much • Sleeping too much • Overeating or undereating • Procrastinating • Zoning out for hours in front of the TV or computer • Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems • Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities • Taking out your stress on others
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Your co-worker Betty is a single mother of two. She has to finish an important report by the end of the day. She realizes she might not be able to do that because the daycare where her kids stay has decided to close two hours earlier that day. You decide to chip in and tell her she can leave early to pick up her kids. You will take care of the report. What is this kind of support called? What other kinds of support can social networks provide us with?
This kind of support that is tangible and practical in nature and is a direct means of helping someone is called instrumental support. Other kinds of support that social networks/other people can give us to deal with the stressors in our lives are: Emotional support: It includes sympathy, listening, and caring for others. Informational support: Information that helps you solve the problem. Appraisal support: Feedback that builds your self-esteem.
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Your friend Myra recently appeared for an interview for her dream job. She later described the interview to you as a washout. Although she had prepared really well, she could not think straight and her mind went blank during the interview. What is this phenomenon called? Suggest and discuss two antidotes for this.
This phenomenon of performance decrements under pressure circumstances is one of the most painful consequences of stress and is called "choking." The existing research suggests that there are two antidotes for choking that have shown promise: pressure practice and focused automated behavior. Pressure practice helps because even practicing under mild levels of stress can prevent people from falling victim to the dreaded choke when high levels of stress come around. Focused automated behavior helps one avoid choking because well-learned behaviors hold up better under stress than those that have not been fully transferred to procedural memory
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What is psychological hardiness? What are the factors that distinguish those with psychological hardiness?
Psychological hardiness is the ability to remain psychologically stable and healthy in the face of significant stress. Research has helped identify four recurring factors that distinguish those with psychological hardiness: physical fitness, commitment, control, and challenge
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Draw up a time management matrix and categorize your activities in it. How does a time management matrix help you in managing your time effectively?
Students will draw up a time management matrix and categorize their activities in terms of their relative importance or urgency. A time management matrix helps one manage time more effectively when one systematically tries to reduce activities done on an urgent basis. This frees up more time for activities that are really important to one's life and work.
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Shania, a senior HR executive at a leading retail chain, has identified mornings as her internal prime time and afternoons as her external prime time. She wishes to accomplish certain high-priority tasks (analyze recruiting pattern in the last six months; write up a report on employee retention; prepare a list of potential hires) and certain low-priority tasks (orient new hires; train junior HR executives) in the next two days. Help her plan these tasks according to her prime time.
Internal prime time is the time when we concentrate best. Since Shania has identified mornings as her internal prime time, she should schedule her high-priority tasks in the mornings. External prime time is the best time to attend to other people—those we have to deal with in classes, at work, or at home. Shania's external prime time being afternoons, she should schedule low-priority tasks in the afternoons.
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List a few organizational characteristics that have been associated with high performance and lower stress
Some organizational characteristics that have been associated with high performance and lower stress are: • Supervisor and organizational support • Frequent and open communication • Employee participation • Incentives for work-life balance • Cultivate a friendly social climate
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