MEE Essay lead-ins – Flashcards
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UCC commercial paper essay begins:
A Holder in Due Course (HDC) of a Negotiable Instrument (NI) takes free and clear of personal defenses.
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Family Law essay begins:
Family law protects the rights of parties subject to a marital dissolution, including children.
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Constitutional law essay begins:
The state and federal government generally may act as long as the regulation is rationally related to a legitimate government interest and the act is not proscribed by the Constitution. There must be a justiciable CaseControversy: StRiMP.
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Wills essay begins:
Will and probate law generally governs the disposition of assets upon death.
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UCC Article 9 - Secured Transactions essay begins:
UCC Article 9, Secured Transactions (ST), protects creditors whose interests in a debtor's goods have attached or perfected.
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Agency essay begins:
Agency is a consensual relationship wherein an agent agrees to and/or acts on the behalf of a principal in affecting legal relationships with third parties.
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Federal civil procedure essay begins:
Proper civil procedure promotes efficiency, and courts generally require strict compliance.
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Conflict of laws essay begins:
Conflicts of laws deals with matters having a nexus to more than one jurisdiction and the problems that arise when the law of one jurisdiction differs from that of another.
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Trusts and future interests essay begins:
The law of trusts controls the dispersal of personal property to others under the protection of a fiduciary. i) settler with capacity to convey, ii) present intent to create trust, iii) competent trustee, iv) definite beneficiary which can't be same person, v) trust property
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Common Law Contracts & UCC sales, article 2 essay begins:
The common law of contracts governs contracts for services, intangibles and real estate, but the court may apply a UCC Article 2 "goods" provision by analogy. UCC Article 2 eases the strict common law contract requirements to provide more certainty in transactions involving the sale of movable goods. In order to have a valid contract, there must a meeting of the minds, offer and acceptance with consideration.
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