Mayer World History- Chapter 4: The Ancient Greeks – Lesson 4: Classical Greek Culture

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How many chief gods and goddesses were there? Where did they live? Who were some of the most well-known ones and what were they the gods and goddesses of?
12 Olympus Zeus father of all, Athena goddess of wisdom, Apollo god of sun and poetry, Artemis goddess of moon and hunt, Aphrodite goddess of love, Poseidon god of sea and earthquake
When and where did the ancient Greeks hold festivals, and why are they important?
776 BC at Olympia and Dephi To honor the gods and goddesses
What was the role of oracles in ancient Greece?
a sacred shrine where a god or goddess reveales the future through a priest or priestess
Although ancient Greek religion is no longer practiced today, why was it significant?
It was a source in most drama and art, which appear in a lot of European and American literature
What was the subject matter of Greek art? What were the ideals of the classical style?
expressing eternal idea reasons, moderation, balance, and harmony in all things
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Who developed a theory of ideal proportions, and what did the theory suggest?
Doryphoros use of ideal proportions, based on mathematical ratios found in nature, could produce ideal form
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