Lost Letters of Pergamum – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Maisie Clarke
What was the route of the letters?
Pergamum to Ephesus
Who was Antipas?
Noble of Perg., skeptic getting advice from Luke, faith through church meetings, sacrifices himself to save Demetrius
Who was Calpurnius?
Son of Theophilus, noble of Ephesus, friend of Luke
Who was Luke?
main correspondent of Antipas, answers all his questions
Who was Rufinus?
rising nobleman and administrator of gladitorial contests.. interested in Jesus and embarassed by conduct at Antonius’ house
Who was Kalandion?
pseudochristian associate of Rufinus, a member of the church that worships Jesus in cult of Askelpis
Who was Antonius?
Rich Gentile Christian, hosted church at his house. **Main church attended by Antipas
Who was Simon?
Jew disenfranchized because of illness
Who was Stachys?
Main letter carrier between Ephesus and Pergamum
Who was Nouna?
Orphan girl supported by Antipas, then adopted by Demetrius and Diotus
Who was Demetrius?
Adopts Nouna, eventually saved by Antipas
Who was Donitian?
emperor at time of letters..eventually kills Antipas
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