Lifespan Development Ch. 16 – Flashcards
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Be able to explain and apply trajectories of the different dimensions of well-being (i.e., personal growth, purpose in life, autonomy, self-acceptance, environmental master, and positive relations)
AGE AND WELL-BEING. In one study, six dimensions of well-being (self-acceptance, positive relations, personal growth, purpose in life, environmental mastery, and autonomy) were assessed in three different age groups of individuals (young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults) (Keyes & Ryff , 1998). An increase or little change in most of the dimensions of well-being occurred during middle adulthood.Dimensions of Wellbeing ➢ Personal Growth - Mean Well Being Score High -> Decreases Slightly -> Lowers Greatly ➢ Purpose in life - Mean Well Being Score High -> Decreases Slightly -> Lowers Greatly ➢ Autonomy - Mean Well Being Score Low -> Slightly Higher -> Slightly Higher ➢ Self-acceptance - Mean Well Being Score High -> Lowers Slightly -> Goes back ➢ Environmental mastery - Mean Well Being Score Low -> Higher -> Slightly higher ➢ Positive relations - Mean Well Being Score -> Constant high --Age Group (Young, Midlife, Old)
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Explain stress (including gender differences) during middle adulthood
A study showed that young and middle aged adults had more days that were stressful and were characterized by multiple stresses than older adults. Middle adults experienced more "overload" stressors due to juggling to many activities. -Women are more vulnerable to social stressors (romance, family, work) than men --Women experience higher amounts of stress than men when things go wrong in a marriage/relationship. -When men face stress, they are more likely to respond in fight-or-flight manner (aggression, withdraw, drinking alcohol). -When women face stress, they are more likely to respond in tend-and-befriend manner (seeking out all social alliances) -
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What is empty nest syndrome? Refilling of the empty nest?
-Empty nest syndrome: a decrease in marital satisfaction after the children leave the home. -For most parents, however, marital satisfaction does not decline after children have left home but rather increases during the years after child rearing (Fingerman & Baker, 2006). With their children gone, marital partners have time to pursue career interests and to spend with each other. A recent study revealed that the transition to an empty nest increased marital satisfaction and this increase was linked to an increase in the quality of time—but not the quantity of time—spent with partners -p.498 -Refilling of the empty nest: a common occurrence as adult children return home after several years of college, after graduating from college, or to save money after taking a full-time job (Merrill, 2009). Young adults also may move in with their parents after an unsuccessful career or a divorce. And some individuals don't leave home at all until their middle to late twenties because they cannot support themselves fi nancially. Numerous labels have been applied to these young adults who return to their parents' homes to live, including "boomerang kids" and "B2B" (or Back-to- Bedroom)
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Compare and contrast sibling relationships and friendships (textbook only) during middle adulthood.
➢ Sibling Relationships: Sibling relationships may persist over the entire lifespan for most adults. Siblings relationships in adult hood may be close, apathetic, or highly rivalrous. Most adults who reported being psychologically close in adulthood, tended to be that way during childhood. It was rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood. ➢ Friendships: Friendships are as important in middle adulthood as they were in early adulthood (Blieszner & Roberto, 2012). It takes time to develop intimate friendships, so friendships that have endured over the adult years are often deeper than those that are newly formed in middle adulthood.
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Explain and apply grandparenting and related concepts.
➢ Many become grandparents for the first time in middle adulthood ➢ Grandmothers have more contact with grandchildren than grandfathers ➢ Meanings of being a grandparent • Biological role and continuity • Emotional self-fulfillment • Remote role Grandparent Interaction Styles ➢ Formal • Proper and prescribed role • Strong interest, but careful not to provide parenting advice ➢ Fun-seeking • Informal and playful • Mutual satisfaction between grandchild and grandparent emphasized ➢ Distant • Grandparent benevolent, but interaction infrequent Changing Role of Grandparents ➢ 1980 • 2.3 million grandchildren lived w/ grandparents ➢ 2005 • 6.1 million ➢ Most common reasons • Divorce • Adolescent pregnancies • Parental drug use ➢ Full-time grandparenting has been linked to health problems, depression, and stress Profile of Full-Time Grandparents ➢ Younger than 65 years of age ➢ Majority are single grandmothers • Mainly African American families ➢ When both grandparents are full-time, predominantly non-Latino White ➢ Majority of grandparents who move in with children and grandchildren • Contribute to family income • Provide child care • Unlikely to be in poverty • May be immigrants • Likely to be grandmothers
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Compare and contrast love and marriage during young and middle adulthood (textbook only)
Affectionate love increases in midlife, especially in marriages that have endured many years. A majority of middle-aged adults who are married say that their marriage is very good or excellent. Researchers recently have found that the perils of divorce in midlife can be fewer and less intense than those for divorcing young adults. The fires of romantic love are strong in early adulthood. Affectionate, or companionate, love increases during middle adulthood. That is, physical attraction, romance, and passion are more important in new relationships, especially in early adulthood. Security, loyalty, and mutual emotional interest become more important as relationships mature, especially in middle adulthood. Divorce in middle adulthood may be more positive in some ways, more negative in others, than divorce in early adulthood
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